< 1 Samueli 28 >

1 Mʼmasiku amenewo Afilisti anasonkhanitsa ankhondo awo kuti akamenyane ndi Aisraeli. Akisi anawuza Davide kuti, “Udziwe kuti iwe pamodzi ndi anthu ako mudzapita nane ku nkhondo.”
And it came to pass in those days that the Philistines gathered themselves together with their armies to go out to fight with Israel; and Anchus said to David, Know surely, that thou shalt go forth to battle with me, [thou], and thy men.
2 Davide anayankha kuti, “Tsono inu mudzaona zimene mtumiki wanune ndingachite.” Akisi anayankha kuti, “Chabwino ine ndidzakuyika iwe kukhala mlonda wanga moyo wako wonse.”
And David said to Anchus, Thus now thou shalt know what thy servant will do. And Anchus said to David, So will I make thee captain of my body-guard continually.
3 Nthawi imeneyi nʼkuti Samueli atamwalira, ndipo Aisraeli onse anamulira namuyika mʼmanda ku mzinda wake wa Rama. Sauli anali atachotsa mʼdzikomo anthu owombeza mawula ndi woyankhula ndi mizimu ya anthu akufa.
And Samuel died, and all Israel lamented for him, and they bury him in his city, in Armathaim. And Saul had removed those who had in them divining spirits, and the wizards, out of the land.
4 Tsono Afilisti anasonkhana nabwera kudzamanga misasa yawo ku Sunemu. Nayenso Sauli anasonkhanitsa Aisraeli onse ndi kumanga misasa yawo ku Gilibowa.
And the Philistines assemble themselves, and come and encamp in Sonam: and Saul gathers all the men of Israel, and they encamp in Gelbue.
5 Sauli ataona gulu lankhondo la Afilisti anaopa ndipo ananjenjemera kwambiri.
And Saul saw the camp of the Philistines, and he was alarmed, and his heart was greatly dismayed.
6 Choncho Sauli anafunsa nzeru kwa Yehova koma Yehova sanamuyankhe ngakhale kudzera mʼmaloto, kapena mwa Urimu ngakhalenso kudzera mwa aneneri.
And Saul enquired of the Lord; and the Lord answered him not by dreams, nor by manifestations, nor by prophets.
7 Kenaka Sauli anawuza nduna zake kuti, “Mundipezere mkazi amene amawombeza mawula kuti ndipite ndikafunse kwa iye.” Nduna zakezo zinamuyankha kuti, “Alipo mkazi woyankhula ndi mizimu ya anthu akufa ku Endori.”
Then Saul said to his servants, Seek for me a woman who has in her a divining spirit, and I will go to her, and enquire of her: and his servants said to him, Behold, [there is] a woman who has in her a divining spirit at Aendor.
8 Kotero Sauli anadzizimbayitsa navala zovala zachilendo. Tsono iye pamodzi ndi anthu awiri anapita nakafika kwa mkazi uja usiku, ndipo anamupempha kuti, “Chonde ndifunsireni nzeru kwa mizimu ya anthu akufa. Koma makamaka munditulutsire mzimu wa amene ndimutchule.”
And Saul disguised himself, and put on other raiment, and he goes, and two men with him, and they come to the woman by night; and he said to her, Divine to me, I pray thee, by the divining spirit within thee, and bring up to me him whom I shall name to thee.
9 Koma mkaziyo anayankha kuti, “Ndithu inu mukudziwa chimene Sauli anachita. Paja iye anachotsa mʼdziko muno anthu onse owombeza ndi woyankhula ndi mizimu ya anthu akufa. Chifukwa chiyani mukutchera moyo wanga msampha kuti ndiphedwe?”
And the woman said to him, Behold now, thou knowest what Saul has done, how he has cut off those who had in them divining spirits, and the wizards from the land, and why dost thou spread a snare for my life to destroy it?
10 Koma Sauli analonjeza mkaziyo molumbira nati, “Pali Yehova wamoyo, iweyo sudzalangidwa chifukwa cha zimenezi.”
And Saul swore to her, and said, [As] the Lord lives, no injury shall come upon thee on this account.
11 Kenaka mkaziyo anafunsa, “Ndikuyitanireni yani?” Iye anati, “Undiyitanire Samueli.”
And the woman said, Whom shall I bring up to thee? and he said, Bring up to me Samuel.
12 Pamene mkaziyo anaona Samueli anakuwa kwambiri, nawuza Sauli kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani inu mwandipusitsa? Inu ndinu Sauli!”
And the woman saw Samuel, and cried out with a loud voice: and the woman said to Saul, Why hast thou deceived me? for thou art Saul.
13 Mfumuyo inamuwuza kuti, “Usaope. Kodi ukuona chiyani?” Mkaziyo anayankha kuti, “Ndikuona mzimu ukutuluka pansi.”
And the king said to her, Fear not; tell me whom thou has seen. And the woman said to him, I saw gods ascending out of the earth.
14 Sauli anafunsa, “Kodi mzimuwo ukuoneka motani?” Mkaziyo anayankha kuti, “Amene akutuluka ndi munthu wokalamba ndipo wavala mkanjo.” Apo Sauli anadziwa kuti anali Samueli ndipo anawerama nagunditsa nkhope yake pansi.
And he said to her, What didst thou perceive? and she said to him, An upright man ascending out of the earth, and he [was] clothed with a mantle. And Saul knew that this was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the earth, and did obeisance to him.
15 Samueli anafunsa Sauli kuti, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani wandivutitsa pondiyitana kuti ndibwere kuno?” Sauli anayankha kuti, “Ine ndavutika kwambiri mʼmaloto. Afilisti akumenyana nane, ndipo Mulungu wandifulatira. Iye sakundiyankhulanso, ngakhale kudzera mwa aneneri kapena maloto. Choncho ndakuyitanani kuti mundiwuze zoti ndichite.”
And Samuel said, Why hast thou troubled me, that I should come up? And Saul said, I am greatly distressed, and the Philistines war against me, and God has departed from me, and no longer hearkens to me either by the hand of the prophets or by dreams: and now I have called thee to tell me what I shall do.
16 Samueli anati, “Nʼchifukwa chiyani ukundifunsa ine, pakuti tsopano Yehova wakufulatira ndipo wasanduka mdani wako?
And Samuel said, Why askest thou me, whereas the Lord has departed from thee, and taken part with thy neighbour?
17 Yehova wakuchita zimene ananeneratu kudzera mwa ine. Yehova wachotsa ufumu mʼmanja mwako ndipo waupereka kwa mnansi wako, kwa Davide.
And the Lord has done to thee, as the Lord spoke by me; and the Lord will rend thy kingdom out of thy hand, and will give it to thy neighbour David.
18 Yehova wachita zimenezi lero chifukwa sunamvere mawu ake ndipo sunawawonongeretu Aamaleki.
because thou didst not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and didst not execute his fierce anger upon Amalec, therefore the Lord has done this thing to thee this day.
19 Yehova adzapereka ndithu iweyo pamodzi ndi Aisraeli kwa Afilisti. Ndipo mmawa iweyo ndi ana ako mudzakhala ndi ine kuno. Ndithu Yehova adzapereka gulu lankhondo la Aisraeli kwa Afilisti.”
And the Lord shall deliver Israel with thee into the hands of the Philistines, and to-morrow thou and thy sons with thee shall fall, and the Lord shall deliver the army of Israel into the hands of the Philistines.
20 Nthawi yomweyo Sauli anagwa pansi atadzazidwa ndi mantha chifukwa cha mawu a Samueli. Analibenso mphamvu, pakuti sanadye tsiku lonse.
And Saul instantly fell at his full length upon the earth, and was greatly afraid because of the words of Samuel; and there was no longer any strength in him, for he had eaten no bread all that day, and all that night.
21 Mkazi uja tsono anasendera kufupi ndi Sauli, ndipo ataona kuti Sauli akuchita mantha, anamuwuza kuti, “Taonani, mdzakazi wanune ndakumverani. Ndayika moyo wanga pa chiswe ndipo ndamvera zimene munandiwuza.
And the woman went in to Saul, and saw that he was greatly disquieted, and said to him, Behold now, thine handmaid has hearkened to thy voice, and I have put my life in my hand, and have heard the words which thou has spoken to me.
22 Tsono inunso mumvere mawu a mdzakazi wanune. Mundilole kuti ndikupatseni ka buledi pangʼono kuti mukhale ndi mphamvu zoyendera pa ulendo wanu.”
And now hearken, I pray thee, to the voice of thine handmaid, and I will set before thee a morsel of bread, and eat, and thou shalt be strengthened, for thou wilt be going on thy way.
23 Iye anakana ndipo anati, “Ayi, ine sindidya.” Koma nduna zake pamodzi ndi mkaziyo anamuwumiriza, ndipo anawamvera. Choncho anadzuka pansi nakhala pa bedi.
But he would not eat; so his servants and the woman constrained him, and he hearkened to their voice, and rose up from the earth, and sat upon a bench.
24 Mkaziyo anali ndi mwana wangʼombe wonenepa ndipo anamupha mwachangu. Anatenga ufa nawukanyanga ndipo anaphika buledi wopanda yisiti.
And the woman had a fat heifer in the house; and she hasted and slew it; and she took meal and kneaded it, and baked unleavened cakes.
25 Tsono anapereka bulediyo kwa Sauli ndi nduna zake ndipo anadya. Pambuyo pake ananyamuka kupita kwawo usiku womwewo.
And she brought [the meat] before Saul, and before his servants; and they ate, and rose up, and departed that night.

< 1 Samueli 28 >