< Софоний 3 >

1 Горко на бунтовния и скверен град, На насилническия град!
Terrible things will [also] happen [to Jerusalem], that city whose people have rebelled [against Yahweh] and who have become unacceptable to him [because of the sins that they have committed]. [They act violently toward others] and they (oppress/treat cruelly) [other people].
2 Той не послуша гласа, Не прие поправление, Не упова на Господа, Не се приближи при своя Бог.
[The people there] do not pay attention to people who tell them [the wrong things that they are doing] and [try to] (correct them/cause them to quit doing those things). [The people in Jerusalem] do not trust in Yahweh or draw near to ask help from their God.
3 Първенците всред него са рикаещи лъвове, Съдиите му вечерни вълци, Които не остават нищо за заранта.
Their leaders are [like] [MET] roaring lions; they are [like] [MET] wolves that [attack other animals] during the evening, [and eat everything that they kill], with the result that the next morning there is nothing left [of those animals to eat].
4 Пророците му са вятърничави коварници; Свещениците му оскверниха светилището, Извратиха закона.
The prophets in Jerusalem are proud, [and they give messages that are] not to be trusted. Their priests cause the temple to be unholy by doing things that are opposed to the laws [of Moses].
5 Господ всред него е праведен; Няма да извърши неправда; Всяка заран изкарва на видело правосъдието си - неизменно; Но неправедният не знае срам.
But Yahweh is [also] in the city; and he never does what is wrong. He treats people justly/fairly; he does that every day, but wicked people are never ashamed [about their doing what is wrong].
6 Изтребих народи; ъглените им кули са запустели; Запустих пътищата им, тъй че никой не минава; Градовете им се разориха, Тъй че няма човек в тях, няма жител.
[Yahweh says this]: “I have destroyed [many] nations; I have destroyed their strong/high city walls and towers. [Now] I have caused the streets in those cities to be completely deserted [DOU]; the cities are ruined. There are no people [still alive] in the cities; they are all dead [LIT].
7 Рекох си: Ти непременно ще се убоиш от мене, Ще приемеш поправление; И така селището му не щеше да се изтреби Според всичко онова, което му определих; Но те подраниха да извратят всичките си дела.
[So] I thought [to myself], ‘[Because of what I have done to those other nations], surely the people [of Jerusalem] will revere me [now], and they will accept (my correcting them/my telling them to quit doing what is wrong). [If they do that, I] will not destroy their houses; I will not punish them like I said that I would do.’ But [in spite of knowing how I punished those other nations], they were still eager to get up early each morning and continue to do evil things.
8 За това, чакайте Мене, казва Господ, До деня, когато се повдигна, за да обират. Защото решението ми е да събера народите, И да прибера царствата, За да излея върху тях негодуванието си, Всичкия си лют гняв; Понеже цялата земя ще бъде погълната От огъня на ревнивостта ми.
Therefore I, Yahweh, say, ‘Wait for the day in which I will testify [in court about your evil things].’ I have decided to gather the people of the kingdoms [of the earth] [DOU] and cause them to know that I am very angry with them. All [over] the earth I will punish and destroy people; my being angry with them because I (am jealous/want people to worship no other god) is [like] [MET] a (raging/very hot) fire.
9 Защото тогава ще възвърна на племената чисти устни, За да призовават всичките името Господне, Да му слугуват единодушно.
When that happens, I will cause [all] people [MTY] to be changed and enable them to speak [only] what is (pure/pleasing to me), in order that everyone can worship me [MTY] and unitedly/together serve me [MTY].
10 Изотвъд Етиопските реки поклонниците ми, Разсеяните ми юлде, Ще ми донесат принос.
[Then] my people who [were forced to go to other countries], those who live along the upper part of the [Nile] River in Ethiopia will come to me and bring offerings to me.
11 В оня ден няма да бъдеш засрамен Поради многото дела, Чрез които си беззаконствал против Мене; Защото до тогава ще съм махнал отсред тебе ония от тебе, Които горделиво тържествуват; И ти няма вече да се носиш надемнно в светия Ми хълм.
At that time, you [people in Jerusalem] will no [longer] be ashamed [about what has happened to you], because you no longer will be rebelling against me. I will get rid of all the people among you who are very proud [DOU]. No one on [Zion], my holy hill, will [strut around] proudly.
12 Но ще оставя всред тебе Люде съкрушени и нищи, Които ще уповават на името Господне.
Those who are still alive in Israel will be poor and humble; they will be people who trust in me [MTY].
13 Останалите от Израиля няма да беззаконстват, Нито да лъжат, Нито ще се намери в устата им измамлив език; Защото те ще пасат и ще лежат, И никой няма да ги плаши.
Those people who are still alive [there] in Israel will not do [things that are] wrong; they will not tell lies or deceive [MTY] people. They will eat and sleep [safely], [because] no one will cause them to be afraid.”
14 Пей, Сионова Дъщерьо, Вьзкликнете, Израилю, Весели се и радвай се от все сърце, Ерусалимска дъщерьо;
You people who live in Jerusalem [DOU] and [other places in] Israel, sing and shout loudly! Be glad, and rejoice [DOU] greatly,
15 [Защото] Господ отмени присъдите за тебе, Изхвърли неприятеля ти; Цар Израилев, да! Господ, е всред тебе; Няма вече да видиш зло.
[because] Yahweh will stop punishing [MTY] you, and he will send away from you [the armies of] your enemies! And Yahweh [himself], the king of [us] Israeli people, will live among us, and never again will we be afraid that [others will] harm us.
16 В оня ден ще се рече на Ерусалим - Не бой се, И на Сион - да не отслабват ръцете ти.
At that time, [other people] will say to us people of Jerusalem, “[You people of] [APO] Jerusalem, do not be afraid; do not become afraid or discouraged,
17 Господ твой Бог е всред тебе, Силният, който ще те спаси; Ще се развесели за тебе с радост, Ще се успокои в любовта си, Ще се весели за тебе с песни.
[because] Yahweh your God is [living] among you. He is mighty, and he will rescue/save you. He will be very happy with you; because he loves you, he will cause you to not be afraid; he will sing loudly to rejoice over you.”
18 Ще събера ония, които бяха от тебе, Които скърбят за празниците, И на които тежи укора му.
[Yahweh says, ] “You people were sad and ashamed because [you were unable to attend] your religious festivals; but I will cause you to no longer be disgraced.
19 Ето, в онова време ще се разправя с всички, които те угнетяват, Ще избавя куцата, ще прибера изгонената, И ще направя ония за хвала и слава, Чийто срам е бил в целия свят.
Truly, I will [severely] punish all those who (oppressed you/caused you to suffer). I will rescue those who are helpless and those who were forced to go to other countries. I will enable them to be praised and honored in every country to which they were (exiled/forced to go), places where they were disgraced.
20 В онова време ще ви доведа пак, И в онова време ще ви събера; Защото ще ви направя именити и похвални Между всичките племена на земята, Когато върна пленниците ви пред очите ви, казва Господ.
At that time, I will gather you together and bring you [back] home [to Israel]. I will cause you to (have a good reputation/be honored) and be [greatly] praised among all the nations of the earth. You [MTY] will see me causing you to prosper again. [That will surely happen because I, ] Yahweh, have said it.”

< Софоний 3 >