< Eksodo 22 >

1 “Ngati munthu aba ngʼombe kapena nkhosa ndi kuyipha kapena kuyigulitsa, iye abweze ngʼombe zisanu pa ngʼombe imodzi ndi nkhosa zinayi pa nkhosa imodzi.
'When a man doth steal an ox or sheep, and hath slaughtered it or sold it, five of the herd he doth repay for the ox, and four of the flock for the sheep.
2 “Ngati mbala ipezeka ikuthyola nyumba ndipo imenyedwa nʼkufa, amene wapha mbalayo sanalakwe.
'If in the breaking through, the thief is found, and he hath been smitten, and hath died, there is no blood for him;
3 Koma akayipha dzuwa litatuluka, woyiphayo ali ndi mlandu wakupha. “Mbala iyenera kubweza ndithu koma ngati ilibe kalikonse igulitsidwe, kulipira zomwe yabazo.
if the sun hath risen upon him, blood [is] for him, he doth certainly repay; if he have nothing, then he hath been sold for his theft;
4 “Ngati chiweto chobedwacho chipezeka chamoyo mʼmanja mwake, kaya ndi ngʼombe kapena bulu kapena nkhosa, mbalayo ibwezere ziweto ziwiri pa chiweto chobedwacho.
if the theft is certainly found in his hand alive, whether ox, or ass, or sheep — double he repayeth.
5 “Ngati munthu alekerera ziweto zake kukalowa mʼmunda wa munthu wina kukadya mbewu zake, munthuyo amubwezere mwini mundawo mbewu zina zabwino kapena mpesa wina wabwino kwambiri.
'When a man depastureth a field or vineyard, and hath sent out his beast, and it hath pastured in the field of another, [of] the best of his field, and the best of his vineyard, he doth repay.
6 “Ngati munthu ayatsa moto, motowo ndikukafika mpaka ku munda ndi kuwotcha mulu wa tirigu kapena tirigu wosadula, kapena munda wonse, ndiye kuti munthu amene anayatsa motoyo alipire.
'When fire goeth forth, and hath found thorns, and a stack, or the standing corn, or the field, hath been consumed, he who causeth the burning doth certainly repay.
7 “Ngati munthu asungitsidwa ndi mnzake ndalama kapena katundu, ndipo zinthu zija nʼkubedwa mʼnyumba mwake, wakubayo ngati agwidwa, ayenera kubwezera kawiri chobedwacho.
'When a man doth give unto his neighbour silver, or vessels to keep, and it hath been stolen out of the man's house; if the thief is found, he repayeth double.
8 Koma ngati mbalayo sipezeka, mwini nyumbayo ayenera kukaonekera ku bwalo lamilandu kuti akamve ngati anaba katundu wa mnzakeyo.
'If the thief is not found, then the master of the house hath been brought near unto God, whether he hath not put forth his hand against the work of his neighbour;
9 Ngati pali kukangana kokhudza ngʼombe, bulu, nkhosa, zovala kapena kanthu kalikonse kotayika, ndipo mmodzi ndikunena kuti chinthucho nʼchake, awiriwo abwere nawo mlandu wawowo pamaso pa Mulungu ndipo amene mlandu umugomere adzayenera kumulipira mnzakeyo kawiri.
for every matter of transgression, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, for any lost thing of which it is said that it is his; unto God cometh the matter of them both; he whom God doth condemn, he repayeth double to his neighbour.
10 “Ngati munthu wina anasungitsa mnzake bulu, ngʼombe, nkhosa, kapena chiweto chilichonse ndipo chiweto chija nʼkufa kapena kupweteka kapena kutengedwa popanda wina kuona,
'When a man doth give unto his neighbour an ass, or ox, or sheep, or any beast to keep, and it hath died, or hath been hurt, or taken captive, none seeing —
11 ndiye kuti anthu awiriwo ayenera kulumbira pamaso pa Mulungu kuti asatenge chinthu cha mnzake. Zikatero mwini katundu uja avomereze zimenezi ndipo asabwezeredwe kanthu.
an oath of Jehovah is between them both, that he hath not put forth his hand against the work of his neighbour, and its owner hath accepted, and he doth not repay;
12 Koma ngati chiwetocho chinabedwa, iye ayenera kubwezera mwini wakeyo.
but if it is certainly stolen from him, he doth repay to its owner;
13 Ngati chinagwidwa ndi zirombo, iye ayenera kubweretsa zotsalira ngati umboni ndipo sadzalipira kanthu.
if it is certainly torn, he bringeth it in — a witness; the torn thing he doth not repay.
14 “Ngati munthu abwereka chiweto cha mnzake ndipo chiweto chija nʼkuvulala kapena kufa chikanali ndi iyebe, wobwerekayo ayenera kulipira.
'And when a man doth ask [anything] from his neighbour, and it hath been hurt or hath died — its owner not being with it — he doth certainly repay;
15 Koma ngati mwini wakeyo ali ndi chiwetocho, wobwerekayo sadzalipira. Ngati anapereka ndalama pobwereka chiwetocho, ndalama anaperekazo zilowa mʼmalo mwa chiweto chakufacho.
if its owner [is] with it, he doth not repay, — if it [is] a hired thing, it hath come for its hire.
16 “Ngati munthu anyenga namwali wosadziwa mwamuna amene sanapalidwe ubwenzi ndi kugona naye, munthuyo ayenera kulipira malowolo ndipo adzakhala mkazi wake.
'And when a man doth entice a virgin who [is] not betrothed, and hath lain with her, he doth certainly endow her to himself for a wife;
17 Ngati abambo ake akanitsitsa kwamtuwagalu kumupereka kuti amukwatire, munthuyo aperekebe malowolo woyenera namwaliyo.
if her father utterly refuse to give her to him, money he doth weigh out according to the dowry of virgins.
18 “Musayilole mfiti yayikazi kuti ikhale ndi moyo.
'A witch thou dost not keep alive.
19 “Aliyense wogonana ndi chiweto ayenera kuphedwa.
'Whoever lieth with a beast is certainly put to death.
20 “Aliyense wopereka nsembe kwa mulungu wina osati Yehova awonongedwe.
'He who is sacrificing to a god, save to Jehovah alone, is devoted.
21 “Musazunze mlendo kapena kumuchitira nkhanza, pakuti inu munali alendo mʼdziko la Igupto.
'And a sojourner thou dost not oppress, nor crush him, for sojourners ye have been in the land of Egypt.
22 “Musazunze mkazi wamasiye kapena mwana wamasiye.
'Any widow or orphan ye do not afflict;
23 Ngati muwazunza ndipo iwo nʼkulirira kwa Ine, ndidzamva kulira kwawo.
if thou dost really afflict him, surely if he at all cry unto Me, I certainly hear his cry;
24 Ine ndidzakukwiyirani ndipo ndidzakuphani ndi lupanga. Akazi anu adzakhala amasiye ndiponso ana anu adzakhala wopanda abambo.
and Mine anger hath burned, and I have slain you by the sword, and your wives have been widows, and your sons orphans.
25 “Ngati mukongoza ndalama kwa mʼbale wanu amene ndi mʼmphawi pakati panu, musadzamuchite monga zimene amachita wokongoza ndalama. Musadzamuyikire chiwongoladzanja.
'If thou dost lend My poor people with thee money, thou art not to him as a usurer; thou dost not lay on him usury;
26 Mukatenga chovala cha mnzanu kuti chikhale chikole mumubwezere dzuwa lisanalowe
if thou dost at all take in pledge the garment of thy neighbour, during the going in of the sun thou dost return it to him:
27 chifukwa chovala chimene amadzifundira nacho nʼchomwecho. Nanga usiku adzafunda chiyani? Tsonotu ngati adzandilirira, Ine ndidzamva pakuti ndine wachifundo.
for it alone is his covering, it [is] his garment for his skin; wherein doth he lie down? and it hath come to pass, when he doth cry unto Me, that I have heard, for I [am] gracious.
28 “Musachite chipongwe Mulungu wanu kapena kutemberera mtsogoleri wa anthu anu.
'God thou dost not revile, and a prince among thy people thou dost not curse.
29 “Musachedwe kupereka kwa Ine zokolola zanu zochuluka ndi vinyo wanu wochuluka. “Mundipatse ana anu achisamba aamuna.
'Thy fulness and thy liquids thou dost not delay; the first-born of thy sons thou dost give to Me;
30 Muchite chimodzimodzi ndi ngʼombe zanu ndi nkhosa zanu. Mwana woyamba kubadwa azikhala ndi amayi ake masiku asanu ndi awiri. Koma pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chitatu mwanayo muzimupereka kwa Ine.
so thou dost to thine ox, to thy sheep; seven days it is with its dam, on the eighth day thou dost give it to Me.
31 “Inu mukhale anthu anga opatulika. Choncho musadye nyama ya chiweto chimene chaphedwa ndi zirombo. Nyamayo muwaponyere agalu.”
'And ye are holy men to Me, and flesh torn in the field ye do not eat, to a dog ye do cast it.

< Eksodo 22 >