< Luke 20 >

1 Baya viri wa Yesu ata bla tre ma ni Urushelima, indji biwa ba he nimiyi, wu Firistoci wu malamai Attaura wu shugabanni ba cimiye niwu.
AND it came to pass, on one of those days, as he was teaching the people in the temple, and preaching the gospel, the chief priests and scribes with the elders came upon him,
2 Ba tre niwu, “Hla nitwu ni kpekpele nha wuse tindu ba, wu a nha mba ano kpekplemba.”
and spake to him, saying, Tell us by what authority thou doest these things or who is he that giveth thee this authority?
3 A kpa ye nibawu nda tre, “Imeme miyi tre yi bika kpayi ni mu.
Then he answering said to them, I also will ask you one question; and resolve me:
4 Isukpa nima Yohana, ani yi nishu ko ni ndji?”
The baptism of John, was it from heaven, or of men?
5 Indji ba ba mla ya ni kpamba nda tre, “Kie ta tre Ani shu, ani tre, Naki ingye sa bina kpa ye niwu na?
And they reasoned among themselves, saying, If we reply, From heaven; he will say, Wherefore then did ye not believe him?
6 U kita tre anin ni ndi du indji ba ba ta tro wu ni tita don ba kpaye Yohana ana annabi.”
But if we say, Of men; all the people will stone us: for they are persuaded that John was a prophet.
7 A naki ba kpa nyime kina to wu ni wayi na.
And they answered, We know not from whence.
8 Yesu tre ni bawu, imeme mina hla ni yiwu na ko ni wani gbengblen a tie ndu biyi na.”
And Jesus said to them, Neither tell I you by what authority I do these things.
9 A tre ni bawu ni misali, “Indji ri a rhon ni irju ma da ba no baya da he ni gbu ri wubar ko
Then he began to speak to the people this parable: A certain man planted a vineyard, and delivered it to husbandmen, and went abroad for a long while.
10 Intoyi wu ndi wu irju kmaye, daye ton indjiri ciki minikoma ni bi tindu ni Irji, du ba nonik'lo kunkro wa ahe ni irju. Ba tru du k'ma hi kpama dana no kpi na da zi da tru du hi kpama.
And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that they might give him of the fruit of the vineyard: but the husbandmen beat, and sent him away empty.
11 A lla tru indji ri hi ni indji bi tie ndu ni Irji du ba ba no glo kukar kni niwu, bakalatsi na wu mumla, da na no kpi na.
And he again sent another servant: and him also they beat, and treating him with indignity, sent him away empty.
12 A lla ton indji ri wutar ma, balaji ciwo ni wu, da tur du hi kpama.
And he sent yet a third: and him they also wounded, and cast out.
13 Indji wu irju tre, me tie ni he? Metur vri mu wa me kpaye niwu, koba kpaye niwu, dano kpaye niwu.
Then said the master of the vineyard, What shall I do? I will send my beloved son: probably when they see him, they will shew him respect.
14 Bi tie ndu ni irju bato da tre, ni kpamba, da tre, wayi yi a vri wu magijin ma, kpi wa ki ti kiwu, ni ki ni ban malaka ma du zama wu mbu.
But when the husbandmen saw him, they reasoned among themselves, saying, This is the heir: come, let us kill him, that the inheritance may be our own.
15 Naki ba tru nu ni miyi irju da wu. Angye indji wu irju ani tie ni ba?
So casting him out of the vineyard, they slew him. What then will the master of the vineyard do with these men?
16 Ani ye da wu ba wawu'u bi duba, da ban irju no barimu.” Da ba wo toki, ba tre, “Du na he naki na.”
He will come and destroy these husbandmen, and give the vineyard to others. And when they heard it, they said God forbid.
17 Da Yesu yaba toki, da tre, “Wuyigye bi yi nufin bi wa ba nha-nha zi, 'Tita wa bi mme ba kamba niwu, wawuyi ni zama mafinficin tita?'
Then he looked on them, and said, What is this then which is written, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner?
18 Indji wa rjoku ni tu tita ani tzi kpama ti ziza ziza, wu indji wa rjoku ani cowawu'u.
Every one who falleth upon this stone shall be broken to pieces; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
19 Naki wu malaman Attaura wu Firistoci ba wanko wa woh mba ni sa ni kpama ni tonki, da tre ni misalin yi ni tumba, ama dani klu sissri indji ba.
And the chief priests and the scribes sought to lay hands on him at that time; and were afraid of the people: for they knew that he had spoken this parable against them.
20 Ba mla kiya gyegyer me, da ton bi sru klu bu'u, baya ni baba ba bi adalci niwwan kowa samu da vu nitre wa tre, niki ba son da tru ni doka ni tre gona.
And watching him, they sent men they had suborned, who pretended that they were righteous persons, in order to lay hold of some word of his, that they might deliver him to the power and authority of the governor.
21 U ba miyi da tre Ticha, kito wu tre ni tzro wu bi ma, wunati kpi meme ma na wu tie kpi wu bio ma ninkon wu Irji.
And they asked him, saying, Master, we know that thou speakest and teachest rightly, and respectest no man’s person, but teachest the way of God in truth:
22 Ani kpi wu bima duki han ban ni Kaisar ko ana naki na?
Is it lawful for us to pay tribute to Caesar, or not?
23 Yesu tokpi wa bason ba tie da kma ni da tre ni bawu,
Then he, aware of their crafty design, said unto them, Why tempt ye me?
24 Tsro me dinari, a iwu nha ni inde ba nha ni kogon ma? Ba tre, “Kaisar.”
Shew me a denarius. Whose image and inscription hath it? And they answering said, Caesar’s.
25 A hla bawu ikpi wa, “Kpiwa wu Kaisar, non Kaisar, u kpiwa wu Irji a wu Irji.
Then said he to them, Pay therefore to Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and to God the things which are God’s.
26 Bana iya davu ni lah tre na, amsar tre ba wanuba anoba mamaki, naki bana biyu nyu na.
And they were unable to lay hold of a single expression of his before the people: and marvelling at his answer, they were silenced.
27 Wu Sadukiyawa bari baye niwu da tre niw biwa ba tre bahu wlunde ni vu wu kle,
Then certain of the Sadducees, who contend that there is no resurrection, asked him,
28 Wu ba miyi da tre, “Ticha, Musa nha nitawu, da tre idan wa vayi ma agu da he ni wa, dana he ni vri na, indji ka bawa vayi ma, da te viri ni vayima.
saying, Master, Moses wrote for us, If a man’s brother die, having a wife, and he die childless, that his brother should take the wife, and raise up seed for his brother.
29 U akwai mri vayi Tangba-wu mumla garwa da gu ba vri,
Now there were seven brothers: and the first taking a wife, died childless.
30 du ni u ha naki.
And the second taking the wife, he also died childless.
31 Indji wu tra bawa naki da ye niwu Tankpan ba viri da que.
Then the third took her; and also all the seven in like manner: and left no children, and died.
32 Naki, wu wa ngame ye que.
And last of all died also the woman.
33 Ni vi wu kle, anha ni son zama ilon ma? Don indji ba gran wa tangba ba wu.
In the resurrection therefore whose wife of them shall she be? for the seven had her to wife.
34 Yesu hla ni bawu, “indji bi meyi, ba gran dani no kpamba ni gran. (aiōn g165)
And Jesus in reply said to them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage: (aiōn g165)
35 U biwa ba ya ani babayi bari ni son ninton biwa ba que ye bana gran koba sa ta gran na. (aiōn g165)
but they who are counted worthy to attain to that world, and the resurrection of the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage: (aiōn g165)
36 Bana que ngana ba tsra baba Malaiku da zama mini Irji da mini bi sake wu u kle.
neither can they die any more: for they are like the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.
37 Naki biwa ba que ye ba wlunde na Musa tsro ni bubu wa shafe miji, wa yo Irji ndi Bachi, Ibrahim ni Irji u Irji wu Ishaku wu Irji Yakubu.
Now that the dead are raised, even Moses intimated at the bush, when he called the Lord, “the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.”
38 Zizan ana Irji u kyu na, Ahi Irji u ivri, nitu wawu ndji bi he ni vre niwu.
Now God is not the God of the dead, but of the living: for all live with him.
39 Imbru malaman Attaura ba kpa nyime nda tre, “Ticha, wu riga ni kpa nyime bi ye.”
Then some of the scribes addressing him said, Master, admirably hast thou spoken!
40 Bana kara mye kpi ngana.
And after that they durst not put another question to him.
41 Yesu tre nibawu, “Ba ti nihe ni tre Irji Vvren Dauda?”
Then he spake to them: How say they that the Messiah is the son of David?
42 Dauda me kima tre ni nvunvu Zabura, Irji tre ni Irji, kuson ni wo kori mu,
Yet David himself, in the book of Psalms, saith, “The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit down at my right hand,
43 Wa me dubi yo ni koshi meduba kma ti bubu son me.
until I put thine enemies for a footstool of thy feet.”
44 Dauda me ayo Kristi, Irji, ani tini he wani tie ni he da tre a vren Dauda?”
David then calleth him Lord, and how then is he his son?
45 U wa a kle wo ba ndji ba wawu A hla ni mri koh ma ndi,
And whilst all the people were hearkening, he said to his disciples,
46 “Mla zren ni malaman Attaura ba son zren ni glu bi gran ni kpamba, da son indji duba yaba, da no ba bubu son rigrama ni shishi ndji ni tre wu bra ni bubu son buki.
Beware of the scribes, who desire to walk about in trailing robes, and love salutations in the public places, and the principal seats in the synagogues, and the most honourable couch at suppers;
47 Da chakpo mba biwu balonmba ba que, da babi bre Irji gburko, naki indji biki ba kpa meme la tre ma.”
who devour the houses of widows, and for a pretext make long prayers: these shall receive a more abundant punishment.

< Luke 20 >