< Romawa 1 >

1 Bulus vren koh Yesu Almasihu, wa ba you aye, kma tie ndji u toh ndu, wa ba chu zi kan nitu tre Irji.
Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, a called apostle, separated unto the glad-message of God—
2 Wa i hi tre wa a chu nyu ni sen mu ni bi toh ndu ma ni tsatsraka ibe ma.
Which he promised beforehand, through his prophets, in holy scriptures—
3 Ahe ni tu vren ma, wa ba ngrji'u ni kutra kahlan Dauda ni kpa.
Concerning his Son, —who came to be of the seed of David, according to flesh,
4 Ni Brji ndindima u suron ndindi, wa a lunde ni mi be bak tsro da Vren Irji ni gbengblen Ibrji ndindi u bi wa ba he kiklan suron u Yesu Almasihu Bachi mbu
Who was distinguished as the Son of God—by power, according to a Holy Spirit, through means of a resurrection of the dead, —Jesus Christ our Lord;
5 Ni tuma ki kpa ndindi ni toh ndu nitu kpa nyime u ndindi nimi bi korah wawu'u, nitu inde ma u ndindi.
Through whom we have received favour and apostleship, for obedience of faith among all the nations, in behalf of his name,
6 Ni mi bi kora kwa, bi yi me ba you yi hi ni Yesu Almasihu.
Among whom are, ye also, called of Jesus Christ:
7 Lbe i ahi u bi wawu'u bi wa bi he ni mi Roman, wa Irji ni son ba, wa ba you ndji mba ndi tsarkaku. Du ndindi ni sun si rji ni Irji Bachi Iti mbu, ni Bachi Yesu Almasihu.
Unto all that are in Rome, beloved of God, called saints, favour unto you, and peace, from God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ.
8 Ikpe u mumla misi ngyiri ni Irji mu ni tu Yesu Almasihu nitu bi wawu'u, don naki basi tre nitu njanji bi ni gbungblu wawu'u.
First, indeed, I give thanks unto my God, through Jesus Christ, concerning you all, because your faith is being announced throughout the whole world.
9 Don Irji wawu yi toh me, wa misi tie ndu ma ni mi Ruhu mu ni tre Vren Ma, wa mi you nde bi chachu'u.
For God is, my witness, —unto whom I am rendering divine service in my spirit, in the glad message of his Son, —how incessantly, I am making mention of you
10 Mi nji yi mu ni bre chachu'u du me toh koh wa mi ye u Hellinawa.
At all times in my prayers, —making supplication—if, by some means, even now, at any time, I may have a way opened, in the will of God, to come unto you;
11 Nakima Irji na hi u tara na.
For I am longing to see you, that I may impart some spiritual gift unto you, to the end ye may be established, —
12 Ni biwa ba lah tre ni tron na, ba kwu ba tare da tron na, ni bi wa ba lah tre ni mi tron, ba hukunta ba nitu tron.
That is to say—there may be a mutual encouragement among you, each by the other’s faith, both yours and mine.
13 Naki ma ana biwa ba wo tron, ana baba bi ndindi u Irji na, naki bi ti, ba kpa ba chuwo.
I do not wish however that ye should be ignorant, brethren, that, many times, have I purposed to come unto you, but have been hindered, until the present, —in order that, some fruit, I might have among you also, even as among the other nations,
14 Bi kora wa bana toh tron na, nitu da bia bati kpi wa ahi u tron.
Both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to wise and to unwise, a debtor, I am:
15 Nakima ba tsro ndi idu ni tron ani wa han ni suron ba, imre ba ni bla, ri mre ba ni chan ba ko ani ka'aba. Nakima ni Irji wa i ni ti ni vie wa Irji ni bla asiri wa he riri u bi he ni mi Roma
Thus, the eagerness on my part—unto you also who are in Rome, to announce the joyful message.
16 Nakima isha na time na, dume hla tre na, don kima hi gbengblen Irji don kpachuwo wa bi wa ba kpa nyime, bi mumla Yahudawa u Halleniyawa.
For I am not ashamed of the joyful message; for it is God’s power unto salvation, to every one that believeth, both to Jew [first] and to Greek;
17 Naki nimi ma ndindi Irji ka tsro u njanji hi ni njanji, na ba nha zi, ndji u ndindi ani sun nitu njanji.
For, a righteousness of God, is therein revealed, —by faith unto faith: even as it is written—But, he that is righteous, by faith, shall live.
18 Nakima infu Irji a tsro rji ni shu nitu bi wa bana hu nkon ni ndindi u mri Adamu bi wa ba chan njanji nitu njanji na he ni bana.
For there is being revealed an anger of God from heaven—against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who, the truth, in unrighteousness, do hold down; —
19 Nakima, ikpe wa a mla duba toh ni Irji ahe ni rira me nitu mba Naki ma Irji a tsro ba wawu hi zahiri.
Inasmuch as, what may be known of God, is manifest among them, for, God, unto them, hath made it manifest, —
20 Nakima idu ma wa bana ya toh na a ni rira ba he tu ni nton wa ati gbungblu'a. Ba ya toh ba nitu ikpi bi wa ati'a. Ikpi bi yi baba ba ikoma u kakle ni Allahtakarsa. Nakima indji bi bana he ni sen nyu na. (aïdios g126)
For, the unseen things of him, from a world’s creation, by the things made, being perceived, are clearly seen, even his eternal power and divinity, —to the end they should be without excuse; (aïdios g126)
21 Nakima ba ndji ba toh Irji, aman bana no ninkon u matsayi Irji na, ko duba tsro ingyiri. Nakima ba kma ti ruru ni mi mre mba. Imre u suron mba hi u bu.
Inasmuch as, having come to know God, not, as God, did they glorify him, or give him thanks, but were made fruitless in their reasonings, and darkened was their undiscerning heart,
22 Ba ban tumba na bi wa ba toh, aman se ba kma tie ruru.
Professing to be wise, they were made foolish,
23 Ba sran ninkon Irji u kakle ni kpi wa bana kakle ana na indji, cicen ni na nma bi zizia ni biwa ba nha ni ne.
And, exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God, for the likeness of an image of a corruptible man, and of birds and fourfooted beasts and reptiles:
24 Nakima Irji ka ban no sha'awa pipi suron mba ba ti kpa yah.
Wherefore God gave them up in the covetings of their hearts unto impurity, so as to be dishonouring their bodies among them, —
25 Baba yi ba sran njanji Irji ni che, ba si tie sujada ni bauta ni kpe wa ba tie ba ni wo, maimako wa ati ta, wa a mla zu nde kakle. (aiōn g165)
Who, indeed, exchanged away the truth of God for the falsehood, and rendered worship and service unto the creature rather than unto the Creator, —who is blessed unto the ages. Amen! (aiōn g165)
26 Nakima Irji ban ba no sha'awoyi u ti fa ba iyah har mbah ba kasran kaida jima hi mbah ni mbah.
For this cause, God gave them up unto dishonourable passions; for, even their females, exchanged away the natural use into that which is against nature, —
27 Lilon ba bame ba sran kaida jimai u lilon ni mbah hi ni lilon ni lilon ba si tie ndu fa. Lilon ba kru ni lilon nda ni tie kpi u chi basi chan sakamako indu mba u chi.
In like manner also, even the males, leaving the natural use of the female, flamed out in their eager desire one for another, males with males, the indecency, effecting, —and, the necessary recompence of their error, within themselves, duly receiving; —
28 Nakima bana kpa nyime ni Irji na ni mi duba, Irji ban ba no ni kpa risu ni mre mba, basi tie meme kpi biyi.
And, even as they did not approve to be holding, God, in acknowledgment, God gave them up unto a disapproved mind to be doing the things that are not becoming,
29 Ba shu ni rashi ndindi, meme kyashi, keta, tigu, wudi, wa-nyu, makirci, ni meme mre.
Filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, baseness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil disposition,
30 Bi ti pre, kage, bi wa bana son Irji na. Bi wa bana son sun si na, bi santu, ni bi gla, bi ha meme che, ni bi wa bana hu/wo ba ti/yi mba.
Whisperers, detractors, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, vain boasters, inventors of vices, unto parents unyielding,
31 Biwa isuron mba tsro pipi me, biri amana biwa bana he ni son na, bi wa bana he ni lo suron na.
Without discernment, regardless of covenants, without natural affection, unmerciful: —
32 Ba toh tsari Irji tre bi wa bati ikpi baki, ba mla kwu, ana ti kpi ni kangrji na, hra ba hu gon biwa bati ba.
Who, indeed, having acknowledged the righteous sentence of God, —that, they who such things as these do practise, are worthy of death, not only, the same things, are doing, but are even delighting together with them who are practising [them].

< Romawa 1 >