< Ephesians 5 >
1 Huza Rji na mrli ma wa ani son ba'a.
Be ye therefore imitators of God, as dear children:
2 Ndi zren ni son, towa kristi santa nda nu tuma ni tu mbua.
and walk in love; as the Messiah also hath loved us, and hath given up himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God, for a sweet odor.
3 Ndu tie kan, ni kpe bi shan, na he ni mi mbi na bana kpi ni ndi ndi ni bi wa ba kpa tre Rjia na.
But whoredom, and all impurity, and avarice let them not be at all heard of among you, as it becometh the saints;
4 Ndu tre ugbran sron, ni srantre ruru ma nahe ni mi mbina, bana kpi ndi ndi na. ki tie kpe u ngyri
Neither obscenities, nor words of folly, or of division, or of scurrility, which are not useful; but instead of these, thanksgiving.
5 Bi to, ndi bi tie kan kpe meme, tie shishi bi hu kpi bi brji bana heni bubu u son ni ko Rji na.
For this know ye, that every man who is a whoremonger, or impure, or avaricious, or a worshipper of idols, hath no inheritance in the kingdom of the Messiah and of God.
6 Na ndu njiori gyruyi nitre u megan na, iki ni ndu Rji tie fu ni bi kawo trema (hanton).
Let no man deceive you with vain words; for it is on account of these things that the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience.
7 Nakima bi jana huba na.
Therefore be ye not like them.
8 Bina bi bwu, u zizan bihe bi kpan ni mi Baci, biku zren na mrli bi kpan.
For ye were heretofore darkness, but now are ye light in our Lord: therefore, as the children of light, so walk ye.
9 I klo u kpan he ni kpe ndindi tsratsra, ni janji,
For the fruits of the light are in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth.
10 ni kpatron wa Baci ni son'a
And search out what is pleasing before our Lord:
11 na katu kabi ni klo bi memema na ni klo bi bwu, ngran ba yora.
And have no commerce with the works of darkness which are unfruitful, but reprove them.
12 Ahi kpe u shan ni hla kpi wa batie ni bwu'a
For the things they do in secret, it is nauseous even to mention.
13 Ikpe nita ngranyo ni kpan, baka to ndindime.
For all things are exposed and made manifest by the light: and whatever maketh manifest, is light.
14 Ikpe wa batoa, ahi kpan. Nakima, batre ndi wlunde, biyi wa bisi kruna, ndi wlu ni khyu, u kristi ni kpan ni mi me
Wherefore it is said: Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and the Messiah will illuminate thee.
15 Zren ni wrli, na zren na biwa bana wrli'a na zren na biwa ba wrli'a.
See therefore, that ye walk circumspectly; not like the simple,
16 Ta mlan zren mbi tie ni ton yi ngbu ngblu'a nani na.
but like the wise, who purchase their opportunity; because the days are evil.
17 na kati ruru na to kpe w Irji ni sona
Therefore, be not lacking in understanding; but understand ye what is the pleasure of God.
18 Na hwa ma inabi na, ani ndu ndi katie meme, ndu Brji tsratsra shu ni yuwuu.
And be not drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness; but be ye filled with the spirit.
19 Tre ni kpambi ni zabura ni se u brji tsratsra.
And converse with yourselves in psalms and hymns; and with your hearts sing to the Lord, in spiritual songs.
20 Ngyri cacuu ni kpe wawuu, ni mi nde Baci Yesu kristi ru Rji tie mbu.
And give thanks to God the Father, at all times, for all men, in the name of our Lord Jesus the Messiah.
21 Ndi ta ya kpambi ni sron ubi ni ndu wa bitie ni kristia.
And be submissive one to another, in the love of the Messiah.
22 Imba kpa y'me ni ba lon mbi na ni Baci.
Wives, be ye submissive to your husbands, as to our Lord.
23 Lilon atu uwa nawa kristi hi tu iklisiyaa.
Because the husband is the head of the wife, even as the Messiah is the head of the church; and he is the vivifier of the body.
24 Wa iklisiya ni nu Baci tuma, imba game banu ba lon ba tumba.
And as the church is subject to the Messiah, so also let wives be to their husbands in all things.
25 Lilon son mbabi na wa kristi son iklisiya nda nu tuma ni wua.
Husbands, love your wives, even as the Messiah loved his church, and delivered himself up for it;
26 a tite toki nda glau, na seu ni mma ni tre ma.
that he might sanctify it, and cleanse it, by the washing of water, and by the word;
27 Nda nu tuma iklisiya ndindi, hamma ni shugru ni kpe bibi kima, ndu he tsra trame hamma ni latre
and might constitute it a glorious church for himself, in which is no stain, and no wrinkle, and nothing like them; but that it might be holy and without blemish.
28 Ni kon riri me ndu lilon son mba mba na kpambor lilon wa a son wwama, ason kpama.
It behooveth men so to love their wives, as they do their own bodies. For he that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 Injio na kran kpama na, ani mlanu tie, nawa kristi mlan iklisiya tiea.
For no one ever hated his own body; but nourisheth it, and provideth for it, even as the Messiah the church.
30 don kihi nghama kpama.
For we are members of his body and of his flesh, and of his bones.
31 Ahi ki ndu lilon ni ka tie ma, ni yima don nda kabi ni wama, hamba, ba kati kpa riri.
For this reason, a man should quit his father and his mother, and adhere to his wife; and the two should be one flesh.
32 Gbonji treyi riri (hidden) misi tre nitu kristi ni iklisiya.
This is a great mystery; but I am speaking of the Messiah, and of his church.
33 Toki, gbi gbi wawumbiu son wame na tume, gbigbi iwa ni nu lonma nikon
Nevertheless, let each of you severally so love his wife, even as himself: and let the wife reverence her husband.