< 2 Korinthians 7 >

1 Bi sonta an na hi yoyu kini glatu bu wawu ni kpe wa ba kpa tsatsra ni me sisir Rji
HAVING therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.
2 Nu ta ngon kina kpa sorbi ti meme na kina mytre ndoun ko ki myre yina.
Give us a favourable reception: we have injured no man, we have corrupted no man, we have defrauded no man.
3 Ana wa me kpeyi ti meme na. me tren me riga lah ni yi wu hi he ne mesorbu ni kin, kyu yayi ni sun ni yin.
I speak not for your condemnation, for I have already said, that ye are in our hearts to die and live together.
4 Me he dindi ne gabagadi ne me bi me gbre yi san ne yoyi sor grenmu shun makil ne yah bu.
Great is my freedom of speech to you, great is my glorying over you: I am filled with consolation, I overflow with joy in all our tribulation.
5 Wa ki ye ne Makidoniya kpanbu na sun nsi na. naki rin ni matso loli ni kho wani ingon ni bubu kpan sur timeme ni zi ni sisir neme.
For when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were afflicted on every side; without were fightings; within were fears.
6 Rji wa a ta'ata ne raunana a ta'azata nita ne taye Titus.
But God that comforteth the lowly comforted us by the coming of Titus:
7 A na ye bakadai Rji yin cintaba ni ta bubu cin Titus me to ni yin a llah ta wu bin matsanaciya sunbi, kpa sor bu timeme (ko fun) ni zurfi mleyi ya kana. megren kpokpome.
and not by his coming only, but also by the consolation wherewith he had been comforted among you, declaring to us your fervent desire, your mourning, your zeal for me, so that I rejoiced the more.
8 An mu nita kpa surbi timeme, me lah mini to nakina da meto nha kpa sur bi timeme mi yin me ni to infu bi a wu ton finme in.
For if I grieved you by a letter, I do not repent, though I did repent: for I perceive that this letter made you sorry, though but for a season.
9 Ziza me he nigrin, ana dun fun bi na, in funbi ghreye dun yikpa Rji, fuskaci funbi ne bra Baci, to na yin bi na hama wu don me ba.
Now I rejoice, not that ye have been made sorrowful, but that ye have sorrowed unto repentance; for ye have been made sorry in a godly manner, that ye might receive damage from us in nothing.
10 Nfunbi wa a he Rji a khri yi hi tuba da kammala vren ba tse wu to ba nfun wu gbuglu grin yi ye ni kyu.
For sorrow of a godly sort worketh repentance unto salvation never to be repented of, but worldly sorrow worketh death.
11 Ya dindi emre a he ne me nfun bi ni wo Rji a ghrini minebi ina misali son tu bi ba, a tsro yi ne bana kho ukun (laifi) ina misali son tun funbu, sisirbi ni ye sorbi himmar bi ni mar maribi ni ya niti adalci ne ko ge ni tsron tu bi bi na bi laifiba, nime al'amariba.
For behold this very thing, that ye were made sorry after a godly manner, how great diligence did it produce in you! yea, what apologizing! yea, what indignation! yea, what fear! yea, what earnest desire! yea, what zeal! yea, what vengeance! In every step ye have approved yourselves as pure in this affair.
12 Ko ahe me anh ni yi wu, ba anh niton bi laifiba ko wa ba te laifi me anh nito yo tunbi ni ta nito yi ni khushishi Rji.
And indeed though I wrote unto you, I did it not merely for his cause that had done the wrong, nor for his cause who had suffered the injury, but that our diligent attention for you might be more abundantly manifested to you in the presence of God.
13 Dalili wa yi ki kpa ngurin (karfafa) baya kogun cin yin ki grendinding me sabo da ni grin Titus, ni ruhunsa a fei gbengbelen ni yi wawu'bi.
Therefore we were comforted in your consolation; and exceeding abundantly the more rejoiced we in the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all.
14 Me ta gbresan ni yin nish'ma mena klu sha na ni bubu. koge me lah ni wu ni tu naki din ikpie ba wawu wa mihla. a jaji gresan bi ni tun Titus a tsorota jaji
For if I have boasted of you to him in any thing, I am not ashamed; but as we have spoken all things to you in truth, so our boasting of you to Titus hath been found truth.
15 In sunbi a he bran wa ani taka, wa wu trebe wa bi kpa a ni sisir kpa.
And his bowels more abundantly yearn over you, when he remembers the obedience of you all, how with fear and trembling ye received him.
16 Me gren mataukarkpo kpomu ne cikake gabagadi ni me bi
I rejoice therefore that in every thing I have confidence in you.

< 2 Korinthians 7 >