< 1 Akorinto 1 >
1 Paulo, woyitanidwa mwachifuniro cha Mulungu kuti akhale mtumwi wa Khristu Yesu ndi mʼbale wathu Sositene.
Paul, called to be an Apostle of Christ Jesus through the will of God--and our brother Sosthenes:
2 Kupita ku mpingo wa Mulungu ku Korinto, kwa oyeretsedwa mwa Khristu Yesu ndi oyitanidwa kukhala opatulika ndiponso kwa onse amene amapemphera mʼdzina la Ambuye athu Yesu Khristu mʼdziko lonse lapansi, amene ndi Ambuye wawo ndi wathunso.
To the Church of God in Corinth, men and women consecrated in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all in every place who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ-- their Lord as well as ours.
3 Landirani chisomo ndi mtendere zochokera kwa Mulungu Atate athu ndi Ambuye athu Yesu Khristu.
May grace and peace be granted to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
4 Nthawi zonse ndimayamika Mulungu chifukwa cha inu chifukwa cha chisomo chake chopatsidwa kwa inu mwa Khristu Yesu.
I thank my God continually on your behalf for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus--
5 Pakuti mwa Iye mwalemekezedwa mʼnjira iliyonse, mʼkuyankhula kwanu konse ndi mʼkudziwa kwanu konse,
that you have been so richly blessed in Him, with readiness of speech and fulness of knowledge.
6 chifukwa umboni wathu pa za Khristu unatsimikizidwa mwa inu.
Thus my testimony as to the Christ has been confirmed in your experience,
7 Choncho inu simusowa mphatso yauzimu iliyonse pamene mukudikira mofunitsitsa kuti Ambuye athu Yesu Khristu avumbulutsidwe.
so that there is no gift of God in which you consciously come short while patiently waiting for the reappearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
8 Adzakulimbikitsani mpaka kumapeto kuti mudzakhale wopanda mlandu pa tsiku lobwera Ambuye athu Yesu Khristu.
who will also keep you stedfast to the very End, so that you will be free from reproach on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.
9 Mulungu amene wakuyitanani inu mu chiyanjano ndi Mwana wake Yesu Khristu Ambuye athu ngokhulupirika.
God is ever true to His promises, and it was by Him that you were, one and all, called into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ, our Lord.
10 Ndidandaulira inu, abale, mʼdzina la Ambuye athu Yesu Khristu kuti nonsenu muvomerezane wina ndi mnzake kuti pasakhale kugawikana pakati panu ndi kuti mukhale amodzi kwenikweni mu nzeru ndi mʼmaganizo.
Now I entreat you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to cultivate a spirit of harmony--all of you--and that there be no divisions among you, but rather a perfect union through your having one mind and one judgement.
11 Abale anga, ena a ku nyumba ya Kloe andidziwitsa kuti pali mkangano pakati panu.
For I have been distinctly informed, my brethren, about you by Chloe's people, that there are dissensions among you.
12 Chimene ndikutanthauza ndi ichi: wina amati, “Ndimatsatira Paulo,” wina, “Ndimatsatira Apolo,” wina, “Ndimatsatira Kefa,” winanso, “Ndimatsatira Khristu.”
What I mean is that each of you is a partisan. One man says "I belong to Paul;" another "I belong to Apollos;" a third "I belong to Peter;" a fourth "I belong to Christ."
13 Kodi Khristu wagawikana? Kodi Paulo anapachikidwa pa mtanda chifukwa cha inu? Kodi munabatizidwa mʼdzina la Paulo?
Is the Christ in fragments? Is it Paul who was crucified on your behalf? Or were you baptized to be Paul's adherents?
14 Ine ndikuyamika kuti sindinabatizepo mmodzi mwa inu kupatula Krispo ndi Gayo,
I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius--
15 mwakuti palibe amene anganene kuti anabatizidwa mʼdzina langa.
for fear people should say that you were baptized to be my adherents.
16 (Inde, ine ndinabatizanso a mʼbanja la Stefano, koma sindikumbukira ngati ndinabatizanso wina aliyense).
I did, however, baptize Stephanas' household also: but I do not think that I baptized any one else.
17 Pakuti Khristu sananditume ine kudzabatiza, koma kudzalalikira Uthenga Wabwino, osati ndi mawu anzeru za umunthu, kuopa kuti mtanda wa Khristu ungakhale wopanda mphamvu.
Christ did not send me to baptize, but to proclaim the Good News; and not in merely wise words--lest the Cross of Christ should be deprived of its power.
18 Pakuti uthenga wa mtanda ndi chopusa kwa iwo amene akuwonongeka, koma kwa ife amene tikupulumutsidwa uthengawu ndi mphamvu ya Mulungu.
For the Message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are on the way to perdition, but it is the power of God to those whom He is saving.
19 Pakuti kwalembedwa kuti, “Ine ndidzawononga nzeru za anthu anzeru; luntha la anthu aluntha Ine ndidzalinyoza.”
For so it stands written, "I will exhibit the nothingness of the wisdom of the wise, and the intelligence of the intelligent I will bring to nought."
20 Munthu wanzeru ali kuti? Munthu wozama ndi maphunziro ali kuti? Munthu wodziwa zakuya zamakono ali kuti? Kodi Mulungu sanazipusitse nzeru za dziko lapansi? (aiōn )
Where is your wise man? Where your expounder of the Law? Where your investigator of the questions of this present age? Has not God shown the world's wisdom to be utter foolishness? (aiōn )
21 Tsono poti mwa nzeru za Mulungu dziko lapansi mu nzeru zake silinamudziwe Iye, Mulungu amakondweretsedwa kuti kudzera mu chopusa cha zomwe zinalalikidwa apulumutse iwo amene akhulupirira.
For after the world by its wisdom--as God in His wisdom had ordained--had failed to gain the knowledge of God, God was pleased, by the apparent foolishness of the Message which we preach, to save those who accepted it.
22 Ayuda amafuna zizindikiro zodabwitsa ndipo Agriki amafunafuna nzeru,
Seeing that Jews demand miracles, and Greeks go in search of wisdom,
23 koma ife timalalikira Khristu wopachikidwa. Chitsa chokhumudwitsa kwa Ayuda ndi chopusa kwa a mitundu ina.
while we proclaim a Christ who has been crucified--to the Jews a stumbling-block, to Gentiles foolishness,
24 Koma kwa iwo amene Mulungu anawayitana, Ayuda ndi Agriki omwe, Khristu ndi mphamvu ya Mulungu ndi nzeru za Mulungu.
but to those who have received the Call, whether Jews or Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
25 Pakuti za Mulungu zooneka ngati zopusa, ndi za nzeru kuposa nzeru za munthu, ndipo za Mulungu zooneka ngati zofowoka, zili ndi mphamvu kuposa mphamvu za munthu.
Because that which the world deems foolish in God is wiser than men's wisdom, and that which it deems feeble in God is mightier than men's might.
26 Abale taganizirani mmene munalili musanayitanidwe. Si ambiri a inu munali a nzeru, si ambiri a inu munali a mphamvu zamakopedwe. Si ambiri a inu munali obadwa pa ulemerero.
For consider, brethren, God's call to you. Not many who are wise with merely human wisdom, not many of position and influence, not many of noble birth have been called.
27 Koma Mulungu anasankha zinthu zopusa za dziko lapansi kuti achititse manyazi anzeru. Mulungu anasankha zinthu zofowoka za dziko lapansi kuti achititse manyazi amphamvu.
But God has chosen the things which the world regards as foolish, in order to put its wise men to shame; and God has chosen the things which the world regards as destitute of influence, in order to put its powerful things to shame;
28 Anasankha zinthu zapansipansi ndi zopeputsidwa za dziko la pansi lino, zinthu zimene kulibe, kuti asukulutse zimene zilipo,
and the things which the world regards as base, and those which it sets utterly at nought--things that have no existence--God has chosen in order to reduce to nothing things that do exist;
29 kuti munthu asanyade pamaso pa Mulungu.
to prevent any mortal man from boasting in the presence of God.
30 Nʼchifukwa cha Iye kuti inu muli mwa Khristu Yesu, amene wakhala nzeru ya kwa Mulungu, kwa ife, kunena kuti kulungama kwathu, chiyero ndi chipulumutso.
But you--and it is all God's doing--are in Christ Jesus: He has become for us a wisdom which is from God, consisting of righteousness and sanctification and deliverance;
31 Choncho poti zinalembedwa kuti, “Ngati munthu akufuna kunyadira, anyadire mwa Ambuye.”
in order that it may be as Scripture says, "He who boasts--let his boast be in the Lord."