< Ndu Manzaniba 9 >

1 ama shawulu, wa a si gbre que ni mri ko bi hu bacia, hi ni nikon firist
BUT Shaol was yet full of threatenings and murderous wrath against the disciples of our Lord.
2 nda ka mye'e du nhavunvu ni du njihi ni tra u bre ni Damascus, don anita katon biwa babi nko a, ni lilon ko mmba, ka vu ba lo njiye ni Urishilima.
And he demanded letters from the chief priests which he should give at Darmsuk to the synagogues, that if he found (any) who walked in this way, men or women, he might bind and bring them to Urishlem.
3 Niwa a si zren nihi, a ye weiweire ni Damascus ilu kpan a kri bwu kpan kawu, ilua rhi ni shului;
And as he went and began to come nigh to Darmsuk, suddenly there shone forth upon him a light from heaven;
4 wa akurhoku hi meme nda wo ilan ni tre niwu ndi “Shawubu, shawulu, a ngye sa wu tsra me ni ya?”
and he fell upon the earth, and heard a voice which said to him, Shaol, Shaol, why persecutest thou me? It is hard to thee to kick against the pricks.
5 Shawulu, a sa ndi “wu nha, Baci?” U Baci a tre ndi “A hi me Yesu, wa wusi tsra me ni ya;
He answered and said, Who art thou, my Lord? And our Lord said, I am Jeshu Natsroya, whom thou persecutest;
6 ama lunde, ri hi ni mi gbu'a ba lha kpewa wutia niwu.”
but arise, go into Darmsuk, and there it will be spoken with thee concerning what thou must do.
7 Ndhi wa basia zren ni shawulu, ba k'ma ki whie me, nda wo lan tre a, ama nda na toh ndioria.
And the men who went with him in the way stood astonished, because the voice alone they heard, but a man was not seen by them.
8 Shawulu alu ni meme'a nda niwa u shishi'a ti buwu ana toh kpe na, mle ba vuu njiriwo ri ni Damascus.
And Shaol arose from the earth, and could not see any thing when his eyes were opened. And they took him by his hand and brought him into Darmsuk;
9 A ti ri tra hamm'a ni to kpan, nda na rhi na nda na so na.
and he saw not for three days, neither did he eat or drink.
10 Nikima, nimi Damascus, vrekoma ri a he, wa ndema hi Ananiya. Baci a hlawu ni ra ndi “Ananiya”, A tre ndi “Igy mi he yi Bachi”
But there was in Darmsuk a certain disciple whose name was Hanania. And the Lord said to him in a vision, Hanania. And he said, Behold me, my Lord.
11 Baci a lhawu ndi, “Lunde, nid hi ni kon wa ba yo ndi kritrime, ni ko Yahuda, myeba ndhi wu Tarsus ri wa ndema hi Shawulu, a si bre Rji.
And our Lord said to him, Arise, go to the street which is called the Straight, and inquire in the house of Jihuda for Shaol, who is from Tarsos the city. For, behold, while praying,
12 A toh ni ra' andi ndi ri nde Ananiya a si ye nda si sa wo ni wau ni tu don du to bubu ngari”
he hath seen in a vision a man whose name is Hanania, who entered and laid upon him the hand that his eyes might be opened.
13 Ama Ananiya a sawu ndi “Baci, mi wo ni nyu ndhi gbugbu'u nitu gu yi, iri kpatimeme wa a ti tsatsra ndhime ni Urishilima.
And Hanania said, My Lord, I have heard from many concerning this man, of how much evil he hath brought upon thy saints in Urishlem.
14 Aye ni hugon wu niko firist du ye vu ko nha ni wayi wa ani yo ndeme'a lo”.
And behold, here also he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all those who invoke thy name.
15 Ama Baci a lhawu di “Hi, mi chuti kpewundu mi, ni du nji ndemu hi ni biwabana to me na, nibi niko tuchi, baba mir Israila.
And the Lord said to him, Arise, go; for a vessel is he to me, chosen to bear my name to the nations, and to kings, and to the house of the sons of Israel.
16 Mi tsro u du toh bibi ya wa aniti nitu ndema”.
For I will show him what he is to suffer on account of my name.
17 Ananiya a lu vunkon nda ka ri ni ko'a. Ni sawo nituma, a tre ndi “Vayi Shawulu, Bachi yesu, wa a tsro tuma niwu ni kon niwa wu sia ye'a, a tonme du kpa kpan yame mba ruhu tsratsra duri niwu”.
Then Hanania went to the house unto him, and he laid upon him the hand, and said to him, Shaol, my brother, our Lord Jeshu hath sent me; He who appeared to thee in the way while thou wast coming, that thine eyes may be opened, and thou mayest be filled with the Spirit of Holiness.
18 Harime, ukperi to kpakpla ikle ba rhukulhe rhi ni shishi Shawulu, wa a kri kpa to Bulus a lu duba ti baptisma niwu.
And instantly there fell from his eyes something which was like to scales; and his eyes were opened, and, arising, he was baptized.
19 Wa ari biri u gbegblenma a k'ma ye ni wu A son niba mirko bi hu'a ni Damascus wu bran vi.
And he took food and was strengthened,
20 Rhiniki a lu si d'bu ni bla tre yesu nimi tra wu bre Baci, nda ni lha nd wawuyi a vren Rji.
and was (certain) days with those disciples who were in Darmsuk. And at once he preached in the synagogues of the Jihudoyee concerning Jeshu, that he is the Son of Aloha.
21 Biwa ba woowua ba bwunyu yo who nda tre ndi “Ana guyi wa vu biwa ba yo ndeyi ni Urushilima na? A ye ni wa vu balo njini nu nikon Firist.
And all they who heard him wondered, and they said, Is not this he who persecuted all those who call upon this name in Urishlem? And behold, also, hither upon the self-same (object) was he sent to bind and take them to the chief priests.
22 Gbegblen Shawulu asi bran nitu nitu nda kpa Yahudawa bi son ni Damascus k'ma chon nitu wa a du ndhi mla toh ndi Yesu a wawuyi hi Kristi
BUT Shaol was the more strengthened, and moved those Jihudoyee who dwelt at Darmsuk, while he showed that this is the Meshiha.
23 Niwa ba kai vi gbugbu'u, yahudawa ba zontu ni wa nkon wa ba zu nda wuu'a.
And when days were many to him there, the Jihudoyee wrought treachery against him to kill him.
24 Shawulu a toh kpewa ba si son ti niwu. Ba ki si gben kikle nkontra gbua, ni rhi mba ni chun don duba wuu.
But their treachery was showed to Shaol, which they sought to do to him; and that they kept the gates of the city day and night to kill him.
25 Amm Mirko bi hu'a ba ban'u ni chu, nda ka yo grji zu ni kpagonka gbu'a, ni mi sisen.
Then the disciples set him in a pannier, and dismissed him from the wall by night.
26 Niwa a ye ri ni Urishilima, Shawulu anata ri nha ni mirko bi hu'a, ama wawu mba ba kluu, nda na kpanyme ndi wawu ngame a vrenko wuhu na.
And he went to Urishlem, and willed to be attached to the disciples. And all of them were afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.
27 Amma Barnaba a ban u njihi ni manzaniba, nda lha bawu ndi Shawulu a to Bachi ni nkon u Baci a tre niwu. mba wa hi ni damascu, Shawulu a tre hamma ni sisiri ni nde Yesu.
But Bar Naba took him and brought him to the apostles, and recounted to them how in the way he had seen the Lord, and what he had spoken with him; and how in Darmsuk with boldness he had spoken in the name of Jeshu.
28 A he ni ba ri bi rhu kagon Urishilima. A sia tre ni gbegblen suron (Hamma ni sisiri) ni nde Baci yesu.
And he went in with them and went out in Urishlem. And he spake in the name of Jeshu with boldness,
29 Nda sisenyu ni Yahudawa bi helenenci ama ba kia wa nko u wuu.
and disputed with those Jihudoyee who knew Greek; but they were wishful to kill him.
30 Niwa mir vayiba ba mla wo kima, ba njiwu grhiye ni Kaisariya nda ka tru hi ni Tarsus.
And when the brethren knew, they brought him by night to Cesarea, and from thence sent him to Tarsos.
31 Niki, ikilisiya kagon wu Judiya, galili mba Samaria ba kpa sii nda si guci ni ndu mba ni mi zren u sisiri. baci, mba wu son piame wu ruhu tsatsra, Ikilisiya asi bran ni blamba.
Nevertheless, in the church which was in Jihud, and in Galila, and Shomreen, there was peace, while (it) was edified; and going forward in the fear of Aloha, and in the consolation of the Spirit of Holiness, was multiplied.
32 Naki, Bitrus a zrenzuni gbungblu kima wami a grjika ri ni tsatsra ndi bi Rji wa ba ki ni gbu Lidda.
And it was that while Shemun itinerated among the cities, he went down also to the saints who dwelt in Lud the city.
33 Niki a to guri wa bayo ndema ndi Iniyasu wandi azi kru nitu bla ma ti se tandra nitu a heni lilo chan ngble.
And he found a certain man whose name was Ania, who had lain upon a bed paralyzed eight years.
34 Bitrus a tre nimu ndi Iniyasu, yesu Kristi a chu lilo wru ni wu. Lukri ndi mla bla me ti” mle a lukri ni zande,
And Shemun said to him, Ania, Jeshu Meshiha healeth thee; arise, and make thy bed. And instantly he arose.
35 wawu ndhi bi son ni Lidda mba sorona ba toh yu'a nda k'ma ye ni Baci.
And all who dwelt in Lud and in Sarona saw him, and turned to Aloha.
36 Ni gbu Ayafa vrenko wuhuri, wandi ndema hi Tabitha (wandi ba k'ma sran ndi Dorcas)” Iwayi a ta ti kpi bi ndidi nda ta zo bi ya' gbugbuu.
BUT there was a certain disciple in Joppa the city, whose name was Tabitha. This was rich in good works and in alms which she had done.
37 A he ni vi baki, a ku kru kpa nda que niwa ba ngla kpama, ba ban'u ka yo ni tra wu koshu.
But she became afflicted in those days, and died. And they washed her and laid her in an upper room.
38 Lidda a he weiweire ni yafa mir ko ba bana wo nda Bitrus he niki, ba ton ndhi ha ni wu, nda ni breu “ye nita gbagbla.
And the disciples heard that Shemun was in Lud the city, because it is over against Joppa, and they sent to him two men, who should pray of him not to delay to come among them.
39 Bitrus alunde huba. Niwa a ye ri'a ba njiwu hi ni tra wu koshu'a, u mmba be k'bo ba baki whi niwu nda si yi, nda ni tsro gbawrunklon baba zeni wa Dorcas a wran bawu niwa a he niba'a.
And Shemun arose and went with them. And when he was come, they brought him up to the upper room, and assembled (and) stood around him all the widows, weeping, and showing him those vestments and mantles which Tabitha had given them, while living.
40 Bitrus a dubarhu dinko ni tra'a, nda kuqugbarhu nda bre, nda k'ma ya ikmoa nda tre ndi, “Tabitha, Lunde” wa kri bwu shshi nda to Bitrus, nda luson.
But Shemun put forth all the men without, and fell upon his knees and prayed; and he turned towards the corpse and said Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes;
41 Bitrus a n'me wo nuu nda azu hon zi zande, nda niwa a yo tsatsra ndhi bi Rjiba ye baba mmba bi k'bea, a kau naba ni sisren.
and when she beheld Shemun, she sat. And he reached his hand and raised her, and called the saints and widows, and gave her to them living.
42 Kagon yafa ikpe yi a zren kagon, ndahi gbugbuu ba kpanyme ni Baci.
And this was known to all the city, and many believed in our Lord.
43 Nituki Bitrus a son vi gbugbuu ni yafa, ni gu ri wa ba yo nde ma ndi Siman, wu tindu ntani.
And he was in Joppa days not a few, sojourning in the house of Shemun the tanner.

< Ndu Manzaniba 9 >