< Y Salmo Sija 105 >
1 O nae grasias si Jeova; agang y naanña; namatungo y chechoña gui entalo taotao sija.
Give thanks to the LORD, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the nations.
2 Cantaye güe, cantaye güe ni y alabansa sija; fanadingan ni y todo y chechoña ni y mannamanman.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; tell of all His wonders.
3 Manmalag jamyo ni y santos na naanña: umanmagof ayo sija na corason y umaliligao si Jeova.
Glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.
4 Aligao si Jeova yan y minetgotña: Aligao y mataña para taejinecog.
Seek out the LORD and His strength; seek His face always.
5 Jaso y ninamanman checho ni y monjayan jachogüe; ninamanmanña yan y juision y pachotña;
Remember the wonders He has done, His marvels, and the judgments He has pronounced,
6 O Jamyo, ni y semiyan Abraham tentagoña, jamyo ni y famaguon Jacob inayegña sija.
O offspring of His servant Abraham, O sons of Jacob, His chosen ones.
7 Güiya si Jeova Yuusta: y juisioñasija mangaegue todo gui tano.
He is the LORD our God; His judgments carry throughout the earth.
8 Jagasja jaso y tratuña para taejinecog, y finijo ni y tinagoña para mit na generasion.
He remembers His covenant forever, the word He ordained for a thousand generations—
9 Ayo na trato ni y jafatinas gui as Abraham, yan y jinilaña gui as Ysaac.
the covenant He made with Abraham, and the oath He swore to Isaac.
10 Yan ayoja janafitme gui as Jacob para otden, yan as Israel para taejinecog na trato.
He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree, to Israel as an everlasting covenant:
11 Ylelegña: Yya jago guajo junaejao y tano Cananea, y facae y erensiamo.
“I will give you the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance.”
12 Anae sija mandidideja na numeron taotao: junggan, senmandidide yan taotao juyong güije;
When they were few in number, few indeed, and strangers in the land,
13 Ya sija manjanao guinin y un nasion asta y otro nasion, guinin y un raeno asta otro taotao;
they wandered from nation to nation, from one kingdom to another.
14 Ti japolo ni un taotao na ujafatinas daño guiya sija: magajet na jalalatde y ray sija pot causañija:
He let no man oppress them; He rebuked kings on their behalf:
15 Ylegña: Chamo pumapacha y pinalaejo, yan chamo munafanlalamen y profetajo sija.
“Do not touch My anointed ones! Do no harm to My prophets!”
16 Ya jatago y ñinalang gui jilo y tano: ya jayulang todo y minetgot y agon.
He called down famine on the land and cut off all their supplies of food.
17 Ya jatago un taotao gui menañija, si José ni y mabende para tentago.
He sent a man before them— Joseph, sold as a slave.
18 Ayo sija na adengña y ninafanlamen ni y cadena: güiya mapolo guientalo y lilog.
They bruised his feet with shackles and placed his neck in irons,
19 Asta y tiempo anae macumple y finoña: ya y fino Jeova chumague güe,
until his prediction came true and the word of the LORD proved him right.
20 Y ray matago ya pinila güe, ayo y magas taotao sija yan pinelo güe na ujanao libre.
The king sent and released him; the ruler of peoples set him free.
21 Pinelo güe magas gui guimaña yan gobietnon todo y güinajaña:
He made him master of his household, ruler over all his substance,
22 Para upreso y prinsipeña ni y minagofña; yan ufanagüe y manamco ni y manpápagat.
to instruct his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.
23 Si Israel locue jumalom guiya Egipto; yan si Jacob taotao juyong sumasaga gui tano Cam.
Then Israel entered Egypt; Jacob dwelt in the land of Ham.
24 Yan janafansenmegae y taotaoña; yan janafanmetgot mas que y enimigoñija.
And the LORD made His people very fruitful, more numerous than their foes,
25 Jabira y corasonñija para ujachatlie y taotaoña sija, para ufanmatinas ni y finaye gui tentagoña sija.
whose hearts He turned to hate His people, to conspire against His servants.
26 Jatago si Moises ni y tentagoña; yan si Aaron ni y guinin inayegña.
He sent Moses His servant, and Aaron, whom He had chosen.
27 Sija japolo ni y señatña guiya sija, yan ninamanman gui tano Cam.
They performed His miraculous signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.
28 Jatago y jemjom, ya ninajomjom; yan sija ti ninafanaguaguat contra y finoña.
He sent darkness, and it became dark— yet they defied His words.
29 Jatolaeca y janomñija jafajâgâ, yan japuno y güijanñija.
He turned their waters to blood and caused their fish to die.
30 Y tanoñija janae manadan ranas, ya megae gui jalom y aposenton y rayñija sija.
Their land teemed with frogs, even in their royal chambers.
31 Güiya sumasangan, yan manmato manadan dinaña lalo, yan juto sija gui todo y oriyan y tanoñija.
He spoke, and insects swarmed— gnats throughout their country.
32 Güiya numae sija uchan graniso, yan mañila guafe gui tanoñija.
He gave them hail for rain, with lightning throughout their land.
33 Jasaolag y trongcon ubasñija locue, yan y trongcon ygosñija; yan jajulog y trongcon jayo sija gui oriyan tanoñija.
He struck their vines and fig trees and shattered the trees of their country.
34 Güiya y sumangan, yan y apacha sija manmato, yan uruga na ulo sija yan ayo taya numeroñija,
He spoke, and the locusts came— young locusts without number.
35 Ya sija jacano todo y tinanom gui jalom y tanoñija, yan jalachae sija y tinegcha gui tanoñija.
They devoured every plant in their land and consumed the produce of their soil.
36 Ya japuno locue todo y finenana na finañagon laje gui tanoñija, y magas todo y ninasiñañija.
Then He struck all the firstborn in their land, the firstfruits of all their vigor.
37 Ya jacone sija juyong locue yan y salape yan y oro; yan taya ni un taotao malango gui triboñija.
He brought Israel out with silver and gold, and none among His tribes stumbled.
38 Yya Egipto manmagof anae sija manjanao: pot minaañaoñija guinin podong guiya sija.
Egypt was glad when they departed, for the dread of Israel had fallen on them.
39 Jajuto y mapagajes para ufantinampe; yan y guafe janae para ufaninina gui puenge.
He spread a cloud as a covering and a fire to light up the night.
40 Manmangagao y taotao, yan jaconie pajaro ni calang palumo sija; yan ninafanjaspog ni y pan langet.
They asked, and He brought quail and satisfied them with the bread of heaven.
41 Jababa y acho yan y janom milalag juyong; manmalalago gui anglo na sagayan taegüije y sadog.
He opened a rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a river in the desert.
42 Sa jajaso y santos na sinanganña, yan Abraham ni y tentagoña.
For He remembered His holy promise to Abraham His servant.
43 Ya jacone juyong y taotaoña yan y minagof, yan y inayegña gui cantasion sija.
He brought forth His people with rejoicing, His chosen with shouts of joy.
44 Yan janae sija ni y tano y nasion sija: yan sija jachule para iyoñija ni y checho y taotao sija:
He gave them the lands of the nations, that they might inherit the fruit of others’ labor,
45 Para usiña adaje y otdenña, yan ufatinas y layña. Alaba jamyo si Jeova.
that they might keep His statutes and obey His laws. Hallelujah!