< Yeremiya 22 >

1 Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Pita ku nyumba ya mfumu ya ku Yuda ndipo ukayiwuze kuti,
Thus saith Jehovah: Go down to the house of the king of Judah, and speak there this word,
2 ‘Imva mawu a Yehova, iwe mfumu ya ku Yuda, amene umakhala pa mpando waufumu wa Davide; iwe, nduna zako pamodzi ndi anthu ako amene amalowera pa zipata izi.
and say, Hear the word of Jehovah, O king of Judah, that sittest upon the throne of David, thou, and thy servants, and thy people who enter in through these gates.
3 Yehova akuti, uziweruza molungama ndi mosakondera. Uzipulumutsa munthu amene walandidwa katundu mʼdzanja la womuzunza. Usazunze kapena kupondereza mlendo, ana amasiye kapena akazi amasiye. Usaphe munthu wosalakwa pa malo pano.
Thus saith Jehovah: Execute judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor; and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, or the widow, and shed not innocent blood in this place.
4 Pakuti ngati udzamvera malamulo awa, ndiye kuti mafumu onse okhala pa mpando waufumu wa Davide azidzalowabe pa zipata za nyumba yaufumu ino, atakwera magaleta ndi akavalo, iwowo pamodzi ndi nduna zawo ndi anthu awo.
For if ye do this thing indeed, then shall there enter in through the gates of this house kings sitting in the place of David upon his throne, riding in chariots and on horses, — he, and his servants, and his people.
5 Koma ngati sumvera malamulo awa, akutero Yehova, ndikulumbira pali Ine ndemwe kuti nyumba ino yaufumu idzasanduka bwinja.’”
But if ye will not hear these words, I have sworn by myself, saith Jehovah, that this house shall become a waste.
6 Pakuti zimene Yehova akunena za nyumba yaufumu ya mfumu ya ku Yuda ndi izi: “Ngakhale iwe uli ngati Giliyadi kwa Ine, ngati msonga ya phiri la Lebanoni, komabe ndidzakusandutsa chipululu, ngati mizinda yopanda anthu.
For thus saith Jehovah concerning the house of the king of Judah: Thou art a Gilead unto me, the summit of Lebanon: verily I will make thee a wilderness, cities not inhabited.
7 Ndidzatuma anthu oti adzakuwononge, munthu aliyense ali ndi zida zake, ndipo adzadula mikungudza yako yokongola nadzayiponya pa moto.
And I will prepare destroyers against thee, every one with his weapons; and they shall cut down the choice of thy cedars, and cast [them] into the fire.
8 “Pamene anthu a mitundu ina adzadutsa pa mzinda umenewu adzafunsana kuti, ‘Chifukwa chiyani Yehova wachita chinthu chotere pa mzinda waukuluwu?’
And many nations shall pass by this city, and they shall say every man to his neighbour, Wherefore hath Jehovah done thus unto this great city?
9 Ndipo yankho lake lidzakhala lakuti, ‘Chifukwa anasiya pangano limene anapangana ndi Yehova Mulungu wawo ndipo anapembedza ndi kutumikira milungu ina.’”
And they shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of Jehovah their God, and worshipped other gods, and served them.
10 Musayilire mfumu Yosiya, musamuyimbire nyimbo womwalirayo; mʼmalo mwake, mulire kwambiri chifukwa cha Yehowahazi amene wapita ku ukapolo, chifukwa sadzabwereranso kapena kuonanso dziko lake lobadwira.
Weep not for the dead, neither bemoan him; [but] weep sore for him that goeth away, for he shall return no more, nor see his native country.
11 Pakuti zimene Yehova akunena za Yehowahazi mwana wa Yosiya, amene anatenga mpando waufumu wa Yuda mʼmalo mwa abambo ake koma nʼkuwusiya ndi izi: “Iye sadzabwereranso.
For thus saith Jehovah concerning Shallum the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, who reigned instead of Josiah his father, who went forth out of this place: He shall not return thither any more;
12 Iyeyo adzafera ku ukapoloko. Sadzalionanso dziko lino.”
for he shall die in the place whither they have led him captive, and shall see this land no more.
13 “Tsoka kwa munthu womanga nyumba yake mopanda chilungamo, womanga zipinda zake zosanja monyenga, pogwiritsa ntchito abale ake mwathangata, osawapatsa malipiro a ntchito yawo.
Woe unto him that buildeth his house by unrighteousness, and his upper chambers by injustice; that taketh his neighbour's service without wages, and giveth him not his earning;
14 Munthuyo amati, ‘Ndidzadzimangira nyumba yayikulu ya zipinda zikuluzikulu zamʼmwamba.’ Kotero ndidzapanga mazenera akuluakulu, ndi kukhomamo matabwa a mkungudza ndi kukongoletsa ndi makaka ofiira.
that saith, I will build me a wide house, and spacious upper chambers; and he cutteth out for himself windows; and it is wainscoted with cedar, and painted with vermilion.
15 “Kodi kukhala ndi nyumba ya mkungudza wambiri zingachititse iwe kukhala mfumu? Ganiza za abambo ako. Suja anali ndi zonse zakudya ndi zakumwa. Abambo ako ankaweruza molungama ndi mosakondera, ndipo zonse zinkawayendera bwino.
Shalt thou reign, because thou viest with the cedar? Did not thy father eat and drink, and do judgment and justice? Then it was well with him.
16 Iye ankateteza anthu osauka ndi osowa, ndipo zonse zinkamuyendera bwino. Kodi zimenezi sindiye tanthauzo la kudziwa Ine?” akutero Yehova.
He judged the cause of the poor and needy; then it was well. Was not this to know me? saith Jehovah.
17 “Koma maso ako ndi mtima sizili penanso, koma zili pa phindu lachinyengo, pa zopha anthu osalakwa ndi pa kuzunza ndi pakulamulira mwankhanza.”
But thine eyes and thy heart are only on thine extortion, and on the blood of the innocent, to shed it, and on oppression and on violence, to do it.
18 Nʼchifukwa chake Yehova ponena za Yehoyakimu mwana wa Yosiya mfumu ya ku Yuda akuti, “Anthu sadzamulira maliro kapena kunena kuti, ‘Kalanga ine, mʼbale wanga! Kalanga ine mlongo wanga! Anthu ake sadzamulira maliro kuti, Kalanga ine, mbuye wathu! Taonani ulemerero wake wapita!’
Therefore thus saith Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah: They shall not lament for him, Ah, my brother! or, Ah, sister! They shall not lament for him, Ah, lord! or Ah, his glory!
19 Adzayikidwa ngati bulu, kuchita kumuguguza ndi kukamutaya kunja kwa zipata za Yerusalemu.”
He shall be buried with the burial of an ass, dragged along and cast forth beyond the gates of Jerusalem.
20 “Tsono inu anthu a ku Yerusalemu, pitani ku mapiri a Lebanoni kuti mukalire mofuwula kumeneko, mawu anu akamveke mpaka ku Basani. Mulire mofuwula muli ku Abarimu chifukwa abwenzi ako onse awonongeka.
Go up to Lebanon, and cry; and give forth thy voice in Bashan, and cry from [the heights of] Abarim: for all thy lovers are destroyed.
21 Ndinakuchenjezani pamene munali pa mtendere. Koma inu munati, ‘Sindidzamvera.’ Umu ndi mmene mwakhala mukuchitira kuyambira mukali aangʼono. Simunandimvere Ine.
I spoke unto thee in thy prosperity; [but] thou saidst, I will not hear. This hath been thy way from thy youth, that thou hearkenedst not unto my voice.
22 Mphepo idzakuchotserani abusa anu onse, ndipo abwenzi anu adzatengedwa ku ukapolo. Pamenepo mudzachita manyazi ndi kunyozedwa chifukwa cha zoyipa zanu zonse.
The wind shall feed on all thy shepherds, and thy lovers shall go into captivity; surely, then shalt thou be ashamed and confounded for all thy wickedness.
23 Inu amene mumakhala mʼnyumba ya ku Lebanoni, amene munamanga nyumba zanu pakati pa mikungudza, mudzabuwula kwambiri pamene zowawa zidzakugwerani, zonga za mkazi pa nthawi yake yochira!
Thou inhabitress of Lebanon, that makest thy nest in the cedars, how pitiful shalt thou be when pangs come upon thee, pain as of a woman in travail!
24 “Pali Ine wamoyo, akutero Yehova, ngakhale iwe, Yehoyakini mwana wa Yehoyakimu mfumu ya ku Yuda, ukanakhala ngati mphete ya ku dzanja langa lamanja, ndikanakuvula nʼkukutaya.
[As] I live, saith Jehovah, though Coniah the son of Jehoiakim, the king of Judah, were a signet upon my right hand, yet will I pluck thee thence;
25 Ndidzakupereka kwa amene akufuna kukupha, amene iwe umawaopa. Ndidzakupereka kwa Nebukadinezara, mfumu ya ku Babuloni ndi anthu ake.
and I will give thee into the hand of them that seek thy life, and into the hand of them before whom thou art afraid, even into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of the Chaldeans.
26 Iwe pamodzi ndi amayi ako amene anakubereka ndidzakupititsani ku dziko lachilendo. Ngakhale inu simunabadwire kumeneko, komabe mudzafera komweko.
And I will cast thee out, and thy mother that bare thee, into another country, where ye were not born; and there shall ye die.
27 Simudzabwereranso ku dziko limene mudzafuna kubwerera.”
And into the land whereunto they lift up their souls to return, thither shall they not return.
28 Kodi Yehoyakini wakhala ngati mbiya yonyozeka, yosweka imene anthu sakuyifunanso? Kodi nʼchifukwa chake iye pamodzi ndi ana ake, achotsedwa nʼkutayidwa ku dziko limene iwo sakulidziwa?
Is this man Coniah a despised broken vase? a vessel wherein is no delight? Wherefore are they thrown out, he and his seed, and are cast into a land which they know not?
29 Iwe dziko, dziko, dziko, Imva mawu a Yehova!
O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of Jehovah!
30 Yehova akuti, “Munthu ameneyu mumutenge ngati wopanda ana, munthu amene sadzakhala wochita bwino pamoyo wake wonse, pakuti palibe ndi mmodzi yemwe mwa zidzukulu zake zomwe zidzachita bwino. Palibe amene adzathe kukhala pa mpando waufumu wa Davide ndi kulamulira Yuda.”
Thus saith Jehovah: Write this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days; for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.

< Yeremiya 22 >