< 1 Akorinto 4 >

1 Choncho tsono anthu atione ife monga atumiki a Khristu, ndiponso ngati osunga zinsinsi za Mulungu.
Let a man consider us like this: as Christ's subordinates and stewards of God's mysteries.
2 Chofunika kwambiri nʼchakuti amene apatsidwa udindo oyangʼanira aonetse kukhulupirika.
Moreover, what is required of stewards is that each be found faithful.
3 Ine ndilibe nazo kanthu ngati ndiweruzidwa ndi inu kapena khothi lina lililonse. Ndithu, inenso sindidziweruza ndekha.
So to me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you or by a human court; in fact, I do not even judge myself.
4 Chikumbumtima changa sichikunditsutsa, koma sikuti ndine wolungama. Wondiweruza ine ndi Ambuye.
For I am conscious of nothing against myself, although I am not justified by this; it is the Lord who judges me.
5 Chomwecho musaweruze nthawi yoweruza isanakwane. Dikirani mpaka Ambuye atabwera. Iye adzaonetsa poyera zimene zabisika mu mdima ndipo adzaonetsa maganizo a mʼmitima ya anthu. Pa nthawi imeneyo aliyense adzalandira kwa Mulungu chiyamiko.
Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who will both bring to light the hidden things of darkness and expose the motives of the hearts. At that time the praise that comes to each will be from God.
6 Tsono abale, ndapereka chitsanzo cha ine mwini ndi Apolo kuti mupindule. Phunzirani kwa ife tanthauzo la mawu akuti, “Musamapitirire zimene Malemba akunena,” kuti musamanyade pamene wina aposa mnzake.
I have illustrated these things using myself and Apollos, brothers, for your sakes, so that you may learn from us not to think beyond what is written, that no one of you be puffed up in favor of the one against the other.
7 Pakuti ndani amakusiyanitsani ndi wina aliyense? Nʼchiyani muli nacho chimene simunalandire? Ndipo ngati munalandira, bwanji mumadzitukumula ngati kuti simunalandire?
Now who is distinguishing you? Or what do you have that you did not receive? So if you did indeed receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?
8 Inu muli nazo kale zonse zimene mufuna! Inu mwalemera kale! Inu mwayamba kale kulamulira ife! Ndilakalaka mukanakhaladi mafumu kuti ife tikhale nawo mafumu pamodzi ndi inu.
You are already stuffed! You are already rich! You have become ‘kings’ without us! I could wish that you really did reign, so that we might be kings with you too!
9 Pakuti kwa ine zikuoneka ngati kuti Mulungu watiyika ife atumwi pachionetsero, kumapeto kwa mndandanda, monga anthu oweruzidwa kuti akaphedwe mʼmabwalo. Ife tayikidwa kuti tionekere ku dziko lonse, kwa angelo ndi anthu.
For I keep thinking that God has displayed us, the apostles, at the end of the line, like men sentenced to death; because we have been made a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to men.
10 Ife ndife opusa chifukwa cha Khristu, koma inu ndinu anzeru mwa Khristu! Ife ndife ofowoka koma inu ndinu amphamvu! Inu ndinu olemekezeka koma ife ndife opeputsidwa!
We are fools for Christ while you are wise! We are weak but you are strong! You are esteemed, we are despised!
11 Mpaka pano tili ndi njala ndi ludzu, tili ndi sanza, tikuzunzidwa, tilibe nyumba.
To this very hour we go hungry and thirsty; we are poorly dressed, brutally treated, and wander homeless;
12 Timagwira ntchito molimbika ndi manja athu. Akamatitemberera, ife timadalitsa; tikasautsidwa, ife timapirira.
yes, we labor, working with our own hands. Upon being reviled, we bless; upon being persecuted, we endure it;
13 Pamene atilalatira timayankha mwachifundo. Mpaka pano takhala ngati zinyalala za dziko, monga zakudzala za dziko lapansi.
upon being slandered, we exhort. We have been made as the refuse of the world, the off-scouring of whatever, to this moment.
14 Sindikulemba izi kuti ndikuchititseni manyazi, koma kukuchenjezani monga ana anga okondedwa.
I am not writing these things to shame you; I am admonishing you as my dear children.
15 Ngakhale muli ndi anthu 10,000 okutsogolerani mwa Khristu, mulibe abambo ambiri, popeza mwa Khristu Yesu, ine ndakhala abambo anu kudzera mu Uthenga Wabwino.
Because even if you were to have thousands of tutors in Christ, you would not have many fathers, because I am the one who begot you in Christ Jesus, through the Gospel.
16 Chifukwa chake ndikukupemphani kuti munditsanze ine.
Therefore I am urging you, become my imitators.
17 Chifukwa cha ichi ndikutumiza kwa inu Timoteyo, mwana wanga amene ndimamukonda, amene ndi wokhulupirika mwa Ambuye. Adzakukumbutsani inuyo za moyo wanga mwa Khristu Yesu, umene ukugwirizana ndi zimene ndimaphunzitsa paliponse mu mpingo uliwonse.
That is why I sent you Timothy, who is my beloved and faithful son in Sovereign, who will remind you of my ways in Christ, just as I teach everywhere in every congregation.
18 Ena mwa inu mukudzitukumula, ngati kuti sindingabwere kwanu.
Now some have been puffed up, as though I were not coming to you.
19 Koma ndibwera kwanuko posachedwapa, ngati Ambuye alola, ndipo ndi pamene ndidzadziwe osati zimene anthu odzitukumulawa akuyankhula, koma kuti mphamvu zawo nʼzotani.
But I will come to you shortly, if the Lord wills, and I will know, not the word of those who have been puffed up, but the power.
20 Pakuti ufumu wa Mulungu si mawu chabe koma mphamvu.
Because the Kingdom of God is not in word but in power.
21 Kodi musankha chiyani? Kodi ndidzabwere ndi chikwapu, kapena mu chikondi ndiponso mwa mzimu wofatsa?
What do you prefer? Shall I come to you with a rod, or in love and a gentle spirit?

< 1 Akorinto 4 >