< Yesaya 58 >

1 “Fuwula kwambiri, usaleke. Mawu ako amveke ngati lipenga. Uwawuze anthu anga za kulakwa kwawo; uwuze nyumba ya Yakobo za machimo awo.
Cry aloud, and spare not; lift up thy voice as with a trumpet, and declare to my people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their iniquities.
2 Pakuti tsiku ndi tsiku amafunafuna Ine; amaoneka ngati a chidwi chofuna kudziwa zimene ndimafuna, kukhala ngati kuti ndi dziko limene limachita zolondola ndipo silinasiye zolamulira za Mulungu wake. Amandipempha kuti ndigamule mlandu wawo mwachilungamo ndipo amaonetsa chidwi chofuna kukhala pafupi ndi Mulungu.
They seek me day by day, and desire to know my ways, as a people that had done righteousness, and had not forsaken the judgment of their God: they now ask of me righteous judgment, and desire to draw nigh to God,
3 Anthu akufunsa kuti, ‘Chifukwa chiyani ife tasala kudya pamene Inu simukulabadirapo? Kodi ife tavutikiranji nʼkudzichepetsa pamene Inu simunasamalepo?’” Yehova akuti, “Komatu tsiku lanu losala kudya, mumachita zinthu zokukondweretsani, ndipo mumazunza antchito anu onse.
saying, Why have we fasted, and thou regardest not? [why] have we afflicted our souls, and thou didst not know it? Nay, in the days of your fasts ye find your pleasures, and all them that are under your power ye wound.
4 Mumati uku mukusala kudya, uku mukukangana ndi kumenyana, mpaka kumenyana ndi nkhonya zopweteka. Kusala kudya mukuchitiramu musayembekezere kuti mawu anu amveka kumwamba.
If ye fast for quarrels and strifes, and smite the lowly with [your] fists, wherefore do ye fast to me as [ye do] this day, so that your voice may be heard in crying?
5 Kodi kusala kudya kumene ndimakufuna Ine nʼkumeneku, kungokhala tsiku loti munthu adzichepetse basi? Kodi ndi tsiku loti munthu angowerama pansi ngati bango ndi kumayala ziguduli nʼkuthirapo phulusa nʼkugonapo? Kodi ndiye mumati kusala kudya kumeneko, tsiku lokondweretsa Yehova?
I have not chosen this fast, nor [such] a day for a man to afflict his soul; neither though thou shouldest bend down thy neck as a ring, and spread under thee sackcloth and ashes, neither thus shall ye call a fast acceptable.
6 “Kodi si uku kusala kudya kumene Ine ndimakufuna: Kumasula maunyolo ozunzizira anthu ndi kumasula zingwe za goli, kupereka ufulu kwa oponderezedwa ndi kuphwanya goli lililonse?
I have not chosen such a fast, saith the Lord; but do thou loose every burden of iniquity, do thou untie the knots of hard bargains, set the bruised free, and cancel every unjust account.
7 Anthu anjala kodi mwawagawira chakudya chanu? Osowa ndi ongoyendayenda, kodi mwawapatsa malo ogona? Munthu wausiwa kodi mwamupatsa chovala?
Break thy bread to the hungry, and lead the unsheltered poor to thy house: if thou seest one naked, clothe [him], and thou shalt not disregard the relations of thine own seed.
8 Mukatero chipulumutso chanu chidzabwera ngati mʼbandakucha, ndipo mabala anu adzachira msangamsanga; chilungamo chanu chidzakutsogolerani ndipo ulemerero wa Yehova udzakhala chokutchinjirizani kumbuyo kwanu.
Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thy health shall speedily spring forth: and thy righteousness shall go before thee, and the glory of God shall compass thee.
9 Mukamadzapemphera Yehova adzakuyankhani; mukadzapempha thandizo, Iye adzati: Ine ndili pano. “Ngati muleka kuzunza anzanu, ngati musiya kuloza chala ndiponso kunena zoyipa za anzanu.
Then shalt thou cry, and God shall hearken to thee; while thou art yet speaking he will say, Behold, I am here. If thou remove from thee the band, and the stretching forth of the hands, and murmuring speech;
10 Ndipo ngati mudyetsa anthu anjala, ndi kuthandiza anthu oponderezedwa, pamenepo kuwala kwanu kudzaonekera mu mdima, ndipo usiku wanu udzakhala ngati usana.
and [if] thou give bread to the hungry from thy heart, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light spring up in darkness, and thy darkness [shall be] as noon-day:
11 Yehova adzakutsogolerani nthawi zonse; adzakwaniritsa zosowa zanu mʼdziko longʼalukangʼaluka dzuwa ndipo adzalimbitsa matupi anu. Mudzakhala ngati dimba la madzi ambiri, ngati kasupe amene madzi ake saphwa.
and thy God shall be with thee continually, and thou shalt be satisfied according as thy soul desires; and thy bones shall be made fat, and shall be as a well-watered garden, and as a fountain [from] which the water has not failed.
12 Anthu ako adzamanganso nyumba zimene zakhala mabwinja nthawi yayitali, ndipo adzamanganso pa maziko akalekale; inu mudzatchedwa okonza makoma opasuka. Anthu okonza misewu ndi nyumba zake.
And thy old waste desert [places] shall be built up, and thy foundations shall last through all generations; and thou shalt be called a repairer of breaches, and thou shalt cause thy paths between to be in peace.
13 “Muzisunga osaphwanya Sabata; musamachite zimene mukufuna pa masiku anga opatulika, tsiku la Sabata lizikhala tsiku lachisangalalo. Tsiku lopatulika la Yehova muzililemekeza posayenda mʼnjira zanu, kapena kuchita zimene mukufuna ndi kuyankhula zopandapake,
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, so as not to do thy pleasure on the holy days, and shalt call the sabbaths delightful, holy to God; [if] thou shalt not lift up thy foot to work, nor speak a word in anger out of thy mouth,
14 mukatero mudzapeza chimwemwe mwa Yehova, ndipo ndidzakukwezani ndi kukupambanitsani pa dziko lonse lapansi. Mudzadyerera dziko limene ndinapatsa Yakobo kholo lanu.” Yehova wayankhula ndi pakamwa pake.
then shalt thou trust on the Lord; and he shall bring thee up to the good places of the land, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken this.

< Yesaya 58 >