< Yeremiya 2 >

1 Yehova anandiwuza kuti,
And the word of Jehovah came to me, saying,
2 “Pita ukalengeze kwa anthu a ku Yerusalemu kuti Yehova akuti, “‘Ine ndikukumbukira mmene umakhulupirikira pa unyamata wako, mmene unkandikondera ngati momwe amachitira mkwatibwi, mmene unkanditsata mʼchipululu muja; mʼdziko losadzalamo kanthu.
Go and cry in the ears of Jerusalem, saying, Thus saith Jehovah: I remember for thee the kindness of thy youth, the love of thine espousals, when thou wentest after me in the wilderness, in a land not sown.
3 Israeli anali wopatulika wa Yehova, anali ngati zipatso zake zoyamba kucha pa nthawi yokolola; onse amene anamuzunza anapezeka kuti ndi olakwa ndipo mavuto anawagwera,’” akutero Yehova.
Israel was holiness unto Jehovah, the first-fruits of his increase: all that devour him are guilty; evil shall come upon them, saith Jehovah.
4 Imvani mawu a Yehova, inu zidzukulu za Yakobo, inu mafuko onse a Israeli.
Hear the word of Jehovah, house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel.
5 Yehova akuti, “Kodi makolo anu anandipeza nʼcholakwa chanji, kuti andithawe? Iwo anatsata milungu yachabechabe, nawonso nʼkusanduka achabechabe.
Thus saith Jehovah: What injustice have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity, and become vain?
6 Iwo sanafunse nʼkomwe kuti, ‘Kodi Yehova ali kuti, amene anatitulutsa mʼdziko la Igupto natitsogolera mʼchipululu mʼdziko lowuma ndi lokumbikakumbika, mʼdziko lopanda mvula ndi la mdima, dziko limene munthu sadutsamo ndipo simukhala munthu aliyense?’
And they said not, Where is Jehovah, that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us in the wilderness, in a land of deserts and of pits, in a land of drought and of the shadow of death, in a land that no one passeth through, and where no man dwelleth?
7 Ndinakufikitsani ku dziko lachonde kuti mudye zipatso zake ndi zabwino zake zina. Koma inu mutafika munaliyipitsa dziko langa ndi kusandutsa cholowa changa kukhala chonyansa.
And I brought you into a fruitful land, to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof; and ye entered and defiled my land, and made my heritage an abomination.
8 Ansembe nawonso sanafunse kuti, ‘Yehova ali kuti?’ Iwo amene amaphunzitsa malamulo sanandidziwe; atsogoleri anandiwukira. Aneneri ankanenera mʼdzina la Baala, ndi kutsatira mafano achabechabe.
The priests said not, Where is Jehovah? and they that handled the law knew me not; and the shepherds transgressed against me; and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and walked after [things that] do not profit.
9 “Chifukwa chake Ine ndidzakuyimbaninso mlandu,” akutero Yehova. “Ndipo ndidzayimbanso mlandu zidzukulu zanu.
Therefore will I yet plead with you, saith Jehovah, and with your children's children will I plead.
10 Pitani kumadzulo ku chilumba cha Kitimu, ndipo mukaone, tumizani anthu ku Kedara kuti akafufuze bwino; ndipo muona kuti zinthu zoterezi sizinachitikepo nʼkale lomwe:
For pass over to the isles of Chittim, and see; and send unto Kedar, and consider diligently, and see if there have been such a thing.
11 Kodi ulipo mtundu wa anthu uliwonse umene unasinthapo milungu yake? (Ngakhale kuti si milungu nʼkomwe). Koma anthu anga asinthitsa Mulungu wawo waulemerero ndi mafano achabechabe.
Hath a nation changed [its] gods? and they are no gods; — but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.
12 Inu mayiko akumwamba, dabwani ndi zimenezi, ndipo njenjemerani ndi mantha aakulu,” akutero Yehova.
Be astonished, ye heavens, at this, and shudder; be amazed very much, saith Jehovah.
13 “Popeza anthu anga achita machimo awiri: Andisiya Ine kasupe wa madzi a moyo, ndi kukadzikumbira zitsime zawo, zitsime zongʼaluka, zomwe sizingathe kusunga madzi.
For my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, to hew them out cisterns, broken cisterns that hold no water.
14 Israeli si wantchito kapena kapolo wobadwira mʼnyumba, ayi. Nanga nʼchifukwa chiyani amuwononga chotere?
Is Israel a bondman? Is he a home-born [slave]? Why is he become a spoil?
15 Adani ake abangulira ndi kumuopseza ngati mikango. Dziko lake analisandutsa bwinja; mizinda yake anayitentha popanda wokhalamo.
The young lions roared against him, they gave forth their voice, and they made his land desolate: his cities are burned, without inhabitant.
16 Ndiponso Aigupto a ku Mefisi ndi a ku Tapanesi akuphwanyani mitu.
Even the children of Noph and Tahapanes have fed on the crown of thy head.
17 Zimenezitu zakuchitikirani chifukwa munasiya Yehova Mulungu wanu pamene Iye ankakutsogolerani pa njira yanu?
Hast thou not procured this unto thyself, in that thou hast forsaken Jehovah thy God, at the time he was leading thee in the way?
18 Tsopano mudzapindula chiyani mukapita ku Igupto, kukamwa madzi a mu Sihori? Ndipo mudzapindulanji mukapita ku Asiriya, kukamwa madzi a mu mtsinje wa Yufurate?
And now, what hast thou to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the waters of Shihor? And what hast thou to do with the way of Assyria, to drink the waters of the River?
19 Kuyipa kwanuko kudzakulangani; kubwerera mʼmbuyo kwanuko kudzakutsutsani. Tsono ganizirani bwino, popeza ndi chinthu choyipa kundisiya Ine Yehova Mulungu wanu; ndi chinthu chowawa ndithu kusandiopa Ine Mulungu wanu. Akutero Ambuye Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.
Thine own wickedness chastiseth thee, and thy backslidings reprove thee: know then and see that it is an evil thing and bitter that thou hast forsaken Jehovah thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord, Jehovah of hosts.
20 “Kuyambira kalekale inu munathyola goli lanu ndi kudula msinga zanu; munanena kuti, ‘Sitidzakutumikirani!’ Ndithudi, inu mwakhala ngati mkazi wachiwerewere. Mukupembedza milungu ina pa phiri lililonse lalitali ndiponso pansi pa mtengo uliwonse wa masamba ambiri.
For of old thou hast broken thy yoke, [and] burst thy bands; and thou saidst, I will not serve. For upon every high hill, and under every green tree, thou bowest down, playing the harlot.
21 Ine ndinakudzala iwe ngati mtengo wampesa wosankhika; unali mpesa wabwino kwambiri ndi wodalirika. Nanga nʼchifukwa chiyani wasanduka mpesa wachabechabe wonga wa kutchire?
And I, — I had planted thee a noble vine, wholly a right seed; how then art thou turned into the degenerate shoots of a strange vine unto me?
22 Ngakhale utasamba ndi soda kapena kusambira sopo wambiri, kuthimbirira kwa machimo ako kumaonekabe pamaso panga,” akutero Ambuye Yehova.
For though thou wash thee with nitre, and take thee much potash, thine iniquity is marked before me, saith the Lord Jehovah.
23 “Iwe ukunena bwanji kuti, ‘Ine sindinadziyipitse; sindinatsatire Abaala’? Takumbukira mmene unkandichimwira mʼchigwa muja; zindikira bwino zomwe wachita. Iwe uli ngati ngamira yayikazi yaliwiro yomangothamanga uku ndi uku,
How sayest thou, I am not defiled, I have not gone after the Baals? See thy way in the valley, acknowledge what thou hast done — a swift dromedary traversing her ways!
24 wakhala ngati mbidzi yozolowera mʼchipululu, yonka ninunkhiza pa nthawi yachisika. Ndani angayiretse chilakolako chakecho? Mphongo iliyonse yoyikhumba sidzavutika. Pa nthawi yachisika chakecho mphongoyo idzayipeza.
— a wild ass, used to the wilderness, that snuffeth up the wind in her desire! In her ardour, who shall turn her away? All they that seek her will not weary themselves; in her month they shall find her.
25 Iwe usathamange, nsapato zingakuthere kuphazi ndi kukhosi kwako kuwuma ndi ludzu. Koma unati, ‘Zamkutu! Ine ndimakonda milungu yachilendo, ndipo ndidzayitsatira.’
Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst. But thou saidst, There is no hope; no, for I love strangers, and after them will I go.
26 “Monga momwe mbala imachitira manyazi pamene yagwidwa, moteronso nyumba ya Israeli idzachita manyazi; Aisraeliwo, mafumu ndi akuluakulu awo, ansembe ndi aneneri awo.
As a thief is ashamed when he is found, so shall the house of Israel be ashamed — they, their kings, their princes, and their priests, and their prophets —
27 Iwo amawuza mtengo kuti, ‘Iwe ndiwe abambo athu,’ ndipo amawuza mwala kuti, ‘Iwe ndiye amene unatibala.’ Iwo andifulatira Ine, ndipo safuna kundiyangʼana; Koma akakhala pa mavuto amati, ‘Bwerani mudzatipulumutse!’
saying to a stock, Thou art my father; and to a stone, Thou hast brought me forth; for they have turned the back unto me, and not the face; and in the time of their trouble they will say, Arise, and save us!
28 Nanga ili kuti milungu yanu imene munadzipangira nokha? Ibweretu ngati ingathe kukupulumutsani pamene muli pamavuto! Inu anthu a ku Yuda, milungu yanu ndi yambiri kuchuluka kwake ngati mizinda yanu.
Where then are thy gods that thou hast made for thyself? let them arise, if they can save thee in the time of thy trouble: for as the number of thy cities, are thy gods, O Judah.
29 “Kodi mukundizengeranji mlandu? Nonse mwandiwukira,” akutero Yehova.
Wherefore would ye contend with me? Ye all have transgressed against me, saith Jehovah.
30 “Ine ndinalanga anthu ako popanda phindu; iwo sanaphunzirepo kanthu. Monga mkango wolusa, lupanga lanu lapha aneneri anu.
In vain have I smitten your children: they received no correction. Your own sword hath devoured your prophets, like a destroying lion.
31 “Inu anthu a mʼbado uno, ganizirani bwino mawu a Yehova: “Kodi Ine ndinakhalapo ngati chipululu kwa Israeli kapena ngati dziko la mdima wandiweyani? Chifukwa chiyani anthu anga akunena kuti, ‘Ife tili ndi ufulu omayendayenda; sitidzabweranso kwa Inu’?
O generation, mark ye the word of Jehovah. Have I been a wilderness unto Israel, or a land of thick darkness? Wherefore say my people, We have dominion; we will come no more unto thee?
32 Kodi namwali amayiwala zokongoletsera zake, kapena kuyiwala zovala zake za ukwati? Komatu anthu anga andiyiwala masiku osawerengeka.
Doth a virgin forget her ornaments, a bride her attire? But my people have forgotten me days without number.
33 Mumadziwa bwino njira zopezera zibwenzi! Choncho ngakhale akazi oyipa omwe mumawaphunzitsa njira zanu.
How dost thou trim thy way to seek love! Therefore hast thou also accustomed thy ways to wickedness.
34 Ngakhale pa zovala zako anthu amapezapo magazi a anthu osauka osalakwa. Anthuwo simunawapeze akuthyola nyumba. Komabe ngakhale zinthu zili chomwechi,
Yea, in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the innocent poor, whom thou didst not encounter breaking in, but [it is found] upon all these.
35 inu mukunena kuti, ‘Ndife osalakwa, sadzatikwiyira.’ Ndidzakuyimbani mlandu chifukwa mukunena kuti, ‘Ife sitinachimwe.’
And thou sayest, Indeed I am innocent; his anger will turn from me. Behold, I will enter into judgment with thee because thou sayest, I have not sinned.
36 Chifukwa chiyani mukunkabe nimusinthasintha njira zanu? Aigupto adzakukhumudwitsani monga momwe Asiriya anakuchititsani manyazi.
Why dost thou gad about so much, and change thy way? Thou shalt also be brought to shame by Egypt, as thou wast brought to shame by Assyria.
37 Mudzachokanso kumeneko manja ali kunkhongo. Popeza Ine Yehova ndawakana anthu amene munkawadalira, choncho sadzakuthandizani konse.
Thou shalt indeed go forth from her with thy hands upon thy head; for Jehovah hath rejected those thou confidest in, and thou shalt not prosper by them.

< Yeremiya 2 >