< Yesaya 59 >

1 Taonani, mkono wa Yehova si waufupi kuti sungathe kupulumutsa, kapena khutu lake kuti ndilogontha kuti sangamve.
Behold, the hand of the Lord has not been shortened, so that it cannot save, and his ear has not been blocked, so that it cannot hear.
2 Koma zoyipa zanu zakulekanitsani ndi Mulungu wanu; ndipo wakufulatirani chifukwa cha machimo anu, kotero Iye sadzamva.
But your iniquities have made a division between you and your God, and your sins have concealed his face from you, so that he would not hear.
3 Pakuti manja anu ali psuu ndi magazi. Munayipitsa zala zanu ndi zamphulupulu. Pakamwa panu payankhula zabodza, ndipo lilime lanu lanena zinthu zoyipa.
For your hands have been polluted by blood, and your fingers by iniquity. Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue utters iniquity.
4 Palibe amene akuyimba mnzake mlandu molungama, palibe amene akupita ku mlandu moona mtima. Iwo amadalira mawu opanda pake ndipo amayankhula mabodza; amalingalira za mphulupulu ndipo amachita zoyipa.
There is no one who calls for justice, and there is no one who judges truly. For they trust in nothing, and they speak emptiness. They have conceived hardship, and they have given birth to iniquity.
5 Iwo amayikira mazira a mamba ndipo amaluka ukonde wakangawude. Aliyense amene adzadya mazira awo adzafa, ndipo ngati dzira limodzi lasweka limatulutsa mphiri.
They have ruptured the eggs of asps, and they have woven the webs of spiders. Whoever will eat of their eggs will die. For what has been incubated will hatch into a king snake.
6 Ukonde wawo wa kangawude sangawuvale ngati chovala; ndipo chimene apangacho sangachifunde. Ntchito zawo ndi zoyipa, ndipo amakonda kuchita zandewu ndi manja awo.
Their weavings will not be for clothing, nor will they cover themselves with their handiwork. Their works are useless things, and the work of iniquity is in their hands.
7 Amathamangira kukachita zoyipa; sachedwa kupha anthu osalakwa. Maganizo awo ndi maganizo oyipa; kulikonse kumene amapita amasiyako bwinja ndi chiwonongeko.
Their feet run to evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are useless thoughts; devastation and destruction are in their ways.
8 Iwo sadziwa kuchita za mtendere; zonse zimene amachita nʼzopanda chilungamo. Njira zawo zonse nʼzokhotakhota; aliyense oyenda mʼnjira zimenezo sadzapeza mtendere.
They have not known the way of peace, and there is no judgment in their steps. Their paths have become crooked for them. Anyone who treads in them knows no peace.
9 Anthu akuti, “Chifukwa cha zimenezi chilungamo chatitalikira; ndipo chipulumutso sichitifikira. Timafunafuna kuwala koma timangopeza mdima okhaokha; tinayembekezera kuyera koma timayenda mu mdima wandiweyani.
Because of this, judgment is far from us, and justice will not take hold of us. We waited for light, and behold, darkness; we waited for brightness, and we walked in darkness.
10 Timapapasapapasa khoma ngati munthu wosaona, kuyangʼanayangʼana njira ngati anthu opanda maso. Timapunthwa dzuwa lili paliwombo ngati kuti ndi usiku; timakhala pansi mu mdima ngati anthu akufa.
We groped for the wall, like one who is blind, and we felt our way, like one without eyes. We stumbled at midday, as if in darkness; and in darkness, as if in death.
11 Tonse timabangula ngati zimbalangondo: Timalira modandaula ngati nkhunda. Tinayembekezera kuweruza kolungama; koma sitikupeza. Timayembekezera chipulumutso koma chimakhala nafe kutali.”
We will all roar like bears, and we will sigh like despondent doves. We hoped for judgment, and there is none; for salvation, and it is far from us.
12 Pakuti zolakwa zathu nʼzochuluka pamaso panu, ndipo machimo athu akutsutsana nafe. Zolakwa zathu zili ndi ife nthawi zonse ndipo tikuvomereza machimo athu:
For our iniquities have been multiplied in your sight, and our sins have answered us. For our wickedness is with us, and we have acknowledged our iniquities:
13 Tawukira ndi kumukana Yehova. Tafulatira Mulungu wathu, pa kupondereza anzathu ndi kupandukira Yehova, ndi pa kuyankhula mabodza amene tawaganiza mʼmitima mwathu.
sinning and lying against the Lord. And we have turned away, not so as to go after our God, and so that we were speaking calumny and transgression. We have conceived, and spoken from the heart, words of falsehood.
14 Motero kuweruza kolungama kwalekeka ndipo choonadi chili kutali ndi ife; kukhulupirika sikukupezekanso mʼmabwalo a milandu, ndipo kuona mtima sikukupezekanso mʼmenemo.
And judgment has been turned backwards, and justice has stood far away. For truth has fallen down in the street, and fairness was not able to enter.
15 Choonadi sichikupezeka kumeneko, ndipo wina akakana kuchita nawo zoyipa amapeza mavuto. Yehova anaziona zimenezi ndipo zinamunyansa kuti panalibe chiweruzo cholungama.
And the truth has gone into oblivion. And he who withdraws from evil endures plunder. And the Lord saw this, and it seemed evil in his eyes. For there is no judgment.
16 Yehova anaona kuti panalibe ndi mmodzi yemwe, Iye anadabwa kuti panalibe ndi mmodzi yemwe woti nʼkupembedzera; Choncho mphamvu zake zomwe zinamuthandiza, ndipo anadzilimbitsa ndi kulungama kwake;
And he saw that there was no good man. And he was astonished that there was no one to meet him. And his own arm brought salvation to him, and his own justice strengthened him.
17 Iye anavala chilungamo ngati chovala chachitsulo chapachifuwa, ndipo kumutu kwake amavala chipewa chachipulumutso; anavala kulipsira ngati chovala ndipo anadzikuta ndi mkwiyo ngati chofunda.
He clothed himself with justice as with a breastplate, and with a helmet of salvation upon his head. He put on the vestments of vengeance, and he was covered with zeal as with a cloak.
18 Iye adzawabwezera chilango adani a anthu ake molingana ndi zimene anachita, adzaonetsa ukali kwa adani ake ndi kubwezera chilango odana naye. Adzalanga ngakhale okhala mayiko akutali.
This was for vindication, as a repayment of indignation to his adversaries, and as a sudden reversal for his enemies. He will repay the islands in their turn.
19 Choncho akadzabwera ngati madzi oyendetsedwa ndi mphepo yamphamvu yamkuntho. Anthu onse kuyambira kumadzulo mpaka kummawa adzaopa dzina la Yehova ndi ulemerero wake.
And those from the west will fear the name of the Lord, and those from the rising of the sun will fear his glory, when he arrives like a violent river, which the Spirit of the Lord urges on.
20 “Mpulumutsi adzabwera ku Ziyoni kudzapulumutsa anthu a fuko la Yakobo amene analapa machimo awo,” akutero Yehova.
And the Redeemer will arrive in Zion, and to those who return from the iniquity within Jacob, says the Lord.
21 Yehova akuti, “Kunena za pangano lake ndi iwo, Mzimu wanga umene uli pa inu, ndiponso mawu anga amene ndayika mʼkamwa mwanu sadzachoka mʼkamwa mwanu, kapena kuchoka mʼkamwa mwa ana anu, kapena mʼkamwa mwa zidzukulu zawo kuyambira tsopano mpaka kalekale,” akutero Yehova.
This is my pact with them, says the Lord. My Spirit is within you, and my words, which I have put in your mouth, will not withdraw from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring, says the Lord, from this moment, and even forever.

< Yesaya 59 >