< Ezara 6 >

1 Atalandira mawuwo mfumu Dariyo anapereka lamulo ndipo kafukufuku anachitikadi ku Babuloni mʼnyumba yosungira chuma ndi mabuku ambiri yakale.
Then king Darius gave orders, and search was made in the house of the rolls, where the treasures were laid up in Babylon.
2 Ndipo ku Ekibatana, likulu la dera la Mediya, kunapezeka mpukutu mmene munalembedwa kuti, Chikumbutso:
And there was found at Achmetha in the fortress that is in the province of Media a roll, and therein was a record thus written:
3 Mʼchaka choyamba cha ufumu wa Koresi, mfumuyo inapereka lamulo lokhudza Nyumba ya Mulungu mu Yerusalemu. Analamula kuti Nyumba ya Mulungu imangidwenso kukhala malo woperekerako nsembe. Maziko ake amangidwe kolimba pa malo pomwe paja pali maziko ake akale ndipo mulitali mwake mukhale mamita 27, mulifupi mwake mukhale mamita 27.
In the first year of king Cyrus, king Cyrus made a decree [concerning] the house of God at Jerusalem: Let the house be built for a place where they offer sacrifices, and let its foundations be solidly laid; its height sixty cubits, its breadth sixty cubits,
4 Mumange mizere itatu ya miyala yayikulu ndi mzere umodzi wa matabwa, ndalama zake zolipirira ntchitoyo zichokere mʼthumba la ufumu.
[with] three rows of great stones, and a row of new timber; and let the expenses be given out of the king's house:
5 Ndipo ziwiya zagolide ndi zasiliva za ku Nyumba ya Mulungu zimene Nebukadinezara anatenga mʼNyumba ya Mulungu ku Yerusalemu kupita nazo ku Babuloni, zonsezi zibwezedwe ndipo zipite ku Nyumba ya Mulungu ku Yerusalemu. Chilichonse chikabwezedwe pamalo pake mʼNyumbayo.
and also let the golden and silver vessels of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar took out of the temple that is at Jerusalem and brought to Babylon, be restored and brought again to the temple that is at Jerusalem, in their place; and thou shalt put [them] in the house of God.
6 Tsopano Tatenai, bwanamkubwa wa dera la Patsidya pa Yufurate ndiponso Setari-Bozenai pamodzi ndi anzanu muchokeko kumeneko.
Therefore Tatnai, governor beyond the river, Shethar-boznai, and your companions the Apharsachites, who are beyond the river, be ye far from thence:
7 Ntchito yomanga Nyumba ya Mulunguyi muyileke. Mulekeni bwanamkubwa wa Ayuda ndiponso akuluakulu a Ayuda kuti amangenso Nyumba ya Mulunguyo pamalo pake.
let the work of this house of God alone; let the governor of the Jews and the elders of the Jews build this house of God in its place.
8 Kuwonjezera pamenepo, ndikukhazikitsa lamulo lonena za mmene mudzachitire ndi akuluakulu a Ayuda powathandiza kumanganso Nyumba ya Mulunguyo: Anthuwa muwalipire msanga kuchokera mʼthumba la ufumu, kuchotsa pa msonkho wa dera la Patsidya pa Yufurate.
Moreover, I give orders what ye shall do to these elders of the Jews, for the building of this house of God: that of the king's goods, of the tribute beyond the river, expenses be diligently given to these men, that they be not hindered.
9 Ndipo zonse zofunikira monga, ana angʼombe, nkhosa zazimuna, ana ankhosa aamuna zoperekera nsembe yopsereza kwa Mulungu wakumwamba, ndi tirigu, mchere, vinyo ndi mafuta monga mmene ansembe a ku Yerusalemu angafunire, muziwapatsa zimenezo tsiku ndi tsiku ndipo musamalephere kutero.
And that which they have need of, both young bullocks and rams and lambs, for the burnt-offerings to the God of the heavens, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, according to the appointment of the priests that are at Jerusalem, let it be given them day by day without fail;
10 Zikatero ndiye kuti azipereka nsembe za fungo lokomera Mulungu wakumwamba ndi kupempherera moyo wa mfumu ndi ana ake.
that they may present sweet odours to the God of the heavens, and pray for the life of the king and of his sons.
11 Ndikulamulanso kuti ngati wina asintha zimene ndalamulazi, mtanda umodzi wa nyumba yake udzasololedwa ndi kumunkhomera pamenepo ndipo nyumba yake adzayisandutse dzala.
Also I have given order that whosoever shall alter this rescript, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
12 Mulungu amene anasankha kuti anthu azimupembedza pa malo amenewa, achotse mfumu iliyonse kapena munthu aliyense amene adzasinthe zimenezi kapena kuwononga Nyumba ya Mulungu ya ku Yerusalemuko. Ine Dariyo ndikuyika lamuloli, aliyense alitsate mosamala kwambiri.
And the God that has caused his name to dwell there overthrow every king and people that shall put forth their hand to alter [or] to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have given [this] order; let it be done diligently.
13 Tsono potsata zomwe analamula mfumu Dariyo, Tatenai bwanamkubwa wa dera la Patsidya pa Yufurate, Setari-Bozenai ndi anzawo anatsatira mosamala kwambiri zimene mfumu Dariyo analamula.
Then Tatnai, governor on this side the river, Shethar-boznai, and their companions, because of that which king Darius had sent, did so diligently.
14 Ndipo akuluakulu a Ayuda anapitiriza ntchito yomanga ija molimbikitsidwa ndi aneneri Hagai ndi Zekariya mwana wa Ido. Anamaliza ntchito yomanga Nyumbayo, monga momwe Mulungu wa Israeli analamulira ndiponso potsata lamulo la Koresi, Dariyo ndi Aritasasita, mafumu a ku Perisiya.
And the elders of the Jews built; and they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they built and completed [it] according to the commandment of the God of Israel, and according to the commandment of Cyrus, and Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.
15 Anatsiriza kumanga Nyumbayo pa tsiku lachitatu la mwezi wa Adara mʼchaka chachisanu ndi chimodzi cha ulamuliro wa mfumu Dariyo.
And this house was finished on the third day of the month Adar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of king Darius.
16 Choncho Aisraeli, ansembe, Alevi ndi anthu ena onse amene anali atabwerako ku ukapolo, anachita chikondwerero chopereka Nyumba ya Mulungu mwachimwemwe.
And the children of Israel, the priests and the Levites, and the rest of the children of the captivity, kept the dedication of this house of God with joy;
17 Poporeka Nyumba ya Mulunguyi, anthu anapereka nsembe za ngʼombe zazimuna 100, nkhosa zazimuna 200, ana ankhosa aamuna 400. Anaperekanso mbuzi zazimuna 12 ngati nsembe yopepesera machimo a anthu onse, potsata chiwerengero cha mafuko a Israeli.
and they presented at the dedication of this house of God a hundred bullocks, two hundred rams, four hundred lambs, and for a sin-offering for all Israel, twelve he-goats, according to the number of the tribes of Israel.
18 Ndipo anakhazikitsa ansembe ndi Alevi pa ntchito zawo zotumikira Mulungu mu Yerusalemu monga zinalembedwera mʼbuku la Mose.
And they set the priests in their classes, and the Levites in their divisions, for the service of God, which is at Jerusalem: as it is written in the book of Moses.
19 Pa tsiku la khumi ndi chinayi la mwezi woyamba, obwera ku ukapolo aja anachita chikondwerero cha Paska.
And the children of the captivity held the passover upon the fourteenth of the first month.
20 Ansembe ndi Alevi anali atadziyeretsa ndipo onsewo anali oyeretsedwa. Alevi anapha mwana wankhosa wa Paska kuphera onse amene anatuluka ku ukapolo, ansembe anzawo ndi iwo eni.
For the priests and the Levites had purified themselves as one [man]: they were all pure; and they killed the passover for all the children of the captivity, and for their brethren the priests, and for themselves.
21 Nkhosa ya Paskayo anayidya ndi Aisraeli onse amene anatuluka ku ukapolo, wina aliyense amene anaphatikana nawo atadziyeretsa ku zonyansa za mitundu ina ya anthu akunja a mʼdzikomo kuti apembedze Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli.
And the children of Israel that were come back out of captivity, and all such as had separated themselves to them from the filthiness of the nations of the land, to seek Jehovah the God of Israel, did eat;
22 Choncho pa masiku asanu ndi awiri anasangalala pa chikondwerero cha buledi wopanda yisiti, chifukwa Yehova anawadzaza ndi chimwemwe. Iye anatembenuza mtima wa mfumu ya ku Asiriya motero kuti iyo inakomera mtima Aisraeli ndi kuwathandiza ntchito yomanga Nyumba ya Mulungu, Mulungu wa Israeli.
and they kept the feast of unleavened bread seven days with joy; for Jehovah had made them joyful, and turned the heart of the king of Assyria to them, to strengthen their hands in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.

< Ezara 6 >