< Mlaliki 8 >

1 Ndani angafanane ndi munthu wanzeru? Ndani angadziwe kutanthauzira zinthu? Nzeru imabweretsa chimwemwe pa nkhope ya munthu ndipo imasintha maonekedwe ake awukali.
Who is like the wise? and who knoweth [as well] the explanation of a thing? a man's wisdom enlighteneth his face, and the boldness of his face will be lessened.
2 Ine ndikuti, mvera lamulo la mfumu, chifukwa unalumbira pamaso pa Mulungu.
I [counsel thee], Keep the king's command, and that which regardeth the oath [to him taken] by God.
3 Usafulumire kuchoka pamaso pa mfumu. Usawumirire chinthu choyipa, pakuti mfumu idzachita chilichonse chomwe imasangalatsidwa nacho.
Be not hasty to go out of his presence; engage not in an evil thing; for whatsoever pleaseth him, can he do;
4 Popeza mawu a mfumu ali ndi mphamvu, ndani anganene kwa mfumuyo kuti, “Kodi mukuchita chiyani?”
Because the word of a king is powerful; and who may say unto him, What doest thou?—
5 Aliyense amene amamvera lamulo lake sadzapeza vuto lililonse, ndipo munthu wanzeru amadziwa nthawi yoyenera ndi machitidwe ake.
Whoso keepeth the commandment will experience no evil thing: and a wise man's heart knoweth both time and the just consequence.
6 Pakuti pali nthawi yoyenera ndiponso machitidwe a chinthu chilichonse, ngakhale kuti mavuto ake a munthu amupsinja kwambiri.
Because for every pursuit there is a time and a just consequence; for the evil of man [resteth] heavily upon him.
7 Popeza palibe munthu amene amadziwa zamʼtsogolo, ndani angamuwuze zomwe zidzachitika mʼtsogolo?
For he knoweth not that which will be; for who can tell him how it will be?
8 Palibe munthu amene ali ndi mphamvu yolamulira mpweya wa moyo kuti athe kuwusunga, choncho palibe amene ali ndi mphamvu pa tsiku la imfa yake. Nkhondo sithawika; tsono anthu ochita zoyipa, kuyipa kwawoko sikudzawapulumutsa.
No man hath control over the spirit to detain the spirit; and there is no control over the day of death; and there is no representation in that war; and wickedness will not deliver those that practise it.
9 Zonsezi ndinaziona pamene ndinalingalira mu mtima mwanga, zonse zimene zimachitika pansi pano. Ilipo nthawi imene ena amalamulira anzawo mwankhanza.
All this have I seen, and directed my heart unto every work that is done under the sun: there is a time when one man ruleth over another to his own injury.
10 Kenaka, ndinaona anthu oyipa akuyikidwa mʼmanda, iwo amene ankalowa ndi kumatuluka mʼmalo opatulika ndipo ankatamandidwa mu mzindawo pamene ankachita zimenezi. Izinso ndi zopandapake.
Then also did I see the wicked buried, who had gone to their rest; but those who had acted correctly had to go away from the holy place, and were forgotten in the city. Also this is vanity.
11 Pamene chigamulo cha anthu opalamula mlandu chikuchedwa, mitima ya anthu imadzaza ndi malingaliro ochita zolakwa.
Because the punishment against evil deeds is not executed speedily, therefore is the heart of the sons of men filled up in them to do evil.
12 Ngakhale munthu woyipa apalamule milandu yambirimbiri, nʼkumakhalabe ndi moyo wautali, ine ndikudziwa kuti anthu owopa Mulungu zinthu zidzawayendera bwino, omwe amapereka ulemu pamaso pa Mulungu.
But let a sinner do evil a hundred times, and [God] withhold long his punishment from him; still do I truly know for certain that it will be well with those that fear God, because they are afraid of him;
13 Koma popeza oyipa saopa Mulungu zinthu sizidzawayendera bwino, ndipo moyo wawo sudzakhalitsa monga mthunzi.
And that it will not be well with the wicked, and that he will not endure many days, like the shadow; because he is not afraid of God.
14 Palinso chinthu china chopanda phindu chomwe chimachitika pa dziko lapansi: anthu olungama amalangidwa ngati anthu osalungama. Pamene oyipa amalandira zabwino ngati kuti ndi anthu abwino.
There is a vanity which is done upon the earth, that there are righteous men, unto whom it happeneth in accordance with the deeds of the wicked; again, there are wicked men, to whom it happeneth in accordance with the deeds of the righteous. I said that this also is vanity.
15 Nʼchifukwa chake ndikuti munthu azikondwerera moyo, pakuti munthu alibe chinanso chabwino pansi pano choposa kudya, kumwa ndi kumadzikondweretsa. Akamatero, munthuyo adzakhala ndi chimwemwe pa ntchito yake masiku onse a moyo wake amene Mulungu wamupatsa pansi pano.
Therefore do I praise joyfulness, that there is nothing better for man under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be joyful; for this will adhere to him in his toil, during the days of his life which God hath given him under the sun.—
16 Pamene ndinayikapo mtima wanga kuti ndidziwe nzeru ndi kuonetsetsa ntchito za munthu pa dziko lapansi, osapeza tulo usana ndi usiku,
When I applied my heart to know wisdom, and to see the employment that is done upon the earth, how even neither by day nor by night sleep is seen in the eyes of some men:
17 pamenepo ndinaona zonse zimene Mulungu anazichita. Palibe munthu amene angathe kuzimvetsa zonse zimene zimachitika pansi pano. Ngakhale munthu ayesetse kuzifufuza, sangathe kupeza tanthauzo lake. Ngakhale munthu wanzeru atanena kuti iye amadziwa, sangathe kuzimvetsetsa zinthuzo.
Then did I see [in] the whole work of God, that a man is not able to find out the work that is done under the sun; inasmuch as though a man were to toil to seek for it, he would yet not find it; and even if the wise were to think to know it, he would yet not be able to find it.

< Mlaliki 8 >