< Luke 17 >

1 Yesu hla ni imri koh ma, A lele ndi ba kbu za ni tita iya mbi wa wu sa ahe ni krigin.
Jesus said to his disciples, “It is inevitable that there should be temptations but sorrow awaits the person who does the tempting!
2 Ana bi bana klo tita wu ni toh ma nda kayo nimi nne fi niwa ni tsa iri ni mi imri bi tsitsa yi diba kbu za.
It would be better for them if they had been flung into the sea with a millstone around their neck, rather than that they should cause even one of these little ones to stumble.
3 Ya kpambi, wa vayi ma lahtre, bwu shishi niwu, nda a kpa nuyime wruhle niwu.
Be on your guard! If your brother or sister does wrong, rebuke them; but if they repent, forgive them.
4 Nda kpalla niwu inkpu tangban ni vi ri, nda k'ma ye niwu inkpu tangban nda tre, mi brewu, abi du wruhle niwu.
Even if they wrong you seven times a day, but turns to you every time and says ‘I am sorry,’ you must forgive them.”
5 Bi ninkon ba hla ni tie kon mba, nzu yo suron buu.
“Give us more faith,” said the apostles to the Master;
6 Irji hla ndu bi he ni bangaskiya kama wlo mustard, bi iya hla niku kro du rumin chu di tsen nimi nei, A kpa nyime niwu.
but the Master said, “If your faith were only like a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.
7 A nha nimi mbi, ahe ni vren koh wa ni rho ko krju int'ma rhi rji mi ji ye, ani lla niwu tsima ye ndi ri lah.
Which of you, if he had a servant ploughing, or tending the sheep, would say to him, when he came in from the fields, ‘Come at once and take your place at the table,’
8 Ana hla ni wuna, wa kpe mi ri, ndi khi di tie ndu bar mi ri ndi tso. U me wru ndi tsro na?
Instead of saying ‘Prepare my dinner, and then make yourself ready and serve me while I am eating and drinking, and after that you will eat and drink yourself’?
9 Ana gir ni wer kon du a tie ikpa wawu la una a tie?
Does he feel grateful to his servant for doing what he is told?
10 Iwu me naki yi nda u tie kpe wa ba hla niwu, u ya tre, kbi na khai mri koh ..... ma. Kbi tie ikpe wa kbi na tie.
And so with you – when you have done all that you have been told, still say ‘We are but useless servants; we have done no more than we ought to have done.’”
11 A bi fin ri atsi tie ni Wurishelima, abu kusa nei gbu Samariya ni Galili.
On the way to Jerusalem Jesus passed between Samaria and Galilee.
12 Wa ari ni gbu ri, ndji wlon bi lilon gben ba izun ni wu. Ba klir gbugbanmu niwu.
As he was entering a village, ten lepers met him.
13 Ba bwu ba ni fu ba, nda tre, Yesu nikon wo iyi mbu.
Standing still, some distance off, they called out loudly, “Jesus! Sir! Pity us!”
14 Wa ato ba, ahla ni bawu, hi ndi tsro tumbi ni Firistoci. Wa ba tsi bi, ba kpa sikpa.
When Jesus saw them, he said, “Go and show yourselves to the priest.” And, as they were on their way, they were made clean.
15 Iri nimi ba wa a to wawu samu sikpa, a kmaye, nda ngyiri ni Ijri ni la ndindima.
One of them, finding he was cured, came back, praising God loudly,
16 A joku ni kbu Yesu, nda ngyiri niwu gbugbome wawu a ndji igbu Samariya.
and threw himself on his face at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done; and this man was a Samaritan.
17 Yesu la bana ndji wlo na wa samu sikpa na, itiya ba bahe ni ntsen?
“Were not all the ten made clean? exclaimed Jesus. But the nine – where are they?
18 Ba bari wa ba kmaye nda ngyiri ni Irji, tse ndji tsri yi?
Were there none to come back and praise God except this foreigner?
19 A hla niwu, lunde ndi he ni suron ndindime anu sikpa ma.
Get up,” he said to him, “and go on your way. Your faith has delivered you.”
20 Farisawa ba mye Irji ni ye ni ntan, Yesu hlani bawu ndi Irji ana ye iri iya ndi na.
Being once asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was to come, Jesus answered, “The kingdom of God does not come in a way that can be seen,
21 Ko ba la yah, ahe iyi koh ahe wamu. Bi ka yah iye Irji ahe aniwu.
nor will people say ‘Look, here it is!’ or ‘There it is!’; for the kingdom of God is within you!
22 A hla ni imri koh ma, i vin tse ye wa bi son toh ivi wa ivren ndji niye, bi na tona.
The day will come,” he said to his disciples, “when you will long to see but one of the days of the Son of Man, and will not see it.
23 Ba hla niwu, yah, ni wamu, yah niwa hi na rju na, na bu ba na.
People will say to you ‘There he is!’ Or ‘Here he is!’ Do not go and follow them.
24 Ya nda izren ni whri nda kma tsutsa wa ni whri gbagbla shu yi ni gbagblamu, ani he nikiyi ivren ndji ni vin ma.
For, just as lightning will lighten and flare from one side of the heavens to the other, so will it be with the Son of Man.
25 A ni sha yah gbugbu kri gbugblu bakaba wu.
But first he must undergo much suffering, and he must be rejected by the present generation.
26 A ni he nawa ahe ni nton Nuhu, ani he nakiyi ivi u ivren ndji.
As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be again in the days of the Son of Man.
27 Ba nri, ba tso ba grah nde ninu grah har hi tub wa Nuhu anri ni Jirgi imah tubana ayeh, nda wu ba penpeme.
They were eating and drinking and marrying and being married, up to the very day on which Noah entered the ark, and then the flood came and destroyed them all.
28 A he na kiyi ni tan lutu bata nri, bata tso bata lbe nda lebie bata shu bata meh ba koh.
So, too, in the days of Lot. People were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting, building;
29 Ivin wa lutu rju ni Saduma, ba tsra lu kwekwema rji ni shu bawu ba u ahuwu.
but, on the very day on which Lot came out of Sodom, it rained fire and sulfur from the skies and destroyed them all.
30 Ani he na kiyi wa ba ton vren ndji.
It will be the same on the day on which the Son of Man reveals himself.
31 Ni vi khi yi, indji he ni tun khan du ma ngrji da ni vu kpima ni kon na, wa ahi ni rju du na kma ye na.
On that day, if a person is on their house-top and their goods in the house, they must not go down to get them; nor again must one who is on the farm turn back.
32 Rhi mre iwa Lutu.
Remember Lot’s wife.
33 Wa ni son tuma, ani rasa niwu, wa k tuma nu, ani tsira niwu.
Whoever is eager to get the most out of their life will lose it; but whoever will lose it will preserve it.
34 Mi hla niwu, ni chu kiyi ndi ha ni tub blah riri, baba ri nda ton ri.
On that night, I tell you, of two people on the same bed, one will be taken and the other left;
35 Imba ha ba si kon kpu ba ka ban ri, nda bri rima.
of two women grinding grain together, one will be taken and the other left.”
36 Ndji lulo bari ba hi ni rju, ba ban ri nda bri ri.
37 Ba mye, ni ntsen Tie koh? A hla bawu iwirji igbokpa ahe, ni kiyi bi ton ugulu.
“Where will it be, Master?” asked the disciples. “Where there is a body,” said Jesus, “there will the vultures flock.”

< Luke 17 >