< Yesaya 45 >

1 Yehova akuyankhula ndi wodzozedwa wake Koresi amene anamugwira dzanja lamanja kuti agonjetse mitundu ya anthu ndi kuwalanda mafumu zida zawo zankhondo, ndi kutsekula zitseko kuti zipatazo zisadzatsekedwenso ndi ichi:
The Lord says to the man of his selection, to Cyrus, whom I have taken by the right hand, putting down nations before him, and taking away the arms of kings; making the doors open before him, so that the ways into the towns may not be shut;
2 Ine ndidzayenda patsogolo pako, ndi kusalaza mapiri; ndidzaphwanya zitseko za mkuwa ndi kuthyola mipiringidzo ya chitsulo.
I will go before you, and make the rough places level: the doors of brass will be broken, and the iron rods cut in two:
3 Ndidzakupatsa chuma chobisika mu mdima, katundu wa pamalo obisika, kotero kuti udziwe kuti Ine ndine Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, amene ndakuyitana pokutchula dzina.
And I will give you the stores of the dark, and the wealth of secret places, so that you may be certain that I am the Lord, who gave you your name, even the God of Israel.
4 Chifukwa cha mtumiki wanga Yakobo, chifukwa cha wosankhidwa wanga Israeli, Ine ndakuyitana pokutchula dzina ndipo ndakupatsa dzina laulemu ngakhale iwe sukundidziwa Ine.
Because of Jacob my servant, and Israel whom I have taken for myself, I have sent for you by name, giving you a name of honour, though you had no knowledge of me.
5 Ine ndine Yehova ndipo palibenso wina; kupatula Ine palibenso Mulungu wina. Ndidzakupatsa mphamvu, ngakhale sukundidziwa Ine,
I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God but me: I will make you ready for war, though you had no knowledge of me:
6 kotero kuti kuchokera kummawa mpaka kumadzulo anthu adzadziwa kuti palibe wina koma Ine ndekha. Ine ndine Yehova, ndipo palibenso wina.
So that they may see from the east and from the west that there is no God but me: I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 Ndimalenga kuwala ndi mdima, ndimabweretsa madalitso ndi tsoka; ndine Yehova, amene ndimachita zonsezi.
I am the giver of light and the maker of the dark; causing blessing, and sending troubles; I am the Lord, who does all these things.
8 “Iwe thambo gwetsa mvula kuchokera kumwamba; mitambo ivumbwe mivumbi ya chilungamo. Dziko lapansi litsekuke, ndipo chipulumutso chiphuke kuti chilungamo chimereponso; Ine Yehova, ndine ndalenga zimenezi.
Let righteousness come down, O heavens, from on high, and let the sky send it down like rain: let the earth be open to give the fruit of salvation, causing righteousness to come up with it; I the Lord have made it come about.
9 “Tsoka kwa wokangana ndi mlengi wake, ngakhale kuti ali ngati phale chabe pakati pa mapale anzake. Kodi dongo lingafunse munthu wowumba kuti, ‘Kodi ukuwumba chiyani?’ Kodi ntchito yako inganene kuti, ‘Ulibe luso?’
Cursed is he who has an argument with his Maker, the pot which has an argument with the Potter! Will the wet earth say to him who is working with it, What are you doing, that your work has nothing by which it may be gripped?
10 Tsoka kwa wofunsa abambo ake kuti, ‘Kodi munabereka chiyani?’ Kapena amayi ake kuti, ‘Kodi mufuna kubereka chiyani?’
Cursed is he who says to a father, To what are you giving life? or to a woman, What are you in birth-pains with?
11 “Yehova Woyerayo wa Israeli, ndiponso Mlengi wake akunena, zokhudza zinthu zimene zikubwera ndi izi: Kodi iwe ukundifunsa za ana anga, kapena kundilamula pa zokhudza ntchito zanga?
The Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, says, Will you put a question to me about the things which are to come, or will you give me orders about my sons, and the work of my hands?
12 Ndine amene ndinapanga dziko lapansi ndikulenga munthu kuti akhalemo. Ine ndi manja anga ndinayalika thambo; ndimalamulira zolengedwa zonse za mlengalenga.
I have made the earth, forming man on it: by my hands the heavens have been stretched out, and all the stars put in their ordered places.
13 Ndine amene ndidzawutsa Koresi kuti chilungamo changa chikwaniritsidwe: ndipo ndidzawongolera njira zake zonse. Iye adzamanganso mzinda wanga ndi kumasula anthu anga amene ali mu ukapolo, wopanda kupereka ndalama kapena mphotho, akutero Yehova Wamphamvuzonse.”
I have sent him out to overcome the nations, and I will make all his ways straight: I will give him the work of building my town, and he will let my prisoners go free, without price or reward, says the Lord of armies.
14 Yehova akuti, “Chuma cha ku Igupto ndi chuma cha malonda cha Kusi chidzakhala chanu. Anthu amphamvu zawo ndi athanzi a ku Seba adzabwera kwa inu ndipo adzakhala anthu anu; iwo adzidzakutsatani pambuyo panu ali mʼmaunyolo. Adzakugwadirani ndi kukupemphani, ponena kuti, ‘Ndithudi Mulungu ali ndi inu, ndipo palibenso wina; palibenso mulungu wina.’”
The Lord says, The workmen of Egypt, and the traders of Ethiopia, and the tall Sabaeans, will come over the sea to you, and they will be yours; they will go after you; in chains they will come over: and they will go down on their faces before you, and will make prayer to you, saying, Truly, God is among you; and there is no other God.
15 Zoonadi inu muli ndi Mulungu wobisika amene ali Mulungu ndi Mpulumutsi wa Israeli.
Truly, you have a secret God, the God of Israel is a Saviour!
16 Onse amene amapanga mafano adzawachititsa manyazi ndi kuwanyozetsa. Adzakhala osokonezeka maganizo.
All those who have gone against him will be put to shame; the makers of images will be made low.
17 Koma Yehova adzapulumutsa Israeli ndi chipulumutso chamuyaya; simudzachitanso manyazi kapena kunyozeka mpaka kalekale.
But the Lord will make Israel free with an eternal salvation: you will not be put to shame or made low for ever and ever.
18 Yehova analenga zinthu zakumwamba, Iye ndiye Mulungu; amene akulenga dziko lapansi, ndi kulikhazikitsa, sanalipange kuti likhale lopanda kanthu, koma analipanga kuti anthu akhalemo. Iyeyu akunena kuti: Ine ndine Yehova, ndipo palibenso wina.
For this is the word of the Lord who made the heavens; he is God; the maker and designer of the earth; who made it not to be a waste, but as a living-place for man: I am the Lord, and there is no other.
19 Ine sindinayankhule mwachinsinsi, pamalo ena a mdima; Ine sindinaziwuze zidzukulu za Yakobo kuti, “Ndifunefuneni ku malo kopanda kanthu.” Ine Yehova, ndimayankhula zoona; ndikunena zolungama.
I have not given my word in secret, in a place in the underworld; I did not say to the seed of Jacob, Go into a waste land to make request of me: I the Lord say what is true, my word is righteousness.
20 Yehova akuti, “Sonkhanani pamodzi ndipo mubwere; yandikirani, inu amene munapulumuka pothawa nkhondo kwa anthu a mitundu ina. Ndinu opanda nzeru amene mumanyamula mafano a mitengo, amene mumapemphera kwa milungu imene singathe kupulumutsa.
Come together, even come near, you nations who are still living: they have no knowledge who take up their image of wood, and make prayer to a god in whom is no salvation.
21 Fotokozani mlandu wanu, mupatsane nzeru nonse pamodzi. Kodi ndani ananeneratu zimenezi kalekale? Ndani anazifotokozeratu zimenezi nthawi yamakedzana? Kodi si Ineyo Yehova? Ndipo palibenso Mulungu wina kupatula Ine, Mulungu wolungama ndi Wopulumutsa, palibenso wina kupatula Ine.
Give the word, put forward your cause, let us have a discussion together: who has given news of this in the past? who made it clear in early times? did not I, the Lord? and there is no God but me; a true God and a saviour; there is no other.
22 “Tembenukirani kwa Ine kuti mupulumuke, inu anthu onse a pa dziko lapansi, pakuti Ine ndine Mulungu ndipo palibenso wina.
Let your hearts be turned to me, so that you may have salvation, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is no other.
23 Ndalumbira ndekha, pakamwa panga patulutsa mawu owona, mawu amene sadzasinthika konse akuti, bondo lililonse lidzagwada pamaso panga; anthu onse adzalumbira potchula dzina langa.
By myself have I taken an oath, a true word has gone from my mouth, and will not be changed, that to me every knee will be bent, and every tongue will give honour.
24 Iwo adzanene kwa Ine kuti, ‘Chilungamo ndi mphamvu zimapezeka mwa Yehova yekha.’” Onse amene anamuwukira Iye adzabwera kwa Iye ndipo adzachita manyazi.
Only in the Lord will Jacob overcome and be strong: together all those who were angry with him will be put to shame and come to destruction.
25 Koma mwa Yehova zidzukulu zonse za Israeli zidzapambana ndi kupeza ulemerero.
In the Lord will all the seed of Israel get their rights, and they will give glory to him.

< Yesaya 45 >