< 1 Samueli 23 >

1 Davide atawuzidwa kuti “Onani, Afilisti akuthira nkhondo mzinda wa Keila ndi kulanda zokolola zawo za mʼnkhokwe,”
Then they tolde Dauid, saying, Beholde, the Philistims fight against Keilah, and spoyle the barnes.
2 anafunsa Yehova kuti, “Kodi ndipite ndikamenyane nawo Afilistiwa?” Yehova anamuyankha kuti, “Pita, kamenyane nawo Afilisti ndi kupulumutsa mzinda wa Keila.”
Therfore Dauid asked counsel of the Lord, saying, Shal I goe and smite these Philistims? And the Lord answered Dauid, Go and smite the Philistims, and saue Keilah.
3 Koma anthu amene anali ndi Davide anati, “Ngati tikuchita mantha ku Yuda konkuno, nanji kupita ku Keila kukamenyana ndi ankhondo a Afilisti!”
And Dauids men said vnto him, See, we be afrayde here in Iudah, howe much more if we come to Keilah against the hoste of ye Philistims?
4 Davide anafunsanso Yehova, ndipo Yehova anamuyankha kuti, “Pita ku Keila pakuti ndapereka Afilisti mʼdzanja lako.”
Then Dauid asked counsell of the Lord againe. And the Lord answered him, and sayd, Arise, go downe to Keilah: for I wil deliuer the Philistims into thine hand.
5 Choncho Davide ndi anthu ake anapita ku Keila kukamenyana ndi Afilisti. Anapha Afilisti ambiri ndi kutenga ziweto zawo. Choncho anapulumutsa anthu a ku Keila.
So Dauid and his men went to Keilah, and fought with the Philistims, and brought away their cattel, and smote them with a great slaughter: thus Dauid saued the inhabitants of Keilah.
6 (Pamene Abiatara mwana wa Ahimeleki anathawira kwa Davide anabwera ndi efodi mʼmanja mwake).
(And when Abiathar the sonne of Ahimelech fled to Dauid to Keilah, he brought an Ephod with him)
7 Sauli atamva kuti Davide wapita ku Keila anati, “Mulungu wamupereka kwa ine, pakuti Davide wadzitsekera yekha mʼndende polowa mu mzinda umene uli ndi zipata ndi zotsekera zake.”
And it was tolde Saul that Dauid was come to Keilah, and Saul sayd, God hath deliuered him into mine hand: for he is shut in, seeing he is come into a citie that hath gates and barres.
8 Choncho Sauli anasonkhanitsa ankhondo ake nawatuma ku Keila kuti akamuzungulire Davide ndi anthu ake.
Then Saul called all the people together to warre, for to go downe to Keilah, and to besiege Dauid and his men.
9 Davide atadziwa kuti Sauli akufuna kumuchita chiwembu, anawuza Abiatara wansembe uja kuti, “Bwera nayo efodiyo.”
And Dauid hauing knowledge that Saul imagined mischiefe against him, saide to Abiathar the Priest, Bring the Ephod.
10 Tsono Davide anayankhula ndi Yehova kuti, “Inu Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, ine mtumiki wanu ndamva ndithu kuti Sauli akufuna kubwera ku Keila ndi kudzawononga mzindawu chifukwa cha ine.
Then sayde Dauid, O Lord God of Israel, thy seruat hath heard, that Saul is about to come to Keilah to destroy the citie for my sake.
11 Kodi anthu a Keila adzandipereka mʼmanja mwa Sauli? Kodi Sauli abweradi monga ndamvera ine mtumiki wanu? Inu Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, chonde, ndiwuzeni ine mtumiki wanu.” Ndipo Yehova anati, “Sauli abweradi.”
Wil the lordes of Keilah deliuer me vp into his hand? and will Saul come downe, as thy seruant hath heard? O Lord God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy seruant. And the Lord sayde, He will come downe.
12 Davide anafunsanso, “Kodi anthu a ku Keila adzapereka ine ndi anthu angawa kwa Sauli?” Ndipo Yehova anayankha, “Iwo adzakuperekanidi.”
Then said Dauid, Will the lords of Keilah deliuer me vp, and the men that are with me, into the hand of Saul? And the Lord sayde, They will deliuer thee vp.
13 Choncho Davide ndi anthu ake, omwe analipo 600, anachoka ku Keila namayenda mothawathawa. Sauli atamva kuti Davide wathawa ku Keila, sanatumizeko ankhondo ake aja.
Then Dauid and his men, which were about sixe hundreth, arose, and departed out of Keilah, and went whither they coulde. And it was tolde Saul, that Dauid was fled from Keilah, and he left off his iourney.
14 Davide ankakhala mʼmapanga mʼdziko lamapiri ku chipululu cha Zifi. Sauli ankamufufuza tsiku ndi tsiku, koma Mulungu sanapereke Davide mʼmanja mwake.
And Dauid abode in the wildernesse in holdes, and remayned in a mountaine in the wildernes of Ziph. And Saul sought him euery day, but God deliuered him not into his hand.
15 Davide anaona kuti Sauli akufunafuna kuti amuphe. Nthawiyi nʼkuti Davide ali mʼchipululu cha Zifi ku Horesi.
And Dauid sawe that Saul was come out for to seeke his life: and Dauid was in the wildernes of Ziph in the wood.
16 Ndipo Yonatani mwana wa Sauli anapita kwa Davide ku Horesi ndipo anamulimbitsa mtima pomuwuza kuti Yehova ali naye.
And Ionathan Sauls sonne arose and went to Dauid into the wood, and comforted him in God,
17 Iye anamuwuza kuti, “Usaope, abambo anga sadzakupha. Iwe udzakhala mfumu ya Israeli ndipo ine ndidzakhala wachiwiri wako. Ngakhale abambo anga Sauli akudziwa zimenezi.”
And said vnto him, Feare not: for the hand of Saul my father shall not finde thee, and thou shalt be King ouer Israel, and I shalbe next vnto thee: and also Saul my father knoweth it.
18 Awiriwa anachita pangano pamaso pa Yehova. Ndipo Yonatani anabwerera kwawo, koma Davide anakhalabe ku Horesi.
So they twaine made a couenant before ye Lord: and Dauid did remaine in the wood: but Ionathan went to his house.
19 Anthu a ku Zifi anapita kwa Sauli ku Gibeya ndipo anamuwuza kuti, “Davide akubisala kwathu, mʼmapanga a ku Horesi, mʼphiri la Hakila, kummwera kwa Yesimoni.
Then came vp the Ziphims to Saul to Gibeah, saying, Doeth not Dauid hide himselfe by vs in holdes, in the wood in the hill of Hachilah, which is on the right side of Ieshimon?
20 Tsopano inu, mubwere nthawi iliyonse imene mukufuna, ndipo ife tidzamupereka kwa mfumu.”
Nowe therefore, O King, come downe according to all that thine heart can desire, and our part shall be to deliuer him into the Kinges handes.
21 Sauli anayankha kuti, “Yehova akudalitseni pakuti mwandichitira chifundo.
Then Saul said, Be ye blessed of the Lord: for ye haue had compassion on mee.
22 Pitani mukatsimikizire. Mukaone kumene amakhala ndiponso mupeze munthu amene wamuona. Anthu amandiwuza kuti ndi wochenjera kwambiri.
Goe, I pray you, and prepare ye yet better: know and see his place where he haunteth, and who hath seene him there: for it is sayd to me, He is subtile, and craftie.
23 Kafufuzeni ndithu malo onse kumene amabisalako, ndipo mubwerenso kuno mudzandiwuze chenicheni. Pambuyo pake ine ndidzapita nanu. Ngatidi ali mʼderalo ndidzamusaka pakati pa mabanja onse a Yuda.”
See therefore and know all the secret places where he hideth himselfe, and come ye againe to me with the certaintie, and I will goe with you: and if he be in the lande, I will searche him out throughout all the thousands of Iudah.
24 Kotero iwo ananyamuka ndi kupita ku Zifi, koma Sauli asananyamuke. Nthawi imeneyi Davide ndi anthu ake anali ku chipululu cha Maoni, ku Araba kummwera kwa Yesimoni.
Then they arose and went to Ziph before Saul, but Dauid and his men were in the wildernesse of Maon, in the playne on the right hande of Ieshimon.
25 Sauli ndi anthu ake anapita kukamufufuza Davide. Koma Davide atamva izi anathawa ndi kukabisala ku thanthwe la chipululu cha Maoni. Sauli atamva kuti Davide anathawira ku Maoni anamutsatira ku chipululu komweko.
Saul also and his men went to seeke him, and they told Dauid: wherefore he came downe vnto a rocke, and abode in the wildernesse of Maon. And when Saul heard that, he folowed after Dauid in the wildernes of Maon.
26 Sauli amayenda mbali ina ya phirilo, ndipo Davide ndi anthu ake nawonso anali mbali ina ya phirilo. Koma Davide ndi anthu ake anafulumira kumuthawa Sauli pamene Sauliyo ndi anthu ake ali pafupi kuwagwira.
And Saul and his men went on the one side of the mountaine, and Dauid and his men on the other side of the mountaine: and Dauid made haste to get from the presence of Saul: for Saul and his men compassed Dauid and his men round about, to take them.
27 Nthawi yomweyo munthu wina wamthenga anabwera kudzamuwuza Sauli kuti, “Bwerani msanga! Afilisti akuthira nkhondo dzikoli.”
But there came a messenger to Saul, saying, Haste thee, and come: for the Philistims haue inuaded the land.
28 Choncho Sauli analeka kuthamangitsa Davide ndipo anapita kukamenyana ndi Afilisti. Nʼchifukwa chake malowa amatchedwa Mwala wa Malekano.
Wherefore Saul returned from pursuing Dauid, and went against the Philistims. Therefore they called that place, Sela-hammahlekoth.
29 Ndipo Davide anachoka kumeneko ndi kukakhala ku mapanga a ku Eni Gedi.
And Dauid went thence, and dwelt in holdes at En-gedi.

< 1 Samueli 23 >