< Yobu 36 >

1 Ndipo Elihu anapitirira kuyankhula nati:
Elihu also continued, and said,
2 “Mundilole pangʼono pokha ndipo ndikuonetsani kuti zilipo zambiri zoti ziyankhulidwe mʼmalo mwa Mulungu.
"Bear with me a little, and I will show you; for I still have something to say on God's behalf.
3 Nzeru zanga ndimazitenga kutali; ndidzaonetsa kulungama kwa Mlengi wanga.
I will get my knowledge from afar, and will ascribe righteousness to my Maker.
4 Ndithudi mawu anga si abodza; wanzeru zangwiro ali ndi inu.
For truly my words are not false. One who is perfect in knowledge is with you.
5 “Mulungu ndi wamphamvu, koma sanyoza anthu; Iye ndi wamphamvu, ndipo ndi wokhazikika pa cholinga chake.
"Look, God is mighty, and doesn't despise anyone. He is mighty in strength of understanding.
6 Salola oyipa kuti akhalebe ndi moyo koma amapereka ufulu kwa anthu osautsidwa.
He doesn't preserve the life of the wicked, but gives to the afflicted their right.
7 Iye saleka kuyangʼanira anthu olungama; amawayika kuti alamulire pamodzi ndi mafumu ndipo amawalemekeza mpaka muyaya.
He doesn't withdraw his eyes from the righteous, but with kings on the throne, he sets them forever, and they are exalted.
8 Koma ngati anthu amangidwa ndi unyolo, ndipo akondwa ndi zingwe zamasautso,
If they are bound in fetters, and are taken in the cords of afflictions,
9 Iye amawafotokozera zomwe anachita, kuti iwo anachimwa modzikuza.
then he shows them their work, and their transgressions, that they have behaved themselves proudly.
10 Mulungu amawatsekula makutu kuti amve malangizo ake ndipo amawalamula kuti alape zoyipa zawo.
He also opens their ears to instruction, and commands that they return from iniquity.
11 Ngati iwo amumvera ndi kumutumikira, adzatsiriza masiku a moyo wawo mwamtendere, adzatsiriza zaka zawo mosangalala.
If they listen and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
12 Koma ngati samvera, adzaphedwa ndi lupanga ndipo adzafa osadziwa kanthu.
But if they do not listen, they shall perish by the sword; they shall die without knowledge.
13 “Anthu osapembedza amasunga mkwiyo mu mtima mwawo; akawalanga, safuwulira kwa Iye kupempha thandizo.
"But those who are godless in heart lay up anger. They do not cry for help when he binds them.
14 Amafa akanali achinyamata, pakati pa amuna achiwerewere a kumalo azipembedzo.
They die in youth. Their life perishes among the unclean.
15 Koma ovutika, Iye amawapulumutsa pa mavuto awo; Mulungu amawayankhula mʼmasautso awowo.
He delivers the afflicted by their affliction, and opens their ear in oppression.
16 “Iye akukukopani inu kuti muchoke mʼmasautso, kuti mupite ku malo aakulu kumene kulibe chokutchingani, kumalo a mpumulo kumene kuli chakudya chabwino kwambiri.
Yes, he would have allured you out of distress, into a broad place, where there is no restriction. That which is set on your table would be full of fatness.
17 Koma tsopano inu mwapezeka wopalamula chifukwa cha kuyipa kwanu; chiweruzo ndi chilungamo chakugwerani.
"But you are full of the judgment of the wicked. Judgment and justice take hold of you.
18 Muchenjere kuti wina asakukopeni ndi chuma; musalole kuti chiphuphu chachikulu chikusocheretseni.
Do not let riches entice you to wrath, neither let the great size of a bribe turn you aside.
19 Kodi chuma chanu kapena mphamvu zanu zonse zingakusungeni kotero kuti simungakhale pa masautso?
Would your wealth sustain you in distress, or all the might of your strength?
20 Musalakalake kuti usiku ubwere, pakuti ndiyo nthawi imene anthu adzawonongeka.
Do not desire the night, when people are cut off in their place.
21 Muchenjere kuti musatembenukire ku uchimo, chifukwa uchimowo ndiwo unabweretsa kuzunzika kwanu.
Take heed, do not regard iniquity; for you have chosen this rather than affliction.
22 “Taonani, Mulungu ndi wamkulu ndiponso ndi wamphamvu. Kodi ndi mphunzitsi uti amene angafanane naye?
Look, God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him?
23 Kodi ndani amene anamuwuzapo Mulungu zoti achite, kapena kumuwuza kuti, ‘Inu mwachita chinthu cholakwa?’
Who has prescribed his way for him? Or who can say, 'You have committed unrighteousness?'
24 Kumbukirani kutamanda ntchito zake zimene anthu amaziyamika mʼnyimbo.
"Remember that you magnify his work, whereof men have sung.
25 Anthu onse amaziona ntchitozo; anthuwo amaziona ali kutali.
All men have looked thereon. Man sees it afar off.
26 Ndithudi, Mulungu ndi wamkulu, sitimudziwa nʼpangʼono pomwe! Chiwerengero cha zaka zake nʼchosadziwika.
Look, God is great, and we do not know him. The number of his years is unsearchable.
27 “Mulungu ndiye amakweza timadontho tamadzi kuthambo, timene timasungunuka nʼkukhala mvula;
For he draws up the drops of water, which distill in rain from his vapor,
28 mitambo imagwetsa mvulayo ndipo mvulayo imavumbwa pa anthu mokwanira.
Which the skies pour down and which drop on humankind abundantly.
29 Kodi ndani amene angadziwe momwe mitambo imayendera, momwe Iye amabangulira kuchokera kumalo ake?
Yes, can any understand the spreading of the clouds, and the thunderings of his pavilion?
30 Taonani momwe amawalitsira zingʼaningʼani pa malo ake onse, zimafika ngakhale pansi pa nyanja.
Look, he spreads his light around him. He covers the bottom of the sea.
31 Umu ndi mmene Iye amalamulira mitundu ya anthu ndi kuwapatsa chakudya chochuluka.
For by these he judges the people. He gives food in abundance.
32 Amadzaza manja ake ndi zingʼaningʼani, ndipo amazilamulira kuti zigwe pamalo pamene Iye akufuna.
He covers his hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark.
33 Mabingu ake amalengeza za kubwera kwa mvula yamkuntho; ngʼombe nazo zimalengeza za kubwera kwake.
Its noise tells about him, and the livestock also concerning the storm that comes up.

< Yobu 36 >