< 1 Samueli 27 >

1 Davide anaganiza mu mtima mwake nati, “Tsiku lina ine ndidzaphedwa ndi Sauli. Palibe chabwino ndingachite, koma kuthawira ku dziko la Afilisti. Kotero Sauli adzasiya kundifunafuna mʼdziko lonse la Israeli, ndipo ndidzapulumuka.”
And David said in his heart: “At some time, I will one day fall into the hands of Saul. Is it not better if I flee, and be saved in the land of the Philistines, so that Saul may despair and cease to seek me in all the parts of Israel? Therefore, I will flee away from his hands.”
2 Choncho Davide ndi anthu 600 amene anali nawo anachoka napita kwa Akisi mwana wa Maoki mfumu ya ku Gati.
And David rose up and went away, he and the six hundred men who were with him, to Achish, the son of Maoch, the king of Gath.
3 Davide anakhala ndi Akisi ku Gati pamodzi ndi ankhondo ake, aliyense ndi banja lake. Davide ali ndi akazi ake awiri, Ahinoamu wa ku Yezireeli ndi Abigayeli wa ku Karimeli, mkazi wamasiye wa Nabala.
And David lived with Achish at Gath, he and his men: each man with his household, and David with his two wives, Ahinoam, the Jezreelite, and Abigail, the wife of Nabal of Carmel.
4 Sauli anamva kuti Davide wathawira ku Gati, ndipo sanamufunefunenso.
And it was reported to Saul that David had fled to Gath. And so, he did not continue to seek him.
5 Kenaka Davide anawuza Akisi kuti, “Ngati ndapeza kuyanja pamaso panu mundipatse malo dera limodzi la dziko lanu kuti ndizikhala kumeneko. Mtumiki wanu adzakhala mu mzinda waufumu chifukwa chiyani?”
And David said to Achish: “If I have found favor in your eyes, let a place be given to me in one of the cities of this region, so that I may live there. For why should your servant stay in the city of the king with you?”
6 Choncho tsiku limenelo Akisi anamupatsa Zikilagi ndipo mzindawo wakhala wa mafumu a Yuda mpaka lero.
And so, Achish gave Ziklag to him on that day. And for this reason, Ziklag belongs to the kings of Judah, even to this day.
7 Davide anakhala mʼdziko la Afilisti kwa chaka chimodzi ndi miyezi inayi.
Now the number of days that David lived in the region of the Philistines was four months.
8 Tsono Davide ndi anthu ake ankapita kukathira nkhondo Agesuri, Agirizi ndi Aamaleki. (Mitundu ya anthu imeneyi kuyambira kale inkakhala mʼdziko la pakati pa Suri ndi Igupto).
And David and his men went up and took plunder from Geshuri, and from Girzi, and from the Amalekites. For in the land long ago, these were the inhabitants of the area, going from Shur as far as the land of Egypt.
9 Davide ankati akathira nkhondo dera lina, sankasiya munthu wamoyo, mwamuna kapena mkazi, koma ankatenga nkhosa, ngʼombe, abulu, ngamira ndi zovala, pambuyo pake nʼkubwerera kwa Akisi.
And David struck the entire land. Neither did he leave alive man or woman. And he took away the sheep, and the oxen, and the donkeys, and the camels, and the garments. And he returned and went to Achish.
10 Akisi akafunsa kuti, “Kodi lero unapita kukathira nkhondo kuti?” Davide ankayankha kuti, “Ndinapita kukathira nkhondo kummwera kwa Yuda,” mwinanso ankanena kuti, “Ndinapita ku dziko la Ayerahimeeli” kapenanso ankanena kuti, “Ndinapita ku dziko la Akeni.”
Then Achish said to him, “Whom did you go out against today?” And David responded, “Against the south of Judah, and against the south of Jerahmeel, and against the south of Keni.”
11 Davide sankasiya mwamuna kapena mkazi wamoyo kuti akafotokozere anthu a ku Gati zochitikazo kuopa kuti opulumukawo akhoza kudzanena kuti “Davide watichita zakutizakuti.” Tsono izi ndi zimene Davide ankachita pamene ankakhala mʼdziko la Afilisti.
Neither man nor woman was left alive by David. Neither did he lead back any of them to Gath, saying, “Lest perhaps they may speak against us.” David did these things. And this was his decision during all the days that he lived in the region of the Philistines.
12 Akisi ankamukhulupirira Davide ndipo ankati mu mtima mwake, “Davide wadzisandutsa munthu woyipa kwambiri pakati pa anthu ake omwe, Aisraeli. Tsono adzakhala mtumiki wanga mpaka kalekale.”
Therefore, Achish trusted David, saying: “He has worked much harm against his people Israel. And so, he will be a servant to me forever.”

< 1 Samueli 27 >