< Ndu Manzaniba 15 >

1 Indji bari ba grji rji ni Judiya ye ni Antioch nda ye bla tsro ni mri vayi ba ndi, “Bi tina duba han mbru ni yiwu hu njo tre Musa na, bina kpa chuchuwo na.
AND certain persons coming down from Judea taught the brethren, That if ye are not circumcised according to the ordinances of Moses, ye cannot be saved.
2 Kpeyi a vu tu Bulus mba Barnaba zon ti nkan nda duba kri senyu ni ba. Niki, Bulus mba Barnaba, baba bari ni mi mba, ba chuba ndi duba hon hi ni Urushelima nda yi son ni ba manzani baba bi ninkon ba nitu duba tu tre'a.
There being therefore no small contention and dispute maintained by Paul and Barnabas against them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain others of their body, should go up to the apostles and presbyters at Jerusalem, for the decision of this question.
3 Nitu ki, niwa ekklisiya a ton ba'a, ba zren zu ni Phoenicia mba Samaria, nda si bwu bla sran sron wa bi kora'a ba kpa'a. Ba nji ngyiri kpukpome ye ni mri vayi ba.
They therefore being sent on their way by the church, passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, giving a particular narrative of the conversion of the Gentiles: and they gave great joy to all the brethren.
4 Niwa ba ye rini Urushelima, ekklisiya mba manzaniba baba bi ninkon ba ba kpaba ni wo ha, i baka vu kpi wa Irji a ti bawu'a bla ni bawu.
Then when they arrived at Jerusalem, they were cordially received by the church, and the apostles and presbyters, and they related how great things God had done by them.
5 Ama ndji bari, ni mi biwa ba kpanyeme'a, wa bahe ni mi grji bi Pharisee, ba lu kri nda tre ndi, “Ani kpe wuti ni duba vu ba han mbru nda yo tre gbangban ni bawu duba hu tre doka Musa.”
But up rose some of the pharisaical sect, who professed the faith, insisting, That it was necessary to circumcise them, and to enjoin them to observe the law of Moses.
6 Niki manzaniba baba bi ninkon ba ba zontu ki nitu duba mla kpeyi yato.
Then the apostles and presbyters were assembled to consider of this matter.
7 Hu gon sen nyu ni kpamba, Bitrus a lu kri nda tre niba ndi, mri vayi, bito ndi, ni nton ndindi wa aka hi ye'a, Irji a chu ni mi mbi, nitu ni nyu mu, Bi kora ba duba wo lantre wu tre ndindi'a, nda kpanyeme.
When after much dispute, Peter arose, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know that a considerable time ago God chose among us, by my mouth, that the Gentiles should hear the gospel-word, and believe.
8 Irji, wa ato dri'a a mla bla ni bawu niwa a nuba Ruhu Tsatsra, toh waa ati nitawu;
And God, who is the discerner of the heart, bore them witness, giving them the Holy Ghost, even as to us;
9 ndana chuta ti nkan ni ba na, niwa a vu sron mba se ni toh kri gbangban.
and made no difference betwixt either us or them, purifying their hearts by faith.
10 Zizan nitu ki, ahi ngye duyi ni tsra Irji, niwa bi klo ilo wu ya nitu nkanto wu bi hu'a wa ba timbu, ni kita kina mla to ba nji na'a?
Why then now tempt ye God, by imposing a yoke on the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
11 Ama ki kpanyeme ndi ki kpachuwo nitu ya ndindi wu Bachi Yesu, na baba me.”
But we believe that we shall be saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the same way as they.
12 Kpaandji ba wawu ba ki ni gbangbi niwa ba si sren ton ni ndu wu bwu ya mba wu kanyu yo ni w'ho wa Barnaba mba Bulus ba vu si bla nitu wa Irji a ti ndu ni mi Bi kora'a, zuni wo mba.
Then the whole multitude kept silence, and listened to Barnabas and Paul, relating how great signs and miracles God had wrought among the Gentiles by them.
13 Hu gon wa ba tre kle'a, Yakubu a saa nda ni tre ndi, “Mri vayi, yo ton ndi wome.
Now when they ceased speaking, James replied, saying, Men and brethren, hear me:
14 Siman a hla yiwu niwa Irji ni ya ndindi ma ni mumla azo bi kora'a nitu du ban rhi ni ba, ndji wu ndema.
Simon hath fully related, how at first God graciously looked upon the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name.
15 Lantre ba anabawa a kpanyme ni kii, na wa ba nha'a.
And in accord with this are the words of the prophets; as it is written,
16 Hu gon kpi biyi, mi k'ma ye, mba miye mme ngari, ko wu zontu ni Irji wu Dauda, wa a zilhe ye; Mi nzu sazi, ni du wron meme ma du k'ma ye to ana he,
“After this will I return, and build again the tabernacle of David, that is fallen; and re-edify what hath been dug up from the foundation, and will set it upright again:
17 ni du mbru ndji wa ba don'a, duba wato Bachi, baba wawu bi kora wa ba yo ba ni ndemu.'
that the residue of men may diligently seek the Lord, and all the Gentiles, among whom my name is invoked, even among them, saith the Lord, who doth all these things.”
18 Ikpe yi yi Bachi a tre ndi, A nhati kpi biyi wa bato rhi ni sen'a? / Nk'ma vunvu wu Greek bi sen wa ba he ni tu tre wandi a nkan / Ikpe yiyi wa Bachi a tre, ni tuma yi, ba toh wawu kpi wa ba ti nisen. (aiōn g165)
Known unto God from the beginning are all his works. (aiōn g165)
19 Nitu kima, mi ban zi ndi kina ti ba ya na, baba bi kora wa ba k'ma ye ni Irji.
Therefore I am decided, that we give no unnecessary disquietude to those who from the heathen have turned to God:
20 Ama ki nhahi ni bawu ndi a tre wa s tsra, duba chukpa mba ti nkan ni kpa ti meme gunki, wrhuni hu mba mba ni nn'ma wa ba wuu ba ndwuto, mba rhini iyi.
but that we write to them, that they abstain from pollutions of idol sacrifices, and from whoredom, and from what is strangled, and from blood.
21 Nitu Musa, ba d'buhla ni gbu nkankan, rhini k'ba bi sen, a ye ni zizan wa basi bla nimi Synagogue chachu ni vi Sabbath.”
For Moses for ages past in every city hath those who preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath-day.
22 Niki a bi ya ni manzaniba baba bi ninkon ba, mba ekklisiya wawu, duba chu Juda wa ba yo ndi Barsabbas, mba Sila, wa bana bi ninkon wu bi vayi ba, nda ton ba hi ni Antioch baba Bulus mba BArnaba.
Then it was determined by the apostles and presbyters with the whole church, to send select men from themselves unto Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, leading men among the brethren;
23 Nha zuni wo mba, “Rhini manzani baba bi ninkon ba, mri vayi mbi, hini mri vayi bi kora nimi Antioch, Syria mba Cilicia ki chi yi!
writing a letter by their hand, in these words: The apostles and presbyters and the brethren, to the brethren from among the Gentiles which are at Antioch, and in Syria, and Cilicia, greeting:
24 Nitu ki wo ndi ndji bari ba rhunita hama ni kpanyime mbu, nda ka si chonyi ni lan tre wa a kpa sron mbi ti meme'a.
Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain persons who went out from us have disturbed you with discourses, unsettling your minds, insisting, that you should be circumcised, and observe the law: to whom we gave no such charge:
25 A bi ya nitawu, wa ki k'ma sron mbu yo ni bubu riri, ndi chu ndji biyi wa ki tonba ye ni yi baba mri vayi bi mlason mbu, Barnaba mba Bulus,
it hath seemed fit to us, assembled unanimously, to send unto you select men with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
26 ndji biwa ba ban tu yo ni nkon qu nitu nde wu Bachi Yesu Kristi.
men who have hazarded their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27 Nitu ki, ki ton Juda mba Sila, Wa ba vu bla ni yiwu, kpi biyi ngame ni lantre mba.
We have sent therefore Judas and Silas, and they by word of mouth will tell you the same things.
28 Nitu a ya bi ni Ruhu Tsatsra mba ni tawu, du kina la ban ndu ya sa nha nitu mbi zan wa a he toki ye:
For it hath seemed good to the Holy Ghost and to us, to lay upon you no other burden except these things which are of absolute necessity;
29 ndi du yi chuwo rjuni kpi wa ba ton ni brji, ni iyi, kpi wa ba wuu ni ndwu to, mba rhini latre wamba ko lilon. Bita chu kpambi wru ni kpi biyi, zren ni bi yiwu. gbuchu.
that ye abstain from eating whatever is sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from what is strangled, and from whoredom: from which things carefully preserving yourselves, ye shall do well. Farewell.
30 Niki, niwa ba kle nda yo ba ninkon, ba zren grji hi ni Antioch, hu gon wa ba vu gbu ndji ba zontu zi bubu riri, ba ka vunvu wa ba nha bawu nuba.
They then being thus dispatched, came to Antioch: and assembling the multitude, they delivered the letter:
31 Niwa ba bwu bla, ba ta kpe nitu nron tre wa ba kpa'a.
and when they had read it, they rejoiced in the consolation of it.
32 Juda mba Sila, wa bana anabawa ngame, nronba mri vayi ba ni lan tre gbugbuwu nda zoba kri gbangban.
Then Judas and Silas, being also themselves prophets, exhorted the brethren, in many a discourse, and established them.
33 Hu gon wa ba fon ki niki, ba tru ba hi ni si sran rhini mri vayi ba hi ni biwa bana ton ba'a.
And having stayed their time, they were dismissed in peace from the brethren to the apostles.
34 Vunvu wu bi zan, bi son bana he ni nklan 34 na (Ya Ndu Man.15:40). Ama a toh bi du Sila du k'ma son niki.
However Silas thought proper to abide there.
35 Ama Bulus mba Barnaba ba kii ni Antioch ndani tsro nda ni bla (baba gbugbu bari) lan tre wu Bachi.
Paul also and Barnabas abode at Antioch, teaching and preaching, with many others also, the word of the Lord.
36 Hu gon vi bari, Bulus a hla ni Barnaba, “Ki k'ma hi zizan ni ki hi tsri ni mri vayi bi gbu wa kina ka d'bu hla lantre Bachi, niki toh ka ba heni ha.”
Then after certain days said Paul to Barnabas, Let us now return and visit our brethren in every city among whom we have preached the word of the Lord, that we may see how they hold on.
37 Barnaba a son ban Yohana wa ba yondi Markus, nji nha.
Now Barnabas had resolved to take with him John, whose surname is Mark.
38 Ama Bulus a rhimren ndi ana bi du ba ban Markus na, waa ana kaa ba don ni Pamphylia nda na la huba ni ndu'a na.
But Paul did not think him a fit person to take with them, who had withdrawn from them from Pamphylia, and no longer went with them to the service.
39 Niki, kikle sen nyu a gaaba nda du ba hu nkon nkankan ni kpamba, i Barnaba a ban Markus hu ni kpama, nda dran rju hi ni Cyprus.
So there grew up a sudden quarrel, insomuch that they separated from each other: and Barnabas, taking Mark with him, sailed away to Cyprus:
40 Ama Bulus a chu Sila nda rju kunkon hi, hu wa mri vayi ba ba vu ba sru ni nji ndindi wu Bachi.
but Paul selecting Silas, departed, being commended by the brethren to the favour of God.
41 Mle a zren zu ni Syria mba Cilicia ndani gbre kri gbangban ni ekklisiya ba.
And he passed through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches.

< Ndu Manzaniba 15 >