< Yoweli 2 >

1 Lizani lipenga mu Ziyoni. Chenjezani pa phiri langa loyera. Onse okhala mʼdziko anjenjemere, pakuti tsiku la Yehova likubwera, layandikira;
Sound the trumpet in Sion, make a proclamation in my holy mountain, and let all the inhabitants of the land be confounded: for the day of the Lord is near;
2 tsiku la mdima ndi chisoni, tsiku la mitambo ndi la mdima wandiweyani. Ngati mʼbandakucha umene wakuta mapiri, gulu lalikulu ndi la ankhondo amphamvu likubwera, gulu limene nʼkale lomwe silinaonekepo ngakhale kutsogolo kuno silidzaonekanso.
for a day of darkness and gloominess is near, a day of cloud and mist: a numerous and strong people shall be spread upon the mountains as the morning; there has not been from the beginning one like it, and after it there shall not be again even to the years of many generations.
3 Patsogolo pawo moto ukupsereza, kumbuyo kwawo malawi amoto akutentha zinthu. Patsogolo pawo dziko lili ngati munda wa Edeni, kumbuyo kwawo kuli ngati chipululu, kulibe kanthu kotsalapo.
Before them is a consuming fire, and behind them is a flame kindled: the land before them is as a paradise of delight, and behind them a desolate plain: and there shall none of them escape.
4 Maonekedwe awo ali ngati akavalo; akuthamanga ngati akavalo ankhondo.
Their appearance is as the appearance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall they pursue.
5 Akulumpha pamwamba pa mapiri ndi phokoso ngati la magaleta, ngati moto wothetheka wonyeketsa ziputu, ngati gulu lalikulu la ankhondo lokonzekera nkhondo.
As the sound of chariots on the tops of mountains shall they leap, and as the sound of a flame of fire devouring stubble, and as a numerous and strong people setting themselves in array for battle.
6 Akangowaona, anthu a mitundu ina amazunzika mu mtima; nkhope iliyonse imagwa.
Before them shall the people be crushed: every face [shall be] as the blackness of a caldron.
7 Amathamanga ngati ankhondo; amakwera makoma ngati asilikali. Onse amayenda pa mizere, osaphonya njira yawo.
As warriors shall they run, and as men of war shall they mount on the walls; and each shall move in his [right] path, and they shall not turn aside from their tracks:
8 Iwo sakankhanakankhana, aliyense amayenda molunjika. Amadutsa malo otchingidwa popanda kumwazikana.
and not one shall stand aloof from his brother: they shall go on weighed down with their arms, and they fall upon their weapons, yet shall they in no wise be destroyed.
9 Amakhamukira mu mzinda, amathamanga mʼmbali mwa khoma. Amakwera nyumba ndi kulowamo; amalowera pa zenera ngati mbala.
They shall seize upon the city, and run upon the walls, and go up upon the houses, and enter in through the windows as thieves.
10 Patsogolo pawo dziko limagwedezeka, thambo limanjenjemera, dzuwa ndi mwezi zimachita mdima, ndipo nyenyezi zimaleka kuwala.
Before them the earth shall be confounded, and the sky shall be shaken: the sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their light.
11 Yehova amabangula patsogolo pawo, gulu lake lankhondo ndi losawerengeka, ndipo amphamvu ndi amene amamvera kulamula kwake. Tsiku la Yehova ndi lalikulu; ndi loopsa. Ndani adzapirira pa tsikulo?
And the Lord shall utter his voice before his host: for his camp is very great: for the execution of his words is mighty: for the day of the Lord is great, very glorious, and who shall be able to [resist] it?
12 “Ngakhale tsopano, bwererani kwa Ine ndi mtima wanu wonse posala zakudya ndi kukhetsa misozi,” akutero Yehova.
Now therefore, says the Lord your God, turn to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with lamentation:
13 Ngʼambani mtima wanu osati zovala zanu. Bwererani kwa Yehova Mulungu wanu, pakuti Iye ndi wokoma mtima ndi wachifundo, wosakwiya msanga ndi wachikondi chochuluka, ndipo amaleka kubweretsa mavuto.
and rend your hearts, and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God: for he is merciful and compassionate, longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy, and repents of evils.
14 Akudziwa ndani? Mwina adzasintha maganizo nʼkutimvera chisoni, nʼkutisiyira madalitso, a chopereka cha chakudya ndi cha chakumwa kwa Yehova Mulungu wanu.
Who knows if he will return, and repent, and leave a blessing behind him, even a meat-offering and a drink-offering to the Lord your God?
15 Lizani lipenga mu Ziyoni, lengezani tsiku losala zakudya, itanitsani msonkhano wopatulika.
Sound the trumpet in Sion, sanctify a fast, proclaim a [solemn] service:
16 Sonkhanitsani anthu pamodzi, muwawuze kuti adziyeretse; sonkhanitsani akuluakulu, sonkhanitsani ana, sonkhanitsani ndi oyamwa omwe. Mkwati atuluke mʼchipinda chake, mkwatibwi atuluke mokhala mwake.
gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the infants at the breast: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
17 Ansembe amene amatumikira pamaso pa Yehova, alire pakati pa guwa lansembe ndi khonde la Nyumba ya Yehova. Azinena kuti, “Inu Yehova, achitireni chifundo anthu anu. Musalole kuti cholowa chanu chikhale chinthu chonyozeka, kuti anthu a mitundu ina awalamulire. Kodi nʼchifukwa chiyani anthu a mitundu ina amanena kuti, ‘Ali kuti Mulungu wawo?’”
Between the porch and the altar let the priests that minister to the Lord weep, and say, Spare your people, O Lord, and give not your heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them, lest they should say among the heathen, Where is their God?
18 Pamenepo Yehova adzachitira nsanje dziko lake ndi kuchitira chisoni anthu ake.
But the Lord was jealous of his land, and spared his people.
19 Yehova adzawayankha kuti, “Ine ndikukutumizirani tirigu, vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta ndipo mudzakhuta ndithu; sindidzakuperekaninso kuti mukhale chitonzo kwa anthu a mitundu ina.
And the Lord answered and said to his people, Behold, I [will] send you corn, and wine, and oil, and you shall be satisfied with them: and I will no longer make you a reproach among the Gentiles.
20 “Ine ndidzachotsa ankhondo akumpoto kuti apite kutali ndi inu, kuwapirikitsira ku dziko lowuma ndi lachipululu, gulu lawo lakutsogolo ndidzalipirikitsira ku nyanja ya kummawa ndi gulu lawo lakumbuyo, ku nyanja ya kumadzulo. Ndipo mitembo yawo idzawola, fungo lake lidzamveka.” Zoonadi Yehova wachita zinthu zazikulu.
And I will chase away from you the northern [adversary], and will drive him away into a dry land, and I will sink his face in the former sea, and his back parts in the latter sea, and his ill savor shall come up, and his stink come up, because he has wrought great things.
21 Iwe dziko usachite mantha; sangalala ndipo kondwera. Zoonadi Yehova wachita zinthu zazikulu.
Be of good courage, O land; rejoice and be glad: for the Lord has done great things.
22 Inu nyama zakuthengo, musachite mantha, pakuti msipu wa ku chipululu ukuphukira. Mitengo ikubala zipatso zake; mitengo ya mkuyu ndi mpesa ikubereka kwambiri.
Be of good courage, you beasts of the plain, for the plains of the wilderness have budded, for the trees have borne their fruit, the fig tree and the vine have yielded their strength.
23 Inu anthu a ku Ziyoni sangalalani, kondwerani mwa Yehova Mulungu wanu, pakuti wakupatsani mvula yoyambirira mwachilungamo chake. Iye wakutumizirani mivumbi yochuluka, mvula yoyambirira ndi mvula ya nthawi ya mphukira, monga poyamba paja.
Rejoice then and be glad, you children of Sion, in the Lord your God: for he has given you food fully, and he will rain on you the early and the latter rain, as before.
24 Pa malo opunthira padzaza tirigu; mʼmitsuko mudzasefukira vinyo watsopano ndi mafuta.
And the floors shall be filled with corn, and the presses shall overflow with wine and oil.
25 “Ine ndidzakubwezerani zonse zimene zinawonongedwa ndi dzombe, dzombe lalikulu ndi dzombe lalingʼono, dzombe lopanda mapiko ndi dzombe lowuluka; gulu langa lalikulu la nkhondo limene ndinalitumiza pakati panu.
And I will recompense you for the years which the locust, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, and the cankerworm have eaten, [even] my great army, which I sent against you.
26 Mudzakhala ndi chakudya chambiri, mpaka mudzakhuta, ndipo mudzatamanda dzina la Yehova Mulungu wanu, amene wakuchitirani zodabwitsa; ndipo anthu anga sadzachitanso manyazi.
And you shall eat abundantly, and be satisfied, and shall praise the name of the Lord your God [for the things] which he has wrought wonderfully with you: and my people shall not be ashamed for ever.
27 Pamenepo inu mudzadziwa kuti Ine ndili mu Israeli, kuti Ine ndine Yehova Mulungu wanu, ndi kuti palibenso wina; ndipo anthu anga sadzachitanso manyazi.
And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and [that] I am the Lord your God, and [that] there is none else beside me; and my people shall no more be ashamed for ever.
28 “Ndipo patapita nthawi, ndidzakhuthulira Mzimu wanga pa anthu onse. Ana anu aamuna ndi ana anu aakazi adzanenera, nkhalamba zanu zidzalota maloto, anyamata anu adzaona masomphenya.
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions.
29 Ngakhalenso pa antchito anga aamuna ndi aakazi ndidzakhuthulira Mzimu wanga masiku amenewo.
And on my servants and on [my] handmaids in those days will I pour out of my Spirit.
30 Ndidzaonetsa zodabwitsa mlengalenga ndi pa dziko lapansi, ndizo magazi, moto ndi utsi watolotolo.
And I will show wonders in heaven, and upon the earth, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.
31 Dzuwa lidzadetsedwa ndipo mwezi udzaoneka ngati magazi lisanafike tsiku lalikulu ndi loopsa la Ambuye.
The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and glorious day of the Lord come.
32 Ndipo aliyense amene adzayitana pa dzina la Ambuye adzapulumuka; pakuti chipulumutso chidzakhala pa Phiri la Ziyoni ndi mu Yerusalemu, monga Yehova wanenera, pakati pa otsala amene Yehova wawayitana.
And it shall come to pass [that] whoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved: for in mount Sion and in Jerusalem shall the saved one be as the Lord has said, and they that have glad tidings preached to them, whom the Lord has called.

< Yoweli 2 >