< Genesis 9 >

1 Ndipo Mulungu anadalitsa Nowa ndi ana ake aamuna nati kwa iwo, “Berekanani ndipo muchulukane ndi kudzaza dziko lapansi.
And God blessed Noah and his sons. And he said to them: “Increase, and multiply, and fill the earth.
2 Nyama zonse za dziko lapansi, ndi mbalame zonse za mlengalenga, ndi chamoyo chilichonse chokwawa, ndiponso nsomba zonse za ku nyanja; zidzakuopani ndipo ndazipereka kuti muzilamulire.
And let the fear and trembling of you be upon all the animals of the earth, and upon all the birds of the air, along with all that moves across the earth. All the fish of the sea have been delivered into your hand.
3 Tsopano chamoyo chilichonse chidzakhala chakudya chanu. Monga momwe ndinakupatsirani ndiwo zamasamba, tsopano ndikupatsaninso nyama iliyonse.
And everything that moves and lives will be food for you. Just as with the edible plants, I have delivered them all to you,
4 “Koma musamadye nyama imene ikanali ndi magazi oyenda.
except that flesh with blood you shall not eat.
5 Aliyense wopha munthu adzaphedwa, nyama iliyonse yopha munthu idzaphedwa, munthu aliyense wopha munthu mnzake, adzaphedwa.
For I will examine the blood of your lives at the hand of every beast. So also, at the hand of mankind, at the hand of each man and his brother, I will examine the life of mankind.
6 “Aliyense wopha munthu, adzaphedwanso ndi munthu; pakuti Mulungu analenga munthu mʼchifanizo chake.
Whoever will shed human blood, his blood will be poured out. For man was indeed made to the image of God.
7 Inu muberekane ndi kuchulukana kuti mudzaze dziko lonse lapansi ndi kuligonjetsa.”
But as for you: increase and multiply, and go forth upon the earth and fulfill it.”
8 Mulungu anawuza Nowa ndi ana ake kuti,
To Noah and to his sons with him, God also said this:
9 “Tsopano Ine ndapangana ndi iwe ndi zidzukulu zako zamʼtsogolomo,
“Behold, I will establish my covenant with you, and with your offspring after you,
10 pamodzi ndi zamoyo zonse, mbalame, ziweto ndi nyama zonse za kuthengo, ndi zonse zimene zinatuluka mʼchombo pamodzi ndi iwe.
and with every living soul that is with you: as much with the birds as with the cattle and all the animals of the earth that have gone forth from the ark, and with all the wild beasts of the earth.
11 Pangano langa ndi ili: Ine ndilonjeza kuti sindidzawononganso zamoyo ndi madzi a chigumula. Chigumula sichidzawononganso dziko lapansi.”
I will establish my covenant with you, and no longer will all that is flesh be put to death by the waters of a great flood, and, henceforth, there will not be a great flood to utterly destroy the earth.”
12 Ndipo Mulungu anati, “Ine ndikupereka chizindikiro ichi cha pangano langa la pakati pa Ine ndi iwe, ana ako, zamoyo zonse, pamodzi ndi mibado ya mʼtsogolo.
And God said: “This is the sign of the pact that I grant between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations.
13 Ndayika utawaleza wanga mʼmitambo, ndipo chidzakhala chizindikiro cha pangano langa ndi dziko lapansi.
I will place my arc in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the pact between myself and the earth.
14 Nthawi zonse pakakhala mitambo mu mlengalenga ndipo utawaleza uwoneka,
And when I obscure the sky with clouds, my arc will appear in the clouds.
15 ndizikumbukira pangano langa pakati pa Ine ndi inu ndi zolengedwa zonse. Madzi sadzakhalanso chigumula chowononga dziko lapansi.
And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that enlivens flesh. And there will no longer be waters from a great flood to wipe away all that is flesh.
16 Utawaleza ukamadzaoneka mʼmitambo, ndidzawuona ndi kukumbukira pangano losatha pakati pa Mulungu ndi zamoyo zonse pa dziko lapansi.”
And the arc will be in the clouds, and I will see it, and I will remember the everlasting covenant that was enacted between God and every living soul of all that is flesh upon the earth.”
17 Choncho Mulungu anati kwa Nowa, “Ichi ndiye chizindikiro cha pangano limene ndalichita pakati pa Ine ndi zamoyo zonse pa dziko lapansi.”
And God said to Noah, “This will be the sign of the covenant that I have established between myself and all that is flesh upon the earth.”
18 Ana aamuna a Nowa amene anatuluka mʼchombo muja anali Semu, Hamu ndi Yafeti. Hamu anali abambo ake a Kanaani.
And so the sons of Noah, who came out of the ark, were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Now Ham himself is the father of Canaan.
19 Ana aamuna a Nowa amenewa ndiwo anali makolo a anthu onse pa dziko lapansi.
These three are the sons of Noah. And from these all the family of mankind was spread over the whole earth.
20 Nowa anali munthu woyamba kulima munda wamphesa.
And Noah, a good farmer, began to cultivate the land, and he planted a vineyard.
21 Tsiku lina pamene Nowa anamwako vinyo wa zipatso za mʼmundawo analedzera ndipo anavula zovala zake zonse ndi kugona mu tenti yake ali maliseche.
And by drinking its wine, he became inebriated and was naked in his tent.
22 Hamu, abambo ake a Kanaani ataona kuti abambo ake ali maliseche anakawuza abale ake awiri aja omwe anali panja.
Because of this, when Ham, the father of Canaan, had indeed seen the privates of his father to be naked, he reported it to his two brothers outside.
23 Koma Semu ndi Yafeti anatenga chofunda nachiyika pa mapewa awo; ndipo anayenda chamʼmbuyo naphimba umaliseche wa abambo awo. Anafulatira kuti asaone umaliseche wa abambo awo.
And truly, Shem and Japheth put a cloak upon their arms, and, advancing backwards, covered the privates of their father. And their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father’s manhood.
24 Nowa atadzuka, kuledzera kutatha, ndikudziwa zimene mwana wake wamngʼono wamwamuna uja anamuchitira,
Then Noah, awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him,
25 anati, “Atembereredwe Kanaani! Adzakhala kapolo wa pansi kwenikweni kwa abale ake.”
he said, “Cursed be Canaan, a servant of servants will he be to his brothers.”
26 Anatinso, “Atamandike Yehova, Mulungu wa Semu! Kanaani akhale kapolo wa Semu.
And he said: “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, let Canaan be his servant.
27 Mulungu akulitse dziko la Yafeti; Yafeti alandire madalitso pamodzi ndi Semu, ndipo Kanaani akhale kapolo wawo.”
May God enlarge Japheth, and may he live in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be his servant.”
28 Chitatha chigumula, Nowa anakhala ndi moyo zaka 350.
And after the great flood, Noah lived for three hundred and fifty years.
29 Anamwalira ali ndi zaka 950.
And all his days were completed in nine hundred and fifty years, and then he died.

< Genesis 9 >