< San Lucas 1 >
1 POT y guaja megae y umapolo y canaeñija para ufannaregla y cuentos nu y ayo na güinaja na esta guefmaasegura gui entalo jame,
For as moche as many have take in hand to compyle a treates of thoo thinges which are surely knowen amonge vs
2 Jaftaemanoja ninaejam ni guine y tutujoña y testigojam ni y malie, nu y yan y ministrojam y sinangan;
even as they declared them vnto vs which from the beginnynge sawe them their selves and were ministers at the doyng:
3 Y jinasoco mauleg locue nu guajo, sa juguefegaga sinengcabales todo y güinaja guine y tutujonña, na jutuguie jao pot y inaregla, jago guesmagas na Teofilo;
I determined also assone as I had searched out diligently all thinges from the beginnynge that then I wolde wryte vnto the good Theophilus:
4 Para untungo sija y magajet ayosija mano nae unresibe y finanagüe.
that thou myghtest knowe the certente of thoo thinges wher of thou arte informed.
5 Guaja gui jaanin Herodes, ray guiya Judea, un pale, naanña si Sacharias, y clasen Abias; y asaguaña guinin sija jagan Aaron ya y naaña si Elisabet.
There was in the dayes of Herode kynge of Iurie a certayne prest named Zacharias of ye course of Abia. And his wyfe was of ye doughters of Aaron: And her name was Elizabeth.
6 Este na dos mauleg gui sanmenan Yuus, jajananao gui todo y lay yan y tinago Señot, ti lalatdiyon.
Booth were perfect before God and walked in all the lawes and ordinaces of the Lorde that no man coulde fynde fawte with them.
7 Ya taya patgonñija; sa si Elisabet tifáfañago; yan y dos megae jaaniñija.
And they had no chylde because that Elizabeth was barre and booth were well stricken in age.
8 Ya jumuyong, anae mañeñetbe si Sacharias, gui ofisio y pale gui menan Yuus, gui chechon y clasiña,
And it cam to passe as he executed the prestes office before god as his course came
9 Jaftaemanoja y costumbren y ofisio y pale, y chechoña na jumalom gui guimayuus ya jasonggue y paopao.
(accordinge to the custome of the prestes office) his lot was to bourne incece.
10 Ya todo y linajyan taotao mangaegue gui sanjiyong manmananaetae gui oran paopao.
And wet into ye teple of ye Lorde and the whoale multitude of ye people were with out in prayer whill the incense was aburnynge.
11 Ya mato guiya güiya y angjet y Señot, na gaegue gui agapa y attat y paopao.
And ther appered vnto him an angell of the lorde stondinge on the ryght syde of the altare of incense.
12 Ya inestotba si Sacharias anae jalie, ya mato minaañao gui jiloña.
And when Zacharias sawe him he was abasshed and feare came on him.
13 Lao y angjet ilegña nu güiya: Sacharias, chamo maaañao; sa y tinaetaemo este majungog; ya y asaguamo as Elisabet ufañago y patgon laje, ya umafanaan naanña si Juan.
And the angell sayde vnto him: feare not Zachary for thy prayer is hearde: And thy wyfe Elizabeth shall beare ye a sonne and thou shalt call his name Iohn
14 Ya uguaja jao minagof yan alegria; ya y megae umagof nu y mafañaguña.
and thou shalt have ioye and gladnes and many shall reioyce at his birth.
15 Sa udangculo güe gui menan Señot; ya ti uguimen bino ni metgot na guinem ya ubulagüe Espiritu Santo, guinin y tiyan nanaña.
For he shalbe greate in the sight of the lorde and shall nether drinke wyne ner stronge drinke. And he shalbe filled with the holy goost even in his mothers wombe:
16 Ya megae gui famaguon Israel, ujabira nu y Señot, Yuusñija.
and many of the chyldren of Israel shall he tourne to their Lorde God.
17 Ya ujanaogüe gui menan y mataña nu y espiritu yan y ninasiñan Elias, para unanalo y corasonñija y mañaena guiya y famaguon, yan y manchátmatago ni y tiningo y manunas; para ufamauleg nu y Señot y taotao, ni y esta fanmauleg para güiya.
And he shall goo before him in the sprete and power of Helyas to tourne the hertes of the fathers to the chyldren and the vnbelevers to the wysdom of the iuste men: to make the people redy for the Lorde.
18 Ya ilegña si Sacharias nu y angjet: Jaftaemano jutungo este? sa guajo bijoyo ya y asaguajo megae jaaniña.
And Zacharias sayde vnto ye angell: Wher by shall I knowe this? seinge that I am olde and my wyfe well stricken in yeares.
19 Ya manope y angjet ya ilegña nu güiya: Guajo si Gabriel, na gaegue yo tumotojgue gui menan Yuus; ya guajo esta matago na jucuentusejao, ya junaejao ni este mauleg na sinangan.
And the angell answered and sayde vnto him: I am Gabriell that stonde in the presens of God and am sent to speake vnto the: and to shewe the these glad tydinges.
20 Ya estagüe, na jago udojao ya ti siña uncuentos, asta y jaane nae este macumple estesija; sa y ti unjongue y sinanganjo, ni umacumple y tiempoña.
And beholde thou shalt be domme and not able to speake vntyll the tyme that these thinges be performed because thou belevedst not my wordes which shalbe fulfilled in their season.
21 Ya y taotao sija manmannanangga as Sacharias, ya ninafanmanman ni y inapmamña gui guimayuus.
And the people wayted for Zacharias and mervelled that he taryed in the temple.
22 Ya anae jumuyong, ti siña umadingane sija; ya matungo na manlie un linie gui guimayuus; lao güiya sigue di fumatinas y señatja; ya sumaga udo.
And whe he cam oute he could not speake vnto them. Wherby they perceaved that he had sene some vision in the temple. And he beckened vnto them and remayned speachlesse.
23 Ya anae esta munjayan y jaanin y ministroña, jumanao para y guimaña.
And it fortuned assone as ye tyme of his office was oute he departed home into his awne housse.
24 Ya despues di ayo sija na jaane mapotgue y asaguaña as Elisabet, ya janana sinco na meses, ya ilegña:
And after thoose dayes his wyfe Elizabeth coceaved and hyd her sylfe. v. monethes sayinge:
25 Taemanoja y Señot jafatinas para guajo, este sija na jaane nae jaatanyo para unajanao y mamajlaojo gui entalo taotao sija.
This wyse hath God dealte wt me in ye dayes when he loked on me to take from me the rebuke yt I suffred amonge men.
26 Y mina saes na mes, y angjet Gabriel esta tumago guine as Yuus, para un siuda guiya Galilea, ni y naanña y Nasaret,
And in ye. vi. moneth ye angell Gabriel was sent fro god vnto a cite of Galile named Nazareth
27 Guiya un bitgen, nobia y un laje naanña si José, familian David; ya y naan y bitgen si Maria.
to a virgin spoused to a man whose name was Ioseph of ye housse of David and ye virgins name was Mary.
28 Ya jumalom manu nae estaba güe, ya ilegña: Jafa tatatmana jao na guefmaborese jao; y Señot gaegue guiya
And ye angell went in vnto her and sayde: Hayle full of grace ye Lorde is with ye: blessed arte thou amonge wemen.
29 Lao pot este na sinangan, ninaestotba güe, ya jajajaso na jaftaemano este na sinaluda.
When she sawe him she was abasshed at his sayinge: and cast in her mynde what maner of salutacion yt shuld be.
30 Entonses y angjet ilegña nu güiya: Maria, chamo maaañao; sa unsoda y finaborese gui menan Yuus.
And ye angell sayde vnto her: feare not Mary: for thou hast founde grace wt god.
31 Ya estagüe, na unmapotgue gui tiyanmo ya unfañago un patgon laje, ya umafanaan y naaaña si Jesus.
Loo: thou shalt coceave in thy wombe and shalt beare a sonne and shalt call his name Iesus.
32 Ya udangculo güe, ya umafanaan Lajin Gueftaquilo: ya y Señot Yuus ufannae güe y tronon David tataña.
He shalbe greate and shalbe called the sonne of the hyest. And ye lorde God shall geve vnto him the seate of his father David
33 Ya ugobietna gui guima Jacob siesiempreja; ya y raenoña ugagaegue taejinecog. (aiōn )
and he shall raygne over ye housse of Iacob forever and of his kyngdome shalbe none ende. (aiōn )
34 Entonses si Maria ilegña ni y angjet: Jafa jumuyong este? sa ti jutungo laje.
Then sayd Mary vnto ye angell: How shall this be seinge I knowe not a man?
35 Ya manope y angjet, ya ilegña nu güiya: Y Espiritu Santo umamaela guiya jago, ya y ninasiña y Gueftaquilo jafatinas y anineng gui jilomo; enaomina ayo na Santos na umafañago, umafanaan Lajin Yuus.
And ye angell answered and sayd vnto her: The holy goost shall come apon the and ye power of ye hyest shall over shaddowe ye. Therfore also yt holy thinge which shalbe borne shalbe called ye sonne of god.
36 Ya, estagüe, si Elisabet, parentesmo, locue güiya mapotgue un laje gui inamcoña; ya este y mina saes na mes nu güiya na mafanaan tifáfañago.
And beholde thy cosen Elizabeth she hath also conceaved a sonne in her age. And this is hyr sixte moneth though she be called barren:
37 Sa y sinangan Yuus, taya uno na taeninasiña.
for wt god can nothinge be vnpossible.
38 Entonses si Maria ilegña: Estagüe y tentagon Señot; ufatinas guiya guajo taemanoja y sinanganmo. Ya y angjet mapos guiya güiya.
And Mary sayd: beholde ye honde mayden of ye lorde be it vnto me even as thou hast sayde. And the angell departed from her.
39 Ya ayo na jaane sija, cajulo si Maria ya jumanao gusise para un tano taquilo, guiya un siudan Juda;
And Mary arose in thoose dayes and went into ye mountayns wt hast into a cite of Iurie
40 Ya jumalom gui guima Sacharias ya jasaluda si Elisabet.
and entred into the housse of zachary and saluted Elizabeth.
41 Ya jumuyong taegüije na anae jajungog si Elisabet y sinaludan Maria, y patgon tumayog gui jalom tiyanña; si Elisabet bula Espiritu Santo,
And it fortuned as Elizabeth hearde ye salutacion of Mary the babe spronge in her belly. And Elizabeth was filled with the holy goost
42 Ya umagang ni dangculo na inagang ya ilegña: Dichosojao gui entalo y famalaoan, ya dichoso y tinegchan tiyanmo.
and cryed with a loude voyce and sayde: Blessed arte thou amonge wemen and blessed is the frute of thy wombe.
43 Ya guine manu este guiya guajo, na mato guiya guajo y nanan y Señotto.
And whence hapeneth this to me that the mother of my Lorde shuld come to me?
44 Sa estagüe, na anae mato y inagang y sinaludamo gui talangajo, y patgon, gui jalom tiyanjo, tumayog ni minagofña.
For loo assone as the voyce of thy salutacion sownded in myne eares the babe sprange in my belly for ioye.
45 Ya dichosogüe y jumonggue; sa uguaja y quinimple gui güinaja, ni esta masangane güe ni guinin y Señot.
And blessed arte thou that belevedst: for thoose thinges shalbe performed wich were tolde ye from the lorde.
46 Entonses ilegña si Maria: Janadangculo y antijo y Señot,
And Mary sayde. My soule magnifieth the Lorde.
47 Ya y espiritujo ninamagof gui as Yuus y Satbadotto.
And my sprete reioyseth in god my savioure
48 Sa jaatan y dinespresiaoña y tentgoña; sa estagüe na desde pago jumafanaan dichosa ni todo y generasion.
For he hath loked on the povre degre of his honde mayde. Beholde now from hence forth shall all generacions call me blessed.
49 Sa ayo na guaja ninasiña, jafatinas guiya guajo dangculo na güinaja; ya santos y naanña.
For he that is myghty hath done to me greate thinges and holye is his name.
50 Ya y minaaseña gaegue gui generasion taotao sija, gui jiloñija ni manmaañao nu güiya.
And his mercy is on them that feare him thorow oute all generacions.
51 Ya pot y canaeña jafanue minetgot; janafañuja y sobetbio sija gui jinason y corasonñija.
He sheweth strength with his arme he scattereth them that are proude in the ymaginacion of their hertes.
52 Ya jayute papa y magas gui tronoñija, ya jajatsa y manumitde.
He putteth doune the myghty from their seates and exalteth them of lowe degre.
53 Ya y manñalang janafanbula ni y minauleg; ya y manmigüinaja janafanjanao yan y tae sinajguan.
He filleth the hongry with good thinges: and sendeth awaye the ryche emptye.
54 Ya jaayuda si Israel tentagoña, para ufanjaso y miñaase,
He remenbreth mercy: and helpeth his servaunt Israel.
55 (Taemano y jasangane y mañaenata), as Abraham yan y semiyaña para todo y tiempo. (aiōn )
Even as he promised to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede for ever. (aiōn )
56 Si Maria sumaga yan güiya calang tres meses ya despues jumanao asto iyasija.
And mary aboode with hyr aboute a. iii. monethes and retourned agayne to hyr awne housse.
57 Ya si Elisabet jacumple y tiempo nae para ufañago; ya mañago un patgon laje.
Elizabethes tyme was come that she shuld be delyvered and she brought forth a sonne.
58 Ya anae majungog ni tiguangña yan y parientesña, na si Yuus janadangculo y minaaseña guiya güiya; ya manmagof yan güiya.
And her neghboures and her cosins hearde tell how the lorde had shewed great mercy vpon her and they reioysed with her.
59 Ya susede na y mina ocho na jaane manmato para umasircunsida y patgon: ya malagoñija umafanaan ni y naan tataña as Sacharias.
And it fortuned ye eyght daye: they cam to circumcise the chylde: and called his name zacharias after the name of his father.
60 Ya manope y nanaña ya ilegña: Aje, sa umafanaan si Juan.
How be it his mother answered and sayd: not so but he shalbe called Ihon.
61 Ya ilegñija nu güiya: Taya gui manparientesmo mafanaan nu este na naan.
And they sayd vnto hyr: Ther is none of thy kynne that is named wt this name.
62 Ya maseñat y tataña, ya mafaesen jafa malagoña umafanaan.
And they made signes to his father how he wolde have him called.
63 Ya mangagao un diquique na tabla ya jatugue ilegña: Si Juan naanña. Ya todo sija ninafanmanman.
And he axed for wrytynge tables and wroote saying: his name is Iohn. And they marvelled all.
64 Ya enseguidas mababa y pachotña, ya mapula y jilaña, ya cumuentos, jabendise si Yuus.
And his mouthe was opened immediatly and his tonge also and he spake lawdynge God.
65 Ya guaja minaañao gui jiloñija todo y mañasaga gui oriyañija: ya gui todo y tano taquilo guiya Judea, masasangan este sija na sinangan.
And feare came on all the that dwelt nye vnto them. And all these sayinges were noysed abroade throughout all ye hyll coutre of Iurie
66 Ya todosija y jumujungog jaadaje gui corasonñija ya ilegñija: Jafa jumuyong este na patgon? Sa y canae Yuus gaegue guiya güiya.
and all they yt herde the layde them vp in their hertes saying: What maner chylde shall this be? And the honde of ye lorde was with him.
67 Ya si Sacharias, tataña, bula Espiritu Santo ya japrofetisa, ilegña:
And his father zacharias was filled with the holy goost and prophisyed sayinge:
68 Bendito y Señot, y Yuus y Israel; sa jabisita ya jafatinas y redension, para taotaoña,
Blessed be the Lorde God of Israel for he hath visited and redemed his people.
69 Ya janacajulo para jita un canggelon y satbasion, gui guima y tentagoña as David,
And hath reysed vp an horne of salvacion vnto vs in the housse of his servaunt David.
70 (Taegüijija na jasasangan gui pachot y mañantos na profetaña, ni esta gaegue guinin tutujonña y tano), (aiōn )
Even as he promised by ye mouth of his holy prophetes which were sens ye worlde began (aiōn )
71 Satbasion gui y enemiguta yan gui canae todo y chumatliijit;
That we shuld be saved from oure enemies and from the hondis of all that hate vs:
72 Para umafanue y minaaseña gui mañaenata, ya umajaso y santos na tratoña;
To fulfill the mercy promised to oure fathers and to remember his holy covenaunt.
73 Y juramento ni manjula as Abraham ni tatata,
And to performe the oothe which he sware to oure father Adraham
74 Na güiya unaejit linibreta gui canae y enemiguta ya utasetbe güe sin minaañao,
for to geve vs. That we delyvered oute of ye hondes of oure enemyes myght serve him with oute feare
75 Y sinantos yan y tinunas gui menaña todo y jaanita.
all the dayes of oure lyfe in suche holynes and ryghtewesnes that are accept before him.
76 Ya, jago, patgon, unmafanaan profetan y Gueftaquilo; sa unjanao gui menan y Señot para unfamauleg y chalanña;
And thou chylde shalt be called the Prophet of the hyest: for thou shalt goo before the face of the lorde to prepare his wayes:
77 Para ufanamatungo y satbasion gui taotaoña ni y maasiin y isaoñija,
And to geve knowlege of salvacion vnto his people for the remission of synnes:
78 Pot causa y corason y minaaseña y Yuusta, anae y candit ogaan guinin taquilo, jabisitajit,
Through the tender mercy of oure God wherby the daye springe from an hye hath visited vs.
79 Para junae inina y manmatatachong gui jemjom yan y anineng y finatae; para ufanue y patasta gui chalan y pas.
To geve light to the that sate in darcknes and in shadowe of deth and to gyde oure fete into the waye of peace.
80 Ya y patgon lumala ya mumetgot gui espiritu ya sumaga gui desierto asta y jaane anae esta matungo guiya Israel.
And the chylde grew and wexed stronge in sprete and was in wyldernes tyll the daye cam when he shuld shewe him sylfe vnto the Israhelites.