< Genesis 17 >

1 Pamene Abramu anali ndi zaka 99, Yehova anamuonekera nati, “Ine ndine Mulungu Wamphamvuzonse. Ukhale munthu wochita zolungama nthawi zonse.
In truth, after he began to be ninety-nine years of age, the Lord appeared to him. And he said to him: “I am the Almighty God. Walk in my sight and become complete.
2 Ndipo Ine ndikulonjeza kuti ndidzakupatsa zidzukulu zambiri.”
And I will set my covenant between me and you. And I will multiply you very exceedingly.”
3 Pomwepo Abramu anadziponya pansi ndipo Mulungu anati kwa iye,
Abram fell prone on his face.
4 “Pangano langa ndi iwe ndi ili: Udzakhala kholo la mitundu yambiri ya anthu.
And God said to him: “I AM, and my covenant is with you, and you will be the father of many nations.
5 Sudzatchedwanso Abramu; dzina lako lidzakhala Abrahamu, chifukwa ndakusandutsa kukhala kholo la mitundu yambiri ya anthu.
No longer will your name be called Abram. But you will be called Abraham, for I have established you as the father of many nations.
6 Ndidzakupatsa zidzukulu zambiri motero kuti mitundu yambiri ya anthu idzatuluka mwa iwe. Mafumunso adzatuluka mwa iwe.
And I will cause you to increase very greatly, and I will set you among the nations, and kings will come forth from you.
7 Pangano langa ndi iwe pamodzi ndi zidzukulu za mibado ya mʼtsogolo lidzakhala la muyaya. Ndidzakhala Mulungu wako ndi Mulungu wa zidzukulu zako.
And I will establish my covenant between me and you, and with your offspring after you in their generations, by a perpetual covenant: to be God to you and to your offspring after you.
8 Dziko lonse la Kanaani, limene iwe ukukhala tsopano, ndalipereka kwa iwe ndi kwa zidzukulu zako kuti likhale chuma chanu mpaka muyaya. Ndipo Ine ndidzakhala Mulungu wa zidzukulu zako.”
And I will give to you and to your offspring, the land of your sojourn, all the land of Canaan, as an eternal possession, and I will be their God.”
9 Kenaka Mulungu anati kwa Abrahamu, “Koma iwe pamodzi ndi zidzukulu zako zobwera pambuyo pako mʼmibado ya mʼtsogolomo, sungani pangano langali.
Again God said to Abraham: “And you therefore shall keep my covenant, and your offspring after you in their generations.
10 Iwe pamodzi ndi zidzukulu zako zobwera pambuyo pako muzisunga pangano ili loti mwamuna aliyense pakati panupa azichita mdulidwe.
This is my covenant, which you shall observe, between me and you, and your offspring after you: All the males among you shall be circumcised.
11 Kuyambira tsopano muzichita mdulidwe ndipo ichi chidzakhala chizindikiro cha pangano langa ndi iwe.
And you shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, so that it may be a sign of the covenant between me and you.
12 Kuyambira tsopano mpaka mibado ya mʼtsogolomo mwana wamwamuna aliyense pakati panu amene wakwana masiku asanu ndi atatu ayenera kuchita mdulidwe. Awa ndi ana obadwa mʼbanja lako, kapena akapolo ochita kugula ndi ndalama, mlendo osakhala wa mʼmbumba yako.
An infant of eight days will be circumcised among you, every male in your generations. So also servants born to you, as well as those bought, shall be circumcised, even those who are not of your stock.
13 Achite mdulidwe ndithu mwana wamwamuna aliyense, mbadwa ngakhale kapolo wochita kugula ndi ndalama, ndipo ichi chidzakhala chizindikiro pa thupi lanu cha pangano langa lamuyaya.
And my covenant shall be with your flesh as an eternal covenant.
14 Mwamuna aliyense amene adzakhala wosachita mdulidwe adzachotsedwa pakati pa anthu ake chifukwa sanasunge pangano langa.”
The male, the flesh of whose foreskin will not be circumcised, that soul shall be eliminated from his people. For he has made my covenant void.”
15 Mulungu anatinso kwa Abrahamu, “Sarai mkazi wako, sudzamutchanso Sarai; dzina lake lidzakhala Sara.
God said also to Abraham: “Your wife Sarai, you shall not call Sarai, but Sarah.
16 Ndidzamudalitsa ndipo adzakubalira mwana wamwamuna. Ndidzamudalitsa kuti akhale mayi wa mitundu ya anthu; mafumu a anthuwo adzachokera mwa iye.”
And I will bless her, and from her I will give you a son, whom I will bless, and he will be among the nations, and the kings of the peoples will rise from him.”
17 Abrahamu anadzigwetsa pansi pamaso pa Yehova, Iye anaseka nati, “Kodi munthu wa zaka 100 nʼkubala mwana? Kodi Sara adzabereka mwana pa msinkhu wa zaka makumi asanu ndi anayi?”
Abraham fell on his face, and he laughed, saying in his heart: “Do you think a son can be born to a one hundred year old man? And will Sarah give birth at the age of ninety?”
18 Ndipo Abrahamu anati kwa Mulungu, “Bwanji mumudalitse Ismaeli.”
And he said to God, “If only Ishmael would live in your sight.”
19 Koma Mulungu anati, “Ayi, koma mkazi wako Sara adzakubalira mwana wamwamuna, ndipo udzamutcha Isake. Ndidzasunga pangano langa losatha ndi iyeyu komanso ndi zidzukulu zobwera pambuyo pake.
And God said to Abraham: “Your wife Sarah shall give birth to a son, and you shall call his name Isaac, and I will establish my covenant with him as a perpetual covenant, and with his offspring after him.
20 Koma za Ismaeli, ndamva. Ndidzamudalitsadi, ndipo adzakhala ndi zidzukulu zambiri. Iye adzakhala kholo la mafumu khumi ndi awiri ndipo mwa iye mudzatuluka mtundu waukulu wa anthu.
Likewise, concerning Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless and enlarge him, and I will multiply him greatly. He will produce twelve leaders, and I will make him into a great nation.
21 Koma ndidzasunga pangano langali ndi Isake amene Sara adzakubalira pofika nthawi ngati ino chaka chamawa.”
Yet in truth, I will establish my covenant with Isaac, to whom Sarah will give birth for you at this time next year.”
22 Atatha kuyankhula, Mulungu anamuchokera Abrahamu.
And when he had finished speaking with him, God ascended from Abraham.
23 Tsono Abrahamu anachita mdulidwe mwana wake Ismaeli ndi onse amene anali mʼbanja lake, mbadwa ngakhale kapolo ochita kugula ndi ndalama, monga mmene Mulungu analamulira.
Then Abraham took his son Ishmael, and all who were born in his house, and all whom he had bought, every male among the men of his house, and he circumcised the flesh of their foreskin promptly, the very same day, just as God had instructed him.
24 Abrahamu anali ndi zaka 99 pamene anachita mdulidwe,
Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he circumcised the flesh of his foreskin.
25 ndipo mwana wake Ismaeli anali ndi zaka khumi ndi zitatu;
And his son Ishmael had completed thirteen years at the time of his circumcision.
26 Onse, Abrahamu ndi mwana wake Ismaeli, anachita mdulidwe tsiku limodzi.
On the very same day, Abraham was circumcised with his son Ishmael.
27 Aliyense wamwamuna wa pa banja pa Abrahamu, kuphatikizapo iwo amene anabadwira pa banja pomwepo kapena akapolo ogula ndi ndalama kwa alendo, anachita mdulidwe.
And all the men of his house, those born in his house, as well as those who were bought, even the foreigners, were circumcised with him.

< Genesis 17 >