< Eksodo 25 >
1 Yehova ananena kwa Mose kuti,
Yahweh said to Moses/me, “There [are many things that I want] you to tell to the Israeli people.
2 “Uza Aisraeli kuti abweretse chopereka kwa Ine. Iwe ulandire choperekacho mʼmalo mwanga kuchokera kwa munthu amene akupereka mwakufuna kwake.
Tell them that they must give offerings/gifts to me. Receive from the people every offering/gift that they want to give to me.
3 Zopereka zimene ulandire kwa anthuwo ndi izi: Golide, siliva ndi mkuwa.
These are the things that they may offer/give: Gold, silver, bronze,
4 Nsalu zobiriwira, zapepo, zofiira, nsalu zofewa, ubweya wambuzi;
blue, purple, and scarlet yarn/wool, fine (linen/white cloth), goats’ hair for making [cloth],
5 zikopa za nkhosa zazimuna za utoto wofiira ndi zikopa za akatumbu; matabwa amtengo wa mkesha;
rams’ skins that have been (tanned/dyed red), goatskins, [hard] wood from acacia [trees],
6 mafuta anyale a olivi, zonunkhiritsa mafuta odzozera ndi zopangira lubani wonunkhira;
olive oil [to burn] in the lamps, spices to [put in] the olive oil for anointing [the priests] and in the sweet-smelling incense,
7 miyala yokongola ya mtundu wa onikisi ndi ina yabwino yoyika pa efodi ndi pa chovala cha pachifuwa.
[expensive quartz] stones [called] onyx, and other expensive stones to be fastened [to the priest’s vest] and put on the pouches [that are to be fastened to the vest].
8 “Iwo andipangire malo wopatulika, ndipo Ine ndidzakhala pakati pawo.
Tell the people to make a big Sacred Tent for me, so that I can live in it among them.
9 Umange chihema ndiponso ziwiya zamʼkatimo monga momwe Ine ndidzakuonetsere.
They must make the Sacred Tent and all the things that will be used inside it according to the plan/model that I will show you.”
10 “Tsono apange bokosi lamatabwa amtengo wa mkesha, ndipo kutalika kwake kukhale masentimita 114, mulifupi mwake masentimita 69, msinkhu wake masentimita 69.
“[Tell the people to] make a [sacred] chest from acacia wood. It is to be (45 in./110 cm.) long, (27 in./66 cm.) wide, and (27 in./66 cm.) high.
11 Bokosilo ulikute ndi golide wabwino kwambiri, mʼkati mwake ndi kunja komwe, ndipo upange mkombero wagolide kuzungulira bokosilo.
Cover it with pure gold inside and outside, and put a gold border around the top of it.
12 Upange mphete zinayi zagolide ndipo uzimangirire ku miyendo yake inayi ya bokosilo, mbali ina ziwiri ndi mbali inanso ziwiri.
[They must] make/cast four rings from gold and fasten them to the legs of the chest. Put two rings on each side of the chest.
13 Kenaka upange mizati yamtengo wa mkesha ndi kuzikuta ndi golide.
[They must] make [two] poles from acacia wood, and they must cover them with gold.
14 Ndipo ulowetse nsichizo mʼmphete zija za mbali zonse ziwiri za bokosilo kuti azinyamulira.
[They must] put the poles into the rings on the sides of the chest, so that the chest can be carried by the poles.
15 Nsichizo zizikhala mʼmphete za bokosilo nthawi zonse, zisamachotsedwe.
The poles must always be left in the rings; they must not take the poles out [of the rings].
16 Ndipo udzayike mʼbokosilo miyala iwiri yolembedwapo malamulo imene Ine ndidzakupatse.
Put inside the chest the [two stone slabs that I will give you, on which] I have written my commandments.
17 “Upange chivundikiro cha bokosilo cha golide wabwino kwambiri, kutalika kwake masentimita 114, mulifupi mwake masentimita 69.
[Tell them to] make a lid for the chest from pure gold. [It will be the place where I will] forgive people’s sins. It [also] is to be (45 in./110 cm.) long and (27 in./66 cm.) wide.
18 Ndipo upange Akerubi awiri agolide osula ndi nyundo, uwayike mbali ziwiri za chivundikirocho,
[Tell them to] hammer [huge lump of] gold into the form of two creatures that have wings.
19 kerubi mmodzi mbali ina ndi wina mbali inayo. Akerubiwa uwapangire limodzi ndi chivundikirocho mʼmapeto mwa mbali ziwirizo.
One of these is to be put at each end of the chest, but the gold [from which] they [are made] must be joined to the gold from which the lid [is made].
20 Mapiko a Akerubiwo adzatambasukire pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosilo kuti achiphimbe. Akerubiwo adzakhale choyangʼanana, aliyense kuyangʼana chivundikirocho.
[Tell them to place the] winged creatures so that their wings touch each other and spread out over the lid.
21 Uyike chivundikirocho pamwamba pa bokosi ndipo mʼbokosilo uyikemo miyala ya malamulo, imene ndidzakupatse.
Put inside the chest the stone slabs that I will give you. Then fasten the lid onto the top of the chest.
22 Ndizidzakumana nawe pamenepo, pamwamba pa chivundikiro cha bokosilo, pakati pa Akerubi awiriwo, ndikumadzakupatsa malamulo onse okhudzana ndi Aisraeli.
I will set times to talk with you there. From above the lid of the chest, between the two winged creatures, I will tell to you all my laws that [you must tell] to the Israeli people.”
23 “Upange tebulo la matabwa amtengo wa mkesha, mulitali mwake masentimita 91, mulifupi mwake masentimita 46, msinkhu wake masentimita 69.
“[Tell them to] make a table from acacia wood. It is to be (36 in./88 cm.) long, (18 in./66 cm.) wide, and (27 in./66 cm.) high.
24 Tebulolo ulikute ndi golide wabwino kwambiri ndipo upange mkombero wagolide mʼmbali mwake.
[Tell them to] cover it with pure gold and put a gold border around it.
25 Upange feremu yozungulira tebulo, mulifupi mwake ngati chikhatho cha dzanja, ndipo uyike mkombero wagolide kuzungulira feremuyo.
[Tell them to] make a rim all around it, (3 in./7.5 cm.) wide, and put a gold border around the rim.
26 Upange mphete zinayi zagolide, ndipo uzilumikize ku ngodya zake zinayi, kumene kuli miyendo yake inayi.
[Tell them to] make/cast four rings from gold and fasten the rings to the four corners of the table, one ring close to each leg [of the table].
27 Mphetezo uziyike kufupi ndi feremu kuti azikolowekamo nsichi zonyamulira tebuloyo.
The rings should be fastened to the table near the rim.
28 Upange nsichi zamtengo wa mkesha ndi kuzikuta ndi golide kuti azinyamulira tebulolo.
Make two poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold. The poles for carrying the table are to be inserted in the rings.
29 Upange mbale ndi zipande zagolide wabwino, pamodzinso ndi mitsuko ndi mabeseni zogwiritsa ntchito popereka nsembe.
Also [tell them to] make plates, cups, jars, and bowls to be used [when the priests] pour out wine [to offer to me]. They must all be made from pure gold.
30 Pa tebulopo uyikepo buledi woperekedwa kosalekeza, kuti azikhala pamaso panga nthawi zonse.
On the table, in front of the chest, there must always be the loaves of sacred bread [that the priests have offered] to me.”
31 “Upange choyikapo nyale chagolide wabwino kwambiri. Tsinde lake ndi mphanda zake zikhale zosulidwa ndi nyundo. Zikho zake zokhala ndi mphukira ndi maluwa ake zipangidwire kumodzi.
“[Tell them to] make a lampstand from pure gold. They must hammer [one large lump of] gold to make its base and its shaft. [The branches of the lampstand], the cups for holding the oil, the flower buds and the [flower] petals [that decorate the branches of the lamp, the base, and the shaft are all to be hammered from] one [big] lump of gold.
32 Mʼmbali mwake mukhale mphanda zisanu ndi imodzi, zitatu mbali iliyonse.
There are to be six branches on the lampstand, three on each side [of the shaft].
33 Zikho zitatu zokhala ngati za maluwa amtowo, mphukira ndi duwa zikhale pa mphanda yoyamba. Pa mphanda yachiwiri pakhalenso zikho zitatu zokhala ngati za maluwa amtowo, mphukira ndi duwa. Ndipo mphanda zonse zisanu ndi imodzi zikhale chimodzimodzi ndipo zituluke mʼchoyikapo nyalecho.
Each of the branches is to have on it three [gold decorations that will look like] almond blossoms. These decorations must also have flower buds and [flower] petals.
34 Pa choyikapo nyalecho pakhale zikho zinayi zopangidwa ngati maluwa amtowo ali ndi mphukira ndi maluwa.
On the [shaft of the] lampstand there are to be four [gold decorations that also look like] almond blossoms, each one with flower buds and petals.
35 Mphukira yoyamba ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi ziwiri zoyamba za pa choyikapo nyale. Mphukira yachiwiri ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi ziwiri zinazo. Ndipo mphukira yachitatu ikhale mʼmunsi mwa nthambi zina ziwirinso. Zonse pamodzi zikhale nthambi zisanu ndi imodzi
On each side, there is to be one [flower] bud beneath each of the branches.
36 Mphukira ndi nthambi zonse zisulidwe kumodzi ndi choyikapo nyalecho ndi golide wabwino kwambiri.
All these buds and branches, along with the shaft, are to be hammered from one large lump of pure gold.
37 “Ndipo upange nyale zisanu ndi ziwiri ndi kuziyika pa choyikapo nyalecho kuti ziwunikire kutsogolo.
Also [tell them to] make seven small cups [for holding oil. One is to be put on top of the shaft and the others are to be put on top of the branches]. Place these cups so that [when the lamps are lit], the light will shine toward the (front of the lampstand/entrance).
38 Mbaniro ndi zowolera phulusa zikhale zagolide wabwino kwambiri.
[Tell them to] make tongs from pure gold, [to remove the burned wicks] and trays [in which to put the burned wicks].
39 Choyikapo nyale ndi zipangizo zonse zipangidwe ndi golide wabwino kwambiri wolemera makilogalamu 34.
[Tell them to] use (75 pounds/35 kg.) of pure gold to make the lampstand and the tongs and the trays.
40 Uwonetsetse kuti wapanga zonse monga momwe ndikukuonetsera pa phiri pano.”
Make sure that they make these things according to the instructions that I am giving you [here] on [this] mountain.”