< Yobu 32 >

1 Tsono anthu atatuwa analeka kumuyankha Yobu, chifukwa chakuti iyeyo ankadziona kuti ndi wolungama.
So these three men ceased to answere Iob, because he esteemed himselfe iust.
2 Koma Elihu, mwana wa Barakeli, wa fuko la Buzi, wa banja la Ramu, anapsera mtima kwambiri Yobu chifukwa choti Yobuyo anakana kuvomera kuti anachimwa ndi kuti Mulungu anakhoza pomulanga.
Then the wrath of Elihu the sonne of Barachel the Buzite, of the familie of Ram, was kindled: his wrath, I say, was kindled against Iob, because he iustified himselfe more then God.
3 Anapseranso mtima abwenzi ake atatu aja chifukwa sanapeze njira yomutsutsira Yobu, ngakhale iwo anamupeza kuti anali wolakwa.
Also his anger was kindled against his three friends, because they could not finde an answere, and yet condemned Iob.
4 Tsono Elihu anadikira kuti ayankhule ndi Yobu chifukwa choti abwenziwo anali akuluakulu kupambana iyeyo.
(Now Elihu had wayted til Iob had spoken: for they were more ancient in yeeres then he)
5 Koma Elihu ataona kuti anthu atatuwo analibe mawu oti ayankhulenso, iye anapsa mtima.
So when Elihu saw, that there was none answere in the mouth of the three men, his wrath was kindled.
6 Choncho Elihu mwana wa Barakeli wa fuko la Buzi anati: “Ine ndine wamngʼono, inuyo ndinu akuluakulu, nʼchifukwa chake ndimaopa, ndimachita mantha kuti ndikuwuzeni zimene ndimadziwa.
Therefore Elihu the sonne of Barachel, the Buzite answered, and sayd, I am yong in yeres, and ye are ancient: therefore I doubted, and was afraide to shewe you mine opinion.
7 Ndimaganiza kuti, ‘Ayambe ndi akuluakulu kuyankhula; anthu amvulazakale ndiwo amaphunzitsa nzeru.’
For I said, The dayes shall speake, and the multitude of yeeres shall teach wisedome.
8 Koma mzimu wa Mulungu mwa munthu, mpweya wa Wamphamvuzonse, ndi umene umapereka nzeru zomvetsa zinthu.
Surely there is a spirite in man, but the inspiration of the Almightie giueth vnderstanding.
9 Si okalamba amene ali ndi nzeru, si amvulazakale okha amene ali ndi nzeru zomvetsa zinthu zimene zili zoyenera.
Great men are not alway wise, neither doe the aged alway vnderstand iudgement.
10 “Nʼchifukwa chake ndikuti, ‘Mvereni; inenso ndikukuwuzani zimene ndikuzidziwa.’
Therefore I say, Heare me, and I will shew also mine opinion.
11 Ndadikira nthawi yonseyi, ndimamvetsera mwachidwi zimene mumayankhula, pamene mumafunafuna mawu oti muyankhule,
Behold, I did waite vpon your wordes, and hearkened vnto your knowledge, whiles you sought out reasons.
12 ineyo ndinakumvetseranidi. Koma palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe wa inu amene anatsutsa Yobu; palibe aliyense wa inu amene anamuyankha mawu ake.
Yea, when I had considered you, lo, there was none of you that reproued Iob, nor answered his wordes:
13 Musanene kuti, ‘Ife tapeza nzeru; Mulungu ndiye amutsutse, osati munthu.’
Lest ye should say, We haue found wisedome: for God hath cast him downe, and no man.
14 Koma Yobu sanayankhule motsutsana ndi ine, ndipo ine sindimuyankha monga mmene inu mwamuyankhira.
Yet hath he not directed his words to me, neyther will I answere him by your wordes.
15 “Iwo asokonezeka ndipo alibe choti ayankhulenso; mawu awathera.
Then they fearing, answered no more, but left off their talke.
16 Kodi ine ndidikire chifukwa iwo sakuyankhula tsopano, pakuti angoyima phee wopanda yankho?
When I had wayted (for they spake not, but stood still and answered no more)
17 Inenso ndiyankhulapo tsopano; nanenso ndinena zimene ndikudziwa.
Then answered I in my turne, and I shewed mine opinion.
18 Pakuti ndili nawo mawu ambiri, ndipo mtima wanga ukundikakamiza;
For I am full of matter, and the spirite within me compelleth me.
19 mʼkati mwanga ndili ngati botolo lodzaza ndi vinyo, ngati matumba a vinyo watsopano amene ali pafupi kuphulika.
Beholde, my belly is as the wine, which hath no vent, and like the new bottels that brast.
20 Ndiyenera kuyankhula kuti mtima utsike; ndiyenera kutsekula pakamwa panga ndi kuyankha.
Therefore will I speake, that I may take breath: I will open my lippes, and will answere.
21 Sindidzakondera munthu wina aliyense, kapena kuyankhula zoshashalika,
I will not now accept the person of man, neyther will I giue titles to man.
22 pakuti ndikanakhala wa luso loyankhula moshashalika, Mlengi wanga akanandilanga msanga.”
For I may not giue titles, lest my Maker should take me away suddenly.

< Yobu 32 >