< Eksodo 26 >

1 “Panga chihema pogwiritsa ntchito nsalu khumi zofewa, zosalala ndi zolukidwa bwino, zobiriwira, zapepo ndi zofiira. Ndipo anthu aluso apete pa nsaluzo Akerubi.
Forsothe the tabernacle schal be maad thus; thou schalt make ten curtyns of bijs foldyd ayen, and of iacynt, of purpur, and of reed silk twies died, dyuersid bi broidery werk.
2 Nsalu zonse zikhale zofanana. Mulitali mwake zikhale mamita khumi ndi atatu, mulifupi mamita awiri.
The lengthe of o curteyn schal haue eiyte and twenti cubitis, the broodnesse schal be of foure cubitis; alle tentis schulen be maad of o mesure.
3 Ulumikize nsalu zisanu kuti ikhale nsalu imodzi. Uchite chimodzimodzi ndi nsalu zisanu zinazo.
Fyue curtyns schulen be ioyned to hem silf to gidere, and othere fiue cleue to gidere bi lijk boond.
4 Panga zokolowekamo za nsalu yobiriwira mʼmphepete mwa nsalu imodzi yotsiriza ya mbali ina. Uchitenso chimodzimodzi ndi nsalu yotsiriza ya mbali inayo.
Thou schalt make handels of iacynt in the sidis, and hiynessis of curtyns, that tho moun be couplid to gidere.
5 Upange zokolowekamo 50 pa nsalu yoyamba ndi zokolowekamo makumi asanu zinanso pa nsalu inayo. Upange motero kuti zokolowekamozo ziziyangʼanana.
A curteyn schal haue fyfti handlis in euer eithir part, so set yn, that `an handle come ayen an handle, and the toon may be schappid to the tothir.
6 Kenaka upange ngowe zagolide makumi asanu zolumikizira nsalu ziwirizo kuti zipange chihema chimodzi.
And thou schalt make fifti goldun ryngis, bi whiche the `veilis of curteyns schulen be ioyned, that o tabernacle be maad.
7 “Upange nsalu za ubweya wambuzi zophimba pamwamba pa chihemacho. Nsalu zonse pamodzi zikhale khumi ndi imodzi.
Also thou schalt make enleuene saies to kyuere the hilyng of the tabernacle;
8 Nsalu zonse khumi ndi imodzi zikhale zofanana. Mulitali mwake mukhale mamita khumi ndi anayi ndipo mulifupi mwake mukhale mamita awiri.
the lengthe of o say schal haue thretti cubitis, and the breed schal haue foure cubitis; euene mesure schal be of alle saies.
9 Ulumikize nsalu zisanu kuti ikhale nsalu imodzi ndipo zina zisanu ndi imodzi uzilumikizenso kuti ikhale nsalu imodzinso. Nsalu yachisanu ndi chimodzi imene ili kutsogolo kwa tenti uyipinde pawiri.
Of which thou schalt ioyne fyue by hem silf, and thou schalt couple sixe to hem silf togidere, so that thou double the sixte say in the frount of the roof.
10 Upange zokolowekamo 50 mʼmphepete mwa nsalu imodzi yotsirizira ya nsalu yoyamba yolumikiza ija. Upangenso zokolowekamo zina 50 mʼmphepete mwa nsalu yotsirizira ya nsalu inanso yolumikiza ija.
And thou schalt make fifti handles in the hemme of o say, that it may be ioyned with the tother; and `thou schalt make fifti handles in the hemme of the tothir say, that it be couplid with the tothir;
11 Kenaka upange ngowe 50 zamkuwa ndipo uzilowetse mu zokolowekazo. Ndiye uphatikize nsalu ziwirizo kuti tentiyo ikhale imodzi.
thou schalt make fifti fastnyngis of bras, bi whiche the handles schulen be ioyned to gidere, that oon hylyng be maad of alle.
12 Theka lotsalira la nsaluyo lidzalendewera kumbuyo kwa chihemacho.
Sotheli that that is residue in the saies, that ben maad redi to the hilyng, that is, o sai whych is more, of the myddis therof thou schalt hile the hyndrere part of the tabernacle; and a cubit schal hange on o part,
13 Nsalu yotsalira ya masentimita 46 mulitali mwake mʼmbali zonse ziwiri idzalendewere kuphimba mbali ziwirizo.
and the tother cubit on the tother part, which cubit is more in the lengthe of saies, and schal hile euer either syde of the tabernacle.
14 Upange chikopa cha nkhosa zazimuna cha utoto wofiira chophimbira tentiyo ndipo pamwamba pake upangireponso chophimbira china cha zikopa za akatumbu.
And thou schalt make another hilyng to the roof, of `skynnes of wetheres maad reed, and ouer this thou schalt make eft anothir hilyng of `skynnes of iacynt.
15 “Upange maferemu amatabwa amtengo wa mkesha oyimikira chihemacho.
Also thou schalt make stondynge tablis of the tabernacle, of the trees of Sechym,
16 Feremu iliyonse ikhale yotalika mamita anayi ndipo mulifupi mwake mukhale masentimita 69.
whiche tablis schulen haue ech bi hem silf ten cubitis in lengthe, and in brede a cubit and half.
17 Thabwa lililonse likhale ndi zolumikizira ziwiri. Upange maferemu onse a chihemacho ndi matabwa otere.
Forsothe twei dentyngis schulen be in the sidis of a table, bi which a table schal be ioyned to another table; and in this maner alle the tablis schulen be maad redi.
18 Upange maferemu makumi awiri a mbali yakummwera kwa chihemacho.
Of whiche tablis twenti schulen be in the myddai side, that goith to the south;
19 Ndipo upange matsinde 40 asiliva ndipo uwayike pansi pa maferemuwo. Pansi pa feremu iliyonse pakhale matsinde awiri ogwiriziza zolumikizira ziwiri zija.
to whiche tablis thou schalt yete fourti silueren foundementis, that twei foundementis be set vndir ech table, bi twei corneris.
20 Ndipo mbali yakumpoto ya chihemacho upangenso maferemu makumi awiri.
In the secounde side of the tabernacle, that goith to the north, schulen be twenti tablis, hauynge fourti silueren foundementis; twei foundementis schulen be set vndir ech table.
21 Upangenso matsinde 40 asiliva, awiri pansi pa feremu iliyonse.
Sotheli at the west coost of the tabernacle thou schalt make sixe tablis;
22 Upange maferemu asanu ndi imodzi a kumbuyo kwa tenti, kumbali yakumadzulo.
and eft thou schalt make tweine othere tablis,
23 Ndipo upangenso maferemu awiri a pa ngodya yakumbuyo kwenikweni kwa tenti.
that schulen be reisid in the corneris `bihynde the bak of the taberancle;
24 Pa ngodya ziwirizi pakhale maferemu awiri, kuyambira pansi mpaka pamwamba ndipo alumikizidwe pa ngowe imodzi. Maferemu onse akhale ofanana.
and the tablis schulen be ioyned to hem silf fro bynethe til to aboue, and o ioynyng schal withholde alle the tablis. And lijk ioynyng schal be kept to the twei tablis, that schulen be set in the corneris,
25 Choncho pakhale maferemu asanu ndi atatu ndiponso matsinde 16 asiliva, awiri akhale pansi pa feremu iliyonse.
and tho schulen be eiyte tablis to gidere; the siluerne foundementis of tho schulen be sixtene, while twei foundementis ben rikenyd bi o table.
26 “Upange mitanda ya matabwa amtengo wa mkesha: mitanda isanu ikhale ya maferemu a mbali imodzi ya chihema,
Thou schalt make also fyue barris of `trees of Sechym, to holde togidere the tablis in o side of the tabernacle,
27 mitanda isanu inanso ikhale ya maferemu a mbali inayo. Pakhalenso mitanda ina isanu ya mbali yakumadzulo, kumapeto kwenikweni kwa chihema.
and fyue othere barris in the tother side, and of the same noumbre at the west coost;
28 Mtanda wapakati pa maferemuwo uchokere pa maferemu a mbali ina mpaka mbali inanso.
whiche barris schulen be put thorou the myddil tablis fro the toon ende til to the tothir.
29 Maferemuwo uwakute ndi golide ndiponso upange mphete zagolide zogwiriziza mitandayo. Ndipo mitandayonso uyikute ndi golide.
And thou schalt ouergilde tho tablis, and thou schalt yete goldun ryngis in tho, bi whiche ryngis, the barris schulen holde togidere the werk of tablis, whyche barris thou schalt hile with goldun platis.
30 “Upange chihema mofanana ndi momwe ndinakuonetsera pa phiri paja.
And thou schalt reise the tabernacle, bi the saumpler that was schewid to thee in the hil.
31 “Upange nsalu yokhala ndi mtundu wamtambo, wapepo ndi ofiira ndipo nsaluyo ikhale yolukidwa bwino, yofewa ndi yosalala. Ndipo anthu aluso apetepo zithunzi za Akerubi.
Thou schalt make also a veil of iacynt, and purpur, and of reed silk twies died, and of bijs foldid ayen bi broideri werk, and wouun to gidere bi fair dyuersite;
32 Nsaluyo uyikoloweke pa nsanamira zinayi zamtengo wa mkesha zokutidwa ndi golide zomwe zili ndi ngowe zagolide, zomwe zayima pa matsinde asiliva anayi.
which veil thou schalt hange bifor foure pileris of `the trees of Sechym; and sotheli tho pileris schulen be ouergildid; and tho schulen haue goldun heedis, but foundementis of siluer.
33 Ukoloweke kataniyo ku ngowe ndipo uyike Bokosi la Chipangano mʼkatimo. Kataniyo idzalekanitse malo wopatulika ndi malo wopatulika kwambiri.
Forsothe the veil schal be set in bi the cerclis, with ynne which veil thou schalt sette the arke of witnessyng, wherbi the seyntuarye and the seyntuaries of seyntuarie schulen be departid.
34 Uyike chivundikiro pa bokosi laumboni ku malo wopatulika kwambiri.
And thou schalt sette the propiciatorie on the arke of witnessyng, in to the hooli of hooli thingis;
35 Uyike tebulo kunja kwa katani yotchinga cha kumpoto kwa chihema ndipo uyike choyikapo nyale chija kummwera moyangʼanana ndi tebulolo.
and thou schalt sette a boord with out the veil, and ayens the boord `thou schalt sette the candilstike in the south side of the tabernacle; for the bord schal stonde in the north side.
36 “Pa chipata cholowera mu chihema, uyikepo nsalu yamtundu wamtambo, wapepo ndi ofiira, yomwe ndi yofewa ndi yosalala, yopetedwa bwino ndi amisiri aluso.
Thou schalt make also a tente in the entryng of the tabernacle, of iacynt, and purpur, and of reed selk twies died, and of bijs foldid ayen bi broidery werk.
37 Upange ngowe zagolide za nsaluyo ndi nsanamira zisanu zamtengo wa mkesha ndipo uzikute ndi golide. Upangenso matsinde asanu amkuwa a nsanamirazo.”
And thou schalt ouergilde fyue pileris of `trees of Sechym, bifor whiche pileris the tente schal be led, of whiche pileris the heedis schulen be of gold, and the foundementis of bras.

< Eksodo 26 >