< Mark 15 >

1 ni bwu ble frist bi nikon ba shubi ni bi nikon gbua u bi nha u tra rji ni yahudawa wa babi suronmua ba vu yesu lo nda njiu nda hi ba kau nno Bilatus
And, straightway, early, when they had made, a council, the High-priest, with the Elders, and Scribes, and all the High-council, binding Jesus, led him away, and delivered him up unto Pilate.
2 Bilatus myeu awu yi u ehu Yahudawa? a sa ni wu andi u tre toki
And Pilate questioned him—Art, thou, the king of the Jews? And, he, answering him, saith—Thou, sayest.
3 frist bi nikon ba nhau ni kpi gbugbu wu
And the High-priests began to accuse him, of many things.
4 Bilatus a la mye u na hla na ka nche? to gbugbu tre wa ba ki nha wu ni tu mba
And, Pilate, again, was questioning him, [saying]—Answerest thou, nothing? See! of how many things, they are accusing thee!
5 yesu ana la sa ni Bilatus ngana wa anno mamaki
But, Jesus, no further, answered, anything, so that Pilate began to marvel.
6 to ni ntto u gan Bilatus a ta chi ndi bi la tre ri wa he troa chuwa indi wa ba kabre ni tu ma
Now, at feast time, he was wont to release unto them one prisoner, whom they were claiming.
7 u igu ni mbru bi la tre ba latre u wu ndi
And there was the so-called Barabbas, with the rebels, bound, even with them who, in the rebellion, had committed, murder.
8 ijubu ndi ba ye niye Bilatus ndu tie ikpie waazi tie rji mu
And, going up, the multitude began to be claiming—according as he was wont to do for them.
9 Bilatus ka sa bawu bi nyem ndu me kah chu yahudawa chuwo?
But, Pilate, answered them, saying—Will ye, I release unto you, the King of the Jews?
10 a to nda ni tu ngu mba baka vu yesu njiwu
For he was getting to know that, for envy, had [the High-priests] delivered him up.
11 amma nji frist ba ba con jbu ndi ba ndu ba yar gro ndu ba ka Barabbas mba cuwo
But, the High-priests, stirred up the multitude, that, rather Barabbas, he should release unto them.
12 Bilatus a la mye mba ngarli a hi ngye mba tie ni chu Yahudawa?
But, Pilate, again answering, was saying unto them—What then shall I do with him whom ye call, the King of the Jews?
13 ba la gro ngali klowu
And, they, again, cried out—Crucify him!
14 Bilatus mye ba a latre ngye a tie? u ba tutu yar gre clou
But, Pilate, was saying unto them—Why! what, evil, hath he done? And, they, vehemently, cried out—Crucify him!
15 Bilatus a son tie kpie a ba wa nda ka Barabbas cuwo ni ba wu a pua yesu tre rli nda kau nno ba kpa klo
And Pilate, being minded to do what would satisfy, the multitude, released unto them Barabbas, and delivered up Jesus, having scourged him, that he should be crucified.
16 soja ba bu nji nda hi ni tra u bla tre nda u yo soja ba wawuu kabi
And, the soldiers, led him away, inside the court, which is a judgment-hall, —and called together the whole band;
17 ba lo tuma ni pli u ma klo ntme wiwrli nda con con lo nha
and they array him in purple, and set upon him, when they have plaited it; a crown of thorns, —
18 ba wlu nda ciu ndatre ndu rji ziu iclu yahudawa
and began to be saluting him—Joy to thee! King of the Jews!
19 ba grji tsiu ni tu ni gbugban u con ma nda ju nte ta sur ba kuqu gbarju nda kudran ni kbu ma
and were striking him on the head with a reed, and were spitting at him, —and, bowing their knees, were doing him homage.
20 sa ba chauya ba chu pii u tuma rju hi ni wrji wa ba hi kpam wua
And, when they had mocked him, they put off him, the purple, and put on him, his own garments. And they lead him forth, that they may crucify him.
21 indi ri siman u gbu siren sia ye rji gburi ba vu ni gbengble to ban kukron krossa
And they impress a certain passer-by, Simon a Cyrenian, coming from a field, the father of Alexander and Rufus, —that he may carry his cross.
22 soja ba nji yesu hi ni wrji wa ba yo ndi golgota
And they bring him unto the Golgotha place, which is, being translated, Skull-place.
23 ba nno ma kabi ba mur wa a kama nda na soh na
And they would have given him, myrrhed wine, —who, however, received it not.
24 ba kpan wu nda vu klon ma rli nra ni kpa mba
And they crucify him, and part asunder his garments, casting a lot upon them—who should have anything.
25 ba kpan u ni tu kukron ni ntton u tra
And it was the third hour, and they crucified him.
26 ba nha ni ple kukron ni ikpie a ba nhaua ichu yaluda
And the inscription of his accusation, had been inscribed—THE KING OF THE JEWS.
27 ba kpanwu ni bi ybi harli iri ni wo rli u ri ni wo kota
And, with him, they crucify, two robbers, one on his right hand, and one on his left.
28 i wa yi ye tsar ni tre rji wa a hla ba bla kabi ni bi latre
29 biwa ba ka ki hia ba zren da ni whu tu nda ni tre yowa iwuwa u zii tra rji ni meu ni mi vi tra nra kpame ndi grji ni kakrona
And, the passers-by, were reviling him, shaking their heads, and saying—Aha! thou who wast pulling down the shrine, and building one in three days!
30 nji frist ni bi nha ba ba chauyaya ngame ni kpa mba da tre
Save thyself, —coming down from the cross.
31 a ndi a kpa bai cuwo amma nda na to kpa kpama cuwo na
Likewise, the High-priests also, mocking one to another, with the Scribes, were saying—Others, he saved, himself, he cannot save!
32 ndu kristi ichu israilawa ba grji ni gran kukron a ye meme zizanyi ndu ki to ndi kpa nyme ni wu bi wa ba kpan ba ni yesu ba hlo tre ni me
The Christ, the King of Israel—let him come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe. And, they who had been crucified with him, were casting it in his teeth.
33 ni ntton u tane ibwu ye kah gbu wawuu hi ni ntton u tia
And, when it was the sixth hour, darkness, came on all the land—until the ninth hour;
34 ni ntton u tia yesu ka yar yi gbagban me eloi eloi lama sabachthani? wa hi irji mu irji mu u tie he rli kame don?
and, at the ninth hour, Jesus, uttered a cry, with a loud voice—Eloi! Eloi! lama sabachthanei? which is, being translated—My God! [My God!] to what end, didst thou forsake me?
35 bi wa ba kli wi riha kia ba wo lan tre ma nda tre din to ba a si Iliya
And, some of the by-standers, having heard, were saying—See! Elijah, he calleth!
36 indi ri tsutsu ka yo rlikpanma ni ma waasa nda kason ni gbondo kpala nda kanno ndu soh igua tre din ki to ka Iliya ni ye njiu grji
And one, running, filled a sponge with vinegar, and, putting it about a reed, was giving him to drink, saying—Stay! let us see whether Elijah is coming, to take him down!
37 ni ki yesu ka yar yi gbangban me nda qu
But, Jesus, sending out a loud voice, ceased to breathe.
38 ipli u tra rjia ka yra tie harli rji ni tu mu grji hi kogboma
And, the veil of the Temple, was rent into two, from top to bottom.
39 da jirmi wa kli nda si ya yesu a to ndi yesu qu ye to wa a tre din njanjimu igu yi ana vren rji imba bari ngame baki gbigbanmu nda kia yah vimi mba ana ba maryamu ba mag daliya maryamu u salomi
Now the centurion, who was standing near, out over against him, seeing, that, thus, he ceased to breathe, said—Truly, this man, was God’s son!
And there were, women also, from afar, looking on, —among whom were both Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the Little and Joses, and Salome;
41 wa a he ni Galili ba hu nda ta tie ndu wu imba gbugbu u ngame ba huhi ni urshalima
who, when he was in Galilee, used to follow him, and minister unto him, —and many other women, who had come up with him unto Jerusalem.
42 wa yalu tiea don he u mlaki ivi wa baka rjo ri ni sabath
And evening, already, having begun, since it was a preparation, that is, the eve of a Sabbath,
43 Yusufu indi u Arimathiya ye ni ki ana ri ri bi lo chu ndi wa bata nno grima nda sia gben mulki rji avu sran nda shi ni Bilatus nda mye kmo yesu
Joseph of Arimathaea, a noble counsellor, who, also himself, was awaiting the kingdom of God, came; and, venturing, went in unto Pilate, and claimed the body of Jesus.
44 Bilatus tie sisri ndi yesu qu ayo jirme a nda wo ka yesu qu
But, Pilate, wondered whether, already, he was dead; and, calling near the centurion, questioned him—whether he had, already, died.
45 da Bilatus a wo ni nyu jirmea ndi yesu qu ye a nno kmboa ni Yusufu
And, getting to know from the centurion, he presented the corpse unto Joseph.
46 Yusufu ana le plia ye a grji kumo ni grani kukrona nda lou ni pli nda nji he ka yo ni beh wa ana tita wa ba tsen mlatie a tru tita hra beh a ka nyu beha
And, buying a fine Indian cloth, he took him down, and wrapped him about with the cloth, and laid him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of a rock, —and rolled near a stone upon the door of the tomb.
47 maryamu ba mag daliya ni Maryamu iyi yosi ba to bubu wa ba rju yesu
Now, Mary the Magdalene, and Mary the mother of Joses, were viewing how he had been laid.

< Mark 15 >