< Yeremiya 17 >

1 “Tchimo la Yuda lazokotedwa ndi cholembera cha chitsulo, lalembedwa ndi msonga ya mwala wadayimondi. Uchimowo walembedwa pa mitima yawo ndiponso pa nyanga za maguwa awo.
[the] sin of Judah [is] inscribed with a stylus of iron with a point of flint [is] engraved on [the] tablet of heart their and to [the] horns of altars your.
2 Ngakhale ana awo amakumbukira maguwa awo ndi zoyimiritsa ngati zifanizo za mulungu wawo Asera, pa tsinde la mitengo ya masamba ambiri, pa mapiri aatali mʼdzikomo.
When remember children their altars their and Asherah poles their at tree[s] luxuriant on hills high.
3 Chuma chanu ndiponso katundu wanu yense ndidzazipereka kwa ofunkha kuti zikhale dipo lawo chifukwa cha machimo ochitika mʼdziko lonse.
Mountain my in the field wealth your all treasures your to plunder I will give high places your for sin in all territories your.
4 Mudzataya dziko limene ndinakupatsani kuti likhale cholowa chanu. Ndidzakusandutsani akapolo otumikira adani anu mʼdziko limene inu simukulidziwa, chifukwa mwabutsa mkwiyo wanga ngati moto, ndipo udzayaka mpaka muyaya.”
And you will let fall and in you from inheritance your which I gave to you and I will make serve you enemies your in land which not you know for a fire you have kindled in anger my until perpetuity it will burn.
5 Yehova akuti, “Ndi wotembereredwa munthu amene amadalira munthu mnzake, amene amatsamira pa munthu mnzake kuti amuthandize pamene mtima wake wafulatira Yehova.
Thus - he says Yahweh [is] cursed the man who he trusts in humankind and he makes flesh strength his and from Yahweh it turns aside heart his.
6 Munthuyo adzakhala ngati chitsamba mʼchipululu; iye sadzapeza zabwino. Adzakhala mʼchipululu mopanda madzi, mʼdziko lamchere limene munthu sangathe kukhalamo.
And he will be like a bush in the desert plain and not he will see if it will come good and he will dwell parched places in the wilderness a land of saltiness and not anyone dwells.
7 “Koma ndi wodala munthu amene amadalira Yehova, amene amatsamira pa Iye.
[is] blessed The man who he trusts in Yahweh and he is Yahweh trust his.
8 Adzakhala ngati mtengo wodzalidwa mʼmphepete mwa madzi umene umatambalitsa mizu yake mʼmbali mwa mtsinje. Mtengowo suopa pamene kukutentha; masamba ake amakhala obiriwira nthawi zonse. Suchita mantha pa chaka cha chilala ndipo sulephera kubereka chipatso.”
And he will be like a tree - planted at water and [which] at a stream it sends out roots its and not (he will see *Q(K)*) if it will come heat and it will be leafage its luxuriant and in a year of drought not it will be anxious and not it will cease from producing fruit.
9 Mtima wa munthu ndi wonyenga kupambana zinthu zonse ndipo kuyipa kwake nʼkosachizika. Ndani angathe kuwumvetsa?
[is] deceitful The heart more than everything and [is] incurable it who? will he know it.
10 “Ine Yehova ndimafufuza mtima ndi kuyesa maganizo, ndimachitira munthu aliyense molingana ndi makhalidwe ake ndiponso moyenera ntchito zake.”
I Yahweh [am] searching [the] heart [am] testing [the] kidneys to give to everyone (according to ways his *Q(K)*) according to [the] fruit of deeds his.
11 Munthu amene amapeza chuma mwachinyengo ali ngati nkhwali imene imafungatira mazira amene sinayikire. Pamene ali pakatikati pa moyo wake, chumacho chidzamuthera, ndipo potsiriza adzasanduka chitsiru.
A partridge [which] it gathers a brood and not it has laid [one who] makes wealth and not with justice in [the] middle of (days his *Q(K)*) it will leave him and at end his he will be a fool.
12 Nyumba yathu yopemphereramo ili ngati mpando waufumu waulemerero wokhazikitsidwa pa phiri lalitali chiyambire.
[is] a throne of Glory a high place from first [time] [the] place of sanctuary our.
13 Inu Yehova, chiyembekezo cha Israeli, onse amene amakusiyani adzachita manyazi. Iwo amene amakufulatirani mayina awo adzafafanizika ngati olembedwa pa fumbi chifukwa anakana Yehova, kasupe wa madzi amoyo.
O hope of Israel O Yahweh all [those who] forsake you they will be ashamed (and disloyal [ones] my *Q(K)*) in the land they will be written down for they have forsaken [the] spring of water living Yahweh.
14 Inu Yehova, chiritseni, ndipo ndidzachira; pulumutseni ndipo ndidzapulumuka, chifukwa ndinu amene ndimakutamandani.
Heal me O Yahweh so I may be healed save me so let me be saved for [are] praise my you.
15 Anthu akumandinena kuti, “Mawu a Yehova ali kuti? Zichitiketu lero kuti tizione!”
Here! they [are] saying to me where? [is] [the] word of Yahweh let it come please.
16 Ine sindinakuwumirizeni kuti muwalange. Mukudziwa kuti ine sindilakalaka tsiku la tsoka. Zonse zimene ndinayankhula Inu mukuzidziwa.
And I not I have hastened - from a shepherd after you and a day incurable not I have desired you you know [the] utterance of lips my before face your it was.
17 Musandichititse mantha; ndinu pothawira panga pa tsiku la mavuto.
May not you become to me an object of terror [are] refuge my you in a day of calamity.
18 Ondizunza anga achite manyazi, koma musandichititse manyazi; iwo achite mantha kwambiri, koma ine mundichotsere manthawo. Tsiku la mavuto liwafikire; ndipo muwawononge kotheratu.
Let them be put to shame pursuers my and may not I be put to shame I let them be dismayed they and may not I be dismayed I bring on them a day of calamity and double destruction destroy them.
19 Yehova anandiwuza kuti, “Pita ukayime pa chipata chodzerapo anthu, chimene mafumu a ku Yuda amalowerapo ndi kutulukirapo. Ukayimenso pa zipata zina zonse za Yerusalemu.
Thus he said Yahweh to me go and you will stand in [the] gate of [the] sons of (the people *Q(K)*) which they go in it [the] kings of Judah and which they go out in it and in all [the] gates of Jerusalem.
20 Ukawawuze kuti, ‘Imvani mawu a Yehova, inu mafumu onse a ku Yuda ndi anthu onse a ku Yuda ndi inu nonse okhala mu Yerusalemu amene mumatulukira pa zipata izi.’
And you will say to them hear [the] word of Yahweh O kings of Judah and all Judah and all [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem who go in the gates these.
21 Yehova akuti: samalani kuti pa tsiku la Sabata musanyamule katundu kapena kulowa naye pa zipata za Yerusalemu.
Thus he says Yahweh take heed to lives your and may not you carry a burden on [the] day of the sabbath and you will bring [it] in [the] gates of Jerusalem.
22 Musalowetse katundu mʼnyumba zanu kapena kugwira ntchito pa tsiku la Sabata, koma mulipatule tsiku la Sabatalo, monga ndinalamulira makolo anu.
And not you must bring out a burden from houses your on [the] day of the sabbath and any work not you must do and you will set apart as holy [the] day of the sabbath just as I commanded ancestors your.
23 Komatu iwo sanandimvere kapena kulabadira. Ndi mitima yawo yowumayo sanamvere kapena kulandira malangizo anga.
And not they listened and not they inclined ear their and they stiffened neck their to not (to listen *Q(K)*) and to not to accept correction.
24 Yehova akuti, ‘Muzimvera Ine ndi kuleka kulowetsa kapena kutulutsa katundu pa zipata za mzinda pa tsiku la Sabata. Muzisunga tsiku la Sabata kuti likhale lopatulika posachita ntchito iliyonse pa tsikuli.
And it will be certainly [if] you will listen! to me [the] utterance of Yahweh to not - to bring a burden in [the] gates of the city this on [the] day of the sabbath and to set apart as holy [the] day of the sabbath to not to do (on it *Q(K)*) any work.
25 Mukatero ndiye mafumu anu amene akukhala pa mpando wa Davide adzatulukira pa zipata za mzindawu pamodzi ndi nduna zawo. Iwo pamodzi ndi nduna zawo azidzalowa atakwera magaleta ndi akavalo, akuperekezedwa ndi anthu a ku Yuda ndi amene amakhala mu Yerusalemu, ndipo mu mzinda muno mudzakhala anthu mpaka muyaya.
And they will come in [the] gates of the city this kings - and princes [who] sit on [the] throne of David [who] ride - in chariot[s] and on horses they and officials their everyone of Judah and [the] inhabitants of Jerusalem and it will remain the city this for ever.
26 Anthu adzabwera kuchokera ku mizinda ya Yuda ndi ku midzi yozungulira Yerusalemu, kuchokera ku dziko la Benjamini ndi ku mapiri a kumadzulo, kuchokera ku dziko la mapiri ndi ku Negevi. Adzabwera ndi nsembe zopsereza, nsembe zaufa ndi za chakudya, nsembe za lubani ndi zopereka zachiyamiko ku nyumba ya Yehova.
And they will come from [the] cities of Judah and from round about Jerusalem and from [the] land of Benjamin and from the Shephelah and from the hill country and from the Negev [those who] bring burnt offering and sacrifice and grain offering and frankincense and [those who] bring a thank-offering [the] house of Yahweh.
27 Koma ngati simundimvera; mukapanda kusunga tsiku la Sabata kuti likhale lopatulika ndi kumanyamula katundu nʼkumalowa naye pa zipata za Yerusalemu pa tsikuli, Ine ndidzabutsa moto pa zipata za Yerusalemu. Moto umenewo udzanyeketsa nyumba zaufumu za ku Yerusalemu ndipo moto wake sudzazima.’”
And if not you will listen to me to set apart as holy [the] day of the sabbath and to not - to carry a burden and to go in [the] gates of Jerusalem on [the] day of the sabbath and I will kindle a fire in gates its and it will consume [the] fortresses of Jerusalem and not it will be extinguished.

< Yeremiya 17 >