< San Mateo 27 >

1 YA mato y egaan, todo y prinsipen y mamale, yan y manamco na taotao sija, mandaña y manaconseja entre sija contra si Jesus, para umapuno güe.
And it being morning, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put Him to death.
2 Ya anae munjayan magode güe, macone ya maentrega gui as Ponsio Pilato y magalaje.
And having bound Him, took Him away, and delivered Him to Pontius Pilate, the governor.
3 Ayo nae si Judas, y umentrega güe, jalie na esta umayogua, ya mañotsot ya jachule talo guato y treinta pidason salape gui prinsipen y mamale yan y manamco na taotao sija,
Then Judas, the one having betrayed Him, seeing that He was condemned, being seized with remorse, returned the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,
4 Ya ilegña: Guajo isaoyo, juentrega y taeisao na jâgâ. Lao sija ilegñija: Jafa ayo guiyajame? Jagoja adaje.
saying, I sinned betraying the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? See thou to it.
5 Ya jayute y pidason salape jalom gui jalom y templo, ya mapos ya jañaca güe.
And throwing down the money in the temple, he departed; and having gone away hung himself.
6 Ya y prinsipen y mamale sija, jachule y salape ya ilegñija: Ti tunas na tapolo gui tesoro sa baliña y jâgâ.
And the chief priests, taking the pieces of silver, said, It is not lawful to put them in the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
7 Ya manaconseja entre sija, ya mafajan y fangualuan oyero, para y naftan y taotaojuyong.
And taking counsel, they purchased with them the field of the potter, for a burying place for strangers.
8 Ayo mina mafanaan ayo na fangualuan: Fangualuan jâgâ, asta pago na jaane.
Therefore that field has been called, The field of blood, to this day.
9 Ayo nae macumple y sinangan na pot y profeta Jeremias, ni ilegña: Ya sija jachule y treinta pidason salape, presio ayo y gaebale, y presio na mapolo gui jiloña y famaguon Israel;
Then the word having been spoken by Jeremiah the prophet, was fulfilled, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of Him that was valued, whom they of the sons of Israel did value;
10 Ya manmanae sija, para ujafajan y fangualuan y oyero taegüenao, na jatagoyo y Señot.
and they gave them for the field of the potter, as the Lord appointed me.
11 Ya si Jesus estaba tomotojgue gui menan y magalaje, ya y magalaje finaesen güe, ilegña: Jago y Ray Judio sija? Si Jesus ilegña: Jago umalog.
And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked Him, saying; Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said to him, Thou sayest it.
12 Ya anae mafaaela ni y prinsipen y mamale, yan y manamco sija, ti manope ni jafa.
And while He is accused by the chief priests and elders, He responded nothing.
13 Ayo nae si Pilato ilegña nu güiya: Ti unjujungog cuanto na güinaja nae manmadeclara contra jago?
Then Pilate says to Him, Do you not hear, bow many things they witness against you?
14 Ya ti manope ni un sinangan; ya ninagosmanman y magalaje.
And He responded to him not one word, so that the governor marveled exceedingly.
15 Ya y jaanin y guipot, costumbreña y magalaje na usotta pot y taotao sija un preso, jaye y malagoñija.
And the governor during the feast was accustomed to release to the multitude one prisoner, whom they wished.
16 Ya guaja presoñija uno na afamao, na y naanña si Barabas.
But they had at that time a noted prisoner called Barabbas.
17 Ya anae mandaña ilegña si Pilato nu sija: Jaye malagonmiyo jusottaye jamyo? Si Barabas pat si Jesus, ni mafanaan Cristo?
Then they being assembled, Pilate said to them, Whom do you wish that I may release unto you? Barabbas? or Jesus who is called Christ?
18 Sa jatungoja na pot embidiañija muna maentrega güe.
For he knew that they delivered Him on account of envy.
19 Ya anae estaba güe na matatachong gui tribuna, y asaguaña manago nu güiya, ilegña: Chamo umeentalo nu enao tunas na taotao; sa pago jupadedese megae sija gui güinife pot güiya.
And he sitting on his tribunal, his wife sent to him, saying, Let there be nothing to thee and that just man: for this day I suffered many things in a dream on account of Him.
20 Lao y prisipen y mamale sija, yan y manamco sija jasoyo y taotao sija, na ujagagao si Barabas, ya si Jesus, umapuno.
And the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitudes that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
21 Ya y magalaje manope, ilegña nu sija: Jaye gui dos malagonmiyo jusottaye jamyo? Sija ilegñija: Si Barabas.
And the governor responding said to them, Which of the two do you wish that I shall release unto you? And they said Barabbas.
22 Si Pilato ilegña nu sija: Ya jafa jufatinas as Jesus ni mafanaan Cristo? Todos sija ilegñija: Umatane gui quiluus.
Pilate says to them, Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ? They all say to him, Let Him be crucified.
23 Ya ilegña: Jafa na taelaye finatinasña? Lao sija managang mas duro, ilegñija: Umatane gui quiluus.
And the governor said, For what evil hath He done? And they continued to cry out more vociferously, saying, Let Him be crucified.
24 Anae jalie si Pilato na taya jafa na probecho, lao mas y ninafanyaoyao, mañule janom ya jafagase y canaeña gui menan y taotao sija, ya ilegña: Taeisaoyo gui jâgâ este y tunas na taotao: lie jamyo.
And Pilate seeing that he profits nothing, but rather an uproar supervenes, having taken water, washed his hands in the presence of the multitude, saying, For I am free from the blood of this just one: you shall see to it.
25 Ya manmanope todo y taotao sija ilegñija: Y jâgâña usaga guiya jame, yan y famaguonmame.
And all the people responding said, His blood be upon us, and upon our children.
26 Ayo nae masotta si Barabas, ya an munjayan mapanag si Jesus, maentrega para umaatane gui quiluus.
Then he released unto them Barabbas. And having scourged Jesus, delivered Him up that He should be crucified.
27 Ayo nae y sendalon y magalaje macone si Jesus gui pretorio, ya mandaña guiya güiya todo y manadan sendalo sija.
Then the soldiers of the governor taking Jesus into the judgment hall, gathered to Him the whole band.
28 Ya mapula y magaguña, ya manaminagago agaga na magagon anaco.
And having divested Him, put on Him a scarlet robe:
29 Ya mapolo gui iluña un corona na mafatinas ni títuca sija, yan un piao gui agapa na canaeña; ya mandimo gui menaña, ya mamofefea, ilegñija: Jafa talatmanu jao Ray Judio sija!
and plaiting a crown of thorns put it on His head, and a reed in His right hand; and bowing the knee to Him, continued to mock Him, saying, Hail, King of the Jews!
30 Ya matolae güe, ya machule y piao ya mapanag y iluña.
And spitting on Him, they took the reed and struck Him on the head repeatedly.
31 Ya anae munjayan mamofefea, mapula y magagon anaco, ya manaminagago ni magaguña, ya macone para umaatane gui quiluus.
And when they mocked Him, divesting Him of the robe, they put on Him His own raiment, and led Him away to crucify Him.
32 Ya anae jumajanao manasoda yan un taotao Sirene na y naanña si Simon: este maobliga para uchinilie ni quiluusña.
And going out they found a Cyrenean man, Simon by name: they compelled him that he should bear His cross.
33 Ya anae manmato gui un lugat na mafanaan Golgota, cumequeilegña, y sagan calabera,
Having come to the place called Golgotha, which is called the place of a skull.
34 Mannae para uguimen binagle, manadaña yan lalaet; ya anae jachague, ti malago jaguimen.
And they gave Him vinegar mingled with gall to drink: and tasting, He was not willing to drink it.
35 Anae munjayan maatane gui quiluus, mandesapatta y magaguña, mayute suette sija gui jiloña; (para umacumple y mumayan masangan pot y profeta: Ujanaadesapatta y magagujo, ya y jilo y magagujo ufanmayute suette sija.)
And crucifying Him, they divided His garments, casting the lot,
36 Ya manmatachong, ya maadadaje güe güije.
and sitting down, they continued to watch Him there.
37 Ya mapolo gui iluña y mafaelaña, matugue: ESTE SI JESUS RAY Y JUDIO SIJA.
And they placed over His head, His accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
38 Ayo nae maatane yan güiya gui quiluus yan y dos na saque; y uno gui agapaña ya y otro gui acagüeña.
Then two thieves are crucified along with Him, the one on the right and one on the left.
39 Ya y taotao na manmalolofan, masangane güe innataelaye, ya jayeyengyong y iluñija,
And going by they continued to blaspheme Him, wagging their heads,
40 Ya ilegñija: Jago y yumute papa y templo, ya y mina tres na jaane unnacajulo; libre maesajao; yaguin jago Lajin Yuus, tunog papa güenao gui quiluus.
and saying, Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself: if thou art the Son of God, come down from the cross.
41 Taegüinija locue mamofefea güe y prisipen mamale sija, yan y escriba sija, yan y Fariseo sija, yan y manamco na taotao sija, ilegñija:
Likewise also the chief priests mocking, with the scribes and elders, continued to say,
42 Janalibre y palo, ya ti siñagüe janalibre na maesa. Güiya y Ray y Israel; polo ya utunog papa pago gui quiluus, ya ayo nae utajonggue güe.
He saved others; He is not able to save Himself: if He is the King of Israel, let Him now come down from the cross, and we will believe on Him.
43 Jaangoco si Yuus; polo ya ulinibre pago, yaguin malago nu güiya, sa ilegña: Güajo Lajin Yuus.
He trusted in God; let Him now deliver Him, if He wishes Him; for He said, I am the Son of God.
44 Y mañaque locue, ni y manmaatane yan güiya gui quiluus, manajuyonge güe locue.
And the thieves being crucified along with Him were also reproaching Him in the same manner.
45 Ya desde y mina saes na ora guaja jinemjom todo y jilo y tano, asta y mina nuebe na ora.
And from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
46 Ya y mina nuebe na ora, si Jesus umagang nu y dangculon inagang ilegña: Eli, Eli, lama sabactani! cumequeilegña: Yuusso, Yuusso, jafa na undingo yo?
And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
47 Ya y palo ni manestaba güije, majungog güe, ya ilegñija: Si Elias este jaaagang.
And certain ones of those standing there hearing, said, He is calling Elijah.
48 Ya enseguidas malago uno guiya sija, ya jachule y espongja y janafañopchop binagle, ya japolo gui un piao, ya janae güe para uguimen.
And one of them running and taking a sponge, and filling it with vinegar, and extending it on a reed, gave Him drink.
49 Y palo ilegñija: Polo ya talie cao ufato si Elias ya uninalibre.
And others were saying, Let Him alone; let us see if Elijah comes about to save Him.
50 Ayo nae si Jesus, anae munjayan umagang talo otro biaje nu y dangculon inagang jaentrega y espiritu.
And Jesus again crying with a loud voice, gave up His spirit.
51 Ya estagüe y cottinan y templo na masise y dos pedaso, guinin sumanjilo asta y sumanpapa; ya y tano mayengyong, ya y acho sija mangoca.
And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom, and the earth did quake; and the rocks were rent;
52 Ya y naftan sija manmababa ya megae na tataotao mañantos sija ni manmamaego, mangajulo;
and the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the sleeping saints arose;
53 Ya jumanao gui naftan, despues di quinajiloña, ya mato gui santos na siuda, ya manalie ya megae.
and having come out of the tombs after His resurrection came into the holy city and appeared unto many.
54 Ya y senturion, yan y mangaegue yan güiya na maadadaje si Jesus, anae malie y linao yan todo ayo sija y manmafatinas, mangosmaañao ya ilegñija: Sumen magajet na Lajin Yuus este.
And the centurion and those watching Jesus with him, seeing the earthquake, and the things which took place, feared exceedingly, saying, Surely this was the Son of God.
55 Ya mangaegue güije megae na famalaoan na manmanaatan gui chago, ni jadalalag si Jesus guine Galilea ya jasesetbe.
And many women were there looking on from a distance, who followed Jesus from Galilee to minister unto Him,
56 Gui entalo ayo sija si Maria Magdalena, yan si Maria nanan Santiago yan José, yan y nanan y famaguon Sebedeo.
among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary, the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
57 Ya anae este pupuenge güije na jaane, mato un taotao Arimatea, na rico, na y naanña si José, na güiya locue disipulon Jesus.
And it being evening, a rich man came from Arimathea, whose name was Joseph, who himself also was a disciple to Jesus.
58 Güiya mato gui as Pilato, ya jagagao y tataotao Jesus. Ayo nae si Pilato manago na umanae.
He having come to Pilate, begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded that the body should be given:
59 Ya jachule si José y tataotao, ya jabalutan ni un sabanas na gasgas,
and Joseph having received the body, wrapped it in clean linen,
60 Ya japolo gui nuebo na naftanña, ni y finatinasñaja gui acho ni sacapico; ya janagalileque guato un dangculon acho y pettan y naftan, ya mapos.
and placed it in a new sepulcher, which he hewed in the rock: and having rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher, departed.
61 Ya manestaba güije si Maria Magdalena, yan y otro Maria, na manmatatachong gui menan y naftan.
And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting in front of the tomb.
62 Ya y inagpaña na jaane, despues di y jaanen finamauleg, mandaña y prinsipen y mamale sija, yan y Fariseo sija gui as Pilato,
And on the following day, which is after the Preparation, the chief priests and Pharisees came together to Pilate, saying,
63 Ya ilegñija: Señot, injaso na ayo y dacon ilegña, anae estaba lalâlâ: Despues di tres na jaane, jucajulo talo.
Lord, we remember that that deceiver, while yet living, said, After three days I will rise.
64 Enao mina fanago, ya umaasegura y naftan, asta y mina tres na jaane; sa noseaja ufanmato y disipulo sija an puenge ya ujasaque; ya ujaalog ni taotao sija: Cajulo esta gui entalo manmatae: ya y uttimo na linache udangculoña qui y finenana.
Command therefore that the tomb be made safe until the third day, lest His disciples having come, may steal Him away, and say to the people, He is risen from the dead: and the last error shall be worse than the first.
65 Ilegña si Pilato nu sija: Inguaja un guatdianmiyo; janao, ya inasegura todo manu y ninasiñanmiyo.
Pilate said to them, You have a watch: go, make it safe as you know.
66 Ayo nae manmapos sija, ya maadaje y naftan para umaasegura, ya maseyo y acho.
And having gone, they secured the tomb, sealing the stone, with the guard.

< San Mateo 27 >