< 2 Akorinto 9 >

1 Nʼkosafunika kuti ndikulembereni za utumiki othandiza anthu a Mulungu.
For indeed concerning the ministry which is to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you.
2 Popeza ndikudziwa mtima wanu wofuna kuthandiza, ndipo ndakhala ndikuwawuza monyadira a ku Makedoniya za chimenechi. Ndimawawuza kuti inu a ku Akaya munakonzeka kale chaka chatha kuti mupereke. Ndipo changu chanu chapatsa chidwi ambiri mwa iwo kuti nawonso achitepo kanthu.
For I know your promptitude, of which I am boasting to the Macedonians in your behalf, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal has aroused many.
3 Koma ndikutumiza abalewo kuti kukunyadirani kwathu pa zimenezi kutsimikizike kuti si kwachabe ndi kuti mukhale okonzeka monga ndinanenera.
But I sent the brethren, in order that our boasting which is in your behalf may not be in vain in this region; in order that, as I was saying, your were ready:
4 Pakuti nditabwera kumeneko ndi abale ena a ku Makedoniya, ndikukupezani kuti simunakonzeke, tingadzachite manyazi chifukwa chokudalirani. Koma amene angadzachite manyazi kwambiri ndi inuyo.
lest perhaps, if the Macedonians may come with me, and find you unprepared, we may be put to shame, in this confidence, (that we may say not, you).
5 Choncho ndinaganiza kuti nʼkofunika kupempha abale kuti adzakuchezereni ineyo ndisanafike, ndikuti adzatsirize kukonzekera mphatso zomwe munalonjeza kupereka mowolowamanja. Motero mphatsoyo idzakhala yokonzeratu, ndipo idzakhala mphatso yoperekedwa mowolowamanja, osati mokakamizidwa.
Therefore I considered it necessary to exhort the brethren, that they may come to you beforehand, and perfect your preannounced benefaction, that it may be ready, as a benefaction, not as a stingy contribution.
6 Takumbukirani mawu awa: Amene adzala pangʼono, adzakololanso pangʼono, ndipo amene adzala zochuluka, adzakololanso zochuluka.
But it is this, he that soweth sparingly shall also reap sparingly; and he that soweth bountifully shall also reap bountifully.
7 Munthu aliyense apereke chimene watsimikiza mu mtima mwake kuti apereka, osati monyinyirika kapena mokakamizidwa, pakuti Mulungu amakonda wopereka mokondwera.
As each one has predetermined in his heart; not of reluctance, or of constraint: for God loves the hilarious giver.
8 Ndipo Mulungu akhoza kukudalitsani kwambiri, kuti inuyo nthawi zonse mukhale ndi zinthu zokukwanirani, ndiponso ndi zina zochuluka kuti muthandize pa ntchito zonse zabwino.
But God is able to make all grace abound unto you; in order that, always having all sufficiency in every thing, you may abound unto every good work: as has been written,
9 Paja analemba kuti, “Wopereka mphatso zake mowolowamanja kwa osauka, chilungamo chake chimanka mpaka muyaya.” (aiōn g165)
He has scattered abroad, he has given to the poor; his righteousness abides forever. (aiōn g165)
10 Tsono Mulungu amene amapereka mbewu kwa wofesa, ndiponso chakudya kuti adye, adzaperekanso mbewu mʼnkhokwe zanu ndi kuzichulukitsa. Iye adzachulukitsanso zipatso za chilungamo chanu.
But he that gives seed to the sower, will also give bread to the eater, and multiply your sowing, and increase the fruits of your righteousness:
11 Adzakulemeretsani pa zonse kuti mukhale owolowamanja pa nthawi zonse. Ndipo kuwolowamanja kwanu kudzera mwa ife, kudzakhala kuthokoza kwa Mulungu.
in every thing being enriched in all purity, which works out through us thanksgiving to God.
12 Ntchito imene mukugwirayi siyongothandiza kokha anthu a Mulungu kupeza zosowa, komanso ikuthandiza kuti anthu ambiri ayamike Mulungu.
Because the ministry of this free-will offering is not only supplying the deficiencies of the saints, but also superabounding through much thanksgiving to God;
13 Chifukwa cha ntchito imene mwawatsimikizira nokha, anthu ena onse adzayamika Mulungu chifukwa cha kumvera kwanu kumene kumaonekera pamene mukuvomereza Uthenga Wabwino wa Khristu, ndiponso chifukwa chowagawira mowolowamanja iwowo pamodzi ndi wina aliyense.
through the approval of this ministry, glorifying God in the submission of your testimony to the gospel of Christ, and the purity of your fellowship unto them and unto all;
14 Ndipo iwowo adzakupemphererani mwachikondi chifukwa cha chisomo choposa chimene Ambuye wakupatsani.
and through their prayer in your behalf, earnestly longing to see you on account of the grace of God superabounding unto you.
15 Tiyamike Mulungu chifukwa cha mphatso zake zosaneneka!
Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.

< 2 Akorinto 9 >