< Machitidwe a Atumwi 12 >
1 Inali nthawi yomweyi imene mfumu Herode anamanga ena a mu mpingo ndi cholinga chakuti awazunze.
Now, about that time, King Herod arrested certain members of the Church, in order to ill-treat them;
2 Iye analamula kuti Yakobo mʼbale wa Yohane, aphedwe ndi lupanga.
and James, John's brother, he beheaded.
3 Ataona kuti zimenezi zinakondweretsa Ayuda, anawonjeza ndi kugwiranso Petro. Izi zinachitika pa nthawi ya Chikondwerero cha Buledi wopanda Yisiti.
Finding that this gratified the Jews, he proceeded to seize Peter also; these being the days of Unleavened Bread.
4 Atamugwira Petro, namutsekera mʼndende, anamupereka kwa magulu anayi a asilikali kuti amuyangʼanire, gulu lililonse linali ndi asilikali anayi. Herode anafuna kumuzenga mlandu pamaso pa anthu onse chikondwerero cha Paska chitapita.
He had him arrested and lodged in jail, handing him over to the care of sixteen soldiers; and intended after the Passover to bring him out again to the people.
5 Kotero Petro anasungidwa mʼndende, koma mpingo unamupempherera kolimba kwa Mulungu.
So Peter was kept in prison; but long and fervent prayer was offered to God by the Church on his behalf.
6 Usiku woti mmawa mwake Herode amuzenga mlandu, Petro amagona pakati pa asilikali awiri, atamangidwa maunyolo awiri, ndiponso alonda atayima pa khomo.
Now when Herod was on the point of taking him out of prison, that very night Peter was asleep between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards were on duty outside the door.
7 Mwadzidzidzi mngelo wa Ambuye anaonekera ndipo kuwala kunawunika mʼchipindamo. Mngeloyo anamugwedeza Petro mʼnthiti ndi kumudzutsa. Iye anati, “Fulumira, imirira!” Ndipo maunyolo anagwa kuchoka mʼmanja a Petro.
Suddenly an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shone in the cell; and, striking Peter on the side, he woke him and said, "Rise quickly." Instantly the chains dropped off his wrists.
8 Kenaka mngelo anati kwa iye, “Vala zovala ndi nsapato.” Ndipo Petro atachita izi mngeloyo anamuwuzanso kuti, “Funda chovala chako ndipo unditsate.”
"Fasten your girdle," said the angel, "and tie on your sandals." He did so. Then the angel said, "Throw your cloak round you, and follow me."
9 Petro anatsatira natuluka mʼndende, koma sanazindikire kuti zimene mngeloyo amachita zimachitikadi; iye amaganiza kuti amaona masomphenya.
So Peter went out, following him, yet could not believe that what the angel was doing was real, but supposed that he saw a vision.
10 Iwo anadutsa gulu loyamba ndi lachiwiri la asilikali ndipo anafika pa chitseko chachitsulo cholowera mu mzinda. Chitsekocho chinatsekuka chokha ndipo anadutsa. Pamene anayenda kutalika kwa msewu umodzi, mwadzidzidzi mngelo uja anachoka.
And passing through the first ward and the second, they came to the iron gate leading into the city. This opened to them of itself; and, going out, they passed on through one of the streets, and then suddenly the angel left him.
11 Pamenepo Petro anazindikira nati, “Tsopano ndikudziwa mosakayika kuti Ambuye anatuma mngelo wake kudzandipulumutsa mʼmanja mwa Herode, ndi ku zoyipa zonse zimene Ayuda amafuna kundichitira.”
Peter coming to himself said, "Now I know for certain that the Lord has sent His angel and has rescued me from the power of Herod and from all that the Jewish people were anticipating."
12 Atazindikira zimenezi anapita ku nyumba ya Mariya amayi ake a Yohane, wotchedwanso Marko, kumene kunasonkhana anthu ambiri ndipo amapemphera.
So, after thinking things over, he went to the house of Mary, the mother of John surnamed Mark, where a large number of people were assembled, praying.
13 Petro anagogoda pa chitseko cha panja, ndipo mtsikana wantchito dzina lake Roda anabwera kuti adzatsekule chitseko.
When he knocked at the wicket in the door, a maidservant named Rhoda came to answer the knock;
14 Atazindikira mawu a Petro anakondwa kwambiri ndipo anabwerera osatsekula ndipo anafuwula kuti, “Petro ali pa khomopa!”
and recognizing Peter's voice, for very joy she did not open the door, but ran in and told them that Peter was standing there.
15 Anthuwo anati kwa iye, “Wopenga iwe!” Atalimbikira kunena kuti zinali zoona, iwo anati, “Ameneyo ndi mngelo wake.”
"You are mad," they said. But she strenuously maintained that it was true. "It is his guardian angel," they said.
16 Koma Petro anapitiriza kugogoda ndipo atatsekula chitseko ndi kumuona, anthuwo anadabwa kwambiri.
Meanwhile Peter went on knocking, until at last they opened the door and saw that it was really he, and were filled with amazement.
17 Petro anakweza dzanja ndi kuwawuza kuti akhale chete ndipo anawafotokozera mmene Ambuye anamutulutsira mʼndende. Iye anati, “Uzani Yakobo ndi abale ena za zimenezi.” Kenaka anachoka napita kumalo ena.
But he motioned with his hand for silence, and then described to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. "Tell all this to James and the brethren," he added. Then he left them, and went to another place.
18 Pamene kunacha kunali phokoso lalikulu pakati pa asilikali, iwo anafunsa kuti, “Kodi chamuchitikira Petro ndi chiyani?”
When morning came, there was no little commotion among the soldiers, as to what could possibly have become of Peter.
19 Herode atamufunafuna ndipo wosamupeza, anawafunsa asilikali ndipo analamulira kuti asilikaliwo aphedwe. Kenaka Herode anachoka ku Yudeya ndi kupita ku Kaisareya ndipo anakhala kumeneko kwa kanthawi
And when Herod had had him searched for and could not find him, after sharply questioning the guards he ordered them away to execution. He then went down from Judaea to Caesarea and remained there.
20 Herode anakwiyira anthu a ku Turo ndi Sidoni; anthuwo anagwirizana zoti akambirane naye. Atapeza thandizo kuchokera kwa Blasito, wantchito wokhulupirika wa mfumu, anapempha kuti pakhale mtendere, chifukwa dziko lawo limadalira dziko la mfumuyo pa chakudya chawo.
Now the people of Tyre and Sidon had incurred Herod's violent displeasure. So they sent a large deputation to wait on him; and having secured the good will of Blastus, his treasurer, they begged the king to be friendly with them again, because their country was dependent on his for its food supply.
21 Pa tsiku limene anasankha Herode, atavala zovala zake zaufumu, anakhala pa mpando wake ndipo anayankhula kwa anthuwo.
So, on an appointed day, Herod, having arrayed himself in royal robes, took his seat on the tribunal, and was haranguing them;
22 Anthuwo anafuwula nati, “Amenewa ndi mawu a mulungu osati a munthu ayi.”
and the assembled people kept shouting, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man!"
23 Nthawi yomweyo mngelo wa Mulungu anamukantha chifukwa sanapereke ulemu kwa Mulungu ndipo anadyedwa ndi mphutsi nafa.
Instantly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he had not given the glory to God, and being eaten up by worms, he died.
24 Koma Mawu a Mulungu anapitirirabe kufalikirafalikira.
But God's Message prospered, and converts were multiplied.
25 Barnaba ndi Saulo atamaliza ntchito yawo anachoka ku Yerusalemu, atatenga Yohane wotchedwanso Marko.
And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, having discharged their mission, and they brought with them John, surnamed Mark.