< Revelation 19 >

1 Hu kpi biyi, mi wo kpe wa yitoo kikle ilan wu inji gbugbuwu ni shulu ndani yo ndi “Halleluya, kpachuwo, nzuhon mba gbegblen ahi wu Irji mbu.
After these things, I heard the great voice of a vast multitude in heaven, saying: Alleluia; Salvation and glory and honor and power to our God:
2 Tron ma ahi janji nda he nitu nkon nitu a tron n ntran a wa a kpa meme tsitime ni ti nkan ma. A ban fansar u iyi ba mriko ma ni woma.
for true and righteous are his judgments, for he has judged the great harlot that corrupted the earth with her lewdness; and he has avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
3 Ba tre nkpu u ha Halleluya! Ntsen rhiniwu a sia hon seni se. (aiōn g165)
And again they said: Alleluia; and her smoke rises up from age to age. (aiōn g165)
4 Bi chiche shri don nzia ba mba rayayun halita (living creatures) nzia ba ba ku kru nda nzu Irji hon, wa a son ni tu kursiyin Ba sia tre ndi, Amin Halleluya.
And the twenty-four elders, and the four living creatures, fell down, and worshiped God that sits upon the throne, saying: Amen, Alleluia.
5 Niki ilan a rhuye rhini kursiyina, Niki ilan a wru rhi ni kursiyin nda ni tre ndi nzu Irjhimbu, biyi mrikoma wawu, biyi wa bi tisisiri ma, bi tsitsa baba bi gbengbelen.
And a voice came out of the throne, saying: Praise our God all you his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great.
6 Mle ni wo iyi wa rhu ilan u gbugbuinji, na mma biwa ba shigankpren, mba kikle yran zan ndani tre ndi, halleluiya Nitu Baci si ti mulki, bachimbu, wa a zan gbengblen wawu
And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying: Alleluia; for the Lord God the Almighty reigns.
7 Ki briku ni gbreu san, nda nu daukaka nitu ikan gran u vren ntma a yeye i wa sa ma a mla tuma ti niwu.
Let us rejoice and be glad, and give glory to him: for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his wife has made herself ready.
8 Ba nyeme ndi du sru kpi bi zan bi ya wu lilin (fine linen) Lilin wu biya yi hi ndu tsatsra bi ndi tsa tsra u Irji).
And to her was given that she should be clothed in fine linen, clean arid white; for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints.
9 Maleka a tre nime ndi Nha kpayi; Lulu he nitu biwa ba yoba rhiye ni mi ro gan (wedding feast) u vre ntmaa” a tre ngame nime ndi Biyi ba tanre janji u irji.
And he said to me: Write, Blessed are they that are called to the marriage-supper of the Lamb. And he said to me: These are the true words of God.
10 Mi ku grji rhoku ni zama ndi breu, i wa a tre ni me ndi na ti toyina! ime mi vrenko too wa wu he, mba mri vayi wa ki nji vu bla kpi nitu yesu. Bre Irji, nitu tre u vubla nitu Yesu a hi ruhu uto.”
And I fell at his feet to worship him; and he said to me: See that you do it not; I am your fellow-servant, and of your brethren that have the testimony of Jesus; worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
11 Niki mi to shulu a bwu, i mi ya i nkma kiklan a heki Ba yo wa asia hon u a ndi wukri gbagban mba janji a henitu sharia wu nko tsatsra mba ani gaatre nda taku.
And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he that sat on him was called faithful and true, and in righteousness does he judge, and make war.
12 Shishi ma ba ye too lpn lu, i ni tuma, (kambuna) gbugbua ba he. A he ni nde wa ba nha ni tu ma wa ndio na too na se wawu kima.
His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on his head were many diadems; and he had a name written which no one knew, but he himself.
13 Ani sru nklon wa ba kau jbu nimi iyi, idema ba yondi lantre irji.
And he was clothed with a garment dipped in blood; and his name is called The Word of God.
14 Bi taku shulu ba sia hu nitu nkma kinklan, ni kpi waba sru wu libin, kiklan, ni zan.
And the armies that were in heaven followed him on white horses; and they were clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15 Takobi u zen nyu a rhurhini nyu ma nda ka tsen meme ba hlega, wa ani ti ndu chu nitumba ni sandan karfe. Ani zren nitu bubu sbi imma anab wu nfu i irji wa a zan gbengblen wawu.
And out of his mouth goes a sharp, two-edged sword, that with it he may smite the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; and he treads the wine-press of the fiercest wrath of God, the Almighty.
16 A he ni nde wa ba nha ni nklon ma mba ni gbanma “Ichu u bi chu mba Bachi u ba Bachi ba.
And he has, on his raiment and on his thigh, a name written, King of kings, and Lord of lords.
17 Mito maleka si kri ni irji A yo wru ni kikle ilan ni wuwu chinchen wa basia bwa zu nitu ndi “ye, zontu mbi nitu kikle gan i irji.
And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven. Come, gather yourselves to the great supper of God,
18 Ye tan nma bi chu, nma bi ninkon soja, nma wu kikle inji, nma ba nkma baba bi honba, mba nma u inji wawu mri baba igran, bi tsitsa baba bi nikon.
that you may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of officers, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all, both freemen and servants, both small and great.
19 Mitoo nmarhua mba ba chu bi meme baba sojoji mba. Ba sia yokpamba ni zi nitu duba ta ku ni wawu wa'a han nitu nkma baba sojiji ma.
And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, assembled together to make war with him that sat on the horse, and with his army.
20 Ba vu nmarhua mba niwu, anabawa bi che wa ba ta hwutsro ikpi wuyeto ni shima. Ni kpiwa tsro biyi, a gyur biwa ba kpa makiu nmarhua nda ni kikru ni bre iehima. Ba wu hambawu sru ni sisren ni mi kpantre wa asia ijbo gon to gonlu sulfur. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the beast was taken, and the false prophet that was with him, who did signs in his presence, with which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast, and those who worshiped his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire, which burns with brimstone. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
21 Ba wuu mbru mba ni injigban wa rhurhini nyu wu ba a son titu nkmaa. chiche wawu ba tan ikmo mba.
And the rest were slain with the sword of him that sat on the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh.

< Revelation 19 >