< Estere 4 >

1 Mordekai atamva zonse zimene zinachitika, anangʼamba zovala zake, navala chiguduli ndi kudzola phulusa, ndipo analowa mu mzinda, akulira mokweza ndi mowawidwa mtima.
And Mordecai he knew all that it had been done and he tore Mordecai clothes his and he put on sackcloth and ash[es] and he went out in [the] midst of the city and he cried a cry loud and bitter.
2 Ndipo anapita ndi kuyima pa chipata cha mfumu, chifukwa panalibe wina aliyense amaloledwa kulowa pa chipata cha mfumu atavala chiguduli.
And he went to before [the] gate of the king for not to go into [the] gate of the king in clothing of sackcloth.
3 Chigawo chilichonse kumene mawu a mfumu ndi lamulo lake zinafika, kunali maliro akulu pakati pa Ayuda. Iwo ankasala zakudya, kulira mofuwula ndi kumadandaula. Ambiri anavala ziguduli ndi kudzola phulusa.
And in every province and province [the] place where [the] word of the king and law his [were] reaching mourning great [belonged] to the Jews and fasting and weeping and wailing sackcloth and ash[es] it was spread as a bed by many [people].
4 Anamwali otumikira mfumukazi Estere ndi adindo ake ofulidwa atabwera ndi kumuwuza za Mordekai, anavutika kwambiri. Estere anamutumizira zovala kuti avale ndi kuti avule chiguduli chake koma Mordekai sanalole zimenezo.
(And they came *Q(k)*) [the] maids of Esther and eunuchs her and they told to her and she agonized the queen exceedingly and she sent garments to clothe Mordecai and to remove sackcloth his from on him and not he accepted [them].
5 Kenaka Estere anayitana Hataki, mmodzi wa adindo a mfumu ofulidwa amene anayikidwa kuti azimutumikira kuti apite kwa Mordekai kuti akamve chimene chimamuvuta komanso chifukwa chochitira zimenezi.
And she summoned Esther Hathach one of [the] eunuchs of the king whom he had made stand before her and she commanded him on Mordecai to know what? [was] this and concerning what? [was] this.
6 Choncho Hataki anapita kwa Mordekai ku bwalo la mzinda patsogolo pa chipata cha mfumu.
And he went out Hathach to Mordecai to [the] open place of the city which [was] before [the] gate of the king.
7 Mordekai anamuwuza zonse zimene zinamuchitikira kuphatikizapo mtengo weniweni wa ndalama zimene Hamani analonjeza kupereka mosungira chuma cha mfumu za anthu amene adzawononge a Yuda.
And he told to him Mordecai all that it had happened to him and - [the] exact amount of the silver which he had said Haman to weigh out to [the] treasuries of the king (for the Jews *Q(k)*) to destroy them.
8 Mordekai anamupatsanso imodzi mwa makalata a ulamuliro wonena za chiwembuchi amene anawasindikiza ku Susa kukamuonetsa ndi kumufotokozera zonse Estere. Anamuwuzanso kuti akamudandaulire kuti akapite kwa mfumu kukapempha chifundo ndi kuyidandaulira chifukwa cha anthu a mtundu wake.
And copy of [the] writing of the law which it had been given in Susa to annihilate them he gave to him to show Esther and to tell to her and to command to her to go to the king to seek favor to him and to request from to before him on people her.
9 Hataki anabwerera ndi kumufotokozera Estere zimene Mordekai ananena.
And he came Hathach and he told to Esther [the] words of Mordecai.
10 Ndipo Estere anamutuma Hataki kuti akanene kwa Mordekai kuti,
And she said Esther to Hathach and she commanded him to Mordecai.
11 “Atumiki onse amfumu ndi anthu a zigawo za mfumu ankadziwa kuti mwamuna kapena mkazi aliyense akalowa ku bwalo lake la mʼkati mosayitanidwa ndi mfumu pali lamulo limodzi: lamuloli ndi lakuti aphedwe. Zimasintha pokhapokha ngati mfumu iloza munthuyo ndi ndodo yagolide kuti akhale ndi moyo. Koma papita masiku makumi atatu ndisanayitanidwe ndi mfumu.”
All [the] servants of the king and [the] people of [the] provinces of the king [are] knowing that every man and woman who he goes to the king into the court inner who not he is summoned [is] one law his to put to death apart from that he extends to him the king [the] scepter of gold and he will live and I not (I have been summoned *L(abh)*) to go to the king this thirty day[s].
12 Tsono Mordekai anawuzidwa mawu a Estere.
And they told to Mordecai [the] words of Esther.
13 Kenaka Mordekai anawawuza kuti akamuyankhe Estere motere: “Usaganize kuti iwe wekha mwa Ayuda onse udzapulumuka chifukwa chakuti uli mʼnyumba ya mfumu.
And he said Mordecai to bring back to Esther may not you imagine in self your to escape [the] house of the king from all the Jews.
14 Pakuti ngati ukhalatu chete nthawi ino, chithandizo ndi chipulumutso cha Ayuda zidzachokera kwina nʼkutheka kuti iwe ndi a pa banja la makolo ako mudzafa. Ndipo adziwa ndani mwina unalowa ufumu chifukwa cha nthawi ngati imeneyi?”
That except certainly you will keep quiet at the time this relief and deliverance it will arise for the Jews from a place another and you and [the] house of father your you will perish and who? [is] knowing if for a time like this you have reached the queenhood.
15 Pamenepo Estere anatumiza yankho ili kwa Mordekai:
And she said Esther to bring back to Mordecai.
16 “Pitani, mukasonkhanitse pamodzi Ayuda onse amene ali mu Susa ndipo mundisalire chakudya. Musadye kapena kumwa kwa masiku atatu, usiku ndi usana. Ine ndi anamwali anga onditumikira tidzasala chakudya monga inu. Izi zikachitika, ine ndidzapita kwa mfumu, ngakhale kutero ndikutsutsana ndi lamulo. Ndipo ngati nʼkufa ndife ndithu.”
Go gather all the Jews who are found in Susa and fast on me and may not you eat and may not you drink three days night and day also I and maids my I will fast thus and in such I will go to the king which not [is] according to the law and just as I have perished I have perished.
17 Choncho Mordekai anapita ndi kuchita monga Estere anamupemphera.
And he passed on Mordecai and he did according to all that she had commanded to him Esther.

< Estere 4 >