< Йов 32 >
1 И така, тия трима човека престанаха да отговарят на Иова, защото беше праведен пред своите си очи.
Then those three men stopped answering Job, because [they could not convince Job that he was wrong in claiming that] he had not done anything that was wrong.
2 Тогава пламна гневът на вузеца Елиу, син на Варахиила, от Арамовото семейство. Гневът му пламна против Иова, защото оправдаваше себе си наместо Бога
Then Elihu, the son of Barachel, a descendant of Buz, from the clan of Ram, became very angry at Job. He was angry because Job continued to claim that he was righteous/innocent, and that God was wrong [to punish him].
3 тоже против тримата му приятели пламна гневът му, защото бяха осъдили Иова без да му намерят отговор.
He was also angry with Job’s three friends, because they had declared that Job must have done many things that were wrong, but they were unable to convince Job [that what they said was true]. As a result, [it seemed to Elihu that] God did what was wrong by punishing Job.
4 А Елиу беше чакал да говори на Иова, защото другите бяха по-стари от него.
Elihu was younger than the others, so he waited [until they had finished speaking] before he replied to Job.
5 Но когато Елиу видя, че нямаше отговор в устата на тия трима мъже, гневът му пламна.
But when Elihu realized that the three men had no more to say [MTY] to Job, he became angry.
6 Тогава вузецът Елиу, син на Варахиила, в отговор рече: - Аз съм млад, а вие много стари; Затова се посвених, и не смеех да ви явя моето мнение.
And this is what he said: “I am young, and you all are much older than I am. So, I was timid, and I was afraid to tell you what I was thinking.
7 Аз рекох: Дните нека говорят, И многото години нека учат мъдрост.
I thought, ‘Let those [PRS] who are much older speak, because older people [should be able to] say things that are wise.’
8 Но има дух в човека; Вдъхновението на Всемогъщия го вразумява.
But the Spirit of Almighty [God] is within people, and it is he who enables them to be wise.
9 Не че човеците са велики, за това ще са и мъдри, Нито че са стари, за това ще разбират правосъдието.
It is not people becoming old that enables them to be wise; not [all] old people understand what is right.
10 Прочее, казвам: Слушайте мене; Нека явя и аз мнението си.
“So, I say, ‘Listen to me, and allow me to say what I think.’
11 Ето, чаках докато вие говорехте, Слушах разсъжденията ви, Когато търсехте какво да кажете;
I waited for you all to speak; I wanted to hear the wise things that you would say. I waited while you thought carefully about what [would be the right things] to say.
12 Внимателно ви слушах, И ето, ни един от вас не убеди Иова, Нито отговори на думите му;
I paid attention carefully, but surprisingly, none of you were able to prove that what Job said was wrong.
13 За да не речете: Ние намерихме мъдрост. Бог ще го свали, а не човек.
So, do not say [to yourselves], ‘We have discovered what is wise!’ It is God who must (refute Job/show that what Job said was wrong), because you three have not been able to do that.
14 Понеже той не е отправил думите си против мене, То и аз няма да му отговоря според вашите речи.
Job was replying to you, [not to me], but I will not reply to him by saying what you three said.
15 Те се смайват, не отговарят вече, Не намират ни дума да кажат.
“You three are dismayed [because you have not been able to convince him that he was wrong], so you are not saying any more to him [DOU].
16 А да чакам ли аз понеже те не говорят, - Понеже стоят и не отговарят вече?
But because you do not speak, I certainly will not wait any longer [RHQ]; you merely stand there and do not reply any more.
17 Нека отговоря и аз от моя страна, Нека явя и аз мнението си.
So [now] I also will reply [to Job] and say what I think.
18 Защото съм пълен с думи; Духът в мене дълбоко ме притиска.
I have plenty to say, and my spirit compels me to say it.
19 Ето коремът ми е като вино неотворено, Близо е да се разпукне като нови мехове.
My inner being is like [SIM] a (wineskin/bag that has (new/fermenting) wine in it), and it will soon burst.
20 Ще проговоря, за да ми стане по-леко; Ще отворя устните си и ще отговоря.
I must speak [MTY], in order that I do not have to keep holding what I want to say; I must say something [MTY] to reply [to you all].
21 Далеч от мене да гледам на лице, Или да полаская човека.
I will speak [fairly], not favoring any of you, and I will not try to flatter anyone.
22 Защото не зная да лаская; Иначе Създателят ми би ме отмахнал веднага.
I [really] do not know how to flatter people; and if I did that, God would soon get rid of me.”