< Deuteronomo 24 >

1 Ngati mwamuna wakwatira mkazi amene sakukondwera naye chifukwa wapeza vuto pa mkaziyo, namulembera mkaziyo kalata ya chisudzulo, namupatsa ndi kumutulutsa mʼnyumba mwake,
If a man takith a wijf, and hath hir, and sche fyndith not grace bifor hise iyen for sum vilite, he schal write a `libel, ethir litil book, of forsakyng, and he schal yyue in `the hond of hir, and he schal delyuere hir fro his hows.
2 mkaziyo ndi kukakwatiwa ndi mwamuna wina,
And whanne sche goith out, and weddith anothir hosebonde,
3 ndipo mwamuna wachiwiriyo nʼkuyipidwa nayenso ndi kumulemberanso kalata ya chisudzulo nʼkumutulutsa mʼnyumba mwake, kapena ngati mwamunayo amwalira,
and he also hatith hir, and yyueth to hir a `litil booke of forsakyng, and delyuereth hir fro his hows, ethir certis he is deed,
4 mwamuna wake woyamba uja, amene anamuleka saloledwanso kumukwatira kachiwiri popeza mkaziyo wadetsedwa. Chimenechi ndi chonyansa pamaso pa Yehova. Musalowetse tchimo mʼdziko limene Yehova Mulungu wanu akukupatsani ngati cholowa chanu.
the formere hosebonde schal not mow resseyue hir in to wijf, for sche is defoulid, and maad abhomynable bifore the Lord; lest thou make thi lond to do synne, which lond thi Lord God yaf to thee to welde.
5 Mwamuna akangokwatira kumene asamatumizidwe ku nkhondo kapena kupatsidwa ntchito ina iliyonse. Kwa chaka chathunthu akhale ndi ufulu wokhala pa khomo pake kumasangalatsa mkazi wakeyo.
Whanne a man hath take late a wijf, he schal not go forth to batel, nethir ony thing of comyn nede schal be enioyned to hym, but he schal yyue tent with out blame to his hows, that he be glad in o yeer with his wijf.
6 Munthu akakhala nanu ndi ngongole musamutengere mwala wake wa mphero ngati chikole, chifukwa kutero nʼkumutengera moyo kukhala chikole cha ngongole.
Thou schalt not take in the stide of wed the lowere and the hiyere queerne stoon of thi brothir, for he puttide his lijf to thee.
7 Ngati munthu agwidwa akuba mʼbale wake wa Chiisraeli namamuzunza ngati kapolo kapena kumugulitsa, wogulitsa mnzakeyo ayenera kuphedwa. Muyenera kuchotsa choyipa pakati panu.
If a man is takun, `that is, conuyct in doom, bisili aspiynge to stele his brothir of the sones of Israel, and whanne he hath seeld hym, takith priys, he schal be slayn; and thou schalt do awey yuel fro the myddis of thee.
8 Pakagwa matenda a khate, samalitsani kuchita zonse zimene ansembe, amene ndi Alevi, anakulangizani. Mutsatire mosamalitsa zimene ndinawalamula.
Kepe thou diligentli, lest thou renne in to the sijknesse of lepre, but thou schalt do what euer thingis the preestis of the kyn of Leuy techen thee, bi that that Y comaundide to hem, and `fille thou diligentli.
9 Kumbukirani zimene Yehova Mulungu wanu anachita kwa Miriamu muli paulendo mutatuluka mu Igupto.
Haue ye mynde what thingis youre Lord God dide to Marie, in the weie, whanne ye yede `out of Egipt.
10 Ukabwereketsa mnzako kanthu kena kalikonse, usalowe mʼnyumba mwake kukatenga chimene wachipereka ngati chikole.
Whanne thou schalt axe of thi neiyebore ony thing which he owith to thee, thou schalt not entre in to his hows, that thou take awei a wed;
11 Uziyima kunja kwa nyumba kuti munthu amene wamubwereketsa kanthuyo akubweretsere kunja komweko.
but thou schalt stonde with out forth, and he schal brynge forth that that he hath.
12 Ngati munthuyo ndi wosauka, usamutengere chikolecho mpaka kukagona nacho kwanu.
Sotheli if he is pore, the wed schal not dwelle bi nyyt at thee,
13 Pomalowa dzuwa ukhale utamubwezera mkanjo wakewo kuti akafunde. Pamenepo adzakuthokoza, ndipo amenewa adzawerengedwa ngati machitidwe olungama kwa iweyo pamaso pa Yehova Mulungu wako.
but anoon thou schalt yelde to hym bifor the goyng doun of the sunne, that he slepe in his cloth, and blesse thee, and thou haue riytfulnesse bifor thi Lord God.
14 Osamapezera mwayi pa anthu aganyu osauka ndi aumphawi, kaya ndi Mwisraeli kapena mlendo wokhala mu umodzi mwa mizinda yanu.
Thou schalt not denye the hire of thi brother nedi and pore, ethir of the comelyng that dwellith with thee in thi lond, and is with ynne thi yatis;
15 Mumulipire malipiro ake a tsiku dzuwa lisanalowe chifukwa ndi wosauka ndipo akudalira malipirowo. Kupanda kutero adzakudandaulirani kwa Yehova ndipo mudzapezeka ochimwa.
but in the same dai thou schalt yelde to hym the prijs of his trauel, bifor the goyng doun of the sunne, for he is pore, and susteyneth therof his lijf; lest he crye ayens thee to the Lord, and it be arettid to thee into synne.
16 Makolo asaphedwe chifukwa cha ana awo, ndipo ana asaphedwe chifukwa cha makolo awo, koma aliyense ayenera kufa chifukwa cha zolakwa zake.
The fadris schulen not be slayn for the sones, nether the sones for the fadris, but ech man schal die for hys owne synne.
17 Musachitire mlendo kapena mwana wamasiye zoyipa, kapena kulanda mkazi wamasiye chovala ngati chikole cha ngongole.
Thou schalt not `peruerte, ethir waiwardli turne, the doom of the comelyng, and of fadirles ethir modirles; nethir thou schalt take awei in the stide of wed the cloth of a widewe.
18 Kumbukirani kuti munali akapolo mʼdziko la Igupto ndipo Yehova Mulungu wanu anakuwombolani kumeneko. Nʼchifukwa chake ndikukulamulani kuti muzichita zimenezi.
Haue thou mynde, that thou seruedist in Egipt, and thi Lord God delyuerede thee fro thennus; therfor Y comaunde to thee that thou do this thing.
19 Mukamakolola mʼmunda mwanu ndipo zokolola zina zikasiyidwa, musamabwerere kukazitola. Muzilekere alendo, ana ndi akazi amasiye, kuti Yehova Mulungu wanu akudalitseni pa zochita zanu zonse.
Whanne thou repist corn in the feeld, and foryetist, and leeuest a repe, thou schalt not turne ayen to take it, but thou schalt suffre that a comelyng, and fadirles, ethir modirles, and a widewe take awei, that thi Lord God blesse thee in al the werk of thin hondis.
20 Mukathyola zipatso mu mtengo wa olivi, musamabwererenso kachiwiri ku mtengo womwewo. Zotsalazo zilekereni alendo, ana ndi akazi amasiye.
If thou gaderist fruytis of olyues, what euer thing leeueth in trees, thou schalt not turne ayen to gadere, but thou schalt leeue to a comelyng, fadirles, ether modirles, and to a widewe.
21 Mukakolola mphesa mʼmunda mwanu musamabwereremonso kachiwiri. Zotsalazo muzilekere alendo, ana ndi akazi amasiye.
If thou gaderist grapis of the vyner, thou schalt not gadere raisyns that leeuen, but tho schulen falle in to the vsis of the comelyng, of the fadirles, ethir modirles, and of the wydewe.
22 Kumbukirani kuti munali akapolo mʼdziko la Igupto. Nʼchifukwa chake ndikukulamulani kuti muzichita zimenezi.
Haue thou mynde that also thou seruedist in Egipt, and therfor Y comaunde to thee, that thou do this thing.

< Deuteronomo 24 >