< Mlaliki 12 >

1 Uzikumbukira mlengi wako masiku a unyamata wako, masiku oyipa asanafike, nthawi isanafike pamene udzanena kuti, “Izi sizikundikondweretsa.”
Haue thou mynde on thi creatour in the daies of thi yongthe, bifore that the tyme of thi turment come, and the yeris of thi deth neiye, of whiche thou schalt seie, Tho plesen not me.
2 Nthawi ya ukalamba wako, dzuwa ndi kuwala, mwezi ndi nyenyezi zidzada. Mitambo idzabweranso mvula itagwa.
`Haue thou mynde on thi creatour, bifor that the sunne be derk, and the liyt, and sterrys, and the mone; and cloude turne ayen after reyn.
3 Nthawi imene manja ako adzanjenjemera, miyendo yako idzafowoka, pamene mano ako adzalephera kutafuna chifukwa ndi owerengeka, ndipo maso ako adzayamba kuchita chidima.
Whanne the keperis of the hous schulen be mouyd, and strongeste men schulen tremble; and grynderis schulen be idel, whanne the noumbre schal be maad lesse, and seeris bi the hoolis schulen wexe derk;
4 Makutu ako adzatsekeka, ndipo sudzamva phokoso lakunja; sudzamvanso kusinja kwa pa mtondo kapena kulira kwa mbalame mmawa.
and schulen close the doris in the street, in the lownesse of vois of a gryndere; and thei schulen rise at the vois of a brid, and alle the douytris of song schulen wexe deef.
5 Imeneyi ndiyo nthawi imene anthu amaopa kupita kumalo okwera, amaopa kuyenda mʼmisewu; Mutu umatuwa kuti mbuu, amayenda modzikoka ngati ziwala ndipo chilakolako chimatheratu. Nthawi imeneyo munthu amapita ku nyumba yake yamuyaya ndipo anthu olira maliro amayendayenda mʼmisewu.
And hiy thingis schulen drede, and schulen be aferd in the weie; an alemaunde tre schal floure, a locuste schal be maad fat, and capparis schal be distried; for a man schal go in to the hous of his euerlastyngnesse, and weileris schulen go aboute in the street.
6 Kumbukira Iye chingwe cha siliva chisanaduke, kapena mbale yagolide isanasweke; mtsuko usanasweke ku kasupe, kapena mkombero usanathyoke ku chitsime.
Haue thou mynde on thi creatour, byfore that a siluerne roop be brokun, and a goldun lace renne ayen, and a watir pot be al to-brokun on the welle, and a wheele be brokun togidere on the cisterne;
7 Iyi ndi nthawi imene thupi lidzabwerera ku dothi, kumene linachokera, mzimu udzabwerera kwa Mulungu amene anawupereka.
and dust turne ayen in to his erthe, wherof it was, and the spirit turne ayen to God, that yaf it.
8 “Zopanda phindu! Zopandapake!” akutero Mlaliki. “Zonse ndi zopandapake!”
The vanyte of vanytees, seide Ecclesiastes, the vanyte of vanytees, and alle thingis ben vanyte.
9 Mlaliki sanali wozindikira zinthu kokha ayi, komanso ankaphunzitsa anthu. Iye ankasinkhasinkha ndi kufufuzafufuza ndi kulemba mwadongosolo miyambi yambiri.
And whanne Ecclesiastes was moost wijs, he tauyte the puple, and he telde out the thingis whiche he dide,
10 Mlaliki anafufuzafufuza kuti apeze mawu oyenera, ndipo zimene analemba zinali zolondola ndiponso zoona.
and he souyte out wisdom, and made many parablis; he souyte profitable wordis, and he wroot moost riytful wordis, and ful of treuthe.
11 Mawu a anthu anzeru ali ngati zisonga, zokamba zawo zimene anasonkhanitsa zili ngati misomali yokhomera, yoperekedwa ndi mʼbusa mmodzi.
The wordis of wise men ben as prickis, and as nailis fastned deepe, whiche ben youun of o scheepherde bi the counsels of maistris.
12 Samalira mwana wanga, za kuwonjezera chilichonse pa zimenezi. Kulemba mabuku ambiri sikutha, ndipo kuphunzira kwambiri kumatopetsa thupi.
My sone, seke thou no more than these; noon ende is to make many bookis, and ofte thenkyng is turment of fleisch.
13 Basi zonse zamveka; mathero a nkhaniyi ndi awa: uziopa Mulungu ndi kusunga malamulo ake, pakuti umenewu ndiwo udindo wa anthu onse.
Alle we here togydere the ende of spekyng. Drede thou God, and kepe hise heestis; `that is to seie, ech man.
14 Pakuti Mulungu adzaweruza zochita zonse, kuphatikizanso zinthu zonse zobisika, kaya zabwino kapena zoyipa.
God schal brynge alle thingis in to dom, that ben don; for ech thing don bi errour, whether it be good, ether yuel.

< Mlaliki 12 >