< 1 Timotawus 3 >

1 Itre yi ahi janji nde ndi ani son zama nikon Ikklisiya ni tra Rji ahi mere didima.
IT is a true saying, If a man seeks the office of a bishop, he desireth a laudable employment.
2 Nakima ndi wa anikoh Ikkilisiya du na hei ni kpie wa ba mre na, du hei ni wa riri, du hei ni vutu, da hei ni suron didi da hei ni yah cheeme. u'kpa bi tsir, dole ne ka iya tsro.
A bishop then must be irreprehensible, the husband of one wife, temperate, sagacious, respectable, hospitable, well qualified for teaching;
3 Dole ne kana so hi na nda ta kankon na, naki ka hi ndi u' vutu da hei ni si suron. du na hei ni so kle na.
not addicted to wine, not using hard words or blows, not greedy of base gain; but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money;
4 Du iya ji koh ma, kuma da tabata mir ma ba wo'u da nino niko.
presiding over his own family with propriety, having his children under subjection with all gravity of behaviour:
5 Inde ndi na iya ji koh mana, ani tie hei da ji koh u Rji?
for if a man knoweth not how to order his own family, how shall he take proper care of the church of God?
6 Duna hi ndi wa a kpa Rji sisa na, don duna zuntu da joku na ibrji na.
Not a new convert, lest he be puffed up, and fall into the devil’s crime.
7 Nakima du hei ni nde didi ni bi wa bana toh Rji na, don du na joku nda ti kpe ushan, ko troko brji na.
He must also have a fair character from those who are without, that he may not fall into reproach, and into the snare of the devil.
8 Nakima dikinoni duba hei ni hali didima ana bi ti yieu hari na, ana du ba zama bi so hi na, ko bi ti gye na.
The deacons also in like manner must be grave, not doubletongued, not addicting themselves to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
9 Duba zama bi jaji ni bangaskiya ni mere ndidima.
holding the mystery of the faith with a pure conscience.
10 Nakima i baka guci kpayeim ni ba, rikoko baka soma ti du'a don bana hei kpie u mre na.
And let these also be first proved, and if found blameless, then let them enter on the deacon’s office.
11 Ni kon kima iba na baka hei ni vutu, ana bi duba bi tie npre na, aman baka vutu ba ni aminci ni mi kogye.
Their wives in like manner must be grave women, not addicted to scandal, sober, faithful in all things.
12 Dikinoni duba lilon 'u' mba yiryir, dole baka iya yi mir mba ni koh mba bi.
Let the deacons be the husbands of one wife, ordering well their children and their own families.
13 Biwa ba ti du'a guci, ba ti bi da hei ni krie gbangban ni gbengblen rigra ma ni bangaskiya wa ahei ni mi Almasihu Yesu.
For they who discharge the office of a deacon with propriety, acquire to themselves a respectable station in the church, and great boldness in the faith which is in Jesus Christ.
14 Na me si ghan kpie bi yi ni yu'u, mi yo suron di me ye niwu ziza'an.
These things I write to thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly:
15 Aman inde mi na ye na, wuka toh ka wuti dume ni miko Rji, wa ahi koh wu Rji wa ahe ni ivrj, wa aji gla, dani zo jaji.
but should I be delayed, that thou mayest know how it behoveth thee to conduct thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and the pedestal of truth.
16 Wawu bu'u ki kpa yeim di hu Rji a jaji da rigra ma iq. A tsro tuma ni mi kpah iq, Ruhu ka kpa chuwo, malaika ba toh, baka dub u ni mi ndi, baka kpa yeim ni u' ni gbugbulun, riroko baka ban hi ni mi shulu ni daukaka.
And confessedly great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified by the Spirit, seen of angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

< 1 Timotawus 3 >