< Ahebri 1 >

1 Kale lija Mulungu ankayankhula ndi makolo athu pa nthawi zosiyanasiyana ndiponso mwa njira zosiyanasiyana kudzera mwa aneneri.
God, having spoken to the fathers through the prophets in many parts and in various ways, in the past,
2 Koma masiku otsiriza ano, Mulungu wayankhula nafe kudzera mwa Mwana wake. Mwanayu anamusankha kuti akhale mwini wa zinthu zonse, ndiponso Mulungu analenga dziko lonse kudzera mwa Iye. (aiōn g165)
has at the end of these days spoken to us by Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the ages; (aiōn g165)
3 Mwanayo ndiye kuwala kwa ulemerero wa Mulungu, chithunzithunzi chenicheni cha khalidwe lake. Iyeyu amachirikiza zinthu zonse ndi mphamvu ya mawu ake. Iye atayeretsa anthu kuchoka ku machimo awo, anakhala pansi kumwamba kudzanja lamanja la Mulungu waulemerero.
who being the projection of His glory and the very image of His essence, and sustaining all things by the expression of His[S] own power, when He had by Himself provided purification for our sins He sat down on the highest Majesty's right,
4 Mwanayu ndi wamkulu koposa angelo, monga momwe dzina limene analandira limaposa dzina la angelo.
having become so much superior to the angels as He has inherited a more excellent name than they have.
5 Kodi ndi kwa mngelo uti, kumene Mulungu anati, “Iwe ndiwe mwana wanga; Ine lero ndakhala Atate ako.” Kapena kunenanso kuti, “Ine ndidzakhala abambo ake; iye adzakhala mwana wanga.”
For to which of the angels did He[F] ever say, “You are my Son, today I begot you,” and again, “I will be ‘Father’ to Him, and He will be ‘Son’ to me?”
6 Pamene Mulungu amatuma Mwana wake woyamba kubadwa ku dziko lapansi anati, “Angelo onse a Mulungu amupembedze Iye.”
Again, when He introduces the Firstborn into the inhabited earth He says, “Let all God's angels worship Him[S].”
7 Iye ponena za angelo akuti, “Mulungu amasandutsa angelo ake mphepo, amasandutsa atumiki ake malawi amoto.”
Further, about the angels He[F] says, “Who makes His angels winds, His servants flames of fire”;
8 Koma za Mwana wake akuti, “Inu Mulungu, mpando wanu waufumu udzakhala mpaka muyaya, ndipo mudzaweruza molungama mu ufumu wanu. (aiōn g165)
while to the Son He says: “Your throne, O God, is forever and ever; ‘Scepter of Uprightness’ is the scepter of Your kingdom. (aiōn g165)
9 Mwakonda chilungamo ndi kudana ndi zoyipa; Nʼchifukwa chake, Mulungu wanu wakukwezani kuposa anzanu pokudzozani mafuta osonyeza chimwemwe.”
You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness, therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of exultation beyond Your companions.”
10 Mulungu akutinso, “Ambuye, pachiyambi Inu munayika maziko a dziko lapansi; ndipo zakumwambako ndi ntchito za manja anu.
Also: “You, Lord, in the beginning, laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are works of Your hands;
11 Zimenezi zidzatha, koma Inu ndinu wachikhalire. Izo zidzatha ngati zovala.
they will perish but You continue on —they will all grow old like a garment;
12 Mudzazipindapinda ngati chofunda; ndipo zidzasinthidwa ngati chovala. Koma Inu simudzasintha, ndipo zaka zanu sizidzatha.”
You will roll them up like a cloak and they will be changed, while You stay the same and Your years will never end.”
13 Kodi ndi kwa Mngelo uti kumene Mulungu ananenapo kuti, “Khala kudzanja langa lamanja mpaka nditapanga adani ako kukhale chopondapo mapazi ako.”
On the other hand, to which of the angels did He ever say, “Sit on my right until I place your enemies as a stool under your feet”?
14 Kodi angelo onse si mizimu yotumikira odzalandira chipulumutso?
Are they not all ministering spirits being sent to serve those who are going to inherit salvation?

< Ahebri 1 >