< Ahebri 3 >
1 Nʼchifukwa chake abale oyera mtima, amenenso munayitanidwa ndi kumwamba, lingalirani za Yesu amene ndi Mtumwi ndi Mkulu wa ansembe wa chikhulupiriro chimene timavomereza.
Therefore, brothers holy, of [the] calling heavenly partakers, do carefully consider the apostle and high priest of the confession of us (Christ *K*) Jesus
2 Iye anali wokhulupirika kwa Mulungu amene anamupatsa udindowo, monga momwe Mose anali wokhulupirika mʼnyumba yonse ya Mulungu.
faithful being to the [One] having appointed Him as also Moses in all the house of Him.
3 Yesu anapezeka woyenera kulandira ulemu waukulu kuposa Mose, monga momwemonso womanga nyumba amalandira ulemu waukulu kuposa nyumbayo.
Of greater for He glory than Moses has been counted worthy, by so much as greater honor has than the house [itself] the [one] having built it;
4 Pakuti nyumba iliyonse imamangidwa ndi munthu wina, koma amene anapanga zonse ndi Mulungu.
Every for house is built by someone, the [One] however (*k*) everything having built [is] God.
5 Mose anali wokhulupirika monga mtumiki mʼnyumba yonse ya Mulungu, kuchitira umboni zimene zidzayankhulidwe mʼtsogolo.
And Moses indeed [was] faithful in all the house of Him as a servant unto a testimony of the [things] to be spoken,
6 Koma Khristu ndi wokhulupirika monga mwana pa nyumba ya Mulungu. Ndipo ndife nyumba yake ngati tipitirire kulimbika mtima ndi kunyadira zomwe tikuyembekerazo.
Christ however as [the] Son over the house of Him, (whose *NK(o)*) house are we ourselves (if indeed if indeed *NK(o)*) [our] confidence and the boast of [our] hope (until end unshakable *KO*) we may hold.
7 Tsono monga Mzimu Woyera akuti, “Lero mukamva mawu ake,
Therefore, even as says the Spirit Holy: Today if the voice of Him you shall hear,
8 musawumitse mitima yanu ngati munachitira pamene munawukira, pa nthawi yoyesedwa mʼchipululu.
not shall harden the hearts of you as in the rebellion in the day of testing in the wilderness,
9 Pamene makolo anu anandiputa ndi kundiyesa, ndipo kwa zaka makumi anayi anaona zimene Ine ndinachita.
where tried (me *K*) the fathers of you (by *no*) (testing *N(k)O*) (me *K*) and saw the works of Mine forty years;
10 Nʼchifukwa chake ndinawukwiyira mʼbadowo, ndipo Ine ndinati, ‘Nthawi zonse mitima yawo imasochera, ndipo iwo sadziwa njira zanga.’
Therefore I was angry with the generation (that *N(k)O*) and I said; Always they go astray in the heart; they themselves and not have they known the ways of Mine;
11 Kotero Ine ndinalumbira nditakwiya kuti, ‘Iwo sadzalowa mu mpumulo wanga.’”
so I swore in the wrath of Mine; [not] will they enter into the rest of Mine.
12 Abale samalani, kuti pasapezeke wina aliyense mwa inu wokhala ndi mtima woyipa ndi wosakhulupirira, womulekanitsa ndi Mulungu wamoyo.
do take heed, brothers, otherwise otherwise there will be in any of you a heart evil of unbelief into falling away from God [the] living;
13 Koma muzilimbikitsana tsiku ndi tsiku, ikanalipo nthawi imene imatchedwa kuti “Lero” kuti aliyense wa inu mtima wake usawumitsidwe ndi chinyengo cha tchimo.
But do encourage each other each every day while this today it is called so that not may be hardened (one *NK(o)*) of you by [the] deceitfulness of sin;
14 Pakuti timakhala anzake a Khristu, ngati tigwiritsitsa mpaka potsiriza chitsimikizo chimene tinali nacho pachiyambi.
Partakers for of Christ we have become if indeed if indeed from the beginning of the assurance unto [the] end firm we shall hold;
15 Monga kunanenedwa kuti, “Lero ngati mumva mawu ake, musawumitse mitima yanu ngati momwe munachitira pamene munawukira.”
As the saying: Today if the voice of Him you shall hear, not shall harden the hearts of you as in the rebellion.
16 Nanga amene anamva ndi kuwukira anali ndani? Kodi si onse amene Mose anawatulutsa mu Igupto?
Who for [were those] having heard rebelled? but surely all those having come out of Egypt through Moses?
17 Nanga amene Mulungu anawakwiyira zaka makumi anayi anali ndani? Kodi si anthu amene anachimwa, amene mitembo yawo inatsala mʼchipululu muja?
With whom now was He indignant forty years? Surely with those having sinned whose bodies fell in the wilderness?
18 Nanga Mulungu ankanena za ndani kuti sadzalowa mu mpumulo wake? Pajatu ankanena za anthu amene sanamvere aja.
To whom then did He swear that not to enter into the rest of Him only except to those having disobeyed?
19 Tsono ife tikuona kuti sanalowe chifukwa cha kusakhulupirika kwawo.
And we see that not they were able to enter in because of unbelief.