< Genesis 21 >

1 Yehova anakomera mtima Sara monga ananenera, ndipo Yehovayo anachita monga momwe analonjezera.
The lorde visyted Sara as he had sayde and dyd vnto her acordynge as he had spoken.
2 Sara anakhala ndi pathupi ndipo anamuberekera Abrahamu mwana wamwamuna mu ukalamba wake, pa nyengo imene Mulungu anamulonjeza.
And Sara was with childe and bare Abraha a sonne in his olde age euen the same season which the LORde had appoynted.
3 Abrahamu anapereka dzina loti Isake kwa mwana wamwamuna amene Sara anamuberekera.
And Abraham called his sonnes name that was borne vnto him which Sara bare him Isaac:
4 Isake atakwanitsa masiku asanu ndi atatu, Abrahamu anamuchita mdulidwe monga Mulungu anamulamulira.
and Abra circucysed Isaac his sone whe he was. viij. dayes olde as God commaunded him
5 Abrahamu anali ndi 100 pamene mwana wake Isake anabadwa.
And Abraha was an hundred yere olde when his sonne Isaac was borne vnto him.
6 Sara anati, “Mulungu wandibweretsera mseko, ndipo aliyense amene adzamva zimenezi adzaseka nane pamodzi.”
And Sara sayde: God hath made me a laughinge stocke: for all yt heare will laugh at me
7 Ndipo anawonjezera kuti, “Ndani akanamuwuza Abrahamu kuti Sara nʼkudzayamwitsako ana? Chonsecho ndamubalira mwana wamwamuna kuwukalamba wake.”
She sayde also: who wolde haue sayde vnto Abraham that Sara shulde haue geuen childern sucke or yt I shulde haue borne him a sonne in his olde age:
8 Mwana uja anakula mpaka kumuletsa kuyamwa. Tsiku lomuletsa Isake kuyamwa, Abrahamu anakonza phwando lalikulu.
The childe grewe and was wened and Abraham made a great feast the same daye that Isaac was wened.
9 Koma Sara anaona kuti mwana wamwamuna amene Hagara Mwigupto anamuberekera Abrahamu amamuseka,
Sara sawe the sonne of Hagar the Egiptian which she had borne vnto Abraham a mockynge.
10 ndipo anati kwa Abrahamu, “Muchotse mdzakazi ndi mwana wake wamwamunayu, pakuti mwana wa kapolo sadzagawana chuma ndi mwana wanga Isake.”
Then she sayde vnto Abraham: put awaye this bondemayde and hyr sonne: for the sonne of this bondwoman shall not be heyre with my sonne Isaac:
11 Nkhaniyi inamumvetsa chisoni kwambiri Abrahamu chifukwa imakhudza mwana wake.
But the wordes semed verey greavous in Abrahams syghte because of his sonne.
12 Koma Mulungu anamuwuza Abrahamu kuti, “Usamve chisoni motero ndi mnyamatayu ndi mdzakazi wakoyu. Mvetsera chilichonse chomwe Sara akukuwuza, chifukwa zidzukulu zako zidzachokera mwa Isake.
Than the LORde sayde vnto Abraham: let it not be greavous vnto the because of the ladd and of thy bondmayde: But in all that Sara hath saide vnto the heare hir voyce for in Isaac shall thy seed be called.
13 Mwana wa mdzakazi wakoyu ndidzamusandutsa mtundu wa anthu chifukwa ndi mwana wako.”
Moreouer of the sonne of the Bondwoman will I make a nation because he is thy seed.
14 Mmamawa wake, Abrahamu anatenga chakudya ndi botolo la madzi nazipereka kwa Hagara. Anasenzetsa Hagara nawaperekeza pangʼono ndi mnyamatayo. Hagara ananyamuka nayendayenda mʼchipululu cha Beeriseba.
And Abraham rose vp early in the mornyng and toke brede and a bottell with water and gaue it vnto Hagar puttynge it on hir shulders wyth the lad also and sent her awaye. And she departed and wadred vpp and doune in the wyldernes of Berseba.
15 Madzi atatha mʼbotolo muja, anamuyika mnyamatayo pansi pa zitsamba.
When the water was spent that was in the botell she cast the lad vnder a bush
16 Kenaka Hagara anachoka nakakhala pansi cha pakatalipo, pafupifupi mamita makumi asanu ndi anayi, popeza mʼmaganizo mwake amati, “Sindingaonerere mwanayu akufa.” Ndipo anakhala pansi cha poteropo nʼkumalira.
and went and satt her out of syghte a great waye as it were a bowshote off: For she sayde: I will not se the lad dye. And she satt doune out of syghte and lyfte vp hyr voyce and wepte.
17 Mulungu anamva mnyamatayo akulira ndipo mngelo wa Mulungu anayankhula kwa Hagara kuchokera kumwamba nati, “Chavuta nʼchiyani Hagara? Usachite mantha; Mulungu wamva kulira kwa mnyamatayo pamene wagonapo.
And God herde the voyce of the childe. And the angell of God called Hagar out of heaven and sayde vnto her: What ayleth the Hagar? Feare not for God hath herde the voyce of the childe where he lyeth.
18 Munyamule mnyamatayo ndipo umugwire dzanja pakuti ndidzamupanga kukhala mtundu waukulu.”
Aryse and lyfte vp the lad and take hym in thy hande for I will make off him a greate people.
19 Kenaka Mulungu anatsekula maso a Hagara ndipo anaona chitsime cha madzi. Choncho anapita nadzaza botolo lija ndi madzi ndi kumupatsa mnyamatayo kuti amwe.
And God opened hir eyes and she sawe a well of water. And she went and fylled the bottell with water and gaue the boye drynke.
20 Mulungu anali ndi mnyamatayo pamene ankakula. Anakhala ku chipululu nakhala katswiri wolasa uta.
And God was wyth the lad and he grewe and dweld in the wildernesse and became an archer.
21 Akukhala ku chipululu cha Parani, mayi ake anamupezera mkazi wochokera ku Igupto.
And he dweld in the wyldernesse of Pharan. And hys mother gott him a wyfe out of the land of Egypte.
22 Pa nthawiyo, Abimeleki ndi Fikolo wamkulu wankhondo wake anati kwa Abrahamu, “Mulungu ali nawe pa chilichonse umachita.
And it chaunced the same season that Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne spake vnto Abraham saynge: God is wyth the in all that thou doist.
23 Tsopano undilumbirire ine pano pamaso pa Mulungu kuti sudzachita mwa chinyengo ndi ine kapena ana anga kapena zidzukulu zanga. Undionetse ine pamodzi ndi dziko limene ukukhalamo ngati mlendo, kukoma mtima kokhala ngati kumene ndinakuonetsa ine.”
Now therfore swere vnto me even here by God that thou wylt not hurt me nor my childern nor my childerns childern. But that thou shalt deale with me and the contre where thou art a straunger acordynge vnto the kyndnesse that I haue shewed the.
24 Abrahamu anati, “Ine ndikulumbira.”
Then sayde Abraham: I wyll swere.
25 Kenaka Abrahamu anadandaula kwa Abimeleki pa za chitsime chimene antchito a Abimeleki analanda.
And Abraham rebuked Abimelech for a well of water which Abimelech servauntes had taken awaye.
26 Koma Abimeleki anati, “Ine sindikudziwa amene anachita zimenezi. Iwe sunandiwuze, ndipo ndazimva lero zimenezi.”
And Abimelech answered I wyst not who dyd it: Also thou toldest me not nether herde I of it but this daye.
27 Choncho Abrahamu anabweretsa nkhosa ndi ngʼombe nazipereka kwa Abimeleki, ndipo anthu awiriwo anachita pangano.
And Abraham toke shepe and oxen and gaue them vnto Abimelech. And they made both of them a bonde together.
28 Abrahamu anapatulako ana ankhosa aakazi asanu ndi awiri kuchoka pagulu la nkhosa zina,
And Abraham sett vij. lambes by them selues.
29 ndipo Abimeleki anafunsa Abrahamu, “Kodi tanthauzo lake la ana ankhosa aakazi asanu ndi awiri amene wawapatula pawokhawa nʼchiyani?”
And Abimelech sayde vnto Abraham: what meane these. vij. lamdes which thou hast sett by them selues.
30 Iye anayankha kuti, “Landirani ana ankhosa aakazi kuchokera mʼdzanja langa ngati umboni kuti ndinakumba chitsime ichi.”
And he answered: vij. lambes shalt thou take of my hande that it maye be a wytnesse vnto me that I haue dygged this well:
31 Kotero malo amenewo anatchedwa Beeriseba, chifukwa anthu awiriwo analumbirirapo malumbiro.
Wherfore the place is called Berseba because they sware both of them.
32 Atatha kuchita pangano pa Beeriseba, Abimeleki ndi Fikolo mkulu wankhondo wake anabwerera ku dziko la Afilisti.
Thus made they a bonde to gether at Berseba. Than Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne rose vp and turned agayne vnto the lande of the Philistines.
33 Abrahamu anadzala mtengo wa bwemba ku Beeriseba, ndipo anapemphera pamenepo mʼdzina la Yehova, Mulungu Wamuyaya.
And Abraham planted a wodd in Berseba and called there on the name of the LORde the everlastynge God:
34 Ndipo Abrahamu anakhala mʼdziko la Afilisti kwa nthawi yayitali.
and dwelt in the Phelistinlade alonge season

< Genesis 21 >