< 2 Mafumu 5 >

1 Tsono Naamani anali mtsogoleri wa gulu lankhondo a mfumu ya ku Aramu. Iye anali munthu wodalirika pamaso pa mbuye wake ndipo anali wokondedwa kwambiri, chifukwa kudzera mwa iye Yehova anapambanitsa Aaramu. Anali msilikali wolimba mtima, koma anali ndi khate.
And Naaman, captain of the host of the king of Syria, was a great man before his master, and honourable, for by him Jehovah had given deliverance to Syria; and he was a mighty man of valour, [but] a leper.
2 Tsono magulu a Aaramu anapita ku nkhondo ndipo anakagwira ukapolo mtsikana wamngʼono wa ku Israeli, ndipo ankatumikira mkazi wa Naamani.
And the Syrians had gone out in bands, and had brought away captive out of the land of Israel a little maid; and she waited on Naaman's wife.
3 Mtsikanayo anawuza mkazi wa Naamani kuti, “Mbuye wanga akanapita kukaonana ndi mneneri amene amakhala ku Samariya, akanachiritsidwa khate lawo.”
And she said to her mistress, Oh, would that my lord were before the prophet that is in Samaria! then he would cure him of his leprosy.
4 Naamani anapita kwa mbuye wake kukamuwuza zomwe mtsikana wochokera ku Israeli ananena.
And he went and told his lord saying, Thus and thus said the maid that is of the land of Israel.
5 Mfumu ya ku Aramu inayankha kuti, “Iwe uyenera kupita. Ine ndilembera kalata mfumu ya ku Israeli.” Choncho Naamani ananyamuka kupita ku Samariya, atatenga ndalama za siliva 30,000, ndalama zagolide 6,000 ndiponso zovala khumi za pa chikondwerero.
And the king of Syria said, Well! go, and I will send a letter to the king of Israel. And he departed, and took with him ten talents of silver, and six thousand [shekels] of gold, and ten changes of raiment.
6 Kalata imene anapita nayo kwa mfumu ya ku Israeli inali ndi mawu awa: “Taonani, ndikutumiza Naamani mtumiki wanga pamodzi ndi kalatayi kwa inu kuti mumuchiritse khate lake.”
And he brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, And now, when this letter comes to thee, behold, I have sent Naaman my servant to thee, that thou mayest cure him of his leprosy.
7 Mfumu ya ku Israeli itangowerenga kalatayo, inangʼamba mkanjo wake ndipo inati, “Kodi ine ndine Mulungu? Kodi ndingathe kupha kapena kupereka moyo? Chifukwa chiyani munthu ameneyu wanditumizira munthu woti ndimuchiritse khate lake? Taonani, iyeyu akungofuna kuti apeze chifukwa choyambanirana nane!”
And it came to pass when the king of Israel had read the letter, that he rent his garments, and said, Am I God, to kill and to make alive, that this man sends to me to cure a man of his leprosy? Wherefore consider, I pray you, and see how he seeks an occasion against me.
8 Elisa munthu wa Mulungu atamva kuti mfumu ya ku Israeli yangʼamba mkanjo wake, anatumiza uthenga uwu: “Chifukwa chiyani mwangʼamba mkanjo wanu? Mutumizeni munthuyo kwa ine ndipo iyeyo adzadziwa kuti muli mneneri mu Israeli.”
And it was so, when Elisha the man of God had heard that the king of Israel had rent his garments, that he sent to the king, saying, Why hast thou rent thy garments? let him come now to me, and he shall know that there is a prophet in Israel.
9 Choncho Naamani anapita pamodzi ndi akavalo ake ndi magaleta nakayima pa khomo la nyumba ya Elisa.
And Naaman came with his horses and with his chariot, and stood at the doorway of the house of Elisha.
10 Elisa anatumiza uthenga kwa iye woti, “Pita, kasambe kasanu ndi kawiri mu mtsinje wa Yorodani, thupi lako lidzachira ndi kukhalanso monga kale ndipo udzayeretsedwa.”
And Elisha sent a messenger to him, saying, Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean.
11 Koma Naamani anachoka mokwiya ndipo anati, “Ine ndimaganiza kuti munthuyu atuluka ndipo ayimirira nayitana dzina la Yehova Mulungu wake, nayendetsa dzanja lake pamwamba pa nthendayi ndi kundichiritsa khate langa.
And Naaman was wroth, and went away and said, Behold, I thought, He will certainly come out to me, and stand, and call on the name of Jehovah his God, and wave his hand over the place, and cure the leper.
12 Kodi Abana ndi Faripara, mitsinje ya ku Damasiko, siyoposa mitsinje ina yonse ya ku Israeli? Kodi sindikanasamba mʼmitsinje imeneyo ndi kuyeretsedwa?” Kotero anatembenuka nachoka ali wokwiya kwambiri.
Are not the Abanah and the Pharpar, rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? may I not wash in them and be clean? And he turned and went away in a rage.
13 Antchito ake anamuyandikira namufunsa kuti, “Abambo anga, mneneri akanakulamulani chinthu chachikulu, kodi inu simukanachita? Nanga nʼzovuta motani zomwe mneneri wanena kuti ‘Kasambeni ndipo mudzayeretsedwa!’”
And his servants drew near, and spoke to him and said, My father, [if] the prophet had bidden thee [do some] great thing, wouldest thou not have done it? how much rather then, when he says to thee, Wash and be clean?
14 Choncho Naamani anapita ku Yorodani nakadzimiza mʼmadzimo kasanu nʼkawiri, monga momwe munthu wa Mulungu anamuwuzira. Thupi lake linakhalanso monga kale ndipo linakhala losalala ngati la kamnyamata.
Then he went down, and plunged himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the saying of the man of God. And his flesh became again like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.
15 Pamenepo Naamani ndi atumiki ake onse anabwerera kwa munthu wa Mulungu uja. Naamani anayima pamaso pa Elisa ndipo anati, “Tsopano ndikudziwa kuti kulibe Mulungu wina pa dziko lonse lapansi koma mu Israeli mokha. Chonde, tsopano landirani mphatso ya mtumiki wanu.”
And he returned to the man of God, he and all his company, and came and stood before him; and he said, Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel; and now, I pray thee, take a present of thy servant.
16 Mneneri anayankha kuti, “Pali Yehova wamoyo, amene ine ndimamutumikira, sindidzalandira zimenezi.” Ndipo ngakhale Naamani anamukakamiza, iye anakanabe.
But he said, As Jehovah liveth, before whom I stand, I will receive none! And he urged him to take it; but he refused.
17 Naamani anati, “Ngati inu simulandira, chonde lolani mtumiki wanu kuti atengeko dothi lokwanira kunyamula abulu awiri, popeza mtumiki wanu sadzaperekanso nsembe yopsereza ndi nsembe zina kwa mulungu wina koma Yehova.
And Naaman said, If not, then let there, I pray thee, be given to thy servant two mules' burden of [this] earth; for thy servant will no more offer burnt-offering and sacrifice to other gods, but to Jehovah.
18 Koma Yehova andikhululukire ine pa chinthu ichi: Pamene mbuye wanga alowa mʼnyumba ya mapemphero ya Rimoni ine ndimapita naye ndipo ndimakagwada naye limodzi. Pamene ndikugwada mʼnyumba ya mapemphero ya Rimoni, Yehova azikhululukira mtumiki wanu pa chinthu chimenechi.”
In this thing Jehovah pardon thy servant: when my master goes into the house of Rimmon to bow down there, and he leans on my hand, and I bow down myself in the house of Rimmon — when I bow down myself in the house of Rimmon, Jehovah pardon thy servant, I pray thee, in this thing.
19 Elisa anati, “Pita mu mtendere.” Choncho anachoka nayenda pangʼono.
And he said to him, Go in peace. And he departed from him a little way.
20 Koma Gehazi, mtumiki wa Elisa munthu wa Mulungu, anaganiza mu mtima mwake kuti, “Taonani, mbuye wanga wamulekerera Naamani Mwaramuyu, posalandira zomwe anabweretsa. Pali Yehova wamoyo, ine ndimuthamangira ndipo ndikatengako zinthu kwa iye.”
And Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, Behold, my master has spared Naaman, this Syrian, in not receiving at his hands that which he brought; but as Jehovah liveth, I will run after him and take somewhat of him.
21 Choncho Gehazi anamuthamangira Naamani uja. Naamani ataona Gehazi akumuthamangira, anatsika mʼgaleta lake ndi kukakumana naye. Iye anafunsa Gehazi kuti, “Kodi nʼkwabwino?”
And Gehazi followed after Naaman. And when Naaman saw him running after him, he sprang down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well?
22 Gehazi anayankha kuti, “Inde nʼkwabwino. Mbuye wanga wandituma kuti ndidzakuwuzeni kuti, ‘Anyamata awiri mwa ana a aneneri angondipeza kumene kuchokera ku dziko la mapiri la Efereimu. Chonde apatseniko ndalama za siliva 3,000 ndi zovala ziwiri za pa phwando.’”
And he said, All is well. My master has sent me saying, Behold, even now there are come to me from mount Ephraim two young men of the sons of the prophets; give them, I pray thee, a talent of silver, and two changes of raiment.
23 Naamani anati, “Kuli bwino utenge ndalama zasiliva 6,000.” Iye anakakamiza Gehazi kuti alandire, ndipo kenaka anamanga matumba awiri a ndalama zasiliva pamodzi ndi zovala zinayi za pa mphwando. Naamani anazipereka kwa antchito ake awiri ndipo anazinyamula nayenda patsogolo pa Gehazi.
And Naaman said, Consent to take two talents. And he urged him, and bound two talents of silver in two bags, with two changes of raiment, and laid them upon two of his young men; and they bore them before him.
24 Gehazi atafika ku phiri, anawalanda antchito aja zinthu zija nazibisa mʼnyumbamo. Iye anawawuza anthu aja kuti abwerere ndipo anapita.
And when he came to the hill, he took them from their hand, and stowed them in the house; and he let the men go, and they departed.
25 Kenaka analowa mʼnyumbamo nakayima pamaso pa mbuye wake Elisa. Elisa anafunsa kuti, “Kodi Gehazi unali kuti?” Iye anayankha kuti, “Mtumiki wanu sanapite kwina kulikonse.”
And he entered in and stood before his master. And Elisha said to him, Whence [comest thou], Gehazi? And he said, Thy servant went no whither.
26 Koma Elisa anati kwa Gehazi, “Kodi mzimu wanga sunali nawe pamene munthu uja anatsika mʼgaleta lake ndi kukumana nawe? Kodi ino ndi nthawi yolandira ndalama, kapena kulandira zovala, mitengo ya olivi, minda ya mpesa, nkhosa, ngʼombe kapena antchito aamuna kapena antchito aakazi?
And he said to him, Did not my heart go, when the man turned again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and oliveyards, and vineyards, and sheep, and oxen, and bondmen, and bondwomen?
27 Khate la Naamani lidzakumatirira iwe ndi zidzukulu zako mpaka muyaya.” Ndipo Gehazi anachoka pamaso pa Elisa ali ndi khate lotuwa ngati phulusa.
But the leprosy of Naaman shall fasten upon thee, and upon thy seed for ever. And he went out from his presence leprous, as snow.

< 2 Mafumu 5 >