< Genesis 29 >

1 Yakobo anapitiriza ulendo wake kupita ku dziko la anthu a kummawa.
And so Jacob, setting out, arrived in the eastern land.
2 Atafika kumeneko anaona chitsime ku busa ndipo panali magulu atatu a nkhosa zitagona pafupi ndi chitsimecho chifukwa nkhosazo zimamwetsedwa madzi ochokera mʼchitsimecho. Pamwamba pa chitsimecho panali mwala waukulu.
And he saw a well in a field, and also three flocks of sheep reclining near it. For the animals were watered from it, and its mouth was closed with a great stone.
3 Amati nkhosa zonse zikasonkhana, abusawo ankagudubuza mwalawo, kuwuchotsa ndi kumwetsa madzi nkhosazo. Kenaka ankawubwezera mwalawo pamalo pake, pakamwa pa chitsimepo.
And the custom was, when all the sheep were gathered together, to roll away the stone. And when the flocks had been refreshed, they placed it over the mouth of the well again.
4 Yakobo anafunsa abusawo kuti, “Abale anga, mwachokera kuti?” Iwo anayankha, “Tachokera ku Harani.”
And he said to the shepherds, “Brothers, where are you from?” And they answered. “From Haran.”
5 Iye anawafunsanso kuti, “Kodi Labani, mdzukulu wa Nahori mukumudziwa?” Iwo anayankha, “Inde tikumudziwa?”
And questioning them, he said, “Do you know Laban, the son of Nahor?” They said, “We know him.”
6 Ndipo Yakobo anawafunsanso, “Kodi ali bwino?” Iwo anati, “Inde ali bwino. Nayu Rakele mwana wake akubwera apoyu ndi nkhosa.”
He said, “Is he well?” “He is very well,” they said. “And behold, his daughter Rachel approaches with his flock.”
7 Iye anati, “Taonani, dzuwa likanalipo ndipo nthawi yosonkhanitsa nkhosa sinakwane. Bwanji osazimwetsa madzi nkhosazi.”
And Jacob said, “There is still much daylight remaining, and it is not time to return the flocks to the sheepfold. Give the sheep to drink first, and then lead them back to pasture.”
8 Iwo anayankha, “Ayi sitingatero. Tidikira mpaka nkhosa zonse zisonkhane. Zikatero, tigubuduza mwalawu kuwuchotsa pamwamba pa chitsimepo, kenaka nʼkuzimwetsa madzi nkhosazo.”
They responded, “We cannot, until all the animals are gathered together and we remove the stone from the mouth of the well, so that we may water the flocks.”
9 Ali chiyankhulire nawo, Rakele anafika ndi nkhosa za abambo ake popeza ndiye amene ankaweta nkhosazo.
They were still speaking, and behold, Rachel arrived with her father’s sheep; for she pastured the flock.
10 Yakobo ataona Rakele mwana wa Labani, mlongo wa amayi ake, ali ndi nkhosa za Labani, anapita nawugudubuza mwala uja nazimwetsa madzi nkhosa za amalume akezo.
When Jacob had seen her, and he realized that she was his maternal first cousin, and that these were the sheep of his uncle Laban, he removed the stone which closed the well.
11 Kenaka Yakobo anapsompsona Rakele nayamba kulira mokweza.
And having watered the flock, he kissed her. And lifting up his voice, he wept.
12 Kenaka Yakobo anawuza Rakele kuti iye ndi mwana wa Rebeka, mlongo wa abambo a Rakele uja. Choncho Rakele anathamanga nakawuza abambo ake.
And he revealed to her that he was a brother of her father, and the son of Rebekah. And so, hurrying, she announced it to her father.
13 Labani atamva za Yakobo, mwana wa mlongo wake, anafulumira kukakumana naye. Anamukupatira napsompsona, napita naye ku nyumba kwake. Yakobo anafotokozera Labani zonse zinachitika.
And when he had heard that Jacob, his sister’s son, had arrived, he ran to meet him. And embracing him, and kissing him heartily, he brought him into his house. But when he had heard the reasons for his journey,
14 Ndipo, Labani anati kwa iye, “Iwe ndiwe ndithu fupa ndi mnofu wanga.” Yakobo anakhala ndi Labani mwezi umodzi.
he responded, “You are my bone and my flesh.” And after the days of one month were completed,
15 Tsono Labani anawuza Yakobo kuti, “Zoona iwe ndi ife ndi abale. Koma suyenera kundigwirira ntchito popanda malipiro. Ndiwuze kuti malipiro ako azikhala wotani?”
he said to him: “Though you are my brother, will you serve me for nothing? Tell me what wages you would accept.”
16 Tsono Labani anali ndi ana aakazi awiri; dzina la wamkulu linali Leya, ndipo dzina la wamngʼono linali Rakele.
In truth, he had two daughters: the name of the elder was Leah; and truly the younger was called Rachel.
17 Leya anali ndi maonekedwe wofowoka koma Rakele anali wa maonekedwe wokongola kwambiri.
But while Leah was bleary-eyed, Rachel had an elegant appearance and was attractive to behold.
18 Yakobo anakonda Rakele ndipo anati, “Ndidzakugwirirani ntchito kwa zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri chifukwa cha mwana wanu wamngʼono, Rakele.”
And Jacob, loving her, said, “I will serve you for seven years, for your younger daughter Rachel.”
19 Labani anati, “Kuli bwino kuti ndimupereke kwa iwe ameneyu kusiyana ndi munthu wina. Khala ndi ine kuno.”
Laban responded, “It is better that I give her to you than to another man; remain with me.”
20 Choncho Yakobo anagwira ntchito zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri chifukwa cha Rakele. Koma kwa iye zaka zonsezi zinakhala ngati masiku wochepa chifukwa anamukonda Rakele.
Therefore, Jacob served for seven years for Rachel. And these seemed like only a few days, because of the greatness of love.
21 Kenaka Yakobo anati kwa Labani, “Nthawi yanga ndakwanitsa, ndipatseni mwana wanu kuti ndimukwatire.”
And he said to Laban, “Give my wife to me. For now the time has been fulfilled, so that I may go in to her.”
22 Pamenepo Labani anakonza phwando la ukwati, nayitana anthu onse a pamalopo.
And he, having called a great crowd of his friends to the feast, agreed to the marriage.
23 Koma pokwana usiku, Labani anatenga mwana wake wamkazi Leya namupatsa Yakobo, ndipo Yakobo anagona naye.
And at night, he brought in his daughter Leah to him,
24 Ndipo Labani anapereka wantchito wake wamkazi Zilipa kwa Leya kuti akhale wantchito wake.
giving his daughter a handmaid named Zilpah. After Jacob had gone in to her, according to custom, when morning had arrived, he saw Leah.
25 Pakucha mmawa, Yakobo anaona kuti anagona ndi Leya. Choncho Yakobo anafunsa Labani, “Nʼchiyani mwandichitirachi? Kodi ine sindinakugwirireni ntchito chifukwa cha Rakele? Bwanji mwandinyenga?”
And he said to his father-in-law, “What is it that you intended to do? Did I not serve you for Rachel? Why have you deceived me?”
26 Labani anayankha, “Si mwambo wathu kuno kupereka wamngʼono ku banja, wamkulu asanakwatiwe.
Laban responded, “It is not the practice in this place to give the younger in marriage first.
27 Yamba watsiriza sabata ya chikondwerero cha ukwati wa Leya; kenaka ndidzakupatsanso Rakele. Koma udzayenera kundigwirira ntchito zaka zisanu ndi ziwiri.”
Complete a week of days with this mating. And then I will give this one to you also, for the service that you will provide to me for another seven years.”
28 Yakobo anachitadi momwemo. Anamaliza sabata ya chikondwerero cha Leya, ndipo Labani anamupatsa Rakele kuti akhale mkazi wake.
He agreed to his pleading. And after the week had passed, he took Rachel as a wife.
29 Labani anapereka wantchito wake wamkazi Biliha kwa Rakele kuti akhale wantchito wake.
To her, the father had given Bilhah as her servant.
30 Yakobo analowana ndi mkazi wake Rakele, ndipo Yakobo anakonda Rakele kuposa Leya. Ndipo anamugwirira ntchito Labani zaka zina zisanu ndi ziwiri chifukwa cha Rakele.
And, having at last obtained the marriage he desired, he preferred the love of the latter before the former, and he served with him another seven years.
31 Pamene Mulungu anaona kuti Yakobo sankamukonda Leya kwambiri, Iye analola kuti Leya uja akhale ndi ana, ndi kuti Rakele akhale wosabala.
But the Lord, seeing that he despised Leah, opened her womb, but her sister remained barren.
32 Leya anakhala ndi pathupi ndipo anabereka mwana wamwamuna. Anamutcha Rubeni pakuti anati, “Yehova waona kusauka kwanga. Zoonadi, mwamuna wanga adzandikonda tsopano.”
Having conceived, she gave birth to a son, and she called his name Reuben, saying: “The Lord saw my humiliation; now my husband will love me.”
33 Anakhalanso ndi pathupi ndipo pamene anabereka mwana wamwamuna anati, “Yehova anamva kuti mwamuna wanga sakundikonda, choncho wandipatsanso mwana winayu.” Ndipo anamutcha dzina lake Simeoni.
And again she conceived and bore a son, and she said, “Because the Lord heard that I was treated with contempt, he has also given this one to me.” And she called his name Simeon.
34 Anatenganso pathupi kachitatu, ndipo pamene anabereka mwana wamwamuna anati, “Pano pokha tidzaphatikana kwambiri ndi mwamuna wanga, chifukwa ndamubalira ana aamuna atatu.” Kotero anamutcha dzina lake Levi.
And she conceived a third time, and she gave birth to another son, and she said: “Now likewise my husband will unite with me, because I have borne him three sons.” And because of this, she called his name Levi.
35 Anatenganso pathupi pena, ndipo pamene anabereka mwana wamwamuna, iye anati, “Nthawi ino ndidzalemekeza Yehova.” Choncho anamutcha Yuda. Kenaka analeka kubereka.
A fourth time she conceived and bore a son, and she said, “Only now will I confess to the Lord.” And for this reason, she called him Judah. And she ceased from child-bearing.

< Genesis 29 >