< Danieli 11 >

1 Ndipo chaka choyamba cha Dariyo Mmedi ine Mikayeli ndinabwera kumuthandiza ndi kumuteteza Gabrieli.
"And as for me, in the first year of Daryavesh the Mede, I stood up to support and strengthen him.
2 “Ndipo tsopano ndikuwuza zoona: Mafumu ena atatu adzalamulira ku Peresiya, ndipo kenaka padzadzuka mfumu yachinayi imene idzakhala yolemera kwambiri kuposa onsewo. Popeza kuti idzakhala ndi mphamvu chifukwa cha chuma chake, idzadzutsa onse kuti alimbane ndi ufumu wa Grisi.
And now what I show you is true. Look, there shall arise three more kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than all of them; and when he has grown strong through his riches, he shall stir up all the kingdom of Greece.
3 Kenaka mfumu yamphamvu idzafika imene idzalamulira ndi ufumu waukulu ndi kuchita zimene ifuna.
And a powerful king shall arise, who shall rule an extensive empire, and do as he pleases.
4 Koma ufumu wake ukadzafika pachimake, udzawonongedwa ndi kugawidwa mʼzigawo zinayi. Ufumuwo sudzaperekedwa kwa zidzukulu zake, ndipo olowa mʼmalo mwake sadzakhala ndi mphamvu monga anali nazo, chifukwa ufumu wake udzazulidwa ndi kuperekedwa kwa ena.
When he shall arise, his kingdom shall be broken up, and shall be divided toward the four winds of heaven, but not to his posterity, nor according to his authority with which he ruled; for his kingdom shall be uprooted, and will go to others besides these.
5 “Mfumu ya kummwera idzakhala yamphamvu, koma mmodzi mwa akalonga ake adzakhala ndi mphamvu kuposa iyo; adzalamulira ufumu wake waukulu kwambiri.
The king of the south shall grow strong, and one of his officers shall grow more powerful, and shall have a greater kingdom than his.
6 Patapita zaka zingapo, mfumu ya kummwera ndi mfumu ya kumpoto adzachita pangano. Mwana wamkazi wa mfumu ya kummwera adzapita nakakwatiwa ndi mfumu ya kumpoto pokhazikitsa pangano la mtendere, koma ulamuliro wake pamodzi ndi wa mwana wake sudzakhalitsa. Mʼmasiku amenewo iye, mwamuna wake, mwana wake ndi atumiki ake, onse adzaperekedwa kwa adani.
At the end of years they shall join themselves together; and the daughter of the king of the south shall come to the king of the north to make an agreement: but she shall not retain her power; neither shall his strength endure; but she shall be surrendered, and her attendants, and he who became the father of her, and he who supported her in those times.
7 “Mmodzi wochokera ku banja la mkaziyo adzadzuka nadzalamulira mʼmalo mwake. Iye adzamenyana ndi ankhondo a mfumu ya kumpoto ndi kulowa mʼmalo ake otetezedwa; adzachita nawo nkhondo ndi kupambana.
But out of a shoot from her roots shall arise in his place, who shall come against the army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shall prevail.
8 Iye adzalandanso milungu yawo, mafano awo achitsulo, ndi ziwiya zawo zamtengowapatali zasiliva ndi golide ndi kubwerera nazo ku Igupto. Adzaleka osayithira nkhondo mfumu ya kumpoto kwa zaka zingapo.
Also their gods, with their molten images, and with their precious vessels of silver and of gold, shall he carry captive into Egypt; and he shall withdraw for some years from the king of the north.
9 Kenaka mfumu ya kumpoto idzathira nkhondo dziko la mfumu ya kummwera koma idzalephera ndi kubwerera kwawo.
And he shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but he shall return into his own land.
10 Ana ake adzakonzekera nkhondo ndi kusonkhanitsa gulu lankhondo lalikulu, limene lidzathira nkhondo mfumu yakummwera ngati chigumula mpaka kumalo ake otetezedwa.
And his sons shall wage war, and shall assemble a multitude of great forces, which shall advance and overflow and pass through, and they shall return and wage war, as far as his fortress.
11 “Kenaka mfumu yakummwera idzatuluka mokwiya ndi kumenya nkhondo ndi mfumu yakumpoto, imene idzasonkhanitsa gulu lalikulu la nkhondo, koma idzayigonjetsa.
The king of the south shall be moved with rage and shall come forth and fight against him, even with the king of the north; and he shall raise a great multitude, and the multitude shall be given into his hand.
12 Gulu la nkhondoli likadzagwidwa, mfumu yakummwera idzayamba kudzikuza ndipo idzapha anthu miyandamiyanda, koma kupambanaku sikudzapitirira.
The multitude shall be taken away, and his heart shall be exalted; and he shall cast down tens of thousands, but he shall not prevail.
13 Popeza mfumu ya kumpoto idzasonkhanitsa gulu lina lankhondo, lochulukirapo kuposa loyamba; ndipo patapita zaka zingapo idzabwera ndi chigulu chachikulu cha nkhondo chokonzekeratu ndi zida.
The king of the north shall return, and shall raise a multitude greater than the former; and he shall advance after some years with a great army and with abundant supplies.
14 “Nthawi imeneyo ambiri adzawukira mfumu ya kummwera. Anthu achisokonezo pakati panu nawonso adzawukira pokwaniritsa masomphenya, koma sadzapambana.
And in those times many shall rise up against the king of the south: also the violent ones among your people shall rise up in confirmation of the vision; but they shall fail.
15 Kenaka mfumu ya kumpoto idzafika ndikuzinga mzinda powunda nthumbira za nkhondo ndipo idzagonjetsa mzinda wotetezedwa. Gulu lankhondo la kummwera lidzasowa mphamvu; ngakhale akatswiri awo ankhondo sadzakhala ndi mphamvu zogonjetsera ankhondo a kumpoto.
So the king of the north shall come, and build up a siege mound and take a well-fortified city. And the forces of the south shall not prevail, neither his best troops, neither shall there be any strength to resist.
16 Mfumu ya kumpoto idzachita zofuna zake; palibe aliyense adzayigonjetse. Idzakhazikitsa ulamuliro wake mu Dziko Lokongola. Zonse zidzakhala mu ulamuliro wa mfumu yakumpoto ija.
But he who comes against him shall do as he pleases, and no one shall be able to withstand him. And he shall stand in the beautiful land, and destruction will be within his power.
17 Idzafika ndi mphamvu za ufumu wake wonse ndipo idzayesa kuchita pangano la mtendere ndi mfumu ya kummwera. Ndipo idzamupatsa mwana wake wamkazi kuti amukwatire ndi cholinga cholanda ufumu, koma zolinga zake sizidzatheka kapena kumuthandiza.
He shall set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and will reach an agreement with him which he shall put into effect. And he shall give him a daughter of women to send destruction on him; but it will not last or be to his advantage.
18 Kenaka idzatembenukira ku mayiko a mʼmbali mwa nyanja ndi kulanda mizinda yambiri, koma mtsogoleri wina wa nkhondo adzathetsa kudzikuza kwakeko ndipo adzabwezera chipongwecho kwa iye.
After this shall he turn his face to the coastal regions, and shall capture many. But a commander shall bring his insolence to an end. In addition, he shall repay him for his insolence.
19 Zikadzatha izi, mfumu idzabwerera ku malo otetezedwa a dziko la kwawo koma idzapunthwa ndi kugwa osapezekanso.
Then he shall turn his attention toward the fortresses of his own land, but he shall stumble and fall, and shall not be found again.
20 “Mfumu imene idzatenga malo ake idzatumiza wokhometsa msonkho kuti chuma cha ufumu wake chichuluke. Komabe mʼzaka zochepa mfumuyo idzawonongedwa osati mu mkwiyo kapena ku nkhondo.
Then shall arise in his place one who shall send an exactor of tribute to pass through the kingdom to maintain its glory; but within few days he shall be destroyed, though not in anger nor in battle.
21 “Mʼmalo mwake mudzalowa munthu wonyozeka amene si wa banja laufumu. Iye adzabwera pamene anthu akuganiza kuti ali pa mtendere, ndipo adzalanda ufumuwo mwa chinyengo.
In his place shall arise a despicable person, to whom the honor of kingship had not been given, but he shall come in a time of prosperity, and shall obtain the kingdom through deceit.
22 Kenaka adzagonetsa gulu lalikulu lankhondo kuphatikizapo Mkulu wa Ansembe wapangano.
And large armies shall be swept away and shattered before him, as well as the prince of the covenant.
23 Atatha kuchita naye pangano, iye adzachita monyenga, ndipo ngakhale adzakhale ndi anthu ochepa adzakhalabe ndi mphamvu.
And after an alliance is made with him he shall work deceitfully; for he shall become strong with a small force.
24 Mwadzidzidzi, iye adzazithira nkhondo zigawo zolemera kwambiri ndipo adzachita zimene makolo ake ngakhale agogo ake sanachitepo. Iye adzagawira zolanda, zofunkha ndi chuma kwa omutsatira. Adzachita chiwembu cholanda mizinda yotetezedwa koma kwa kanthawi kochepa.
In a time of prosperity he shall come even on the richest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor their fathers; he shall distribute among them plunder, and spoil, and property. He shall devise plans against their strongholds, but only for a time.
25 “Mfumu ya kumpoto idzalimba mtima, ndipo idzasonkhanitsa gulu lalikulu la ankhondo kuti lithire nkhondo mfumu yakummwera. Mfumu yakummwera ndi gulu lake lankhondo lalikulu ndi lamphamvu idzathirana nkhondo ndi mfumu yakumpoto koma sidzapambana chifukwa cha ziwembu zimene adzamukonzera.
And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall wage war in battle with an extremely large and powerful army; but he shall not stand; for they shall devise plans against him.
26 Amene amadya chakudya ndi mfumu adzamuukira; gulu lake lankhondo lidzagonjetsedwa, ndipo ambiri adzafera ku nkhondo.
Yes, those who eat of his royal food shall seek to destroy him, and his army shall be swept away; and many shall fall slain.
27 Mafumu awiriwa mitima yawo idzalinga ku zoyipa. Azidzanamizana ali pa tebulo limodzi, koma zolinga zawo sizidzatheka chifukwa nthawi idzakhala isanakwane.
As for both these kings, their minds shall be fixed on evil, and they shall speak lies at the table; but it shall not succeed; for still the end shall be at the appointed time.
28 Mfumu ya kumpoto idzabwerera ku dziko la kwawo ndi chuma chambiri, koma mtima wake udzafunitsitsa pangano lopatulika. Idzawononga panganolo ndipo kenaka idzabwerera ku dziko lake.
Then shall he return into his land with great property; and his mind shall be against the holy covenant. And he shall take action, and then return to his own land.
29 “Patapita nthawi mfumu ya kumpoto idzabwereranso kummwera koma sidzapambana monga inachitira kale.
At the appointed time he shall return, and come into the south; but this time the outcome shall not be as it was before.
30 Sitima zapamadzi zochokera ku mayiko a ku madzulo zidzalimbana naye, ndipo adzataya mtima. Kenaka idzabwerera mopsa mtima ndi kudzalimbana ndi chipembedzo cha anthu opatulika. Idzabwerera ndi kuchitira chifundo amene sadzasunga pangano loyera.
For ships from Kittim shall come against him; therefore he shall be intimidated, and shall turn back, and be enraged against the holy covenant, and shall take action. He shall turn back, and show regard to those who forsake the holy covenant.
31 “Ankhondo ake adzayipitsa linga la Nyumba ya Mulungu ndipo adzathetsa nsembe za tsiku ndi tsiku. Kenaka adzakhazikitsa chonyansa chimene chabweretsa chiwonongeko.
Forces shall come at his order, and they shall profane the sanctuary and the fortress, and shall take away the daily burnt offering, and they shall set up the abomination that causes desolation.
32 Ndi mawu oshashalika mfumuyo idzakopa amene anaphwanya pangano, koma anthu amene amadziwa Mulungu wawo adzalimbika ndipo adzayikana mfumuyo kwathunthu.
And those who act wickedly toward the covenant he shall corrupt by smooth words; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and take action.
33 “Amene ndi anzeru adzalangiza ambiri. Koma patapita kanthawi adzaphedwa ndi lupanga kapena kutenthedwa, kapena kugwidwa kapena kulandidwa katundu.
And those who are wise among the people shall instruct many; yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by plunder for some time.
34 Pa nthawi yozunzikayi ena adzawathandiza pangʼono, koma ambiri othandizawo adzakhala achinyengo.
Now when they shall fall, they shall receive a little help. And many shall join with them insincerely.
35 Ena mwa anzeruwo adzaphedwa ndi cholinga chakuti ayengedwe, otsala mwa iwo ayeretsedwe ndi kukhala wopanda banga kufikira nthawi yomaliza, popeza idzafika ndithu nthawi imene Mulungu wayika.
Some of those who are wise shall fall, to be refined, purified and cleansed until the time of the end; for the appointed time is still to come.
36 “Mfumu ya kumpoto idzachita zimene ikufuna. Idzadzikweza ndi kudziyesa yopambana mulungu aliyense ndipo idzanenera za mwano Mulungu wa milungu. Iyo idzapambana mpaka nthawi yoti Mulungu ayilange mwa mkwiyo itakwana popeza chimene chatsimikizika chiyenera kuchitika.
And the king shall do as he pleases. And he shall exalt and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak outrageous things against the God of gods. And he shall prosper until the indignation is accomplished; for that which is decreed shall be done.
37 Mfumuyo idzanyoza milungu ya makolo ake ndiponso mulungu wokondedwa ndi akazi, sidzachitiranso ulemu mulungu aliyense, koma idzadzikweza yokha pamwamba pa onse.
Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the one desired by women, nor show regard to any other god, because he shall magnify himself above all.
38 Mʼmalo mwa onsewo, idzachitira ulemu mulungu wachitetezo; mulungu wosadziwika ndi makolo ake. Iyo idzapereka kwa mulunguyo golide ndi siliva, ndi miyala yokongola, ndiponso mphatso za pamwamba kwambiri.
But instead he shall honor the god of fortresses; a god whom his fathers did not know shall he honor with gold and silver, and with valuable stones, and costly gifts.
39 Anthu opembedza mulungu wachilendo adzakhala ngati linga lake. Idzalemekeza iwowa kwambiri, ndipo idzawayika kuti alamulire anthu ambiri. Idzawagawira dziko ngati malipiro awo.
And he shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god. Whoever acknowledges him he shall grant considerable honor; and he shall make them rulers over many, and shall divide the land for a price.
40 “Pa nthawi yomaliza mfumu yakummwera idzachita nkhondo ndi mfumu yakumpoto. Koma mfumu yakumpotoyi idzayikantha ndi magaleta ndi akavalo ndi sitima zapamadzi zambiri ngati mphepo yamkokomo. Idzalowa mʼmayiko ambiri ndikuwakokolola onse ngati madzi osefukira.
And at the time of the end shall the king of the south attack him. And the king of the north shall come against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships; and he shall invade countries, and pass through like a flood.
41 Idzalowanso mʼDziko Lokongola ndipo anthu ambiri adzaphedwa. Koma Edomu, Mowabu ndi olamulira a Amoni adzapulumuka.
He shall enter also into the beautiful land, and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall be delivered out of his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the foremost of the sons of Ammon.
42 Idzathira nkhondo mayiko ambiri ndipo ngakhale Igupto sadzapulumuka.
He shall reach out his hand also on other countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape.
43 Idzalanda chuma cha golide, siliva, ndi zonse za mtengowapatali za ku Igupto, ndiponso anthu a ku Libiya ndi Akusi adzagonja kwa iwo.
But he shall have control over the treasures of gold and of silver, and over all the riches of Egypt; and the Libyans and the Ethiopians shall be at his feet.
44 Koma uthenga wochokera kummawa ndi kumpoto udzayiopsa, ndipo idzapita ndi ukali kukawononga ndi kutheratu anthu ambiri.
But news out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him; and he shall go out with tremendous rage to destroy and utterly sweep away many.
45 Mfumuyo idzayimika matenti ake aufumu, pakati pa nyanja ndi phiri lokongola. Komabe mapeto ake mfumuyo idzaphedwa, ndipo palibe amene adzayithandize.”
And he shall pitch his royal tents between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he shall come to his end, with no one to help him.

< Danieli 11 >