< 2 Korinthians 11 >

1 Me ya bi vun sur ni me niti inkbra ko ni he bi vunsur ni me.
I wish you could bear with me a little in my folly; but yet bear with me:
2 Me tin ngun ni tu bi. Igun iri whu Rji ni tubi wa me yo yu ni yi ne mi Gran ni Lilon riri. me na yo yu ni gabatar ni friwa wu tsa tra ni Almasihu.
for I am jealous over you with a godly jealousy: for I have betrothed you to one husband, that I may present you a chaste virgin to Christ.
3 Me tin sisir ni tun bi wa wan a gur Hauwa'u ni ta da wunma. a ha naki ndu mrei bi ni kauce janji ni gre Almasihu.
But I fear lest, as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity which pertains to Christ.
4 Na hi rin nita ye na krin dubun Yesu kanka ni wa kitini yi nitu blantrama bi kpa ruhu ri kan wa bi kpa ko bi kpa tra Rji latre ri kan na waki kpa. ki kpayeme wa biti ne kpebi ti a mlannayi.
For if he that comes should preach another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or, if you receive another Spirit, which you did not receive, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you would well bear with him.
5 Me na he no kogona ibrun bin ba yo ba ngazani nekunbi ndun Rji.
I count myself indeed to be in no respect inferior to the very greatest of the apostles.
6 Ko ba na tsrome na me tre, me na rasa horowa tsro na ko ta i gun rime ikpe ki lah ni yi wu.
But if I am unpolished in my style of speech, yet I am not so in knowledge. But we have been fully manifested among you in all things.
7 me ti la' tra wa me yo tumu ni si (kaskata) na gber yin? melah tre Rji ni yiwu menge.
Have I committed a sin, in making myself lowly, that you might be exalted, because I preached the gospel to you without cost?
8 Me vun brun Ikisiya ni kpa kpe ba zo, ba niwu na ti chucu.
I robbed other churches, taking wages to do you service: and when I was present with you, and wanted, I was not a burden to any one;
9 Bi to wa me ha ni yi me toyi ni me bi wa mena lah ne mre vanyi wa baye ni makidoniya ba ha ndimu na me koge me zintunmu nikpa idimu niyi me yonza ni ti na yi
for the brethren who came from Macedonia supplied my wants; and in every thing I have kept myself from being burdensome to you, and will continue to keep myself.
10 A janji Almasihu ha ni me na, sun ni gbanbi gbre sanmu ni me mame akaya.
As the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting shall not be silenced, in my case, in the regions of Achaia.
11 A ngye? ni mena sunyi na Rji to
Why? Because I do not love you? God knows.
12 I kpe me ti me yonza, me ti naki me nhan to bi ba nsu to na kita kpen wa ba gbre ni nwu.
But what I am doing I will also continue to do, that I may cut off occasion from those who desire an occasion, that in what they boast, they may be found even as we.
13 Irin Idin bi mazani babi tice bi ti ndun gyru. ba no kama kamar mazanni Almasihuna
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ;
14 Wa yi na kepn sisar ne mena ibrji ne no kamar na rju kamar mala'ika wa ni kpan.
and no wonder, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
15 Anaki ki kle a kpe wu mamaki na ni bi gra ba no kamani ba ba'ba gra bi ti ndindi bun, a kle ba ni ha ridimba nkpe wa bati
Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves so as to be like the ministers of righteousness; of such, the end shall be according to their works.
16 Me karah lahi ndum rin yin zato me ruruma. Bita ti zato naki bi bame me irurume ni gbre sa fime.
I say again, let no one think that I am without understanding; but if so, even as one without understanding bear with me, that I also may boast a little.
17 Nikpe wa me lah ni gabagadi me na gbresa nitra kpe wa Baci kpanyena. me na me ti ikbra.
What I say, I say not according to the Lord, but as in folly, in this same confidence of boasting.
18 Ndin bi ba bra ba gbresa ni tun kpa me me gbresa me.
Since many boast according to the flesh, I also will boast.
19 Bi grin ni bi shutun bi ti na bi ti kbra ni bin to (masuhikima).
For it is a pleasure to you to bear with men of no understanding, since you yourselves are wise.
20 Bi vun sur ni ndi wa nibayi bi grah. idan a kbanyin sar na ti ndu ni yi ni tun ribatun ma, da, ba tuma nayi na wruyi ni takpa shi.
For you bear it, if one enslave you, if one devour you, if one take from you, if one exalt himself, if one smite you on the face,
21 Me lah ni yi wuki ji sha ki ha ni iso (weak) niti na bam. ko naki nda rin bu ni gbre sa me tra na me ti kbra ne gresame.
I speak of their reproaches, as if we were weak. In whatever matter any one is bold, (I speak foolishly, ) I also am bold.
22 Ba Yahudawa? me ha na ki ba ha Israilawa? me ha naki ba mren Ibrahim? me ha naki.
Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they of the posterity of Abraham? So am I.
23 Ba gra Almasihu? me tra na (me na ha ni sormu na) me nan ba me ti ndun (Tukur) za ba wawu, me rin mikho wu tro ndi (kurkuku) za ko anh ba izee me ba lansor, shishinmu (hudura) kyu brabra.
Are they ministers of Christ? (I say it foolishly, ) I am above them. In labors more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequent, in deaths often.
24 Ni wo mre Yahudawa igun ton (sunbiy) ba zee me gbagba gun se' thra ni thewn (arba'in ba daya).
From the Jews, five times I received forty stripes, save one;
25 Kun thra me kpa zee ni me ni kunkro inku rin ba tame ni tata. nkun thra me ti haderi Jirgin ma me ton cun ni kpa (dare da yini guda) ni me takpo ma tsutsuma ni min kpoma.
three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I have been shipwrecked; a night and a day I spent in the deep.
26 Me ti yah tsar ni min hadari koguna, ne miha daribi ywen ni me hadari ndi ne hadari alumai min gbu ni me hadari min nji ni men hadari teku (tsotsoma) ko ta kpoma ni me mrevanyi bi tice.
In journeyings often, in perils from rivers, in perils from robbers, in perils from my own race, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the desert, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren;
27 Me to tunmu ni mindu itukuru ni me sor wu kikle yah (ni me sor wuyah) ne min ti chun ba kurna, ni mi yun ni lah ma ni min bran vunsor min si ni gbren.
in weariness and in toil, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness:
28 Ni kogon kpe wa wu, nkpi ha ni tunmu ko ni ton rime don tamre mu nitun Ikilisiya wa wu.
besides those things which come upon me from other sources, I have a daily concourse of troubles―my anxiety for all the churches.
29 A ha kwu-kpa wa ni ha kwu-kpa ni tun ba na” ba yo ha ni kbun za me na krina?
Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is led into sin, and I am not incensed?
30 Me ta ni ha gangbe, me gangbe ni kpe wa kungremu (kasawata).
If I must boast, I will boast in my infirmities.
31 Rji wu Baci wu titinbu Yesu wa amle wu gbre tuntur, nitunki me na tin cena. (aiōn g165)
The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed for ever, knows that I do not lie. (aiōn g165)
32 Ni da mascu Gwamna wa a he nime kbinci ni zama in chun Aritas a noba gban ngbu Damasku na fun wa wu.
In Damascus, the governor under Aretas the king, guarded the city of the Damascenes, desiring to apprehend me:
33 Ni ta do ni me sisen ba chunre ni kogon g'rlu gbu, me gbun gblu ni wo ba
and through a window I was let down in a basket through the wall, and escaped his hands.

< 2 Korinthians 11 >