< Yohana 11 >

1 U igun wa ba yo ni Lazaru, a lo'a hi indji u Baitanya, ni gbu ba Mariyamu ni vayi ma Marta.
Now a man named Lazarus, of Bethany, was lying ill; he belonged to the same village as Mary and her sister Martha.
2 Mariyamu wa gban yen ni Bachi na se za ma ni futu ma, wa vayi Lazaru si lo'a.
This Mary, whose brother Lazarus was ill, was the Mary who anointed the Master with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair.
3 Imri vayi maba ton ba adu hi ni Yesu, andi, “Bachi, ya, indji wa'u son si to.”
The sisters, therefore, sent this message to Jesus – ‘Master, your friend is ill’;
4 Wawo, na tre, “Lilo mba ni nji hi kwu na nitu gbere san rji ni ndu vren Rji ndu fe gbere san ni tu ma.”
and, when Jesus heard it, he said, “This illness is not to end in death, but is to redound to the honor of God, in order that the Son of God may be honored through it.”
5 Yesu ni son Marta, ni vayi ma vren wa ni Lazaru.
Jesus loved Martha and her sister, and Lazarus.
6 Wa a wo ndi Lazaru silo'a, na kri ti ivi hari ni bubu wa ahe.
Yet, when he heard of the illness of Lazarus, he still stayed two days in the place where he was.
7 Ni kogon ki, wa hla, ni almajere ma, “Biri ki hi ni Yahudiya ngari.”
Then, after that, he said to his disciples, “Let us go to Judea again.”
8 U almajere ba hla niwu, “Mala, Yahudawa bari si wa ndi ba ta ni tita, u la ni son k'ma hi ni ki?
“Rabbi,” they replied, “the authorities there were but just now seeking to stone you; and are you going there again?”
9 Yesu tre niba, andi inton u kpan rji ana awa wulon don ha na? Indji wa a zren ni ri, ana kubu zana, ni wa asi to kpan u gbungbulu yi.
“Are not there twelve hours in the day?” answered Jesus. “If someone walks about in the daytime, they don’t stumble, because they can see the light of the sun;
10 Indji wa ni zren ni chu, ani kubu za nitu wa ikpan na he na.
but, if they walk about at night, they stumble, because they have not the light.”
11 A tre kpe biyi ni kogon biyi, a hla ni bawu, “Ikpan mbu Lazaru a si kru nna, mi si hi bubu shime lunde ni na.
And, when he had said this, he added, “Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going so that I may wake him.”
12 U almajere ba hla niwu, “Bachi, ani ta si kruna, e ani shime ni nna'a.”
“If he has fallen asleep, Master, he will get well,” said the disciples.
13 Yesu si tre ni tu kwu Lazaru u ba si nda asi tre nitu kruna u kusimu.
But Jesus meant that he was dead; they, however, supposed that he was speaking of natural sleep.
14 U Yesu a mamla hla ni bawu ndi, “Lazaru kwu.
Then he said to them plainly, “Lazarus is dead;
15 Mi ngyiri ni tubi, niwa mina he na ni ndu kpanyeme. Biri ki hi niwu.”
and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may learn to believe in me. But let us go to him.”
16 Toma, wa ba yo ndi vren u hlen hen, a hla ni mburualmajere ba ndu baba hi ngame na hi kwu ni Yesu.”
At this, Thomas, who was called ‘The Twin,’ said to his fellow disciples, “Let us go too, so that we may die with him.”
17 Wa Yesu aye, u wa ye to Lazaru ati za'a ni be ye.
When Jesus reached the place, he found that Lazarus had been four days in the tomb already.
18 Baitanya ahe whewhre ni Urushalima, avi zren fifie me ni tsutsu mba.
Bethany being only about two miles from Jerusalem,
19 Yahudawa gbugbuwu ba ye ni ye chiMaryamu mba Marta ni kwu Lazaru.
a number of the people had come there to comfort Martha and Mary because of their brother’s death.
20 Wa Marta wo andi Yesu ni ye, na luhi ni ndu wawu hi same wu'a u Maryamu a son zu ni miko.
When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat quietly at home.
21 Marta hla ni Yesu, “Bachi, una he nita ni lalon mu, vayi mu ana kwu na.”
“Master,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died.
22 Zizan me mi to ikpe wa u bre Rji ani no'u.”
Even now, I know that God will grant you whatever you ask him.”
23 Yesu hla niwu, vayi me ni ta shime.
“Your brother will rise to life,” said Jesus.
24 U Marta hla niwu, “Mi to ani ta shime chachu klekle.”
“I know that he will,” replied Martha, “in the resurrection at the Last day.”
25 Yesu hla niwu, “Ime yi mi ta shime u klekle, Ime yi mi re (iviri), indji wa a kpanyeme ni me, ani ta kwu, ani ta shime;
“I am the resurrection and the life,” said Jesus. “He who believes in me will live, though he die;
26 ni indji wa ahe ni re (iviri), na kpanyeme ni me, ana kwu na; u kpanyeme ni wa?” (aiōn g165)
and he who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (aiōn g165)
27 U wa hla niwu, “E, Bachi, mi kpanyeme andi iwuyi u Almasihu, Vren Rji, iwa ani ye ni gbungbulu'a.
“Yes Master,” she answered. “I have learned to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”
28 Ni wa a hla naki, na kma hi ni vayi ma Maryamu, na yo ti gigran, na hla, “Mala ye ri ye, na ni yo.”
After saying this, Martha went and called her sister Mary, and whispered, “The teacher is here, and is asking for you.”
29 Wa a wo naki, wa lunde gbagbla hi niwu.
As soon as Mary heard that, she got up quickly, and went to meet him.
30 Yesu na ri ni vi gbu'a rina, ahe ni bubu wa Iwa ka same ni wu'a.
Jesus had not then come into the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him.
31 Ni Yahudawa wa ba he baba Maryamu biwa ba ye chi ba ni kwu'a, bato lu rju ni miko gbagbla me, u ba lu hu, ni ban andi a rju ni bubu yi ni nyu be.
So the people, who were in the house with Mary, comforting her, when they saw her get up quickly and go out, followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb to weep there.
32 Wa a ka ri ni bubu wa Yesu he'a na ka Joku niwu ni za ma, na hla, “Bachi, una he nita, vayimuy ana kwu na.”
When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she threw herself at his feet. “Master,” she exclaimed, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died!”
33 Wa Yesu ato'u si yi, ni Yahudawa biwa ba hu'a, i wa kpere ni Ruhu na lo ni suron;
When Jesus saw her weeping, and the people who had come with her weeping also, he groaned deeply, and was greatly distressed.
34 iwa tre, bika yo ni ntsen? “U ba hla niwu, “Bachi, ye to.”
“Where have you buried him?” he asked. “Come and see, Master,” they answered.
35 Yesu yi.
Jesus burst into tears.
36 U Yahudawa ba ba hla ndi, “toh yanda ani son Lazaru!”
“How he must have loved him!” the people exclaimed;
37 Ba mba ba tre, “Wawu igu yi wa a ya no indji u fyen to bubu'a, ani na ya u gu hi bubu kwu na?
but some of them said, “Could not this man, who gave sight to the blind man, have also prevented Lazarus from dying?”
38 Yesu he ni mi si lo suron ni tu ma, na hi ni be'a. Ibe'a a he ni ko fron tita u ba ka he ni tita.
Again groaning inwardly, Jesus came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against the mouth of it.
39 U Yesu tre, “Ban tita yi rju.” Marta vayi Lazaru wa a kwu a, a hla ni Yesu, “Bachi, zizan ikon kmo a gla ye niwa a ti ivi nzah ni kwu.
“Move the stone away,” said Jesus. “Master,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time the smell must be offensive, for this is the fourth day since his death.”
40 Yesu hla niwu, mina hla niwu ikpe wa u kpanyeme u to nikon u Rji'a na?
“Didn’t I tell you,” replied Jesus, “that, if you would believe in me, you should see the glory of God?”
41 U ba ban tita rju, Yesu zun shishi na tre, “Iti, mi ngyiri niwu niwa u wo me.”
So they moved the stone away; and Jesus, with uplifted eyes, said, “Father, I thank you that you have heard my prayer;
42 Mi to wa u wo me ni ton wawu, nitu son yi wa gyen klan kagon mu yi mi tre wa, ni ndu ba kpanyeme andi ahi wuyi u ton me.”
I know that you always hear me; but I say this for the sake of the people standing near, so that they may believe that you has sent me as your messenger.”
43 Ni wa a tre kle, na tre gbame, Lazaru rju”
Then, after saying this, Jesus called in a loud voice, “Lazarus! Come out!”
44 U ndji wa a kwu'a a lu rju, u za ma ni wo ma ba he ni lilo'o ni pri, shishima he ni kika ni gbanjan nklon. Yesu hla bawu, “Bika siwu, ndu hi.”
The dead man came out, wrapped hand and foot in a winding-sheet; his face, too, had been wrapped in a cloth. “Set him free,” said Jesus, “and let him go.”
45 Gbugbuwu ni mi Yahudawa wa ba ye ni Maryamu ba to ikpe wa Yesu ti'a u ba kpanyeme niwu.
In consequence of this, many of the people, who had come to visit Mary and had seen what Jesus did, put their faith in him.
46 U bari ba kma hi naka hla ni Farisawa ikpe wa Yesu a ti'a.
Some of them, however, went to the Pharisees, and told them what he had done.
47 U Firistoci bi nigon,'a ni Farisawa ba yo indji bi kpanchi'a shuti buburi, u ba tre, ageri kita?” igu yi ani ti gban bi babran.
The chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the High Council, and said, “What are we to do, now that this man is giving so many signs?
48 Ki ta kadon naki, indji ba kpa'u nyeme, Romawa ba ye kpa bubu mbu, ni ndji mbu.
If we allow him to continue as we are doing, everyone will believe in him; and the Romans will come and will take from us both our Temple and our nation.”
49 Naki, iri ni mi mba kayatas kena wa ndi ahi kikle Firist ni se kima, a hla bawu, “Bi na to kpe na.
One of them, however, Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them,
50 Bi na mla ya a bi zan ni ndu indji riri kwu ni tu indji, ni wa indji wawu ba sutuna.”
“You are utterly mistaken. You do not consider that it is better for you that one person should die for the people, rather than the whole nation should be destroyed.”
51 A hla ki, ana nitu ma kankrji ma na, ani tu iwa a hi kikle Firist, a to tsu ndi Yesu ni yi ni kwu ni tu ndji;
Now he did not say this of his own accord; but, as high priest that year, he prophesied that Jesus was to die for the nation –
52 ana nitu indji kankrji na, anitu ndu ba shi imri Irji ti ni buburi biwa ba lu vra kagon.
And not for the nation only, but also that he might unite in one body the children of God now scattered far and wide.
53 Rji ni chachu ki na lu ni tsikpa bubu wa ndu ba wu Yesu.
So from that day they plotted to put Jesus to death.
54 Rji ni ki Yesu na la ni zren ni rira ni mi Yahudawa na. Wa ala kma hi ni kalan ri whiwhre ni miji ni gburi wa ba yo Ifraimu. Ni mu a son ni almajere ma.
In consequence of this, Jesus did not go about publicly among the people any more, but left and went into the country bordering on the wilderness, to a town called Ephraim, where he stayed with his disciples.
55 Igan u ru gran (indji ketarewa) u Yahudawa a tewhre, gbugbu ba hi Urushalima rji ni klan meme'a hi ri ndu ivi idiri ni ndu ba kati tsatsra.
But the Jewish Festival of the Passover was near; and many people had gone up from the country to Jerusalem, for their purification, before the Festival began.
56 U lu ri wa Yesu, na ni tre ni kpa mba niwa ba kri ni ni hekeli andi, “Angye bi ki rhimre? Ana ye ni idin na?
So they looked for Jesus there, and said to one another, as they stood in the Temple Courts, “What do you think? Do you think he will come to the Festival?”
57 Kikle Firist ni Farisawa ba yo du andi ko ni zen wa ba to Yesu ba ka ye hla ni ndu ba vu.
The chief priests and the Pharisees had already issued orders that, if anyone learned where Jesus was, he should give information, so that they might arrest him.

< Yohana 11 >