< Yohana 16 >

1 Mi hla wayi ni yiwu ni ndu yi na kubu za na.
[Jesus continued by saying to us], “I have told you these things in order that you will not stop trusting in me [when people] ([cause you to suffer/persecute you]).
2 Ba ju yi rju ni majanmiyan u iton ni ye, niwa indji ni ta hola yi vu ni to'o (wuya), ani ya ndi wawu si tie ndu Rji.
They will not allow you to worship in (synagogues/[their] meeting places). In fact, there will be a time when anyone who kills you will think that he is serving God [by doing that].
3 Ba ti naki niwa ba na toh Ti'a ko Me na.
They will do such things because they have never known who I [really am], nor who [my] Father [is].
4 Mi si hla biyi ni yiwu, inde iton nita ye, waba ti'a, bika ri mren Mi na hla ni yiwu,” Mi na hla kpe biyi ni yiwu ri na rji ni mumla, niwa Mi he niyi.
I have told you these things in order that when [they start] ([to cause you to suffer]/to [persecute you]) [MTY], you will remember that I warned you. I did not tell you these things when you first started [to accompany me] [MTY] because I was with you, [and they were causing trouble for me, not for you].”
5 Zizan yi Mi si hi ni Indji wa a ton me'a, naki me ni mi mbi, ba wa a minye Me, u hi ntsen?
“Now I am [about to] return to the one who sent me. But [I am disappointed that] none of you is asking me, ‘Where are you going?’
6 Ni wa Mi hla ikpi biyi ni yiwu, damuwa shu ni yiwu ni sron.
Instead, because I have told you these things, you are very sad.
7 Ime mi si hla njanji mu ni yiwu, abi ni yiwu ni ndu Mi hi kpamu, u Mi ta na hi kpamu na, wawu indji u sisron ana ye ni yi na, u Mi ta hi, u Mi ton ye niyi.
But the truth is that it is good for you that I am going away, because if I do not go away, the [Holy Spirit], who will (encourage/be like a legal counsel for) you will not come to you. But when I go, I will send him to you.
8 Ani ta ye, wawu Indji u nji si sron ye ani tsro gbungblu'a meme ti lahtre'a, nitu njanji ni tron me -
When he comes, he will prove that those who do not belong to God [MTY] [are wrong about what is] sinful and about who is really righteous and about whom [God will] judge [and condemn for their sin].
9 nitu lahtre, nitu wa bana kpa nyeme ni Me na;
[He will tell people that their greatest] sin is that they do not believe in me.
10 nitu tsatsra, Mi hi ni Ti'a, u bina la tie bre to mena;
[He will tell people that] because I am going [back] to my Father, and you will no longer see me, [you will know that I am the one who was truly] righteous.
11 nitu hukunci me niwa ba han hukunci ni ndji u nji gbungblu'a hukunci.
[He will tell people that the fact] that [God] has already determined that [he] will punish [Satan], the one who rules this world, shows that [some day God] will also punish [those who do not belong to him].
12 Ikpi gbugbuwu ba he wa Mi hla ni yiwu'a, u bina ya to zizan na.
I have many more things that [I would like] to tell you, but you are not able to accept them now.
13 Nitu ki, u Ibrji tsatsra u njanji aye'a, ani nji ni mi njanji wawu, niwa ana tre u tuma kankrji ma na, se ikpe wa awo, ani hla ki, ani hla ni yiwu ikpe wa ani tie.
But [God’s] Spirit is the one who will teach you [God’s] truth. When he comes, he will guide you so that you [understand] all [spiritual] truth. He will not speak from his own [authority]. Instead, it is the things that he hears [my Father say] that he will tell you. He will also tell you about things that will happen [later].
14 Ani gbre Me san, nitu wa ani ban ikpi wa a u mu na hla ni yiwu.
He will honor me by revealing my [truth] to you.
15 Ikpe iwa Iti'a ahe ni wu ahi u mu. Nitu ki, Mi hla da ani ban kpi wa a hu mu na hla ni yiwu.
Everything that [my] Father has is mine. That is why I said that the Spirit is able to reveal my truth to you.”
16 Ni kogon vi ton, bina tie bre la to Me na, ni kogon vi nton fime ngari, bi la toh me.
“After a short time [I will leave you, and] you will not see me. Then a short time [after that] you will see me [again].”
17 U bari ni mi almajere Ma, ba tre ndi, “Ahi ngyeyi mba Igu yi ni son hla nitawu, 'Ni vi nkpurju nton bina la toh Me na, u ni vi nkpurju nton ngari bi la toh me,' u, 'Nitu wa Mi hi ni Ti'a?'”
[So] some of us said to each other, “What does he mean by saying ‘After a short time you will not see me,’ and ‘A short time after that you will see me again’? And [what does he mean by] ‘Because I am going back to [my] Father’?”
18 Nitu ki ba tre ndi, “Ahi ngyeri wa asi tre'a, 'Ni vi nkpurju nton'a?' Kina to kpw wa asi tre nitu ma na.”
We kept asking each other, “What [does he mean by] saying ‘After a little while’? We do not understand what he is saying.”
19 Yesu to ba si son Mye wu, na hla ni bawu ndi, “U bi kma ni mye kpa mbi Mu ikpe wa Mi si son hla andi, “Ni kogon vi nton fime u bina to me na, u ngari ni kogon vi nton fime bi la to Me?'
Jesus realized that we wanted to ask him [about that]. So he said to us, “You are asking [RHQ] each other [what I meant] when I said, ‘After a short time you will not see me, and then a short time [after that] you will see me [again].’
20 Njanji, njanji, Mi hla ni yiwu, bi yi ni mren, u gbungblu ni ngyiri, imre mbi ni shu ni yi nyu ni sron, u imre u yi mbi ani ka tie u ngyiri.
Listen to this carefully: [After I] ([leave you/die]), those who oppose God [MTY] will be happy, but you will be sad. But [later] you will stop being sad and you will become joyful.
21 Iwa ni to lo ngrji, ni nton wa a si yi nne nitu wa inton u ngrji ye. Inde a ngri vren yo ye, ana la bre rimren ilon Ma ngana, nitu wa a si ngyiri wa ba ngrji indji ni gbungblu'a.
A woman who is about to bear a child feels pain, because that is [what happens] [MTY] [at] that time. But after her baby is born, she forgets that pain, because she is very joyful that her child has been born.
22 Zizan mba bi ri mre, Mi la to yi, u sron mbi ni ngyiri, u indrjori na ya ban ngyiri mbi'a rji ni yi na.
It will be the same with you. [I will soon die and] you will be sad. But after that, I will see you again. Then you will be joyful, and no one will be able to stop you from being joyful.
23 Chachu ki, bina mye Me kperi na. Njanji, njanji, Mi si hla ni yiwu, ko ngyeri bi bre ni mi Nde Ti'a ni mi Nde Mu ani no yi.
When that happens, you will not ask me any questions [about anything]. Listen to this carefully: [After that happens, my] Father will do for you anything you ask, because of his relationship with me [MTY].
24 Ye zizan me bi na bre kperi nimi nde Mu na. Bika bre, u bi kpa, niwa ingyiri mbi a shu.
Up to the present time, using my authority you have not asked [God to do] anything for you [MTY]. Now keep asking [him for things that you need. If you do that], you will receive them, and then you will be completely joyful.
25 Mi hla kpi biyi ni yiwu ni mi karin magana, inton ni ye wa Mina la hla kperi ni yiwu na ni mi karin magana na, Mi sran hla ni yiwu ni rira, nitu Ti'a wa ani karin magana.
Although I have been speaking these things using figurative language, there will soon be a time when I will no longer use that kind of language. Instead, I will tell you plainly (about my Father/what my Father [wants]).
26 Ni chahu ki, bu tre ni mi nde Mu u Mina hla yiwu ndi Mi tre ni Ti; a nitu mbi na.
At that time, you will ask [him for things] (because you belong to me/with my authority) [MTY]. I will not [need to] ask [my] Father to do what you ask.
27 Niwa Iti ni son yi kima, niwa bu'a bi son Me, u bi kpa nyeme ndi Mi rji ni Ti'a.
[My] Father himself loves you because you have loved me and because you have believed that I came from God [my Father], [so he wants you to ask] him (OR, [so he does not need anyone to persuade] him [to help you])
28 Mi rji ni Ti'a, ni ri ni gbungblu'a, ye zizan, ngari, Mi bri ni gbungblu'a ni kma ni hi ni Ti.”
I came from [my] Father into this world. Very soon I will be leaving this world and going [back] to my Father.”
29 Almajere Ma ba tre ndi, “To mba, zizan u si tre kpe wheme mba, una ka yiyi na.
Then [we], his disciples, said, “Now you are speaking plainly, without using figurative language.
30 Zizan ki to u to ko ngyeri, ana wa ndrjori ni la mye na. Ni nakima, ki kpanyeme ndi u rju rji ni Irji.
Now we understand that you know everything. You do not need anyone to ask you questions [about anything, because you know what we want to ask before we ask you]. That [also] leads us to believe that you came from God.”
31 Yesu a ka sa ni bawu ndi, “Bi kpa nyeme zizan?
Jesus replied, “Now you [RHQ] say that you believe [that I came from God].
32 Bika to, inton ni ye, ee, inton ye wa ba vra yi ti nkankan, ko nha ni kma hi ni ko ma, bi ka me don ni grji Mu. Ko nakime Mi na he ni nkrji Mu na, Iti Mu ahe ni Me.
But listen! There will soon be a time, and that time is already here, when you will all run away! Each of you will run away to your own home. You will leave me, and I will be alone. But I will not [really] be alone [at that time], because [my] Father is always with me.
33 Mi hla wayi ni yiwu ndi bi he ni me Mu ni fe si sron. Ni gbungblu'a ba ki ti yi je, bika kri gbangban, Mi kpaka ni gbungblu'a.
I have told you these things in order that you may have [inner] peace because of your relationship with me. In this world you will have trouble. But be courageous! I have defeated those who are opposed to me [MTY], and [you can defeat them, too]!”

< Yohana 16 >